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The things people say to bigger people...



  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    What I don't get is why parents don't control their kids in public. It is bad enough when people stare, or turn to look at my butt as I pass to see how big it is and giggle. But kids who come and poke my butt and run and laugh? And the mom just laughs and looks away? Seriously? It doesn't matter that I am losing, or that I have logged 5 hours in the gym this week, or that I am desperately trying to make healthy choices for just about the first time in my life. This is what happens when I go to the grocery store. Never fails. Even with a cart loaded with veggies and fruit and they may have donuts and frozen pizza. It still kills me that people tend to no longer consider me to be human. Most of the time they act like I deserve it, and I do see their point. I ate the food, it wasn't forced. I have had a lot of issues that lead to the overeating, yes. I was weak. But now that I am making so many changes, why do you still let your kids abuse me in public and never say a word?

    A lot of parents these days are not really keen on discipline or flat out don't care for one reason or another. Kids are naturally curious and of course can get violent if let be. I know an ex friend's 4 year old sister used to hug my stomach trying to "feel the baby kick" because she thought I was pregnant. She thought that until she was 8, then she started hitting my stomach because her mom thought she was a divine being and wouldn't tell her no. If nothing else, say something to the kids. "Please don't do that." "That's not nice." "That hurts." If they don't stop, make the parent aware and so what if the parent gets p*ssy. They produced the child, they need to teach them manners.
  • denisebme
    denisebme Posts: 103 Member
    I just came back about a month ago as Executive Director to a Charity I used to work for as a program director. I was gone for about 6 years. There are a lot of Asian women that come in, and one of them looked at me and said.. and I am not joking, "Why you get so fat?"
    Me.. I looked at her, laughed, and said, "When you get so rude?"
    Strangely enough, I really like this lady.. she's a character. She's probably close to 80, and she has an opinion about everything!
  • ShelleyD81
    ShelleyD81 Posts: 237 Member
    Don't get me wrong, I love my friends but sometimes they just don't think before they open there mouths.

    One of my friends was slagging someone off (they were old rivals) saying she was fat (although she was a size 10 max!), I turned to here and said 'how can you call her fat when she's half the size of me?' she just turned to me and said 'yes, but I love you' :noway:

    Then another friend told me that she wouldn't know how to be my friend if I lost alot of weight, so don't do it.

    Honestly, people just come out with some crap sometimes :grumble:
  • Caitlinhappymeal
    Caitlinhappymeal Posts: 185 Member
    get off your fat*ss and exercise then instead of sitting at your computer readin all these replies :happy:
  • Dragonnade
    Dragonnade Posts: 218 Member
    The whole "I'm on a diet" "What? But you don't need to lose weight" was neatly silenced by wobbling my belly at them.

    I usually go wtih the whole "doing it for me; I think I'm pudgy and I freakin' love rowing!" though, which is met by my mother determining I'm mad for loving exercise. Thanks mother. *bites tongue*
  • Krisstah
    Krisstah Posts: 136 Member
    My mom and her "Someday you will want to take care of yourself" and in the next breath she offers me cake, cookies, ice cream or take out food. She is also a person that doesn't take care of herself either, shes just not as heavy as i am.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    #1 thing i've always heard.......but you've got such a pretty face,,,(akward pause),whatever!!

    At my heaviest I always got the "you have a wonderful smile" a part of me still thinks they are just being nice.
    "hey big guy" I would cringe because i knew it wasnt the muscles.

    I get that one too! I am tall though, 6'3, so in the past I always told myself that (self denial) lol
  • chantell7
    chantell7 Posts: 167 Member
    my favourite !! Oh you would be so hot if you were skinny !!! Wtf !!!
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    I've been told to my face 'You're so pretty, it's such a shame!' I took it to mean that it's a shame I'm fat, rather than a shame the beauty was wasted on me :noway: although I'm not so sure that was the case. The funny thing about it is that it's not even particularly true, if I wasn't fat no one would be proclaiming my beauty, it's just that people feel the need to say something polite, and the fact that my face is marginally better than the rest of me is the best they can come up with.

    I've also been asked 'when's it due?' to which I just say 'what?' which leads to abject embarrassment on their behalf.

    Some people are deliberately rude, some just don't think before they speak, and some just have no social graces. I fully expect that if I ever stop being fat, they'll find other ways to be insulting, so I'll just carry on doing what I do & let them get on with it.
  • rajivdubey
    rajivdubey Posts: 382 Member
    Just a few Kgs loss and you will look so good!
  • veriddian
    veriddian Posts: 12 Member
    "You're cuddly". What? Like a grizzly?!

    "Men like something to grab ahold of." I'll be sure to offer my love handles to the next man running for a bus.
  • rotill
    rotill Posts: 244 Member
    This is tricky, a real catch 22. I suspect you'd hate to hear people tell you at every chance that you're fat and should get off your *kitten* and walk. At the same time you don't want to be lied to. I tend to try to keep my mouth shut, and if I am invited to comment, I try to discuss what they can do with clothes and styles to look more comfortable with their bodies. That way I can talk about something positive, but can still be honest about how people look. I have no idea if it works, but at least my big friends like to hang out and go shopping.

    As for myself - I carry my fat well distributed on a large frame, and people (even medical professionals who see me in less than my best) are always surprised at what I really weigh - which meant that even when I was more than 20 kg overweight I never got the "fat" comments . Only my mother went on about it, reminding me every time she saw me about how big I was. I wanted to strangle her. After I lost most of that weight, she was honest enough to go on and on and on about how incredible it was that I'd lost that much weight. I still wanted to strangle her. I suspect that really says more about my relationship with my mother than about what she said.
  • MouseFood
    MouseFood Posts: 169 Member
    I used to hear ppl say 'don't lose too much ' all the time last time I lost a lot of weight ... all of them were overweight, and heavier than i have ever been. it's almost as if they were so jealous that they didn't want me to get any thinner ...???

    But my best response is, " I've discussed my diet with my doctor, and i'm aiming for a healthy weight based on my BMI. My doctor is pleased with my goals." That shuts them up.
  • I know they mean well but I hate to hear "You carry your weight differently, you dont look like you weigh that much " ...yea the fat is evenly distributed :grumble:
    bahahahhahahahahaaa I get this ALL the time. My friends flip out when they find out how much I weigh and what size I am in clothing. Yeah, I just have the courtesy to be fat all over!! bahahaha
    When I went wedding dress shopping (2-3 sizes bigger than I am now) and they were shocked I was a 22-24 and tried to put me in a 14. CACK! She just wouldn't believe me. She said I carried it well. Uh yeah, have you seen my legs which are seriously built from carrying my fat *kitten* around all day? Yeah half of my weight from my belly button down thanks.
  • Scandinavia
    Scandinavia Posts: 291 Member
    People saying you have opposite sides in the family - What about your father being both? Ugh.

    My father has always called me fat, and said I would be so pretty if I lost some weight. After losing 60 pounds, he told me I need to stop, he can feel my ribs, I'm getting too skinny...And I told him I wouldn't stop until I lost another 30. It's what I want for my body, not because I want the attention from himnbecause he's never seen me this thin,
  • "Big butts are in." <Really, this big?? No.

    My friends mom said "Hey you are getting fat!!" <Being that she is from the Phillipines and barely speaks english I was okay with it until...
    Her dad said, "It's okay, a lot of guys like big girls, I do!"

    Holy Uncomfortable!!
  • AlbaAngel25
    AlbaAngel25 Posts: 484 Member
    the one that i have gotten time and time again is , "your so beautiful/pretty/gorgeous (any nice word here), but if you just lost a little more weight you would be a knock out".

    Ummm thanks!!!
  • nessagrace22
    nessagrace22 Posts: 430 Member
    get off your fat*ss and exercise then instead of sitting at your computer readin all these replies :happy:

    Hey I like the junk in my trunk :laugh:
  • silverjezture
    silverjezture Posts: 46 Member
    My dad- (mind you he was over 400 at that point) said (a week after having my first kiddo (I'm 4'11") told me that I needed to loose some weight because guys don't like fat girls- I was 137 at this point.... (Not to mention married)
  • krim12
    krim12 Posts: 102
    "You're cuddly". What? Like a grizzly?!

    "Men like something to grab ahold of." I'll be sure to offer my love handles to the next man running for a bus.

    I woke the baby up laughing at this