Tired of all the "real dieters"



  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    all these judgmental forum posts really make me annoyed.

    if you dont like how someone is doing something so much than stop reading their journals.

    I come on here for my goals and I frankly will eat as much as I am hungry for and when I am drinking 8-10 glasses of water AND eating healthy/ watching my sodium which is a big deal for me I often just hit 1000-1300.

    If people don't like my food diary then they can stop reading it..

    I don't mind constructive criticism but I hate when people are rude or tell me how I HAVE to eat the RIGHT way. If I tried to please everyone Who knows what I would end up eating because I have had people want me to eat more, less, protein, no meat, more meat, eat back exercise.. dont..etc.

    Just let them do their thing. If you want to help do it gently and if you just wanna pick on them on a forum just unfriend them and save everyone the trouble.

    Only the defensive seem to see it as judgmental...those individuals who want to justify their habits. This post was a "response" tithe thread condemning "fake dieters" so if you didn't read that thread then this post kind of lack context. In any case I wasn't judging anyone--expressing disapproval of changes that are unhealthy, yes. this is not the same as judging the individual.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    The question I have is, have you ever had more than 4 lbs to lose??? If not, you really have no right to pass judgement and you lack the understanding of where the rest of us are coming from and the zeal that we possess to someday be in your shoes.

    Do I count? Have lost close to 90lbs have 60lbs toget into healthy weight range. Started at 1800 currently eat 1690 and will be upping again soon. (since increasing my running cannot be satisfied)

    Look if you need to slow your metabolism to a degree that you're not hungry eating more than a 5 year old that's your choice. But dot act as if what you're doing is particularly healthy.
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    Great post.
  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    I really wish I was the person who could eat 4,000 calories a day and loose 2 pounds. what the farts??? not fair at all!!! >:-(
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    The beauty of our species is that despite our vast similarities, we are all still different and unique in our own way. That means that what works for you now, may not work for all as we all have different bodies, different health histories, different lifestyle, challenges, priorities etc.

    In fact, what works for you now may not work for you in years to come as we also change as time goes by. There is not one rule, one way. Everybody has to find their own groove and sometimes that means making mistakes to learn their own truth and that's fine. Personally I've learnt more from my 'failures' if you like, than my successes.

    Your way works for you, others may find success in other ways, that doesn't make it more or less valid. People have to find their own way, their own journey and learn their own lessons. No point getting heated about what does or doesn't work for others, just concentrate on the only thing you do have control over, yourself.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I really wish I was the person who could eat 4,000 calories a day and loose 2 pounds. what the farts??? not fair at all!!! >:-(

    use this to figure out your TDEE http://www.fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html then go to the left of that page and figure out your BMI.

    while i doubt your TDEE will be 4,000 calories, i bet you'll be surprised for what it is.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member

    Only the defensive seem to see it as judgmental...those individuals who want to justify their habits. This post was a "response" tithe thread condemning "fake dieters" so if you didn't read that thread then this post kind of lack context. In any case I wasn't judging anyone--expressing disapproval of changes that are unhealthy, yes. this is not the same as judging the individual.

    People need to learn. You can't just be perfect from the word go. Were you?

    I mean, you don't look that lean to me - do you need help from me to lean out some more?
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    I'm still clueless and will continue to look and feel like *kitten* until I have sussed it out.
  • PFJules
    PFJules Posts: 26 Member

    yes, with exercise i eat around 1700 a day, but it still equals out to 1200 when you subtract the calories i earned from working out. i LOVE to eat. it's part of the reason i'm here.

    I upped my net 100 cal at a time, it took about a month for my body to settle in but it's made a huge difference in how I feel.
    Maybe try upping yours a bit at a time. The problem with low nets is your body gets used to that and then when you lose more weight, you end up eating less and less.

    I don't understand! Your diary seems to show a net goal of 1400! That's 200 more than the nets you seems to be advising so strongly against! Am I confused?
  • BeanyFrog13
    BeanyFrog13 Posts: 161 Member
    I came here thinking that 1200 was the norm, it's what MFP set me up as, it's what I saw other people doing and thought, well that must be it! Everyone must be just as hungry as me. They all must have headaches. They all must be a bit dizzy occasionally. I wasn't eating back hardly any of my exercise cals, I didn't know what that was, or why you would!

    I couldn't work out why I'd plateaud, I started out so well! So I got demotivated, stopped trying, didn't log at all for ages. Then I came back and started again, once again at 1200 which I knew hadn't worked before. ( I know right?)

    Then I stopped and had a look at the people around me. A lot were at 1300+ cals. I could do that right?

    So I upped my cals. I looked into eating back some exercise cals, not all, I can't cram all the cals in I now have left! But I started to feel better. Started to lose weight again. Started to notice my clothes fitting better.

    I would really urge anyone who's like I was, who knows they feel crappy, who knows it's not working for them and who says "the less calories the better", "don't eat back anything I burn off", "over 1200 and I've lost!", please, PLEASE! Up your cals. Work out more. Eat what you want in moderation, pizza will not kill you once in a while, and let's face it, it's really tasty! I've gone from eating 1200 no matter what I burn, to upping my allowance to 1300 (not that big a change, really, the amount of food in 100 cals!! mmmmmm food) to eating about 1400+ (yesterday I logged 1,747 with a calorie burn and extra cals of 628.)

    I don't always get it right. I don't always eat "correctly". But you can't eat only salad and half an apple with a teaspoon of peanut butter as a treat for the rest of your life, I knew that when I was doing it, and you, you people who are like I was, you know it too!

  • Effpcos
    Effpcos Posts: 350 Member
    I'm on 1200 cal a day, not eating "bird food", BUT I'm also only 5ft tall, not normally hungry, not exercising til I drop, and can't be bothered depriving myself of anything.

    1200 IS an appropriate amount for some people.

    I do however agree that crash dieting is a big NO-NO. And that some people have unrealistic ideas of how weight loss works.

    what's your starting weight??? We're about the same height and i find 1200 to be fine for me.

    It was 204lbs-ish (sorry used to dealing in kgs!), now 184lbs, hoping to get to 120lbs EVENTUALLY. I used to sit quite happily around 100lbs, still had boobs etc, but that was before I had kids.
  • Effpcos
    Effpcos Posts: 350 Member
    I came here thinking that 1200 was the norm, it's what MFP set me up as, it's what I saw other people doing and thought, well that must be it! Everyone must be just as hungry as me. They all must have headaches. They all must be a bit dizzy occasionally. I wasn't eating back hardly any of my <a class="ktg6us78hf8vdu7" href="#">exercise</a> cals, I didn't know what that was, or why you would!

    I couldn't work out why I'd plateaud, I started out so well! So I got demotivated, stopped trying, didn't log at all for ages. Then I came back and started again, once again at 1200 which I knew hadn't worked before. ( I know right?)

    Then I stopped and had a look at the people around me. A lot were at 1300+ cals. I could do that right?

    So I upped my cals. I looked into eating back some exercise cals, not all, I can't cram all the cals in I now have left! But I started to feel better. Started to <a class="ktg6us78hf8vdu7" href="#">lose weight</a> again. Started to notice my clothes fitting better.

    I would really urge anyone who's like I was, who knows they feel crappy, who knows it's not working for them and who says "the less calories the better", "don't eat back anything I burn off", "over 1200 and I've lost!", please, PLEASE! Up your cals. Work out more. Eat what you want in moderation, pizza will not kill you once in a while, and let's face it, it's really tasty! I've gone from eating 1200 no matter what I burn, to upping my allowance to 1300 (not that big a change, really, the amount of food in 100 cals!! mmmmmm food) to eating about 1400+ (yesterday I logged 1,747 with a calorie burn and extra cals of 628.)

    I don't always get it right. I don't always eat "correctly". But you can't eat only salad and half an <a class="ktg6us78hf8vdu7" href="#">apple</a> with a teaspoon of peanut butter as a treat for the rest of your life, I knew that when I was doing it, and you, you people who are like I was, you know it too!


    Not deliberating singling you out but your description of feeling unwell is a good example for me.
    I never feel crappy like that from not eating enough. I have five kids to run around after and couldn't make it through the day if I was "starving" myself. Everyone needs to listen to their own bodies.
    I just don't get why people are anti-"1200-cal-ers". Is it a magic anger-inducing number?!!
  • You_Can_Be
    You_Can_Be Posts: 26 Member
    The problem is that it is unfair to judge people who have been fed crap all their lives as a child and then continued to feed themselves the same way as adults. Any nutritionist will tell you that fat and sugar are addictive and it is not so easy to stop, your brain craves it, like a drug. People feed themselves because of other issues too such as comfort. I used to work for the Royal College of Paediatrics on an anti obesity project for children and one of the main obesity indicators is having an overweight mother, another is being overweight before the age of 5 (not most peoples choice), another is being bottle fed rather than breast fed. Things that most people do not have control over themselves.. One of the new problems with obesity in children is parents feeding their children sweets chocolate and treat foods to compensate for the fact that they are never there (i.e.. working parents).

    My view is that a person needs to walk two moons in another mans moccasins before he can judge. I thought I would NEVER become overweight. I was very fit before I had my daughter, I used to run every day and go to the gym 5 times a week and do yoga 3 times. I then became a single parent not my choice, was unable to attend the gym because I could not afford it, not could I find anyone to have my daughter. I couldn't run with her so I walked with her in a back pack until she was 2. I now have a sedentary job at which I work every hour my daughter is not at school including evenings. We eat a healthy balanced diet with occasional treats. My daughter is a healthy slim weight but for me having gone through an early menopause, the pounds have begun to slowly creep on. Whilst I am not obese by any means I am over what I consider to be a healthy weight. I never stopped the healthy eating option and the weight carried on creeping up. I tried reducing my intake just a bit and the weight was not shifting. So I have resorted to a fitbit that tells me what I can eat in relation to my daily calorie burn. If I don't eat 1200 cals a day or less I do not lose weight. At 1220 (approx I am losing a steady pound or so a week which is a balanced way to lose weight, I will stop when I get to a healthy weight for my height)

    So please don't judge others everyone on here is doing their best in their own way. What works for one person does not necessarily work for another. We all need to support one another to do the best we can. Food/overeating is a hard habit to break.
  • SimonIsChanging
    SimonIsChanging Posts: 91 Member
    YAWN, Another one of these threads.
  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    well said I love my food and Im glad Im healthy enough to be able to eat,Im three months constantly on MFP and its a great help to be able to log what I eat cos it keeps me on track,I eat loads couldnt live on less than 1500 cals a day but I do eat good food,I know what you mean if you look at a diary and I would only do so if asked and you see health bars and chips and stuff like that for breakfast I think WTF how can you call that healthy and yes I love ice cream and the odd glass of wine and my hidden stash of freddo bars but that a treat not a habit! I didnt develop healthy eating habits until I learned to cook for myself my mother had me convinced that fruit and veg was bad for you and we lived on very fatty meat and potatoes buns cakes and sweets loadsw of white bread and butter,she didnt know any better but thats no reason not to re educate yourself!
  • sunshine2212677
    sunshine2212677 Posts: 88 Member
    I'm on 1200 cal a day, not eating "bird food", BUT I'm also only 5ft tall, not normally hungry, not exercising til I drop, and can't be bothered depriving myself of anything.

    1200 IS an appropriate amount for some people.

    I do however agree that crash dieting is a big NO-NO. And that some people have unrealistic ideas of how weight loss works.

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    What some call "judging," I call "sharing knowledge and experience." If you don't think it applies to you... if you're perfectly happy with your progress doing what you're doing, carry on. Keep doing what's working for you.

    But if you're someone who, like I used to be, is frustrated by slow progress, think there's something wrong with you because the weight just won't budge, aren't happy with your body composition, are convinced that you have a slow metabolism, believe you need to shave even MORE calories if you want to lose more weight, are convinced you need to avoid certain foods or food groups, or think that you're just stuck with the body you have... it's time to open your mind a little.

    Because pretty much EVERYTHING I thought I knew about weight loss was WRONG, and I've never been so happy to be wrong.


    I'm a Ms. Fix-it by nature. I restore antique furniture. I rescue stray and special needs pets. I've been a vet tech. I'm great at home repair. I run a dating advice site. I even buy wilted plants and nurse them back to health. I hate seeing people, animals and even inanimate objects suffer. I want everyone and everything to feel and be at it's best, so offering advice in THIS realm is no different.

    Like someone else said, if this post helps one person change their outlook and try something new, it's worth it.
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    Great post! I honestly believe that the American diet is killing us slowly. Since I have adapted a clean eating lifestyle I have seen vast improvements in my health, and I could not be happier. Do I eat clean 100% of the time? No. But I view every time I put something in my mouth as an opportunity to further my health or further my slow death. It truly helps me make better decisions. It may be an extreme way of looking at things, but its working for me. It keeps me on track.

    It kills me everytime I see a recipe for "low cal cheesecake bites" or whatever new dessert someone made. Can you have them occasionally? Yes, but I think the term "moderation" means different things to different people. In my book, moderation is very rarely. You can't eat sweets every day! You can't eat massive amounts of carbs every day! You can't be healthy and eat like crap!

    I truly believe that balance is key. Eat to sustain and put you in a good place, not take a step back.

    (I should add that made lifestyle changes half to lose weight, and half for other medical reasons, which I found out only after I began my clean eating and workout regimine. I'm so glad I already changed things before the doctor told me what poor health I was in. In one month I've already seen a vast improvement in my numbers.)
  • Stuz359
    Stuz359 Posts: 81
    I agree it's annoying, but I feel like most people are where I was, just trying to educate themselves. The problem is that there are so many myths and psuedo science attached to weight loss that it takes time to wade through all that (mis)information. I will never condemn anyone who is actually trying to do something about their weight, no matter how misguided their initial forays into weight loss are.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    You can't eat sweets every day!

    Why not? If it fits your calories and macros, why not?

    A little over a week ago, I made a pile of mini cupcakes. I took most of them to a party at my brother's, and kept about a dozen and a half for myself.

    Two of those cupcakes are 95 calories. If I'm hitting close to my macro goals, there's plenty of wiggle room for some goodies. Damn straight I'm eating sweets every day.