Is it ok to have a ''cheat day"?

I have heard that having a cheat day helps cuz it gives you a day when you can satisfy your sweet tooth or sugar desires. But is it ok to have one and still lose weight too??


  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Once a week as long as you're staying within your normal calorie goals for the rest of the week is fine, even good for your sanity while losing weight.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Some people do, I don't. The sugar /carbs would set me off and I don't have the willpower to stop. My sweet tooth got me here and it took me years to get the mindset to change my lifestyle and find MFP. If I can' t fit the food into my daily plan, I don't have it.
    Good luck whichever way you decide to go. Suppose can try it once and see how you/your body handles it.
  • thenrd
    thenrd Posts: 2 Member
    I truly believe that if you "cheat", you will always find a reason to cheat. If you need to reward yourself, make it something NOT to eat. I have to keep telling myself that too.
  • fitz1970
    I don't do a whole day . . I can cheat a lot in 24 hours! LOL! But I do allow a cheat food every now and then. Usually salty sweet chocolate . . and usually when I'm PMS'ing!! It's for the greater good of all mankind!!
  • 84jeepster
    84jeepster Posts: 198 Member
    its only cheating if you dont log it.
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    cheating is such a pejorative term
    i eat more some days.
    sometimes up to my tdee

    like other vices i try not to do it two days in a row.
  • bailbondbabs
    I cheat to shock my system and it works! Not often but I also contain it to just that time. I am very lucky, since I adopted my daughter I have major willpower :love:
  • ashesfromfire
    ashesfromfire Posts: 867 Member
    I personal have a "cheat day". Every saturday from noon to midnight I let myself eat whatever I want - typically this results in pizzaa for dinner :)
    What it really helps with, more than anything, is during the week when I crave something, like a soda or chocolate or potato chips (whatever) I just tell myself that I can have it on saturday. Typically, by the time saturday come around I don't want [enter craved food here] anymore! Works great!
  • mds81
    mds81 Posts: 9 Member
    Make sure you log it! That way you can look back over past weeks and see if they are impacting your goals

    Ps: I call mine 'lapse' days, as cheating sort of implies you are cheating to get to your goal - which would be a good thing. For me it is a lapse in willpower :)
  • FeelinChastastic
    I'm not big on sweets but when I crave chocolate, I usually crave peanut butter with it. Reese's Peanut Butter cups are a huge weakness! So, I found a healthy substitute! Nature Valley Granola thins! They make a thin peanut butter granola square coated on the back with dark chocolate. It's small but it's only 80 calories and it fixes the craving :)
  • farroz
    farroz Posts: 51 Member
    Yeah I cheat at least once a week but have only been on 7 weeks but have lost 14 pounds so it seems it is ok. I do try to do a hard workout on cheat days.
  • JulieDerda
    JulieDerda Posts: 163
    I HAVE to do a cheat day.. /meal// drinks what not .. but I always workout hard core on that day.. .. I have lost weight doing so also. Everyone is different so dont take my word for it..Some people just take a cheat meal.. or what not.. i have a cheat meall but really its turns into a cheat day b/c i drink after i eat bd too.. BUT if it works for you do it.. If it doesnt just do a meal.. Dont listen to what me or anyone else says. EXPERIMENT w/ this.. Because this is a lifestyle change and you want it ot work for you. It's not a race so find out what lets you lose wieght..
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I have cheat days when I feel they're necessary. They don't hurt as long as you don't eat a billion calories. Instead of eating 1400 like normal, eat more but keep it under control.
  • ScottFree_66
    Cheat day makes it sound bad.... call it a reward day. Personally I try to do a meal and not a whole day now.
    I found it to be a great incentive and allows you time to go out with friends or spouse and not worry about calories.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    To each their own...

    I've worked 'cheat days' into my routine for the last three years now. I pick a day when I won't track or care and I have whatever I want. It's enjoyable, but when the day ends I'm ready to get back to watching my calories and working out. That way I don't feel deprived. And the proof that it works for me is that I've lost 30 pounds and kept it off in all of the time that I've been tracking and exercising seriously.

    But hey, everyone has a different take. Try it and see what works for you. If it's not helpful, don't do it - if it is useful to you, work it into your routine.
  • brendas026
    brendas026 Posts: 68 Member
    I dont like cheat days, but I prefer a cheat meal ( see the difference?) two healthy meals and one bad, instead of the whole day.
  • jamm2000
    jamm2000 Posts: 79
    Absolutely! I have 2 cheat days actually - Saturday and Sunday. But Monday - Friday I stick to my calorie goal. I've always dieted this way and never had a problem losing weight.
  • jesshayl1
    What I do personally is my weighin day is Saturday. As long as I've lost something then I get to enjoy "Faturday". I eat whatever I want that day. I don't call it cheating and I still log everything though. As long as you can get back to your normal routine the next day then I would recommend it. Good luck!
  • oOMusicBabii
    I don't have planned cheat days...that has never worked for me personally.

    But sometimes you can't help when one happens by accident. For me it's the accidental ones that really kick me in the butt because it reminds me of times when I've been out of control and how I don't want to be that again and then I kick it up a notch.

    Life happens, so does delicious food that can seem to blow everything. All that matters is you enjoy it and then get back on track.
  • fragilegift
    fragilegift Posts: 347 Member
    Mine are 'free days' - I'm usually under for most days out of a fortnight or whatever so I know I can indulge one day if it happens to come up. I don't deliberately set out to have these though.