Any other Daddy's take their daughters on dates?



  • bsix3
    bsix3 Posts: 291
    My daughter is 8 and our day is Thursday. That time is priceless because they grow up soooooo fast!!
  • DaBossLady24
    DaBossLady24 Posts: 556 Member
    My daughter is 7 years old and I like to take her on dates whenever we can find the time. It's not nearly often enough but we both love it whenever we do:) Sometimes she picks the place and what we will do and sometimes I do. Sometimes we both get a little dressed up but I always open all the doors for her, hold her hand, and treat her like a queen:) When we get to where we are going we sit down and I ask her why we are here, she answers because you love me:) I say that's right! Until you find a man that treats you better than will always be you and me.

    Are there any other Daddy's that do similar things with their daughters? What about Mommy's taking their boys on dates? I would love to here any new ideas that I can use with my kids.

    More dads need to do this! My dad and I never really "officially" had daughter/dad dates when I was younger, but now we're making up for lost time by having them now that I'm older. We know we love each other just the same and always will, but that quality time is awesome and definitely brought us closer together now :bigsmile:

    By the way, you're an amazing father.
  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
    I do. It's a blast. She's 5 and absolutely loves having one on one time with just her and I. She's a total daddy's girl anyways ha ha.
  • Beleg
    Beleg Posts: 227 Member
    I don't have daughters. But I have 2 sons. And having a dead beat dad growing up. I alternate weekends with my boys. 1 sat morning its whatever either of them chose to do on their time and we go. Both of my boys also have a huge interest in my health so they work out with me on most days as well.
  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    My dad did until he remarried and the new wife (I was 8 when they got married) got very jealous....To this day I don't understand why he didn't stand up to her and why she was jealous.....and no I can't ask now because he passed away from cancer. I did try to discuss with my stepmother but she got angry - conversation went something like this: Mom, how come you would get upset if Dad asked me to go somewhere or suggested doing something with me"? Here response: " How dare you question me about your father". So I let it go.
  • tri10806
    tri10806 Posts: 192 Member
    I do. Mine just turned 16 and we try to once a month even if it's just a trip to Steak and Shake for burgers. Our church has a daddy-daughter date night with other fathers and daughters every so often and we usually do the Valentine's Dance thing in town as well. A few months ago I took her to her first Jimmy Buffet concert!
  • jdricketts
    jdricketts Posts: 3 Member
    Yes and It's awesome!!! Yopu (and she) will never forget it.

    We also go swimming at the Y on Sunday morning. It's our thing!
  • _Ivian
    _Ivian Posts: 198
    You, sir, are awesome! It's so important for little girls to have a strong father figure! I'm a total daddy's girl :smile:

    I always say that he's my #1. A boyfriend is replaceable. Daddy is not. He would ALWAYS take me out when I was younger whether it was to theme parks, movies, dinner, shopping, my swim meets, my games, etc. Now since we both have full time jobs, I'll go over on the weekend or occasionally during the week, and watch baseball/football with him. He loves when I sit with him and burn new tunes to his iPod which I got him for Father's Day last year. Sometimes I'll help him work on his corvette, or he'll watch me swim in our pool and give me pointers on my form, I'll help him cut the grass, or re-pot plants. We actually do a bunch of things together still. I'm trying to convince him to go to the gym with me now! I tell him his biceps are deflating :tongue: Hopefully he bites!
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Love that you are teaching her how a man should treat her! So sweet! I take my little one on dates all the time. :) He loves sushi!
  • tdaddybarlow
    tdaddybarlow Posts: 673 Member
    My daughter is 7 years old and I like to take her on dates whenever we can find the time. It's not nearly often enough but we both love it whenever we do:) Sometimes she picks the place and what we will do and sometimes I do. Sometimes we both get a little dressed up but I always open all the doors for her, hold her hand, and treat her like a queen:) When we get to where we are going we sit down and I ask her why we are here, she answers because you love me:) I say that's right! Until you find a man that treats you better than will always be you and me.

    Are there any other Daddy's that do similar things with their daughters? What about Mommy's taking their boys on dates? I would love to here any new ideas that I can use with my kids.

    Dude you seriously rock. This was just fantastic. I ain't no girl and I don't plan on having kids but if more dads were like you, I feel that more girls will grow up with self-esteem and will know what to expect from men rather than going out with these wannabe thugs and stuff.

    Way to go man! Fatherhood: You are doing it right!

    Man, thanks for bringing this to my attention! A while ago Chick-Fil-A had a daddy/daughter date night and it was pretty cool and I wanted to keep it going, but totally forgot about it. I really liked what you said about "...Until you find a man that treats you better than will always be you and me." That is so critical that they know how to be treated.
    And for the ladies taking their sons on little dates, this is also very important because there are so mant men who are clueless about how to treat or woman either no one ever taught them or they picked up something from TV or school mates. FAIL!
    Keep this up! We might actually raise a generation of ladies who wait to be dated by real gentlemen.
  • petechiae
    petechiae Posts: 147 Member
    My father will always be the man of my life, and I'm sure your daughter will feel the same way towards you.
    I used to have dates with my father. We would not go to any restaurant or do stuff that cost money because my parents had some financial issues, but we had fun. We took walks. We had building projects. We created stories. We had fun.
    Thanks for this, I'll call him tonight. It's time we brought those dates back.

    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    Okay, that is sweet, and I like the idea of teaching your daughter that her partner should treat her well (although I'm not going to assume she's heterosexual, she is, after all, only 7).

    But...I find it really disturbing when adults refer to themselves as "daddy" or "mommy."

    I don't normally call myself that. But since I was thinking of her when I wrote it...........and she calls me Daddy........that's how it came out. Sorry if that's disturbing to you..........

    Good fathers ARE Daddys, to all 7 year old girls, or girls of any age for that matter. I'm 41 and I talk to my Dad everyday, I call him Pops, but he always says "Thanks for calling your Daddy today!"
    You sound like a wonderful DADDY, OP.
  • 1holegrouper
    1holegrouper Posts: 323 Member
    My daughters are grown up now (23 and 25) and one is married. But, we still sometimes go on 'dates'. You have started a great tradition that will help her to build a more healthy self image and allow you to stay close to her the rest of your life.
  • _LilPowerHouse
    _LilPowerHouse Posts: 365 Member
    Daddy daughter dates, yup.. when she was younger we did it all the time.. till she was about 16 or 17, that was our last date.. :cry:
    we went to a restaurant called Hoggies.. LOL.. Mmmmm.. and it was good..

    Now she's in college and works part time so whenever there's time to go out to eat, the whole family usually goes as well.. but thats ok in my book too.. :bigsmile:
  • ademiter
    ademiter Posts: 176 Member
  • usera1365
    usera1365 Posts: 146 Member
    At lease once a month me and my two try and do a daddy daughter date...

    Nail shop and Dinner most of the time. Sometimes we do a Movie if there is something they want to see.

    They Grow up Soooooooo fast so I Love this time :smile:
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    My dad always took me on dates. Even after I was married and with kids, we would still do dates. As I got older and made money, we would alternate each year and I would take him out.

    I now take my son out and my husband takes our daughter out. We always get dressed up, suits, dressed, hair done. Best memories!!!
  • glamouritz64
    glamouritz64 Posts: 85 Member
    My boys are 11 and 14. We do things together ALL the time, and I also have one-on-one things that I do with each of them. The memories we make are priceless, and the time we have our kids "all to ourselves" is SOOO short. I am ever conscious of this.

    As I look at the two loves of my life, I see how quickly time has passed. I try and savor the moments, because I know it won't be long before "Mom" is pushed aside for "friends", "girls" and their individual interests.

    I try to be an example of the kind of girls they should be interested in: Intelligent, kind, respectful, moral, confident...etc. When I'm out with my boys, I refuse to open a door for myself, pull out my chair, etc. I'm trying to teach them how be gentlemen, and how a lady should be treated.

    I marvel at the young men they are becoming. Pure pride and joy.
  • MessyLittlePanda
    MessyLittlePanda Posts: 213 Member
    I totally agree on the one-on-one time, and maybe this is a British thing and me not understanding some across the pond terminology, but isn't it a bit weird calling it a date?

    I was raised by my dad mostly. So we did a whole heap of stuff together, but it was never kind of "date-y" it was just normal, stuff kids do with their Dads....and we still do, we go for hikes, we go to the football (or soccer for the USA!) and sometimes a concert or something. But it's not a date, I go on dates with my boyfriend!

    Absolutely continue to take your little girls places and educate her about how she should be treated by men, and that she shouldn't expect anything less, and yes yes yes that is absolutely being a good dad no dispute there, but I also think that our relationships with our SO's should have special significance too - dates are for your wife or girlfriend guys, don't turn your daughter into a little wife, ESPECIALLY if you're a single dad, because that's a recipe for making your child feel very rejected when you start to date adult women, and making sure your new SO has a hard time getting accepted.

    Sorry, maybe I'm just too British, but I can't get the idea that you go on dates with your kid. That's for adults. Can't it just be a parent and child spending time together doing something fun?
  • brentdaniels
    I have done this with my daughter since she was 5 or so, and even though she is 16 now she still likes to have our dates.

    BTW she finally had her first "real" date with a boy this past Saturday night. I wish I could turn her back to 5, but that is another topic! LOL