

  • smikeykt
    smikeykt Posts: 9 Member
    I used to drink coffee with milk and sugar, but gradually trained myself to prefer it black - and now I wouldn't drink it any other way!

    Easier said than done though :)
  • 3LittleMonkeyMom
    I can't go without my coffee in the A.M. either!!! I have a big cup first thing in the morning. I use coffee mate, or internation delights creamer...I'll take the hit on the 70 calories. I use splenda as a sweetner.
  • tristanathan
    I use a tablespoon of fat free half and half for 10 calories and add a shot (or two) of sugar free torani syrup. I'm really digging the sugar free salted caramel in my coffee.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    HAHAHA!! So, not a secret anymore!! I'm totally okay being a coffee snob. I can NOT drink my coffee black. I don't like the bitterness to it.
    Get darker roasted beans. They're much less bitter than the lighter roast. Some of my Starbucks favorites are French Roast, Italian Roast, Sumatra, and Cafe Verona which is my current drug of choice. Dark roasted beans have a much richer flavor and are easier to drink without the addition of sweeteners.
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    I use Almond Milk (did take some getting used to) and just make allowances for the 3 tsp of sugar I put in it per day. I tried Splenda, Truvia, and Stevia and they all made my coffee taste gross.
  • turbophoenix
    I drink my coffee with coconut milk - it's great!
  • bet3120
    bet3120 Posts: 125
    make my day ,is drink my cappuccino tradittional in the morning :drinker: , without sugar o creamer, that 's 70 cal
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Milk or cream. I like my coffee way, way too much. I guess that is part of living in the Pacific Northwest is having a cup of joe every where you go.

    Most days I just use 2% milk, but on the weekends I like to have some half and half in my coffee. Cinnamon is also very good sprinkled on top. Cinnamon is an anti-inflammatory spice, so it can help you heal after a particularly hard workout, too.
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    I use vanilla almond milk, which is both delicious and a better source of calcium than dairy milk. I use half a cup and froth it up with my $2 IKEA milk frother, then pour my espresso on top.

    When I was restricting my calories more, I used the unsweetened almond milk and two packets of Stevia in the Raw, for something like 25 calories per cup of coffee. Now that I'm in maintenance, I've gone back to using sweetened almond milk and one tsp of real sugar, which makes each cup about 60 calories. I usually stop at one cup.

    If you like flavored creamers, try switching to flavored coffee instead (New England Coffee Co makes my favorite flavored coffees - the Hazelnut is the best, in my opinion). If I feel like having a flavored coffee, I will mix my coffee grounds, half strong espresso roast (like Cafe Goya) and half flavored coffee. Otherwise the flavored coffee alone is too weak!
  • Kouch_ka
    Kouch_ka Posts: 15 Member
    I hear ya, I'm the same way with my coffee. Have to have it. If I don''s in your best interest to keep a distance from me. :grumble:

    I used to do the full on creamer and sugar, until I changed my eating habit and realized I was drinking way to many calories.

    But I've gotten used to my Sugar Free - French Vanilla Creamer and 2 Splenda packets. (I buy the box of 200 packets and keep them in my desk drawer at work so I know how much I am using daily.)
    I'm almost done with my Splenda packets so I think I am going to switch it up to the Truvia because I heard it is more of a natural sweetner.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Love reading all the solutions-- :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: three cheers to my fellow coffee addicts.

    I used to use half and half, with 2t of sugar. Over time, I just cut back..... To 1t of sugar.....then no sugar, just cream....blah, blah, blah--

    now, I drink it black, and love it.

    Took a while to get there, but really appreciate not worrying about those extra calories.
  • jdhosier
    jdhosier Posts: 315 Member
    I went from adding stuff to my coffee to drinking it black. It took a bit of time to make the transition, but now I prefer it black. As a result, my calories per cup are less than 5. The other surprise is that it actually tastes like actual coffee, instead of a deserty kind of drink. :drinker:
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I use a Premier Protein Shake (chocolate or vanilla) mixed in my coffee. I drink about 3 large cups of coffee every morning, so I split my shake into thirds. One shake is 30 grams of protein and 160 calories with very few carbs, so I substitute this for breakfast. You can add a little sugar free Torani syrup if you'd like it sweeter, but I'm trying to wean myself off of that.
  • Songtothesiren
    Songtothesiren Posts: 388 Member
    I got around the worst of my coffee vs. calorie issue by buying freshly roasted coffee beans and a grinder. Then learning to drink black coffee.

    To be honest I do spend a lot of time sniffing the beans in the bag whilst I'm waiting for the water to boil.:embarassed:

    It works for me ... but yes, probably only for me!

  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    What I add depends on the coffee.
    At work and home, I drink black with nothing.
    At Starbucks, I drink black with nothing.
    At McDonalds I add 1 sugar
    At Dunkin Donuts I add 1 sweatener
    At restaurants I add different things or nothing depending on the taste.

    On a side note, I am always amazed at people that add 12 sugars to coffee. Why not just buy a milkshake?
  • ido426
    ido426 Posts: 14 Member
    I choose 1tbsp of bailey's fat free french vanilla creamer. It has 25 calories per serving. I never measured my creamer before mfp. The coffee isn't as flavorful but I am slowly getting used to it. Coffee is well worth the calories!
  • sonny368
    sonny368 Posts: 61
    I'm a coffee drinker can't wake up with no a milk sugared coffee in the morning or even when I'm with a friend and having a nice and long conversation, I'm not worry at all about the few calories it can contains, just makes me laugh the calorie of 2 ts of sugar with all the exercise I I give myselg a right go as beginning of the day !! I love it !!!
  • ipag
    ipag Posts: 137
    Coffeemate Natural Bliss Vanilla. For almost the sole fact, it has ingredients I can pronounce. On the bonus side it does taste good too!
  • MissLexiLoo
    Milk or cream. I like my coffee way, way too much. I guess that is part of living in the Pacific Northwest is having a cup of joe every where you go.

    Most days I just use 2% milk, but on the weekends I like to have some half and half in my coffee. Cinnamon is also very good sprinkled on top. Cinnamon is an anti-inflammatory spice, so it can help you heal after a particularly hard workout, too.

    I have never thought about using cinnamon!! That's awesome! Thank you!! ... I am really not a fan of Starbucks coffee, but I worked there for 3 years. Coffee is DEFINITELY a perk of living in the the PNW!

    Thanks for the tip!
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    The days when I drank a pot of coffee and more a day are past now, but I still drink several cups of decaf a day (Mother Nature's Magic Wand O' Change took away my immunity to caffeine, sob). half and half, measured with a tablespoon for accuracy and Equal are how I like it.

    Gave up too much else over the years to not at least have my coffee how I like it. :drinker: