I give up!!



  • midschool22
    midschool22 Posts: 1,267 Member
    You can't microwave it off. It's a crock-pot.

  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    OK sorry to bug you people but I am so dissapointed because I thought with me just starting to use this I would lose weight straight away I am eating 1200 and its the most I have probably eaten in years reguarly so I am panicking that I am eating too much after years of an eating disorder behind me this is such a big thing...Can anyone tell me how to work out my BMR ?

    I have struggled with weight my entire life (ok maybe after age 3!!). I have tried the fads, the crazies, been forced to do things I would never want to see my best friend do. I have been heckled, laughed at, lost my hair, cried tears and screamed in frustration.

    I understand what you are going through. Please do not give up. I have had many doctors recently tell me to my face "baby steps!" Do what you can today. Try for a better tomorrow. Love yourself. Be Happy. Love life, want to live!
  • javagsd
    javagsd Posts: 82
    Use a food scale. It's very easy to grossly underestimate the size of the portions we're eating when we start.
  • zen82
    zen82 Posts: 81 Member
    Eat more, move more. Look up a post called "In place of a roadmap" if you want to know more about how to work out your total daily expenditure and how to eat a bit more and lose weight. Your body will be struggling on 1200 especially if you're exercising -- this seems to happen to a lot of people. I eat between 1500-2000 depending what I am doing that day and I have lost 7lbs in about 3 months. At first it stayed the same for ages, went down a bit, went up, then slowly down. Water weight and all that does play a factor, especially when you're only trying to lose a little it becomes more noticeable. It seems like all kinds of changes to what you do with the body can cause it to do weird things with water!
  • tridiv
    tridiv Posts: 47 Member
    Its not as bad as you think is, this is what has been working for me, i have lost about 45 pounds as of now, have another 80 to go atleast

    1. Exercise everyday (about 45 min of strength training / 15 min of cardio to begin with). You may feel ravenous when you start doing this how eventually this will balance out and you will actually feel energetic despite eating lesser calories, I started with as much as 3000 to 4000 calories per day (wont recommend eating so much) and now I am at about 1900 calories per day and yet feel more energetic than before.
    2. Note down your calories everyday religiously, try not to miss this as much as possible (i don't recommend dieting, eat normal as per your hunger, just try to pick a fruit than any junk, a banana or an apple are much better than a bag a chips any day)
    3. Weigh yourself every 15 days only, choose a day and measure the same day
    4. Don't worry about weight as much as the inches, your weight weight may increase / reduce subject to too many things.
    5. Remember how you feel after working out or eating just right enough to feel full yet light on your stomach, use these feelings as an anchor every time you feel like letting go

    Please remember that working out and following a decent food pattern is way better than not doing anything at all
  • fannytoot
    fannytoot Posts: 87 Member
    Ok thanks for everyones replies I will try and be patient and give it time I dont excercise just running around after a crazy toddler so I dont think I should up my bcalorie intake..I think the main reason for panic is that after years of an eating disorder then not eating properly I panick..It usually goes that I decide to eat well weigh myself the next day see a gain starve myself then back to the begining its mad I know but I am hoping mfp is going to help me be healthy !
  • Cres0628
    The key to lose weight is not on depriving yourself from food, that's the mistake that so many people make, in order to lose weight you need to boost your metabolism, and by only eating fewer and less meals a day you are slowing your metabolism, that is why you may feel that you are loosing weight but once you stop you gain it right back, don't think of it as a diet, but as an change in your style of life, instead of depriving yourself from food, replace them with foods that are going to help you speed up your metabolism, don't eat 3 heavy or even worse, low meals, try to eat 5 small meals trough out your day, and don't forget to excercise, because that is the key to success. Don't stop now, keep going, just remember you are stronger than what you think you are. "Don't let anyone tell you that you can't" SPECIALLY YOURSELF!!
  • laineymburnett
    you need to keep going for waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay longer than 2 weeks...


    ^^^^ This... and give it time... 7lbs isn't a lot to lose and its definitely harder shifting them.. Keep doing what youre doing and exercise for 30 mins min three times a week and you will get there xx
  • chantabelle
    chantabelle Posts: 31 Member
    Dont give up!! Its hard but its worth it, I started on 23rd April and was 238lbs im now 194lb so its working but honestly it started slow!!! Im also on 1200 calories and I eat as close to this as possible. I also find it doesnt hurt to go over by a few one night and make it up another night within the same 7 days. Try to get weighed every week on the same day and around the same time, mine is Sunday mid morning as its my only day off work and I use Boots scales. Also try to use the same scales. I also did Slimfast for breakfast and lunch for the first 4 weeks and lost just under 9lbs before continuing at 1200 cals but not on slimfast. I lost more off the slimfast but occasionally I still have one for lunch just to keep my metabolism on its toes. I also drink a minimum of 2litres of water a day. Please dont give up it is worth it, to see those scales going down is reward enough in itself!
  • Maurice1966
    Maurice1966 Posts: 438 Member
    Eat more, move more. Look up a post called "In place of a roadmap" if you want to know more about how to work out your total daily expenditure and how to eat a bit more and lose weight. Your body will be struggling on 1200 especially if you're exercising -- this seems to happen to a lot of people. I eat between 1500-2000 depending what I am doing that day and I have lost 7lbs in about 3 months. At first it stayed the same for ages, went down a bit, went up, then slowly down. Water weight and all that does play a factor, especially when you're only trying to lose a little it becomes more noticeable. It seems like all kinds of changes to what you do with the body can cause it to do weird things with water!

    Very much this^^^^

    Here is the link for road map. I've brought the water, it's up to you if you drink it or not. Hope you do cause it tastes wonderous
  • Shadowsan
    Shadowsan Posts: 365 Member
    But if I am starting to put on weight does this mean its not going to work?

    If you're doing exercise, then putting on weight could simply be a case of adding a little muscle mass to your body, or even something as simple as you are now drinking more water so are properly hydrated now whereas before you were dehydrated.

    It's all those little things that can cause your weight to fluctuate a little. Also, when it comes to weigh-ins you really need to make sure that its the same routine each time. I find first thing in the morning after a toilet stop and a shower is my best time to weigh-in, once a week. If you keep mixing up when you weigh yourself, you will notice all sorts of fluctuations.
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Eat more, move more. Look up a post called "In place of a roadmap" if you want to know more about how to work out your total daily expenditure and how to eat a bit more and lose weight. Your body will be struggling on 1200 especially if you're exercising -- this seems to happen to a lot of people. I eat between 1500-2000 depending what I am doing that day and I have lost 7lbs in about 3 months. At first it stayed the same for ages, went down a bit, went up, then slowly down. Water weight and all that does play a factor, especially when you're only trying to lose a little it becomes more noticeable. It seems like all kinds of changes to what you do with the body can cause it to do weird things with water!

    Very much this^^^^

    Here is the link for road map. I've brought the water, it's up to you if you drink it or not. Hope you do cause it tastes wonderous


  • katiefly86
    But if I am starting to put on weight does this mean its not going to work?

    No, this means your body has been in starvation mode for so long that now when you eat it stores the fat.
    Don't lose hope hope. Keep up the good work, and only weigh yourself once or twice (at most) a week. You have to give it time to catch up.
  • zen82
    zen82 Posts: 81 Member
    Eat more, move more. Look up a post called "In place of a roadmap" if you want to know more about how to work out your total daily expenditure and how to eat a bit more and lose weight. Your body will be struggling on 1200 especially if you're exercising -- this seems to happen to a lot of people. I eat between 1500-2000 depending what I am doing that day and I have lost 7lbs in about 3 months. At first it stayed the same for ages, went down a bit, went up, then slowly down. Water weight and all that does play a factor, especially when you're only trying to lose a little it becomes more noticeable. It seems like all kinds of changes to what you do with the body can cause it to do weird things with water!

    Very much this^^^^

    Here is the link for road map. I've brought the water, it's up to you if you drink it or not. Hope you do cause it tastes wonderous

    Also to the OP: I used to have an eating disorder too. It's really important not to fall into the trap of thinking you need to eat less -- your body will slow down the metabolism more and will start using stuff you don't want to lose (muscle!) for energy. Really restrictive dieting *can damage your heart and bones* without immediately obvious symptoms. Please be careful. Do some reading and maybe find ways of logging your running about after the little one as exercise -- it will increase your cal allowance! I set my MFP to sedentary because that's my job described, but add *all* my exercise in on top (even the 10 minute walk to work) and eat back most of them. Bodies are weird, but wonderful -- look after yours!

    I found some links for you to make it easier to find what I mentioned:

    The roadmap thread (a lot of this is people asking questions after the main post): http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

    The thread continued: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/682138-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

    Another thread for people following the approach (think the idea is to only post in this if you're doing it - the other ones for questions): http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/715450-followers-of-in-place-of-a-road-map2-0

    Good luck. You can do it -- please do it safely!
  • thorpy6
    thorpy6 Posts: 48
    Well there is a saying that i was told "how do you eat an elephant? bite by bite" in other words it takes time and two weeks is not enough time for your bodies metabolism to even adjust to the reduced calorie intake. keep going, give it months not weeks and you should get there!
  • sessygail
    sessygail Posts: 44 Member
    Don't give up! If you are eating right and getting exercise you are doing something that is good for you whether you lose weight or not. I've been stuck for a loooooonnnnnggggg time at about the same weight after losing some but I refuse to give up because I know that no matter what the scale says today, my body is fitter and healthier and will serve me better for the rest of my life.
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    Make time for exercise! My kids are 3 and 8 and it can be tough sometimes to set aside that time for *you* to exercise, but it is totally worth it. For example, I went to an awesome new cardio kickboxing class last night - it was an hour away from my family, but it was really worth it. I was a happier Mommy when I came home to them and they get the benefit of that.

    I have also done the 30 day shred with my 3 year old. LOL He had fun doing the moves and because it's only 20 or so minutes, he didn't mind me exercising instead of playing - I think he actually viewed it as fun. Maybe if you found something that was only a little bit of time you could fit it into your day. Another option would be to put your little one in a stroller and take a brisk walk.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    But if I am starting to put on weight does this mean its not going to work?

    No, because weight loss isn't linear, and the scale is the least effective way to track your progress.

    Think about it. The scale is not only measuring your bones and muscle and fat and all that stuff, but also water you've drunk and not sweated or peed out yet, food you've eaten that you're still digesting, with a zillion and one factors that affect how those numbers are affected. Exercise, hormones and sodium can contribute to fluid retention, which can mask a weight loss.

    For instance, I had a sodium heavy dinner last night, plus I did an hour of weight lifting, and I'm "up" two and a half pounds from Saturday. I know damn well I didn't eat an extra 8750 calories above my maintenance in the past week.

    And that's assuming the scale itself is accurate. Move the scale to a different spot, and you'll get a different reading. Plus, many digital scales have a two pound "memory." If your weight is within two pounds of your last weigh in, it will show the last displayed number. Apparently, it does that so people don't freak out over minor fluctuations, but it seems to make more people freak out when the scale doesn't move. I have to weigh myself holding something that weighs about 5 pounds to "reset" the scale, then weigh myself again.

    Edited to add: Track your progress through other, more satisfying methods. Fitness goals (Woohoo! I can run further! Lift heavier! I exercised five times this week! etc.), measurements (compared every few weeks or every month, because it's hard to tell if you've lost 1/8 of an inch), how clothes fit, and photos. Take a whole pile of photos that really show your body, and no matter how much you hate them, don't delete them. Take more pictures in a month and compare. You'll be surprised!
  • jkcrawford
    jkcrawford Posts: 435 Member
    Just started this 2 weeks ago and thought it would be good as I have heard so many great things about it...Years of neglecting my diet has totally buggered up my metabolism I am sure this is where the problems lie...I can eat nothing and lose maybe 2 pounds at the most ..as soon as I eat normally the very next day a pound is straight back on...after years of this misery I decided to do it properly and healthy...I am on 1200 calories a day and have been logging my food in every day for the last 2 weeks the first week I went on holiday and was very careful but still weighed the same when I came back so I wasnt too dissapointed however the last few days I have started to put on weight I feel like giving up nothing seems to work no matter what I do..Has this happened to anyone else should I stick with it or could it be I am having to many calories in a day should I cut back I only want to lose 7 pounds...but it seems no matter what I do they wont budge..Also would like to say I am always slightly under and when I had ate nearly 1200 I wake up and find I have put on a pound????????? I have been so strict and havent cheated totally confused anyone out there with any answers?

    The answer is to drink water, water, water. It really does help.
  • skiboat1us
    skiboat1us Posts: 16 Member
    When I was in weight watchers and that happened it was usually because I wasn't eating enough and my body was going into starvation mold. Try a few more calories next week and see what happens. Don't give up, just try different things until you figure out what your body is telling you.