Which supplements do you take/recommend?



  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member

    uhhhh you DO realize that this has been pulled from the market in the US due to it being dangerous...

    its still available... It just can not be sold in pure Ephedrine form. Its not banned because its dangerous.. Its banned because you can make Crystal Meth from it. If mixed with another active ingredient, its still legal, but is kept behind the counter.
    EC stack (what I posted) is Ephedrine and Caffeine. And I am in the USA.

    I take it in the form of Primatine tablets.. others use Bronk-aid....

    the only danger with it is the same as any other effective medication.. if you take retarded amounts of it, or take it when you shouldnt (high blood pressure for example) there are concquences. The largest problem with it as a diet aid is the physical effects felt by the user subside over time, and dumb people jack up the amount to get the same 'buzz' as they felt the first time they took it.

    also, its a much Much MUCH more effective Sudafed.... pesudo-ephedrine does not work nearly as well for colds.

    interesting. it may be a state thing. i DO know for fact that though that if its not at least prohibited from being sold as an ingredient/additive, it is restricted.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member

    uhhhh you DO realize that this has been pulled from the market in the US due to it being dangerous...

    ^^This is completely not true and bad information there... The quantity of it you can buy at once has just been limited controlled behind the pharmacy counters because of the illegal drug methamphetamine. In fact you can get several brands over the counter at ANY pharmacy just got to show an id. Bronkaid is a version you can buy.

    Edit: post up top beat me to mine hahaha
  • RHHMom
    RHHMom Posts: 34 Member
    Ca/Mg/Zn (for patience, such a huge difference for me!)
    Folic Acid

    MFP tells me I need more iron ...any recommendations?
  • wazert
    wazert Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks! It makes sense now. I think I will get the supplement and just take a low dose.
  • In my opinion, Shakeology is much better nutritionally than the product that you mentioned. I would however suggest that anyone that is serious about taking any product take a look at ingredients and compare. Shakeology does fill me up and will tide me over for two to three hours. There are three different options for flavors, Chocolate, Tropical Strawberry (my favorite) and Greenberry. I would be happy to send you a sample as I am a Beachbody Coach and offer this to anyone that is interested. Let me know!
  • AngInCanada
    AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
    I don't take anything. I used to take quite a few supplements trying to combat anxiety and panic attacks but ended up on meds since supplements weren't working. I have also been diagnosed with a blood clotting disorder so fish oils are out since they are blood thinners. May start taking a multi, c, d, calcium and magnesium again though
  • sonjarogers72
    sonjarogers72 Posts: 110 Member
    I take the women's active vitapaks from GNC
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member

    uhhhh you DO realize that this has been pulled from the market in the US due to it being dangerous...

    It's been pulled from the market in the US due to being commonly used as a precursor to recreational drugs. And I'm not in the US.

    Edit - Now I've caught up with the thread I see this has all been dealt with so disregard this post!
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member

    uhhhh you DO realize that this has been pulled from the market in the US due to it being dangerous...

    its still available... It just can not be sold in pure Ephedrine form. Its not banned because its dangerous.. Its banned because you can make Crystal Meth from it. If mixed with another active ingredient, its still legal, but is kept behind the counter.
    EC stack (what I posted) is Ephedrine and Caffeine. And I am in the USA.

    I take it in the form of Primatine tablets.. others use Bronk-aid....

    the only danger with it is the same as any other effective medication.. if you take retarded amounts of it, or take it when you shouldnt (high blood pressure for example) there are concquences. The largest problem with it as a diet aid is the physical effects felt by the user subside over time, and dumb people jack up the amount to get the same 'buzz' as they felt the first time they took it.

    also, its a much Much MUCH more effective Sudafed.... pesudo-ephedrine does not work nearly as well for colds.

    Funny you say that, I actually HATED that buzz when I first started on the stack, being ridiculously hot all the time and breaking into sweats and feeling jittery. I was so glad when I adapted to it and it stopped. I certainly won't be upping any doses to get that back.
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member

    uhhhh you DO realize that this has been pulled from the market in the US due to it being dangerous...

    If you read his profile he doesn't live in the US... I'm not sure what the rules are for it over here (UK) but they must be different to the US if he's taking it.

    I saw that. Which is why I included "in the US" rather than just saying its been pulled.
    FYI. It's still available in the US in some over the counter meds, like Bronkaid & Primatine
  • rivka_m
    rivka_m Posts: 1,007 Member
    Ca/Mg/Zn (for patience, such a huge difference for me!)
    Folic Acid

    MFP tells me I need more iron ...any recommendations?

    I'd check with your doc first before taking anything over 100% RDA of iron. If the doc wants you to take it, I've had good luck with SlowFe in the past, it didn't upset my stomach at all.
  • I take a cup of milk ,green vegetables ,juice etc.
  • rjcelmer
    rjcelmer Posts: 431 Member
    Each morning, I take:
    - One-A-Day Men's Health Pro Edge Multivitamin
    - Ester-C 1000mg Vitamin C
    - Spring Valley 600mg Calcium

    For workouts:
    - Pre: 1.M.R. mixed with water
    - During: Blox Silk Amino acid mixed with coconut water
    - After: Dymatize Elite Fusion 7 protein (cookies & cream) mixed with almond milk
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    Ca/Mg/Zn (for patience, such a huge difference for me!)
    Folic Acid

    MFP tells me I need more iron ...any recommendations?

    I'd check with your doc first before taking anything over 100% RDA of iron. If the doc wants you to take it, I've had good luck with SlowFe in the past, it didn't upset my stomach at all.

    Yeah, don't listen to MFP about nutrition recommendations...a lot of the entries are missing a large portion of their nutrition bits (esp vit/mins). I would only worry about basic supplements unless you have labwork to show the need for otherwise (so, basic multivitamin with iron)
  • RHHMom
    RHHMom Posts: 34 Member
    Ca/Mg/Zn (for patience, such a huge difference for me!)
    Folic Acid

    MFP tells me I need more iron ...any recommendations?

    I'd check with your doc first before taking anything over 100% RDA of iron. If the doc wants you to take it, I've had good luck with SlowFe in the past, it didn't upset my stomach at all.

    Yeah, don't listen to MFP about nutrition recommendations...a lot of the entries are missing a large portion of their nutrition bits (esp vit/mins). I would only worry about basic supplements unless you have labwork to show the need for otherwise (so, basic multivitamin with iron)

    Hadn't thought of that, thanks!
  • dukesangel
    dukesangel Posts: 45 Member
    On a daily basis I take:

    Vit D3
    Milk Thistle
    Physillium Husk with probiotics
  • ravengirl1611
    ravengirl1611 Posts: 285 Member
    It looks like almost everyone takes fish oil supplement, do you really feel a difference?
    Also, by tracking my food I have realized that I get very little potassium in every day. And I'm not fan of bananas. So I looked at potassium supplements and each pill is only 3% of daily recommended intake. Anyone know why it is so low? Is it because it is really dangerous if you get too much?

    I don't think it's too dangerous as apparently ages ago Gordon Ramsey was eating up to 12 bananas a day to increase his potassium intake..

    Do NOT go over your daily recommended amount of potassium - an overload of potassium is deadly - it can kill you and kill you very quickly - too much potassium can stop your heart almost instantly.

    The recommended daily intake of potassium is 4700mg

    btw - the average sized banana has about 450mg of potassium and isnt even on the top 10 list of potassium rich foods.
  • trackercasey76
    trackercasey76 Posts: 781 Member
    I was taking Glucosamine & Chondroitin but Went to a bone/ joint specialist on Tuesday and he said to save my money because it does nothing.