I can't do it :(



  • KechiaG
    KechiaG Posts: 55
    Sometimes you have to be willing to FIGHT for what you want. You want to loose weight? FIGHT FOR IT!!! If you're not willing to work for it, there's nothing anyone can say to make everything magically work for you. Excuses don't help you achieve your goals.....ACTIONS do!! Every person who has struggled with their weight can tell you: it didn't start coming off until I stopped making excuses and got serious. Bottom line is either you want it or you don't..........
  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    Miss_Chievous_wechange Posts: 1,230 Member
    You don't need to torture yourself to lose weight, you need to educate yourself! Stop feeling sorry for yourself and turn that negative energy into positive energy and get it done!
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    Looking at your diary you seem to just be eating soup and snacks after breakfast. I'd suggest trying to have something more substantial at lunch, e.g have some meat or fish as well as the soup and some bread. And have more than just soup for dinner, have a proper meal!
  • ittybittypixie
    you CAN do it! Do you drink a lot of water? When I wake up I am always super freakin hungry, but if I drink a big glass of water it makes me feel much better. Then it is easier to choose something healthy to eat instead of grabbing whatever I can find. I also really like eating Lara bars. If I eat one for breakfast it keeps me full well until lunch time. Please don't give up :)
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I'm not trying to be dramatic. I'm frustrated because almost every reply so far has this holier than thou attitude to it.

    You've gotten many good responses. You are being too defensive to listen to them. Either relax or step away until you're in a better place. Right now you are just angry and nothing is going to help that.

    It's weight loss. You eat less calories (but not so few you starve) and workout (but not so much you ruin your body). That's all. You can do this in a healthy and manageable way.

    Right now your issues are emotional. Not weight related. Take care of those first.
  • Leeanne1974
    Leeanne1974 Posts: 207 Member
    considering the hell I've been through he past year with an eating disorder, suicide and depression I'll be as dramatic as I want.
    Darling, not everyone understands. They have a different mindset and a different way of thinking. It doesn't mean they are right and you are wrong, or vice versa, it just means that they are different. The "Strap on a pair and deal with it" comments work for some and not for others.
    The only thing that I can say is that it took me a good couple of months to not feel permanently famished. I learned to snack (if I needed to) on apples or a few grapes etc.
    I also think, only my opinion, that your target weight is too low. Try taking baby steps and aim for 10lb first. See how you get on and then re-*kitten*.
    Drink lots of water, flavoured with sugar free cordial if you wish, Fill up on salads in between meals as well. Lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes and celery with a drizzle of vinegar, low sodium salt and pepper is really quite nice and helps you go from meal to meal if you need it.

    OK I am starting to think she just wants a pity party. People are giving you good suggestions.

    This. Fake profile pic, too.
    One of my friends has a pic of a butterfly on here. Does that make her fake?? One of the regular posters on the forums has a pic of a panda. Is Chi-Chi on MFP or has she just used a pic that she likes? What about all of the people who have pictures of cakes?? Are there giant cup cakes and biscuits that are able to communicate and write on here? There are so so many fake pics but it means nothing.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    i'm not an expert but based on the 2 days you did log ummm you have a LOT of calories left. if you upped your protein intake that will help curb your appetite. baked chicken breast (or grilled), low fat turkey, string cheese, you're already eating eggs that's good. miso soup for dinner - isn't that just high sodium broth. if i was eating that little i'd eat my arm off.
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    I'm not trying to be dramatic. I'm frustrated because almost every reply so far has this holier than thou attitude to it.

    No...but they all haven't been coddling either and so what... you made a statement, and now the comments are coming. Read them, think about them and make a choice to try something new since what you are donig isn't working.

    Girl....life doesn't magically get easier as you get older so being able to take some criticism is a skill to be mastered now.
  • ladydragon1951
    ladydragon1951 Posts: 8 Member
    PLEASE don't give up!!! We are all here for you. I wish I was 20 again so that I could learn from the poor choices I've made. I have been FAT all my life and now that I am 61 I am FINALLY doing something about it instead of just playing at it. Yes I've tried all kinds of diets but I always gave up. Not this time.
    If you need someone to talk to I'll listen. I have been in your shoes, depression, suicide attempts, etc. I will keep you in my prayers.
  • no1canadianangel
    you HAVE to drink WATERRR... it will fill you up like crazy... and will help reduce your hunger...
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    Oh, I forgot. Yes it is hard to lose weight, that's for anybody who is trying to lose, regardless how they are going about doing it. Accept that you really want it as badly as you say you do, and stick with it.
  • ellehcimyelhsa
    Read this:


    Eat more. Do some math according to the above link. I eat 1900 calories a day.

    ^This. I eat all the time. I'm never starving. You shouldn't torture yourself to lose weight. It's all about making positive changes to get to a better lifestyle, not just a quick diet. Best of luck!
  • emilym_3
    emilym_3 Posts: 62
    You need to up your calories then. Don't hurt yourself. Eat whole, natural, healthy foods.
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    I would just say stick to it if you truly want to lose weight and if it's really too hard for you then learn to be happy with the body you have. Losing weight isn't easy, but it's hardly torture. It's what you make of it, if you change your mindset you'll be suprised how much happier you'll be.
  • NZhellkat
    NZhellkat Posts: 355 Member
    I desperately want to lose weight. but it's so hard! because with the calorie limit MFP gives me (to lose 1 lb per week) no matter how much protein I eat, water I drink or veggies I eat I'm STARVING.

    I woke up this morning and I was so hungry it actually hurt. and I already ate around 1100 calories today because I was just so so hungry :( I kept having hunger pangs.

    we're having sushi tonight at a local restaraunt (all food is cooked and served 100% fresh) and I have no idea what to do...
    my calorie limit is 1290. I'm a female at 5'3 inches and 151 lbs. I'm 20.

    I feel like I'll never reach my goal weight :(

    If you are exercising then you need to eat back most of the calories so that your body has the fuel it needs to burn fat. I took a quick look at your diary and you definitely need to eat more a deficit of 700+ is not good for you especially when you are exercising . You have to listen to your body. Any diet under 1200 calories is not good for you.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    I'm not trying to be dramatic. I'm frustrated because almost every reply so far has this holier than thou attitude to it.

    No one is trying to be "holier than thou" and no one has an attitude. People are TRYING to help you. But you keep blowing it off with the same excuse of starving. You're not starving, you're eating, even your journal shows that. True starvation is nothing, so stop being a little twit and listen to the genuine advice people are trying to give you. ADVICE- NOT attitude, not "we're better than you", HELP. If you don't like it, don't cry. Stop making excuses, cause it's starting to look like you just dont WANT to do it, and this is just an excuse.
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    Doesn't sound like she is expecting fast results. She just doesn't want to be so hungry!

    I agree with the people who say increase your protein :) Maybe close to around 75 grams? Eggs, meat cottage cheese, greek yogurt, and such all fill me up!

    Another thing to find is food with a lot of bulk with little calories. Do you like squash? Spaghetti squash, acorn, pumpkin, butternut are all very filling,delicious and low calorie. Roasted veggies are great for bulk too. I do zucchini, onions, broccoli, and cauliflower in the oven. Very low calorie for a big bowl of food! I also think baked or roasted potatoes are very filling too.

    Only other suggestion I have is to increase your calories. 1200-1300 seems too low to me! Try maybe around 1500? Will help :) an extra 300 calories will really help
  • Asha0714
    Asha0714 Posts: 88
    considering the hell I've been through he past year with an eating disorder, suicide and depression I'll be as dramatic as I want.

    people are trying to help you. please, calm yourself down. you can change your health but you have to change the way you think first. you're not the ONLY person that has experienced bad things in their life. if you've lost 50lbs already, you should know that it is a struggle.

    while your body is adjusting, you're going to be hungry. you might feel sick. you might get headaches but when your body is trained, you'll feel better. make a plan. try eating small meals through out the day instead of eating a lot of food a few times a day.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I used to be the same... looking at your diary you are eating quite well. I would certainly eat more protein and track fiber and try to keep that as high as possible. makes a big difference. may I suggest changing your macros. it changed my journey from being starving to full and satisfied!

    40% crabs
    30% protein
    30%f fat

    diary, goals/setting, change settings manual. Go up to 1500 calories if your not eating exercise calories. I do this also. My dietitan says this is fine. try the macros for a few weeks and I'm sure you will see a big difference in hunger levels. the change of macros changed this from a diet to a lifestyle for me. weight has been coming off well since too.

    sounds like a tough year. be kind to yourself!

    zara x
  • seed_of_wonder
    seed_of_wonder Posts: 202 Member
    i have been in the same situation, i used to be hungry alllll the time.
    i would use up a lot of my calories in the beginning of the day and then be screwed so i started eating 200 calories every two hours to ration it out and keep me from getting hungry. i had to up my protein also and started eating a lot more greek yogurt and have a protein shake daily
    good luck, stick with it!