
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    First off, I just have to put it out there... If you're a negative nancy (or negative nick) your comments are NOT welcome here. With that said....

    I am an avid coffee drinker. I really can't go a day without drinking a cup in the morning. I drink my coffee with creamer and sweetener. My favorite creamer/sweetener has 35 calories per 1 TBSP serving. I found some nonfat creamer that has 20 calories per a 2 TBSP serving. I also found some splenda flavored packages that are calorie free, though they don't taste very well.

    What kind of creamer, or creamer substitute do you put in your coffee? What kind of sweetener do you put in your coffee? How many calories a day do you waste on coffee?

    I take in 1200 calories a day, and my coffee can take up to 60 to 140 calories out of my day. Depending on what I put in it for the day. My only other beverage is typically water, so I don't typically drink any other calories besides my coffee. I'd just like to hear what other coffee drinkers do to lower their calorie intake, but also get their morning java!!

    Thank you in advance for all your input!! :)


    i use unsweetened almond milk or half and half and a half teaspoon of sugar.
  • Jen_ht
    Jen_ht Posts: 99 Member
    I used to be a cappuccino girl all the way, or at least really milky and it had to be full fat milk. But one time I got a really bad cold and I heard dairy is not good when you're all phlegmy! SO I started cutting it out bit by bit and now I can do without - every so often I treat myself to a skinny cappo but I'm not as crazy about them as I used to be. And I just have one regular sugar to take the bitter edge off. The sugar isn't too bad unless you have like 4! It's the dairy that's the killer.
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    Damn, typing that has made me crave coffee, oh well, to the Keurig.

    Ditto!! Reading this has made me go to the Keurig
  • StevenDweeb
    StevenDweeb Posts: 24 Member
    I really love the flavour of different styles/beans/roasts of coffee. I'm not fond of the over-roasted "burnt" flavour of Starbucks and prefer a more fruit-like roast with just a hint of chocolate. Yeah, I know it sounds a bit over-the-top and all, but if you like coffeee, start experimenting with different stuff and find the style that you like to drink black -- presto! no calories from added cream and sugar.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    I L-O-V-E, LOVE coffee and I AM a confirmed coffee snob. I will not give it up for anything, really.

    However, I drink mine with 1/2 cup of Silk unsweetened Almond Milk (15 calories for 1/2 cup) and 1/2 tsp of Truvia (zero calories). If I desire a little flavor, I do use the Torani French Vanilla or Chocolate flavoring (both sugar free and both use splenda)

    BTW - I usually blend a starbucks dark roast with a Carmel drizzle or creme brulee flavored coffee (no sugar involved in the beans) b/c they make the flavored beans light roast and I prefer a medium roast, medium bodied coffee.
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    I drink it black with no sweetener. I'm a purist. :D
    About 6 calories a
  • blu143
    blu143 Posts: 27
    i drink my coffee completely and totally black, just like my soul. no sugar, no cream, no sweeteners, nothing.

    i secretly think anyone who doesnt get their coffee this way is a ***** hehe.

    *coffee snob*

    HAHAHA!! So, not a secret anymore!! I'm totally okay being a coffee snob. I can NOT drink my coffee black. I don't like the bitterness to it. Serious kudos to you!!!

    Totally agree with this. I can't see how it's even tolerated black! LOL
  • Over time I managed to switch from creamer to milk, to skim milk, to black. I still put 1 splenda in it because I don't like the bitterness and am not ready for that yet, but I do get it down to zero calories (or whatever is in the coffee, 5 or whatever).

    ^ exactly! I now drink mine black.. It took about a year

    WOW! I don't know if I could do this!! It's worth a shot though. I'd love to be able to drink my coffee black, it just seems like such a far stretch for my personally. It's great to see that it is possible though!!
  • Jesstruhan
    Jesstruhan Posts: 331 Member
    I'm with you coffee-drinking-sister.
    I drink coffee with straight-up half-and-half or the mini moo-s by land-o-lakes (because they are at work, and only 10 cal's per moo).
    I don't need as much of it as I would 2% milk to achieve the perfect cream-to-coffee balance. I rarely drink coffee with sugar unless the coffee is exceptionally bitter, as it is today at work (my own fault, I made it!).

    I only lose about 40 calories on coffee because I only go for one travel-mug a day.

    When I started losing weight I deemed it important to me to keep my coffee habit, and so I make allowances for it elsewhere. Less bready products, fewer crackers at lunch or even a tiny bit less cheese. My daily sanity is important to me! I need that ONE consistent thing that I don't have to lose in order to lose weight. I need it like Superman needs a cape. I don't need it to fly, but damn-it I'd rather look and feel good doing it.
  • MariaLivingFit
    MariaLivingFit Posts: 224 Member
    I usually drink my coffee black or with a touch of cream - nothing flavored or sweet.

    However, I do like a bit of truvia (stevia) in my tea for sweetness.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    When I was growing up, my mom and dad always drank black coffee--I just couldn't see how that even tasted good!

    I used to get caramel macchiatos at Starbucks, but I knew the calories were killing me. I used to drink a lot of Diet Coke, too, but then my doctor told me she'd like me to give that up--she said I could have a couple of black coffees in a day to get my caffeine fix. I tried that for a while, and it's not too disgusting anymore. Now I can't stand the super-sweet drinks from Starbucks--I've slowly transitioned to skinny vanilla lattes (iced or hot). At home I add a splash of skim milk (up to 1/4 cup--got to get my calcium some way) and Torani sugar-free vanilla syrup to Starbucks Dark French Roast from my Keurig. Works for me.

    I would suggest gradually switching from higher-calorie to lower, and after a while you won't even miss it.
  • Maryaly40
    Maryaly40 Posts: 551 Member
    I use 1 truvia and sugar free Coffeemate Vanilla Caramel creamer. I drink 2 cups in the morning. I use 1 tbsp in each cup and some a tbsp of skim milk. I wish I could just drink it black but I need that whie stuff lol I may also have a DD coffee or 2 thoughout the day. In that I use either milk or the cream. Trying to cut those out though.
  • Okay, to take this another route. Why exactly are we consuming a product that most of us don't like unless we mask it with sugar and fat?? I'm sitting here sipping a coffee with only a splash of milk in right now, its bitter, not really appealing, so I got to thinking, why am I ?
  • britfout
    britfout Posts: 86 Member
    A splash of light vanilla soy, maybe 15 cal worth? And truvia which is 0. I recently discovered the coconut mocha k cups by donut house and they are about 2 calories per serving and the flavor is phenomenal!
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Black with sugar....
    Dropped the creamer couple years back.
  • ccburn5
    ccburn5 Posts: 473 Member
    I used to load up on the cream and sugar as well but have dwindled that down to no sweetner and a splash of half/half. My new drink of choice is a Starbucks Venti iced cafe americano with about a teaspoon of half and half and extra ice. Plenty of coffee/esspresso kick with only about 20 calories.
  • aaeros
    aaeros Posts: 157
    My absolute favorite coffee creamer is Bailey's Irish Cream. It's probably a good thing I can't have that at work.. Though now I really wants some.
  • I was shocked when I finally added up all my "heavy cream and sug" calories I put in my huge mugs 3 to 4 times a day! But I freaking LOVE my coffee...but it was def. making me fat! Started using my grandmothers old small teacups and sipped vs gulped it down. Since the cup is so much smaller, I can still make it sweet and creamy with half the calories I was putting in the big mugs ... I just slow down the sipping and really try to enjoy this necessary treat.
  • I put in a dash of skim milk and 2-4 packets of splenda.

    When I want something a little more tasty (and I'm feeling rich!) I go to Caribou Coffee and get one of their "lite" options, which are pretty much all amazing and many are low sugar.
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    Sugarfree french vanilla coffeemate creamer 1 tbls is 15 cal. Sugarfree syrup in my coffee and splenda. I have 2 cups and put 1 tbls of creamer in each cup....30 cal for 2 cups! It is awesome!