I have "only lost" ..... (Insert pounds here) BUT!



  • mcjann
    mcjann Posts: 10
    I have only lost 31lbs but . . . .

    I went from a size 26 to a 20.
    I can take 2 flights of stairs and still breathe.
    I now look forward to a walk.
    I have learned to make good food choices.
    I have learned how to set goals for myself.
    I have more confidence and talk to myself in a much nicer tone.
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    I have only lost 65 pounds but...

    I just bought my first pair of 12's! Down from a 22w!
    I no longer own any clothes have a W or X!
    I have tried so many new recipes - and love them!
    I have ran 2 5k's!
    I feel better now, than I did in my 20's (I'm 33)
    I smile again, and am no longer shy around others.
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    I have only lost 18 lbs, but:

    I've already been able to cut my blood pressure dosage in half & no longer have borderline high triglycerides
    I haven't had a hypoglycemic 'shake' since tracking my food over 3 months ago; a condition I've had since early 20s (even when I was thin)
    I look so much better in my clothes and am getting into smaller clothes
    My collar bone is just itching to say 'hello' again & can feel my hip bones
    I felt something 'weird' in my upper tummy last night and realized it was a muscle
    I'm beginning to get some "guns" :smile:
    I feel stronger
    I can do "wheel pushups" (ok, just a few before I just hold myself in position)
    I now plan to fit in exercise (even when going on vacation)
    I now cook "real meals" so much more than before
    I now see what a true serving size is
    I can control my cravings. I actually don't really have cravings anymore
    I'm half way to my goal
    I'm beginning to recognize the reflection in the mirror... its been awhile since I've seen this girl! I missed her!
  • sssygirl
    sssygirl Posts: 55 Member
    These are so inspiring! I have been in a slump for about a month and a half..so thank you!!

    I have only lost 24lbs but....

    I can run around with my kids and not feel tired
    I am not tired all the time
    My pants are loose to the point they fall down.
    I am down 1 size in pants and in tops
    My double chin is gone.
    My legs are strong and you can see all the muscles in them
    My shoulders are strong and defined
    My husband is sharing this journey with me and has lost 51lbs...and for that..I no longer have to worry as much about his health..

  • LunaPhaedra
    LunaPhaedra Posts: 71 Member
    I've 'only lost' 15 pounds (since 2 month before joining) BUT:

    I've now lost all the weight I gained in the winter when I got hit with S.A.D and depression

    Since joinging I've lost 2 inches off my hips, it's now back to what it was 3 years ago

    I've also lost 1.5 inches off my waist, the smallest i've ever recorded in the last 3-4 years

    Feeling more confident, since I've NEVER lost that much weight before, not even close.
    ----and that, to me, is my biggest accomplishment. My weight's always been like an acsending staircase, plateaus and sudden weight gains; yet here and now I can look at my weight chart and see a downhill slope. sure, the slope may have a few plateaus, but I know that, if i work hard at it, i'll be keeping on tobagganing down to a healthy weight :D
  • country_blood14
    country_blood14 Posts: 17 Member
    Ive only lost 11 lbs, but

    -i love to hate jillian michaels
    -i miss working out(cant wait to get over this sinus infection)
    -i see the end getting closer(even though its a ways away)
    -i feel better about myself already
    -i dont feel sick from over eatting at the end of the day
    -i enjoy the unhealthy food even more since i dont have it often
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I have only lost 23 pounds but...

    I drink water like there's no tomorrow
    I love hiking
    I have hips, a jawline, and I can start to see my collar bone!
    I am down to a 13 from a 16
    I have much more confidence in myself
    I can't remember the last time I had greasy fast food (I've had chipotle and subway, but not mcdonalds, bk, kfc, etc)
    I am happily full after a normal size portion at dinner, no more seconds for me!
    I've actually begun to enjoy cooking
    I have more energy and can't stand just sitting and watching tv all night like I used to
    My old underwear are way too big, and the mediums I bought not too long ago are starting to get a bit big as well!
    But most of all, I feel sexy because my husband grabs my @S$ twice as much now and tells me all the time how beautiful I am (he did that before, but I never believed him until now)
  • sparklelioness
    sparklelioness Posts: 600 Member
    I've only lost 29 lbs, BUT

    -my waist is more defined, my tummy is smaller and even starting to 'depuff' and get a bit flatter, and the girls stand out more-all of which means i look much better in clothes than i used to. Especially tops

    -my whole self is smaller. Bf says its easier to get his arms around me :)

    - he also says my butt is looking good :p

    -i can walk five miles at a brisk pace, no problem

    -the four sets of stairs at Whole Foods- before, my legs would burn halfway up the first set. Now they dont burn til the third set

    -i actually fit in some 1X and even a couple XL tops

    -my feet are getting smaller, so i can wear cuter shoes! (shoes. Ohmygod, shoes.)

    -my resting heart rate is lower

    -i havent gotten random chest pains in a long time

    -needed some new, smaller belts

    -i'm learning to enjoy healthy food, and findingout it can be delicious.

    -i'm less obsessed with food. I havent broken the obsession completely, but i no longer get hung up on 'just having one cupcake/order of mcdonalds/day of eating what i want, and THEN i'll make changes'. The time is NOW. That food will always be there. I can even eat it sometimes if i want. Knowing its not off limits has helped me start to let it go.

    Great idea for a thread, OP :)
  • jhner
    jhner Posts: 66
    I have "only lost" 22 pounds, but....

    - I've gone from a size 12 in pants to an 8/10
    - I'm in the best shape of my adult life.
    - My husband loves to wrap his arms around me and pick me up, because it's so much easier to do now.
    - I like to play with my kids.
    - I like to exercise.
    - I've almost completed the 30DS and can see the difference in my arms, stomach, and thighs.
    - I have more confidence.
    - I'm down to my last set of holes on my belt I bought at the beginning of this process.
    - People comment on my weight loss.
    - I feel so much better.
    - I'm so happy with myself. I no longer see only the parts of me that still need work, but see the parts that have changed!
  • juncture
    juncture Posts: 129 Member
    I have "only lost" 8lbs but:

    - I feel better about myself and know I can lose more weight
    - My jeans are fitting better and I'm looking forward to going down a size (or two!)
    - I can sit and work on a piece of uni work and not end up eating a whole pack of biscuits or sweets
  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    I have "only lost" 39 lbs (since joining MFP; 50 lbs since starting my weight loss), but!

    - I am a size 4/6 since of tight size 12.
    - I exercise now instead of saying I'll do it "tomorrow"
    - People notice my weight loss!
    - People now tell me I need to "maintain"
    - My confidence is boosted tenfold!
    - I am so much happier with myself!
    - I don't hurt as many days as I used to, though it's not totally gone.
  • ladykaisa
    ladykaisa Posts: 236 Member
    I've only lost 9lbs, but.....

    I now fit into a size 10 jeans instead of size 14
    My "fat day" shirts are swimming on me
    My tops are back to a medium instead of a large
    I'm SO CLOSE to loose the "back boobs"
    My "muffin top" is less jiggly and more sculpted (possible? I hadn't thought so til my recent pictures....)
    I walk home from work every day
    I make and bring my own lunches every day
    When I don't want to eat out, nothing hubby says will change my mind
    I can make it though a 4.5km run/walk and NOT die
    My asthma has improved so much I rarely take my resure inhaler
    I RUN up the staires at work
  • mol3718
    mol3718 Posts: 16
    I have only lost 11lbs but...

    I can feel my clothes fitting better.
    I have a much better outlook to the future.
    I am thinking about food and health completely differently.
    I burned 500 calories on the eliptical on Wednesday
    My husband can see a change.
    I know I have a lot more lbs to burn but I know I will reach my goal
  • tomich54
    tomich54 Posts: 99 Member
    I have "only" lost 27 pounds but......

    I am down 1 pant size, gaining on 2!
    I do Zumba 3 days a week, and at least 20 minutes on the elliptical the days I don't
    My spandexy work out pants feel to big on me!
    When I look down I can see my feet and not my stomach!
    My "batwings" have gotten smaller :blushing: That makes me giggle!
    I am more concious of the foods that I stick in my mouth!
    I drink 1 8oz glass of pop a week, instead of several bottles a day!
    I love water!
    Feel better, am more optimistic, and LOVE that my daughter loves to ask about things that are healthy and excercising w/ me!
    No longer afraid of the scale, I love weiging myself - even losing 1 oz gives me tons of inspiration and a huge smile!
    Realizing how many things have ACTUALLY changed since reading this entire thread that I hadn't thought of before! :happy: THANKS FOR THAT!!!!!
  • marilyngrant18
    marilyngrant18 Posts: 59 Member
    I have only lost 8 pounds but ...

    - I lug around 8 fewer pounds than when I started.
    - I can walk a little faster because I feel a little lighter.
    - My inner thighs don't rub together as much.
    - I can wear my white Talbots walking shorts that I couldn't button last summer. :happy:
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    I've only lost 3 pounds but....

    Now wear a 10 instead of a 12
    Can do an 8 but waaayyyy to tight.
    Now wear medium/lg tops instead of XL
    My boobs are way more perky.
    Love the muscle definiton in my little guns starting to appear
    Have to roll my undies over cause they are too big. I know TMI...
  • devon0324
    devon0324 Posts: 57 Member
    I have only lost 35 pounds..........BUT....

    I am now a size 11/12 instead of an 18
    I am the same size I was in highschool (not including the mommy belly)
    I am also ALMOST sicf of the compliements!!! (ALMOST) :)
    I fell like a normal person.not a "big girl" (and other ppl dont see me as that anymore)
    I am being called skinny!!!
  • meghan6867
    meghan6867 Posts: 388 Member
    Love this!

    I have only lost 48lbs, but I......

    Now went from wearing 18 pant, to a size 8
    Went from XL tops to mediums
    Can run more than a mile without feeling like I'm going to pass out
    Can walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded
    Have more energy than I ever thought possible
    My blood pressure has dropped significantly and am very nearly able to stop taking my BP medicine
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I've only lost 20 pounds BUT

    All my pants look great
    My husband says I look fantastic
    My leg muscles are there and my arms are THIN!
    My dad said I looked 10 years younger
    Both the absolute and net calories on my calendar went from bobbing up and down day to day to being really stable and under my goal
  • I have only lost 15 lbs BUT

    I did it in 7 days.
    I am now moving up my stairs faster
    I have drop one dress size in one week
    I dont feel my thighs rubbing each other when I walked
    After my morning shower, I saw more of thighs when I sat on the bed to lotion up
  • krhadley
    krhadley Posts: 11
    I have only lost 13 pounds.
    But I have also lost 13 inches in my arms-stomach-legs!
    I feel great even though I have more to lose.
    Whenever I get that sweet-tooth craving I drink a diet A&W root beer,
    I know its not grea to drink pop but oh well!
  • Go1096
    Go1096 Posts: 83 Member
    I have only lost 13 lbs but....

    I can see my face shrinking...
    my pants are fitting me big...
    my boobs are shrinking yay!
    I can stand and walk longer without being in pain
    it's been weeks since I've had a migraine
    I have more energy
    My body doesn't swell to the point of agonizing pain anymore!
  • Mnm1983
    Mnm1983 Posts: 52 Member
    I have only lost 36 lbs but I...

    Now wear a size 16 instead of a 24.
    Can feel proud of myself everytime I look in the mirror.
    Am the happiest I have ever been even though I am not the thinnest.
    Feel a million times stronger than I did a six months ago.
    Can play with my son without getting winded.
    Wake up every morning excited about my new lifestyle.
    Wonder, if I feel this good now, how great is it going to feel when I lose 60 more lbs and reach my goal?

    like that last part....
  • I have only Lost 38 pounds.

    (I have a long way to go) BUT...

    I have stopped both Blood Pressure Medications
    I don't get out of breathe walking to my car.
    I have more energy
    I take better care of my self
    My skin looks better
    and I have increased my life span!
  • fortheheart
    fortheheart Posts: 50 Member
    I have 'only lost' 55 pounds but..

    I now have a neck (my double chin is going away)
    I wear size 20 shirts instead of 26/28.
    There is definition between my breasts and stomach, when before it looked like one giant lump
    I don't get as many boils, cysts and rashes between the flabs of my skin
    I don't have as many migraines
    I don't sweat as much
    I can go to the lake and not be terrified someone is going to see me
    I wear tank tops outside of the house. I used to be terrified of what people would think of my arms. But I don't care anymore.
    I can fit in a chair at the theater (and in November I'll find out if I can fit into a plane seat)
    I can say no to that plate of fetticini alfredo and venti frappuccino
    I bought my first pair of skinny (stretch) jeans four sizes smaller
    The other day a man stopped me to tell me I have a beautiful smile. That's never happened.
    But most of all, I'm not so afraid I am going to screw this up again.
  • Mnm1983
    Mnm1983 Posts: 52 Member
    I've only lost 8 pounds but....

    *Learning that change requires patience.

    *I'm very proud that for the past 4 months I push myself out of bed at 430am.

    *Realized that I AM an active person.

    *Love looking at myself and seeing how my body is changing.

    *I can't wait till Next April to really see how far I've come! (1 Year on MFP)

    Never knew how great online support really is. Thank you everone , your stories and lives really do motivate me and make me excited for what is to come!
  • djk721
    djk721 Posts: 59 Member
    I have only lost 50 pounds, but....

    I lowered my cholesterol 42 points, and don't take medicine anymore.
    I don't drink soda. EVER.
    I feel like I HAVE to exercise everyday.
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    I have only lost 60lbs... but

    - I'm wearing a 16 instead of a 22
    - I'm wearing a XL shirt instead of a 2X
    - I sleep better
    - I don't get winded going up stairs
    - I don't feel the need to eat as much as I used to
    - I'm learning to trust myself.

    .... I've gained my life and my self-respect back.
  • rudy7020
    rudy7020 Posts: 62
    I've only lost 30 lbs but.....

    I can shop in the regular section at the department store.
    I wear a very comfortable size 14 instead of a tight size 18
    I wear a L vs a 2X
    When I look down I see the ground and not my stomach
    I don't have heartburn/acid reflux any more.
    I can stand without my back hurting
    I eat healthy
    I feel great
    I get compliments on my appearance
    And my old lady boobs are almost gone!:blushing:
  • Ivana331
    Ivana331 Posts: 230
    I have only lost 5 lbs, but my love handles are much smaller
    I am looking much thinner
    I am feeling much better!
    My size 10 pants/shorts, no longer fit right, they are ever so loose on my hips. :)
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