190s to 160s Anyone???



  • gbers13
    gbers13 Posts: 11
    I'm 190 and wanting to get down to 145 lbs, but I'm only 5'4. I'm going to be going to the gym 5 days a week starting tomorrow and my goal is to lose as much weight possible the healthy way by new years and continue to get healthy and stay active the rest of my life. Ive slowly started to change my eating habits so it becomes a life choice not a diet and TONS of water. you should be drinking;
    your body weight divided in two and the result in number of oz needed for a day.
    for example i weight 190 half that is 95 so 95 oz. of water a day.
    That would be a wonderful Christmas present. I am currently 191. and I am looking to be 159
    I loose real slow but I will try my best.
    Success to all of us.
  • helyg
    helyg Posts: 675 Member
    I started at 210 (15 stone) and want to get down to 168 (12 stone). I am currently 192 (13 stone 10). I am 5'6".

    I am eating fewer calories, and exercising more. I am on my summer hols at the moment so have a more variable routine, but when I'm back in work next week I will be doing:

    15 mins aerobics workout every morning.
    Walk to work and back (30 mins) every day.
    30 mins swim once a week
    3-4 x 30 mins sessions of yoga or pilates a week.

    I know it is going to take a while to get to my goal, but I am determined to do it this time.
  • hazocama
    hazocama Posts: 13 Member
    Im only 5 foot nothing and now teeter between 201 and 198. I am having the hardest time getting under that at all, and my goal is 145-155. it seems like I have ALWAYS been dieting and have a hard time getting it to come off. 5 years ago I lost 60lbs kept it off for 3 years then slowly gained most of it back, I started all over again at 245lbs and in 2years lost 45lbs. on the flip side i have a best friend that just lost 100 lbs using this site, and looks great. she is an encouragement but also lives a few states away.
    so I know that it is sooooo hard and I do get frustrated so much. but this site does help me.
    good luck. and lets help each other get there!
  • s50s
    s50s Posts: 138 Member
    I weigh 190 and 5'6" and would love to be down to 160 by Christmas.
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    You have a great goal!!

    My goal is 120's but only because I am short, You are way taller so your goal should be higher! :)

    I've just been exercising and eating a reasonable calorie ammount (1,300 - 1,500 sort of depends on how much I exercise)

    :) good luckk ~

    Feel free to add me for motivation -- anyone c:
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    I'm 5'2" and trying to lose about the same as you are. I started losing when I weight 207 pounds, when I couldn't even feel good in an XL shirt, and got down to 172. I'm back up to 185ish, and trying to get out of the 180's for good. My goal for now is to be 150. I think that's still considered "overweight" for someone my height, but we'll see what I think about it when I get there. I haven't weighed 150-anything since my sophomore year of high school. That was six years ago. My work shirts are mostly mediums, and pants size 12's. I can't afford a new wardrobe, so there's yet another reason not to gain any more weight.

    Once the temperature gets back into the 70's and it stops raining, I'm going to bike to work at least two days a week. I do sit-ups, push-ups, and squats at work early morning or in the evening when it's slowest. I just started doing weights at work, too. I'm planning on getting one of these for when I watch TV at home: http://www.target.com/p/exerpeutic-portable-mini-stationary-recumbent-bike/-/A-13922721 Other than that, I want to keep logging and trying to eat healthy.

    Edit - I expect I'll be where I want to be by March. I was plateaued for a while, and then I started going up, so I gave myself about four weeks for every five pounds I want to lose.
  • ChubsterBones
    Whoo for a 190's to 160's thread. Well done to everyone who has made such great progress already, and good luck for everyone looking to achieve their goals :).

    I'm 5'6 and currently 192 (give or take 2lbs depending on the day...) aiming for the 170's by Christmas and fingers crossed for the 160's by my 25th birthday (end of Feb). Going for a slow and steady approach, so i'm not too bothered providing I don't gain and there's some sort of downward trend :bigsmile: .
  • VeggieKidMandy
    VeggieKidMandy Posts: 575 Member
    I am exactly where you are. I am 6 ft trying to get down to 155. Right now I am sitting at 191, about be in the 180's boat. The only thing I can suggest is lots of vegetables. I even limit my fruit intake sometimes, because it leads to wanting more and more sugar! I am a sugar fein, so anything with sugar and It starts a frenzy! I also quit doing cardio that I hate, for starters I found that when I did circuit training, It was hard for me to stick with because I wasn't excited, there for I didn't see the results I wanted, instead I traded it out for Zumba ( which is awesome for me because I love to dance ) and it stuck! I work harder at Zumba than I did while I was circuit training, which in turn showed me better results! Good Luck! I wish you the best!
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 567 Member
    I started right at 200lbs in January and am currently at 159 (5'6). I'm trying to ultimately get down to 135 but my mini goal for now is 150. So far it's just been exercise (cardio and a couple of strength classes mixed in each week) and staying close to my calorie goal. Some of the challenges I participate in on here help me tremendously in staying accountable.

    My goal is to start weight training soon so I can tone up and reduce some of the jiggly. :-)

    Best wishes to you and don't give up!
  • djk721
    djk721 Posts: 59 Member
    I am 5'6" also. On Jan. 4, 2012 I weighed 216 lbs. I joined MFP Jan 18; and today I am at 156 lbs! I don't have a goal. I did a "lifestyle change". Healthy eating and regular exercise. I lowered my cholesterol from 240 to 198. I started in size 18's and XL's. I am now in loose fitting 12's and some Mediums! I have not been in these sizes in all of my adult life--I am 51 years old!

    Here's my story:

    I eat breakfast--usually Cheerios and skim milk
    Snack (under 100 cal)
    Snack (again under 100 cal)

    1200 calorie limit!
    I quit drinking soda pop last October--not even diet pop--only water, tea, coffee.
    I get atleast 30 minutes of exercise every day--usually walking. I joined a 10 week aerobics class last winter that met 3 days a week, and did Wii dance the other 4 days. DON'T GIVE UP! I never thought I would ever exercise this much, and now I can't stop!

    It amazes me that this has been so simple--I tried so many times before, but never made it this far!
  • djk721
    djk721 Posts: 59 Member
    slow and steady is the right way to do this! And it is getting slower the lower I get, but I am happy, and if I don't gain, it is a good thing!
  • gshoemaker06
    gshoemaker06 Posts: 264 Member
    I'm a 6'1" male so a little different, but I started around 210 and I'm currently at 170. I like to hover 165-170, but I'll start to push up to 180 when I finish training for tough mudder and my half-marathon.

    Monday/Wednesday/Friday I use to do a 30 minutes ab workout then go swim for 30/40 minutes. I think that help me the most. That and also not eating like I did in highschool.

    As far as the scale, they are fairly cheap, usually around $20 for an average one, maybe $30/40 for a 'nice' one. I also bought a body fat % calculator. It's a little handheld device (not the calibers). It was about $25/30 from ebay.
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    I'm 5'6", started at 265+, am currently at 200 even. My goal is 150 (then I'll evaluate from there.) My problem being I seemed to have stalled. Noticed today, after going back through my anal-retentive Excel weight loss spread sheet, that I have bounced up and down the same 4 lbs (202-198) for 6 weeks. So this week I added about 600 calories per day back in to see if I can shake things up a bit by eating more. Also changed my weight routine a bit, hoping for some movement!
  • ElleBee66
    ElleBee66 Posts: 128 Member
    I just PMd you, but I am 195 wanting to get to 166 - pretty close! I am 5'11"
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    I started at 199 and am currently 190 (5'6" as well). Looking to get down to 150 eventually. 160 would be a good weight for me to set as a goal because I have gotten really close before.
  • MarisaLWood
    MarisaLWood Posts: 44 Member
    My starting weight was 233; I lost 60 pounds, then gained some of the weight back when I started slacking in my eating and exercise habits. Currently at 188 with a goal weight of 165-170, and a 1500-calorie-per-day limit. I try to eat pretty close to that limit, maybe closer to 1800-1900 on the days I exercise.

    And exercise has been the key for me. The pounds REALLY started coming off when I joined a gym and started going to classes (Spin and Zumba) 3-4 times per week. During hiking season, which in the Pacific Northwest is about early April to late October, I spend as many weekends as possible out on the trail. A four- or five-hour hike burns more than a day's calories!
  • titanium2012
    This is totally my thread! I bought a scale at beginning of the summer and realized that I had gotten below 200 without really trying, but just by eating better in general. That made me think about the weight I could lose if I was actually 100% dedicated. I joined MFP last month, but only really started being consistent about two weeks ago. Now I'm committed!

    I started MFP at 195 and ultimately would like to get to 145, but I would love to get to the 160s by around Christmas. I've lost 3 pounds so far.

    I wasn't planning on adding friends at first, but now I'm thinking I should. It seems like a great motivator. Please add me if you would like to!
  • StormyLlewellyn
    I have been hovering around 190's for way took long.
    I want to be around 160's
    I know we can achieve our goals!!
  • chuckels82
    chuckels82 Posts: 22 Member
    Yep, I'm just shy of 5'7". I started MFP at 196 (which was not quite the height of my weight gain), and am now down to 189. I think getting down to 160 by Christmas is definitely doable. I've been on MFP for three weeks now, and lost just over six pounds. I expect to lose another two this week, putting me at 187 by the end of August. Then, it would be just (JUST?!) 27 more pounds to go, and three months to get rid of them. That's definitely doable, but will most certainly take a lot of discipline and commitment. I've been very proud of myself so far.

    To lose the weight, I've been logging all my food on MFP (even on Sundays, which is my "It's okay to indulge a little" day). Additionally, I've completed two weeks of the Insanity workout, and am loving it! So, aside from losing a bit of weight, I"m toning up an awful lot. I'm already trying to decide what to do after my 60 days of Insanity. I might just do it again. It was all I could do to fork out the money for that program. I know I'd have a hard time convincing myself to buy another one. Who knows, though?

    Anyway, great thread. Thanks for starting it. Good luck to all of you, and keep up the good work!