anyone weigh 200lbs or more?



  • Hi I'm new to this blog thing. This is the first time I have posted and I'm only on day 3 of starting this. I am 5'4" and over 200. I am hoping if I get more involved and find some friend to help encourage me I can do this! We are trying for baby number 2 but I feel my weight has made it harder for me to get pregnant. So if anyone would like to be friends send me a request! :)
  • BrandiL83
    BrandiL83 Posts: 100 Member
    I started at 314 lbs. I am now down to 281. I have just a little over 100 lbs to loose to now. Feel free to add me if you want :)
  • znkmommy
    znkmommy Posts: 49 Member
    SW 265
    CW 240
    I would love new friends!
  • i'm currently at 200 trying to make it to 180 and then to 160 then hopefully 140 or below, feel free to add me! :)
  • purpleelephand2011
    purpleelephand2011 Posts: 35 Member
    im in my 3--'S and im only about 5ft 5. but the battle has just begun! add me!
  • javagsd
    javagsd Posts: 82
    I'm at 233 and want to lose 100 more. It's hard right now because I've hit a plateau and can use all the motivation I can get. Feel free to add me.
  • draco706
    draco706 Posts: 174 Member
    I am 5'2'' and 137lbs. I have lost 4 pounds in 2 weeks...I am on the 1 pound a week plan but I have been close to my calorie goals and adding exercise every day. I would love to lose weight with you!
  • 5'10" and 268lbs... Headed for around mid 190's,
  • xTattooedDollx
    xTattooedDollx Posts: 426 Member
    I'm at 244! Feel free to add me!!
  • I would be happy to lose weight with you. I am over 200lbs and have a long way to go...I am 5'8 and 30 years old... :)
  • draco706
    draco706 Posts: 174 Member
  • Glane1
    Glane1 Posts: 3
    I'm right there with you. 5'11" and 221. Figured it's about time to start losing some weight. Would LOVE to have some people around for support.
  • Go1096
    Go1096 Posts: 83 Member
    My highest weight ever was 306 started mfp @ 294 and currently @ 282--I haven't changed my profile weight yet as I am trying to get those extra lbs back down since I have been fluctuating that last couple of days.
    I have mini goals 1st is 230 lbs and then reevaluating from there.

    Feel free to add me!
  • miadvh
    miadvh Posts: 290 Member
    Hi there! Feel free to add me! :)

    I'm 20 and 5'4
    I started at 230 and am at 223 or so right now. My "rough estimate" goal is 130..I say that because the smallest I remember being was 170 so I'm not sure how I'll look once I go lower than that.
  • hi im melinda and i am currently at 224.6 down from over 300 pds. first of all i started the sensa program back in july of 2011 i lost 80 pounds on that. in the last month and a half my husband and i started a low calorie diet but i also am on a diet program thru my doctor. but if it wasnt for my husband doing the calorie counting with me i wouldnt of been able to do it. it takes alot of will power especially if u have children. as long as u set ur mind to it, it can be done. im 41 yrs old and im doing it. if u have a friend or relative to do it with u, it will help the support is one of the most important things when it comes to dieting.:smile:
  • Please add me to your group. I'm 5'5 246 when I started 2 weeks ago and now, 244.
  • kssst
    kssst Posts: 1
    Hi...looks like you've had a lot of responses. But, feel free to add me also. I'm 5'6inch and currently at 216. My heaviest was 253 so I'm making progress. Just started back on here to help keep me motivated.
  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    Feel free to add me :)

    I'm 222 lbs(aprox), 5'4ish. My goal for the end of the year is to lose about 45 lbs and then to lose another 45lbs by mid next year :)
  • msdani12
    msdani12 Posts: 132 Member
    I am 5'9" and weigh 205 lbs. Feel free to add me! I want to get down to 150! (:
  • first of all dont give up i know its hard but its so worth it. sorry that sounds like me, my name is melinda and im 41 yrs old at home mom. back in july of 2011 i was well over 300 pds and it was the heaviest i had ever been. i started the sensa program and i lost 80 as of july of this year. i got to a platuea and couldnt lose anymore so i went to the doctor . since i was mid section obesse she start me on a diet plan thru them. which did really help. i am now down another 19 pds i have1 more pound to lose to hit my hundredth pound lost. but also my hiusband and i started the low calorie and calorie counting about a month ago an he has lost almost 30 pounds, as for me i have only lost 19 but we r doing it together and it really helps to have that support. if it wasnt for him i would of givin up along time ago. i guess what im saying is if u r determind to lose it u can. keep the faith and i wish u a lot of luck