

  • twin2
    twin2 Posts: 404
    I have a question for anyone that may be able to help. I have been weighing at the gym once a week. I went for the annual check up this morning and there I weighed 3 pounds more. I know that different scales weigh different, but it is very discouraging to think you are making progress and then, bam you have 3 more pounds. So the 178 that I posted earlier this morning was 181 at the doctor's office. I weigh on the scale at the gym more so I think it would be safe to stick with it. I am just discouraged and frustrated!!!!!!!!:angry:

    Jennifer, I am sure you will look great come time for the shower and wedding!!!:flowerforyou:
  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    I would stick with the one scale. Can't really tell you which is more accurate... but since you obviously have better access to the one at the gym I would stick with that so that you at least have a consistent number. And don't get bummed out about it. Just keep doing what your doing and think how good it will feel to show your dr what that number is next year!!!

  • weightlossinprogress
    weightlossinprogress Posts: 132 Member
    I would stick with the one scale. Can't really tell you which is more accurate... but since you obviously have better access to the one at the gym I would stick with that so that you at least have a consistent number. And don't get bummed out about it. Just keep doing what your doing and think how good it will feel to show your dr what that number is next year!!!


    I agree - don't get to caught up with the range in weight - i'll drive you crazy. As proudmama stated , stick to the scale and number you have been working with - forget the rest!!!
    Good luck
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Hey everyone!
    How is everyone doing.
    I'm going to start a fresh thread with same title so we don't have all these previous posts. Once it gets to longer than 4 pages we'll start a new one.
    Don't give up on me!!!!
    Do you all hear me!!
    We can DO IT!!!!:smooched:
  • weightlossinprogress
    weightlossinprogress Posts: 132 Member
    Hi there - I'm still going strong!!! hoping to get through this weekend without a glitch - 3 parties all together...yucks!!!!!!!
    Any advice would be helpful...
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    I've decided that this is the perfect challenge for me!
    I am currently at 170 and would like to be to 140 ASAP
    I was anorexic in highschool making my metabolism diffucult to work with as well as some diffucult mental struggles as we all have.
    My goals include being in my best friends Wedding in September (which i already ordered the dress and hope that taking it in WILL be a factor)
    My own wedding at some point this year (we havent set a date yet)
    TRIP TO CANCUN for honeymoon given to us by my fiancees parents in December. ( im excited about this because there will be lots of pictures taken and i still have all of my cute bathing suits from when i was smaller)
    Glad to meet you all!
    I have been on my new exercise/diet plan for a few weeks now, but just joined the site yesterday. i think it will help!
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    I've decided that this is the perfect challenge for me!
    I am currently at 170 and would like to be to 140 ASAP
    I was anorexic in highschool making my metabolism diffucult to work with as well as some diffucult mental struggles as we all have.
    My goals include being in my best friends Wedding in September (which i already ordered the dress and hope that taking it in WILL be a factor)
    My own wedding at some point this year (we havent set a date yet)
    TRIP TO CANCUN for honeymoon given to us by my fiancees parents in December. ( im excited about this because there will be lots of pictures taken and i still have all of my cute bathing suits from when i was smaller)
    Glad to meet you all!
    I have been on my new exercise/diet plan for a few weeks now, but just joined the site yesterday. i think it will help!

    Welcome! We're here for you! I'm 170 too and trying to get to 140 myself! Hopefully by July 12th! My sister in laws wedding. (I'm not in it, just want to give everyone a shocker when they see me!)
    You have lots of goals like myself. Little by little it will come off.
    Working hard right now, and the scales no budging. I really have to stop stepping on it every time I'm naked! Gets discouraging after awhile. Hopefully by Monday which is weigh in day the scale will have moved! And April 1st is measurement day. Hopefully the tape will tell a different story!

    I want to go to Cancun! Never been!
    My honeymoon was Jamaica and I would go back in a heartbeat! I actually thought that we would go back for our 10 year ann"y (in May) but we can't afford it. But, we're taking the kids to Disney in Oct. , so I guess that will be our gift.
  • twin2
    twin2 Posts: 404
    I have decided that 25 TO LIFE is more like a jail sentence with me. I have counted and burned calories, sweated, and basically deprived my self, yet this weeks weigh in is 3 pounds more :explode: ; I dont know what else to do!!!!!!!
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Oh Twin2! Don't give up!
    I'm so sorry you haven't lost! Don't worry, it will come off soon!
    I didn't budge this week!
    I sometimes want to give up, but I won't!:smile:
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    I'll join in. I'd LIKE to lose 30 by beginning of June but I would be satisfied with 20ish. It's not coming off easily and motivation for some reason has waned considerably. I've lost over 20 so far, and that not easily either. :frown:

    Started at 184, now at around 164, depending on the time of day.

    But someone's gonna have to remind me, because I tend to forget to come on here!!

  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    Welcome, please see our new thread 25 to life month 2. This is such a wonderful group and we were up to 4 pages! Makes things a little less confusing! See you all on the new thread!
  • neome90
    neome90 Posts: 420
    Thanks for the inspiration! :flowerforyou: I am in. Great tip on the cold water !:drinker:
  • kerridwen
    kerridwen Posts: 165
    I am not near a scale on Monday's so I'll throw in my check-in now!

    I joined early March at about 190.
    I'm currently at 182!!

    I've been trying to lose 1 lb a week and am pretty pleased!!!
  • kerridwen
    kerridwen Posts: 165
    Hi Everyone!
    Hope everyone is drinking ALL their water and doing your exercises.
    I'm trying to add some new things to my workouts. I like to do things with the stretch band to really work my arms. Even using it for my abs. I'll do legs tonight.
    I've been seeing so many dresses out there (in case you don't know, my sister in law is getting married in July and I'm the only one NOT in some form of wedding attire) Short story, she's not crazy about me, I'm not crazy about her (she has as much personality as a rock) and my 2 sis in laws are in it, my hubby and his brothers are not in the wedding but she's making them wear their tuxes, so I'm the only one not in "fancy" clothes. Well, they haven't seen me since Christmas, and her bridal shower is on April 13th, so I'm going to surprise everyone with my 25+ pounds lost (hopefully by then) and then really look good for the wedding (dropping another 30) and wear the most obnoxious dress that sticks out like a sore thumb in the photos (hehehe)
    I had bought a dress with high hopes, but I returned it because as small as I plan to get, I still have big droopy boobs that are going to need a major over the shoulder boulder holder that that spaghetti strapped dress was going hide!
    I figure, it will be more exciting to go out and shop for a dress once I can actually try them on and zip them up!

    I hate to say it, but it's soo true! There's no better motivation is there? Such a nice way to use something negative for a little personal gain.

    I hear you on the big boobs - haha - they're annoying but in the right dress.... ;)
  • kerridwen
    kerridwen Posts: 165
    I have decided that 25 TO LIFE is more like a jail sentence with me. I have counted and burned calories, sweated, and basically deprived my self, yet this weeks weigh in is 3 pounds more :explode: ; I dont know what else to do!!!!!!!

    Don't forget that muscle weighs more than fat - so as you gain muscle and burn fat sometimes things will look the same. Keep an eye on your body's appearance, maybe measurements. If you're seeing increase in tone/strength you're still on the right track!

    Also, can always check your calories to see if the increased activity actually means you need to eat more to keep your body from thinking it needs to store fat.
  • DLienert
    DLienert Posts: 4
    Hello, my name is Donna and I like toastie pies and driving to work!!! Well that was last week... I am currently 95kg (I think that might be about 170), anyway some of my friends and I here in NZ found this website and we are ready for the challenge. I will touch base after my first week with my highs and lows, good luck to everyone ;o)
  • kerridwen
    kerridwen Posts: 165
    Welcome Donna - did you see the new thread? (I think we're on #3 now?)
  • kerridwen
    kerridwen Posts: 165
    Wow - you know even if things are stagnating a bit now, I did not realize I'd lost that much weight! And a few pounds before I joined this site.

    I'm feeling pretty good about it at the moment and a little surprised.
