Is it ok to have a ''cheat day"?



  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I don't call it "cheat day" I call it free day or my day off. I still log everything I eat, but I don't plan meals around my macros or try to stay within calorie goals. I usually have some kind of sweet treat or junk food on those days.
  • tabh742
    tabh742 Posts: 1 Member
    I think haveing one cheat day a week helps. You need to confuse your body once in awhile to reset, if you will, your metabolism.
  • mrsloganlife
    mrsloganlife Posts: 158 Member
    OK I'l admit, I have lapsed on my diet. I work with restaurants so sometimes it's a little difficult to NOT lapse. But I let myself know, that if I lapse for lunch, I'm paying for it at dinner, and if I have a dinner date with my boyfriend, that usually makes me run away screaming from whatever is tempting me. That, or I go straight to the gym, and by the end of the strenuous workout I am usually regretting giving into my tempation.

    I've also become a fan of finding alternates to the things that I want to eat that will cause me to lapse. For example, I am a HUGE fan of anything sweet. So I have delved into my mother's healthy recipes, searched online for great healthy alternatives to my sweet temptations. And it's really helped me keep my focus.

    However, have a cheat meal isn't too bad. Usually on a Friday night or Saturday, I will have a cheat meal. That gives me a chance to cheat a little bit, but won't give me a whole day, because I can do some damage with a whole day!
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    Yeah I'd say a cheat meal at the end of the week or a weekend is acceptable -either a t/away or a meal out with friends.
  • chatter46
    chatter46 Posts: 6 Member
    I have a cheat day - and I'm finding that if I've been really great all week I don't even really want to eat much on my cheat day! I just make sure that my bfast is good so I have a healthy start to my day. Then my lunch and dinner I choose from my list (that I've been making all week by writing down what I'm REALLY craving!!) and have something from there. If I'm not careful I'll have a food hangover just from that. Listen to your body!!! If you can't get through the whole week without a cheat day, use a cheat day. If you don't even want a cheat day, don't have one. I think that is the biggest thing ever. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
  • kati37
    kati37 Posts: 61
    I don't call it cheating I call it treating!!! There is no such thing as a cheat. First your body does not know exactly when your 24 hr day begins and ends.

    I believe that if we don't treat ourselves once in a while to something we enjoy, alot of us are less likey to succeed!! On that note though the less we eat of the junk the less we want the junk. If our body is no longer used to having it we won't crave it. Like someone said this is not a DIET it is a lifestyle change. If we only do it until we hit goal we will gain it back, just like every other diet we have failed at.

    It isn't right or wrong to have a treat meal or snack once in a while. I know people who are fitness crazy and when on vacation or a birthday comes up they enjoy the same things everyone else does, but then they go back to their normal routine (not diet) after the celebration ends!! They do at times intensify their workouts to make up for some of it!! Point is they still ate cake, and fried chicken and went on with life!!! Just got to be sure you can go back to your healthy lifestyle after you have a slice or two of pizza!!
  • BikinimomE
    BikinimomE Posts: 116 Member
    Semantics won't help you lose excess body fat. A common sense meal and exercise plan will. The fact is if you look at people who say they have an uber strict diet all the time, their bodies usually range in the marginal to are-you-serious categories. Whereas those who do allow themselves to take in higher calories (usually due to eating foods that they truly enjoy but don't always indulge in because they are extremely calorie dense, but fiber and nutrient deficient) on occasion (usually once every 7 days or so) have STUNNING bodies. Just look at the type of physique the poster has. If he/she has the type of body that you find to be appealing, then follow that person's advice, or take it under advisement and tailor that advice to suit your specific needs.

    Since every "body" is different, there is no ONE "right" way to get to your better health, wellness and fitness goals. But there are definite WRONG ways... Not enjoying life and occasionally indulging is just one DEFINITE WRONG WAY.

    You don't have to listen to me. A picture is worth a thousand words. I'll be 45 soon. Had four children. Was a fat kid and an even fatter teen. Have been essentially the same clothing size (only major change has been due to muscle mass gain/loss) since after I gave birth to my 4th child over 20 years ago.