Anybody just walk?



  • Qatsi
    Qatsi Posts: 2,191 Member
    I've been walking as my primary exercise since joining MFP nearly ten months ago. Since then I've logged over 1750 miles and lost nearly 50 pounds.

    Made a commitment to the 10,000 steps a day challenge back in February, and walked my first 5K in April. Participating in an event like that was a real rush for me - it inspired me to sign up for some longer events. I'm doing the Long Beach Marathon in October and the Huntington Beach Marathon in February 2013.
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member

    Here it is, October 18 of last year.
    I hope this posts
    By the way, I don't like walking now, It makes my legs hurt and gives me shinsplints.
    I'd way rather run.
    But you have to start somewhere, don't you?
  • KeegansMomma
    I was just walking about 10 years ago and lost probably 10 pounds in a matter of 3 months.

    I'm going to start walking again this Saturday...hopefully every day for at least 30 minutes and see where that takes me (along with counting calories).
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    Ugh, I hate walking. Probably a symptom of my "type A" personality, but I can't stand to walk when I could run (and when running, I have a compulsion to run fast...well, relatively).

    You should sprint with my greyhound mix. lol. He doesn't run often but when he does.......he is just a blur
  • Krista_1
    Krista_1 Posts: 50 Member
    Not anything against walking-in fact, I think it's great, but..,
    If you joined a gym, I'd work out more intensely than just walking there. I'd recommend getting your measurements before you start, because you may see results in inches before you see them on the scale.
    If you can, lift weights 2-3 times a week, and take a class like Zumba or some other aerobic/cardio type class 2-3 times a week.
    Finally, if you can find or make a friend to be your work out partner, you will increase your level of success. I have many days I don't feel like going, but I know my friend and I have made plans to meet at the gym-so I go.
    Your body will look so fit, because it will be!
  • janecayot
    Thank you so much for Just walking! I am 64, trying to lose weight so badly. I am STUCK at 150 to 155. I walk at least a mile each morning..not weekends, but 98% of the rest of the week. I so badly want to get down to 139! At this point, just hitting 149 would be a big treat! I can't seem to crack that 150 line!
  • willing2try
    willing2try Posts: 23 Member
    My wife and I basically just walk, but at a quick pace, mostly 3.5 sometime 4.0 mph. The only other exercises I record are yard work, mowing, and light dumbell workouts. So it is basicallyy "just walking fast" for usually around 50 minutes, almost every day. I have lost 20 lbs since joining in March of this year.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    Walking is excellent exercise and everyone should walk at least 30 minutes a day, even if they do it in ten minute sessions. But walking alone isn't enough. You need to do strength training or you'll have flab when you do lose weight. You can lose weight without any exercise - including walking. Just cutting calories will do it. Of course, trouble with that is you lose muscle more than fat. At any rate, you need muscle. The only way to get it and keep it is strength training. That can be lifting weights, isometrics or bodyweight. But it has to be done. And the younger we begin doing it, the less muscle we lose as we age and when we lose weight.
  • Cait2286
    Cait2286 Posts: 29
    i walked for almost a month and i lost about 7 pounds.. i really had no way of counting calories, but i really didnt care about calories back then. i just lost my job and something in me clicked that i didnt want to be the person that i was in the mirror anymore. so, one day i just put on some comfy clothes and i just went for a walk.. wasnt very long.. i dont even know how long it was... didnt have anything to track the distance.. but when i got into seeing how far i would go i would just add it up on google maps. now ive lost nearly 30 pounds in 3 1/2 months i just LOVE the person i am even now (with 50 pounds to go til i reach my first goal).. i have more energy then ive ever had. i love working out.. the elliptical is my best friend now.. walking is still something i do often. i'm actually about to go for a walk right now!
  • KF500T
    KF500T Posts: 28 Member
    I tend to just walk but I mix it up. I walk for 30 minutes on the treadmill but every minute I up the incline 1% until it reaches 15% and then I start taking it down 1% until it gets down to 0 for a total of 15 minutes up and 15 minutes down. I walk at a 3.5 pace, too. Its a great fat burner.
  • karawRN
    karawRN Posts: 311
    I am about 1 1/2 months into get fit. I have lost 8 pounds.

    I mostly walk. I go to the gym and do 5 minutes at 0 degrees incline, 5 minutes at 5 degrees incline, 5 minutes at 10 degrees incline, 10 minutes at 15 degrees incline, 5 minutes at 10 degrees incline, 5 minutes at 5 degree incline, and 5 minutes at 0 degrees incline. all at 4.0 pace or greater.

    I run every once in awhile, 5 minutes tops. I also do 30 day shred.

    I am on a 1380 calorie diet. I exercise 3-4 times a week.
  • Pastortommy
    All I do is walk and watch my caloric intake on MFP. I average 3 to 6 miles a day walking at work and try to add 5 miles to that at least 5 evenings per week. Average speed for the evening walks is a little over 3 mph.I have lost 31 pounds since June.