What was your "fat" breaking point?



  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    when i got sick n tired of being fat, sick , and tired:grumble:
  • tndieter
    tndieter Posts: 1 Member
    When the doctor told my 16 year old that he was killing himself with his eating habits. He put him on a strict diet (which didn't last too long). I decided that I needed to be an example for him.

    Also, I turned 50 and want to prolong my life by living healthier. I had cancer 5 years ago and I'm still working to get back to the same health I was at that time. I now have Osteoparosis and for the past 3 years, all the treatment plans I've been on have improved my bone mass only slightly. It's so scarey to think I could break my hip or injure my spine and not be able to work.

    It's time to take control! I only have one life and one body...
  • abadaba
    abadaba Posts: 44
    I saw a photo of myself and I was shocked! I had problems with mirrors all my life, so I don't think I really ever saw myself, and it scared me! I already had the MFP app, but wasn't using it, and on January 23, I took stock of my life and decided that I did want to live (was suffering from major depression).

    Every day, it's baby steps as I learn how to eat "normally" and am still getting used to regular exercise.
  • momma2kas
    momma2kas Posts: 19 Member
    I've recently realized I have become a jealous person. Why? Because I am unhappy with myself and I'm the only one who can change that.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    When I had ugly red stretch marks on the backs of my legs and around my armpits...I'd NEVER had stretchmarks anywhere but my breasts...a real wakeup call.

    Also I was depressed and unhappy! I never wanted to go out and never felt cute or confident.
  • dawnp1833
    dawnp1833 Posts: 264 Member
    The weekend both of my parents, my grandmother and my brother in law were all in the hospital at the same time. My sister was with my brother in law, so I was rotating between parents and grandma (all at 3 different hospitals). And I realized that I don't have children to come visit me in the hospital and get my prescriptions filled and take care of everything when I'm older. I don't want to be at the mercy of a nursing home. So if I'm going to be independent as long as possible, I have to start eating healthy and exercising.
    Also, since I've gotten so fat, the only thing going on in the bedroom is sleeping. So looking more sexy for my husband is definately a bonus.
  • softballsharie
    softballsharie Posts: 176 Member
    I put on my boyfriend's shirt that I would always wear as a comfy pajama shirt, and it fit like a fitted one.

    Now, it fits like a dress. :D

    I always tell everyone that shirt saved me from myself. haha!
  • tanyaslosingit
    tanyaslosingit Posts: 178 Member
    I was unhappy with just about every aspect of my life and then, in a conversation with a friend who was in a very similar situation, I realized that I was putting too much responsibility for my happiness on others. My friend and I created this idea of "My Future Self' in which we envisioned what we wanted to look like or be doing in a couple of years and decided to start working towards those goals. Getting back into trim was one of those goals! My vision of My Future Self does NOT include being house-bound or wheelchair-bound or worst, coffin-bound. I imagine being wearing a vintage Chanel suit (size 6!) at her graduation, adjusting her wedding veil, playing with my grandchildren... I just cannot afford to go back to looking and feeling like crap, especially when it is in my power to change my circumstances :-)
  • risak
    risak Posts: 79 Member
    I got engaged and didn't want to hate all my wedding pictures. I also hated looking in the mirror so the wedding was the motivation I had been looking for for years.
  • holmesp603
    holmesp603 Posts: 350 Member
    Good question!! For me - I had to have a knee replacement at a way to early age - & it was beyond the most painful experience that I have ever had!!! And after being blessed with an excellent therapist who refused to allow me to give up - espcecially because of my age - I came thru w/flying colors!!!! And then on my last follow up visit w/dr - he said - "you know that if you dont lose some serious weight u will only see minimal results...But few can honestly lose it and keep it off - so it is what it is!!""
    I left there determined to prove him wrong - because no way did I just go thru all of that excrutiating pain.. just to be told that!!!
    Well thanks be to GOD that I made a "lifestyle change" and not a diet - it took a whole year before the weight started coming off and its been 4 years since the surgery and Im maintaining the 65 pounds I lost and would really like to lose 20 or so more!!!
    I am finding out that maintaining/losing is even harder than the initial weight loss - But still I rise!!!! Thanks for the reminder of my journey and my "continued" lifestyle change!!!
  • AzhureSnow
    AzhureSnow Posts: 289 Member
    When my highest weight was 3 lbs MORE than I weighed the day I gave birth to my son. I weighed 212 pounds when my son was born, and that was including a LOT of fluid from blood pressure issues. At my highest, I weighed 215 about 15 months ago. It was embarassing, I was creeping into size 18 jeans, and I had resorted to baggy t-shirts and stretchy pants to hide my expanding wasitline. I never liked what I saw in pictures, and I couldn't find a "good" angle to hide the unhealthy blob I had become. My husband left for six months (he's military) and I had to do something. After losing weight slowly on weight watchers last year, I decided to approach this with a lot more energy, and put in the blood, sweat, and tears.

    I've lost 30 pounds since then. <3
  • ReclaimingSarah
    ReclaimingSarah Posts: 250 Member
    I remember very vividly how hard I cried in the dressing room when I had to buy size 20 jeans. However, it wasn't until I needed to go to a 22 that I hit the breaking point. I refused to buy them and started counting calories the next day. I still have a long way to go, but I'm happy to be back in a 14. I haven't seen that since 9th grade. :happy:
  • dodihere
    dodihere Posts: 490
    Several things happened at once:

    My son went to college and I suddenly realized I had a lot of personal time. I booked a trip for my husband and I to Puerto Rico and I am scared the seat belt won't fit on the plane. I finally weaned myself off of taking nerve pills every day for the past 15 years. I had crazy energy and felt great, although I hurt all over now.

    No excuse to not take care of myself now.
  • angeldove85
    When I gained 60 lbs over 10 years after being model-thin- I had no energy, I looked terrible, had trouble sleeping at night, hair kept falling out, and my asthma and allergies were really bad. I ate well and exercised for a few weeks and then stopped- what a huge difference. Since then I've been trying to stay on track. :)
  • absolutnonsense
    Had a big weekend, spent the Saturday in the pub having massive burgers, drank all evening and stayed in bed with a pizza all day the next day. Got up the next morning, fell over the (giant) pizza box on the way to get dressed and realised that the clothes I'd bought the previous summer when I was already horrified that I couldn't buy anything that fit and didn't make me look fat wouldn't fasten.

    Something just snapped and I got the app and started recording everything the next day.
  • lonesplendour
    When I became 98kg and was only 2kg away from being 3 figures in weight (for us Europeans 100kg are a big deal. . . like, 220lbs)
  • Tracepa98
    Tracepa98 Posts: 219
    Ive had several.

    Lost my sister in 98 to a car accident. I had to move to FL. No friends so I turned to food for comfort. Within 2-3 years I was in plus sized clothes just out of my teens. Bounced back and forth with the same 10-15lbs for several years.

    Spent 9 years with a man who had the metabolism of light speed. I blindly ate what he ate and suffered. Couldn't break away from it to start the struggle again.

    Have gained medical problems that the weight has contributed to as well as my self esteem and depression. Being ridiculed by men on dating sites for my weight.

    And the final was having cousins and nieces and nephews that i cant keep up with. I'm in my early 30's and damn it I shouldn't be out of breath when playing with them. This time I'm ready to make the change, Ive cut out soda, fast foods, extra sodium and Ive made the effort to log my food as I now realize how extremely important it is.
  • msleesha
    msleesha Posts: 39
    I have 2, first one was when I went shopping and had to get size 18 pants and the other was when I went home to visit family & my dad called me up and basically told me I was overweight. He was worried about my health and to hear him say that made me change my outlook on my weight overnight. I went to the doctor that next day to ask for help and she put me on a food plan.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 432 Member
    When I couldn't outrun my 7 year old while playing tag with him. That made me take a good hard look at myself and the direction I was headed, and I didn't like it at all. Now I can run circles around him!

    That was 2.5 years ago, and I'm never going back to being like that!
  • jmuller06
    jmuller06 Posts: 109 Member
    Wow! Well, there have been quite a few........trying on clothes in the store would bring me to tears, I hid from cameras, I hated looking at myself in the mirror. I'd tried unsuccessfully to lose weight so I resigned myself to being heavy. Things at home weren't good so I just sort of gave up. On one of what I like to call my pretty days, I got dressed to go to a family function. I remember looking in the mirror and thinking I looked pretty good. Then somehow my mom got a picture of me AND posted it on facebook. (the right half of my profile pic) I saw that and couldn't believe it. The only time in my life I've ever been that big was when I was pregnant with my daughter (she'll be 16 next month). That was my breaking point.