What was your "fat" breaking point?



  • ShinyFuture
    ShinyFuture Posts: 314 Member
    When I had to get weighed at the doctor's office and my stepdtr's little one asked "Is that still 3 numbers?"

    As a previous poster said - if you need a reality check, ask a first grader.
  • RunningWithoutAWatch
    When we were playing softball and one of my teammates patted me on the belly with a comment. I was about 196 then. Now I am down to around 160.

  • Catherinebee85
    Catherinebee85 Posts: 5 Member
    I had a few. It should have happened years before I actually did something about it! but nevermind, no regrets. I was just sick of having everything out of my wardrobe and having complete melt-downs just trying to choose something to wear to go to work. If it was a night out I'd often end up in tears.

    I was also in a relationship that was amazing in every way except physically and then it started to go wrong I wasn't confident enough to do anything about it. I also had trust issues (which were in the end compounded by him getting with one of the people I was so suspicious about) lol. Something else then happened, which I don't want to talk about but I ended up feeling pretty worthless. I realised I was mid-20s, in a relationship but not feeling wanted and wanting to make friends but just feeling too fat and awkward. I decided if I was going to do something about it I should do it properly whilst I was young and would enjoy the rest of my life being healthy and feeling worthy.
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    My fat breaking moment was when my son came upto me whle I was sitting on the bed and pushed on my hips 9the fat area) and said "honk, honk! Mama's fat?" Gotta love 3 yr olds

    Also a friend from high school knows I struggled with bulimia when we went to school. Seen me now after being married five years and having a kids told me "you know, I know bulimia is unhealthy. But is it worse than being overweight?" I honestly didn't know what to say, both are very bad for you

    Mind you she knew me when I was too thin to walk, and she thought being the size I am now is just as bad, ouch!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Unfortunately there are more than one...
    1. Being asked if I was pregnant on more than one occasion

    2. I want to be able to fit into the closet full of clothes that i own instead of wearing the same few outfits that are getting tighter and tighter.

    3. Fitting snuggly into my "fat" jeans

    4. The most important "breaking point" happened just a few days ago when it just hit me...I was tired of being miserable and unhappy and I realized that I am the only person that can make the changes in my life that will give me the life that I want.

    I want to be young and energetic so that I can play with my kids and live a long life for them. I want to be the happy, go-lucky, healthy version of me that will make my future husband (whoever he may be) honored to have me in his life.

    I got tired of hearing my own excuses and know that others around me felt the same. The time is now and it's the beginning of the rest of my life!
  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member
    When a relationship with someone I really adored fell apart, I couldnt help but wonder if my weight had something to do with it. It probably didnt but my being overweight permeates my ever thought and shakes my self confidence. That's when I decided for the next relationship being overweight is not going to be at the root of my insecurity. Let it be because my breath stinks or something :laugh: Thanks for the reminder of why we all work so hard and do what we do!

    This. Even though 4 months later I know that it was just because he was a prick.

    I'd started a diet just before we broke up, and was motivated any way because it was SUPPOSED to be my graduation, and I wanted to lose the weight. I was diagnosed with a disability which meant I felt like I couldn't do much exercise. But then the emotionally abusive boyfriend went and I suddenly had no symptoms and felt perfectly healthy again. My body was literally telling me my relationship wasn't healthy lol.

    I didn't mean to lose weight so fast, I just had no appetite for about a month, rolled with it and decided I wanted to be physically strong as well as 'just look thin'. I never want to feel so weak again.

  • Broejen
    Broejen Posts: 414 Member
    When I started to feel like the Michelin Man...I could feel the rolls on my sides when I put my arms down. Plus I only have one pair of pants that fit me right now and I didn't want to go out an buy a bigger size! I've only been doing this for 2 weeks so the rolls are still there, but they won't be in a few months!
  • MrsRDBean
    MrsRDBean Posts: 10 Member
    When I got a hair cut recently. I sat down in the chair, and saw myself in the mirror (there are no full length mirrors in my house). I looked like I was stuffed into that chair, and then the very slim hairdresser came over. The two of us reflected in that mirror was my breaking point - she was so small next to me, and I looked like a rolling mountain covered in clothes.
  • jodilo88
    jodilo88 Posts: 63
    When I met the love of my life and (even though he loves me the way I am) knew that I'd actually end up in a wedding dress someday.

    That and when I saw the size on my jeans. I'm not a teenager anymore in age or clothing =\
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    I was at an MLB game and the fan camera showed our section. On a huge screen for everyone to see there I sat, the largest person in the section. Out of hundreds of people, I was the largest. In that image I remember not being able to put my arms down and they were crossed in front of my body. I didn't recognize myself.
  • UWWYellowbaby
    UWWYellowbaby Posts: 22 Member
    When I realized that life wasn't going to get any "easier" and my rut is just going to get worse.
  • Thatonegal
    Thatonegal Posts: 37 Member
    My breaking point was all of my "fat" clothes being too snug, weighing myself and realizing I had just tipped over the 200 mark, talking with my husband about having kids, and realizing that according to my BMI I was obese.
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    My breakinf point was stepping on the scale and seeing 142 :noway: (I am 5'2" and that puts me well into overweight).
  • marijasmin
    marijasmin Posts: 160 Member
    When I finished my steroid recovery therapy and felt like the Blob
    and moved like the blob
    and acted like the blob
    and looked like the blob
    and saw the blob looking back in the mirror with my own eyes
    Then I stopped feeling sorry for myself
  • mstifb
    mstifb Posts: 230
    after i did shrooms absolutely every thing changed. which included being healthy

    Tell us more!

    Ok, dumb question, what's shrooms??? :ohwell:
    DUH!!! :laugh: Never mind - I see now it's the obvious answer of mushrooms, just was thinking it was something else from the context of the sentence, like some dance or something - lol. :wink:
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    When my doctor left the room and I looked in my file chart and saw OBESE.
  • mstifb
    mstifb Posts: 230
    I just started my journey on June 4th of this year. On June 1st, I went to the doctor with my husband, who is 6 foot 2 inches and is overweight, and I was a pound more than him and I'm 5 foot 5 inches!!! :noway: That was on a Friday and I started doing something about it that Monday. :flowerforyou:
  • dnceluv
    dnceluv Posts: 9 Member
    When I turned 30....I'd spent a decade being fat. Enough was ENOUGH!
  • Gayle0203
    Gayle0203 Posts: 1 Member
    i realized none of my clothes fit me i was wearing sweats all the time because i promised myself i would loose it. i was so uncomfortable with myself and it took a toll on my marriage and life in general. i look back and pictures and think wow. i cant belive i was that big 25 pounds later i still feel huge and im ready to take the next step. i was up to about 190 and im at 165 now. i want to make it to at least 150 just 15 more so close yet so far
  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    When I said I'd never go over 200 lbs & the Drs. scales read 202. :noway: I also want to be a healthy senior citizen.:blushing: