I have "only lost" ..... (Insert pounds here) BUT!



  • krhadley
    krhadley Posts: 11
    I have only lost 13 pounds.
    But I have also lost 13 inches in my arms-stomach-legs!
    I feel great even though I have more to lose.
    Whenever I get that sweet-tooth craving I drink a diet A&W root beer,
    I know its not grea to drink pop but oh well!
  • Go1096
    Go1096 Posts: 83 Member
    I have only lost 13 lbs but....

    I can see my face shrinking...
    my pants are fitting me big...
    my boobs are shrinking yay!
    I can stand and walk longer without being in pain
    it's been weeks since I've had a migraine
    I have more energy
    My body doesn't swell to the point of agonizing pain anymore!
  • Mnm1983
    Mnm1983 Posts: 52 Member
    I have only lost 36 lbs but I...

    Now wear a size 16 instead of a 24.
    Can feel proud of myself everytime I look in the mirror.
    Am the happiest I have ever been even though I am not the thinnest.
    Feel a million times stronger than I did a six months ago.
    Can play with my son without getting winded.
    Wake up every morning excited about my new lifestyle.
    Wonder, if I feel this good now, how great is it going to feel when I lose 60 more lbs and reach my goal?

    like that last part....
  • I have only Lost 38 pounds.

    (I have a long way to go) BUT...

    I have stopped both Blood Pressure Medications
    I don't get out of breathe walking to my car.
    I have more energy
    I take better care of my self
    My skin looks better
    and I have increased my life span!
  • fortheheart
    fortheheart Posts: 50 Member
    I have 'only lost' 55 pounds but..

    I now have a neck (my double chin is going away)
    I wear size 20 shirts instead of 26/28.
    There is definition between my breasts and stomach, when before it looked like one giant lump
    I don't get as many boils, cysts and rashes between the flabs of my skin
    I don't have as many migraines
    I don't sweat as much
    I can go to the lake and not be terrified someone is going to see me
    I wear tank tops outside of the house. I used to be terrified of what people would think of my arms. But I don't care anymore.
    I can fit in a chair at the theater (and in November I'll find out if I can fit into a plane seat)
    I can say no to that plate of fetticini alfredo and venti frappuccino
    I bought my first pair of skinny (stretch) jeans four sizes smaller
    The other day a man stopped me to tell me I have a beautiful smile. That's never happened.
    But most of all, I'm not so afraid I am going to screw this up again.
  • Mnm1983
    Mnm1983 Posts: 52 Member
    I've only lost 8 pounds but....

    *Learning that change requires patience.

    *I'm very proud that for the past 4 months I push myself out of bed at 430am.

    *Realized that I AM an active person.

    *Love looking at myself and seeing how my body is changing.

    *I can't wait till Next April to really see how far I've come! (1 Year on MFP)

    Never knew how great online support really is. Thank you everone , your stories and lives really do motivate me and make me excited for what is to come!
  • djk721
    djk721 Posts: 59 Member
    I have only lost 50 pounds, but....

    I lowered my cholesterol 42 points, and don't take medicine anymore.
    I don't drink soda. EVER.
    I feel like I HAVE to exercise everyday.
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    I have only lost 60lbs... but

    - I'm wearing a 16 instead of a 22
    - I'm wearing a XL shirt instead of a 2X
    - I sleep better
    - I don't get winded going up stairs
    - I don't feel the need to eat as much as I used to
    - I'm learning to trust myself.

    .... I've gained my life and my self-respect back.
  • rudy7020
    rudy7020 Posts: 62
    I've only lost 30 lbs but.....

    I can shop in the regular section at the department store.
    I wear a very comfortable size 14 instead of a tight size 18
    I wear a L vs a 2X
    When I look down I see the ground and not my stomach
    I don't have heartburn/acid reflux any more.
    I can stand without my back hurting
    I eat healthy
    I feel great
    I get compliments on my appearance
    And my old lady boobs are almost gone!:blushing:
  • Ivana331
    Ivana331 Posts: 230
    I have only lost 5 lbs, but my love handles are much smaller
    I am looking much thinner
    I am feeling much better!
    My size 10 pants/shorts, no longer fit right, they are ever so loose on my hips. :)
  • Squeeee
    Squeeee Posts: 71
    I have "only lost" 17 lbs, but...

    - I'm the smallest I've been in at least a year.
    - I can see my collar bones!
    - My clothes keep getting bigger and bigger (I figure I'm only a few pounds away from being able to comfortably fit into a size 14 pant, I'm a 16 now and I can pull some of my pants off without unbuttoning them).
    - I don't remember my last real binge. It's been at least 2 or 3 weeks.
    - I haven't had fast food (other than Subway and I made sure to get veggies on my sandwich) in over a week, and I've discovered that I don't really crave it lately.
    - I LOVE feeling sweaty and gross after a workout.
    -Oh! I also have less back fat and muffin toppage.
  • MaryRegs
    MaryRegs Posts: 272 Member
    I have only lost 27 pounds but....

    I can wear a size 18-20 pants instead of size 24
    I can ride my bike like a maniac up small hills and NOT feel like I'm going to die
    I can wear clothes that have been hanging in my closet for 6 years
    I can say no to food that is not healthy and yes to food that is
    I can feel a sense of accomplishment-while ackowledging that there is much work ahead
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    bumping .... good topic :happy:
  • wrinju
    wrinju Posts: 93 Member
    I have "only lost" 10lbs but...

    I now make my breakfast and not let hardee's or mcdonalds make it for me.
    I now make and take my lunch and snacks and let Jimmy John's or other places make it for me
    I finally "get" it. I eat right, and exercise and I can lose weight
    I have only been logging in 11 days but I'm proud of tracking everything that goes into my body for 11 days straight
    I have gained and whole new support group!!!
  • xaveria2
    xaveria2 Posts: 62
    I have only lost 72 pounds... but gained the upper arm on foods that call my name.
    I can now buy part of my clothes in a regular store and not through mail order.
    I have learned that soft drinks so not have to be drank the whole time I am awake.
    I actually only drink water now.
    My kids actually said they are PROUD of me for what I have done so far.
    I have almost NO double chin anymore.
    I am PROUD of ME!
  • ShaSimone
    ShaSimone Posts: 270 Member
    I have "only lost" 110 pounds total but

    I accept and love myself
    I am the smallest I have ever been, even smaller than I was in middle school.
    I know I can do this the rest of my life.
    I wear a size 10 pants and S/M tops down from 24W pants and 2x tops
    I no longer have to shop in the plus sized section/stores
    I have a zest for life
    I enjoy exercising and looking my best
    I feel powerful..that I can do Anything
  • CarrieMyPhilos
    CarrieMyPhilos Posts: 38 Member
    I have only lost 7ish pounds, but....

    I've kept them off, even though I really lost them in June/July!
    The pants I ripped sitting in a car in May are now a little baggy!

    It's a start. :)
  • onixrose
    onixrose Posts: 15
    I have only lost 65 pounds, but...

    It's only been 9 months!
    I have lowered my blood pressure
    I have lowered my cholesterol
    I have gone from a size 26 to 18
    I have inspired others
    I feel awesome 9 out of 10 days
    I am making progress everyday!
  • musicalsoul207
    musicalsoul207 Posts: 15 Member
    I have only lost 31 pounds but,
    I started this in April, and it's only August
    I am now a size 20 not a 22 in my bridesmaid's dresses
    I am making progress everyday
    I can walk walk 4 miles in just under an hour
    I have more money in my wallet because I don't eat as much fast food
    Or junk food
    I've learned more about good nutrition (still not expert by any means)
    I get complimented by co-workers everyday, and in turn I have inspired a few
    I'm now more interested in being happy and healthy than ever before.
    I went from a 40H in my bra size to a 38G and I'm still getting smaller. Maybe someday I won't have to spend a fortune on a bra. :-]
    I can wear a large instead of an Extra-extra larger shirt (well sometimes I wear an extra-large, depends on how much room there is for my ginormous boobs).
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • angimac
    angimac Posts: 145 Member
    I've already posted in this thread, but I thought of some more/had some NSV's

    still 128 pounds gone, never to return, EVER...

    I am now wearing my original wedding band, not one of the 3 larger sized ones that had replaced the original
    I need some of my favorite rings re-sized, because they are too big even for my thumbs!
    My old comfy shoes are literally sliding off my feet
    I no longer hate mowing my yard - I used to end up exhausted even using the riding mower, but now that it's broken, I actually look FORWARD to mowing for 3 hours with the push mower!!!!
    One of my son's teachers told me tonight that he didn't know what I have been doing to lose this weight (he's known me for many years) but that I am looking really good (He wasn't hitting on me, he's like a son to me in many ways, as he is one of my older son's best friends)

    I am 15 pounds away from my goal of 150. After 25 years of being fat, I never dreamed I'd ever have that number within reach. It's almost surreal.
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