I find it kinda sad...



  • bellavita0125
    bellavita0125 Posts: 116 Member
    honestly, YES it is annoying. People can't make a change until they decide to themselves. I would think it's common sense that anything deep fried is not healthy whatsoever, but then again, some people lack common sense. However, like another poster said, your coworker could have done a lot more damage than the fillet of fish or whatever the heck it is. If they got soda and fries then...well, that cancels it out LOL. Now I want some fries. Better go chug some water...
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    My shake my head and press my lips together moment was when my MIL told me Sunny-D was healthy. In fact she thinks all bottled juices (ie, apple, grape, orange) are healthy. I've tried to explain that the sugar is still really high in these juices and asked her to please only occasionally give them to my kids. I'm a firm believer in "everything in moderation."

    At 50 calories a pop, it is not exactly the worst thing you can give to a kid. My kids get it for picnics or special treats instead of soda. Guess what? A lot less calories than any juice or soda out there. I also use it to mix drinks occasionally because of the lower calories.

    Unfortunately my kids were getting about double the 6.75 oz, which was their daily sugar intake with little to no nutritional value. That's a good idea mixing it.

    Even if it is completely straight sugar.......at 100 cals that would be 25g/carbs(sugar). How much sugar are you trying to limit them to daily?
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    My mom thinks that any cookie with oatmeal in it is "healthy" for you.

    I don't even bother arguing with her about it anymore because she always "wins" no matter what.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    My shake my head and press my lips together moment was when my MIL told me Sunny-D was healthy. In fact she thinks all bottled juices (ie, apple, grape, orange) are healthy. I've tried to explain that the sugar is still really high in these juices and asked her to please only occasionally give them to my kids. I'm a firm believer in "everything in moderation."

    Sunny D Is gross! They use to give it to us before band trips with ddonuts. I was 15 and overweight but I knew it wasn't good for you. I got in trouble for dumping the sunny D and filing the bottle at the water fountain....... because "that juice is good for you and there's no vitamins in ae...." I just remember thinking, 'lady, thats not juice!'

    I've never understood why people drink that. Why not just drink orange juice?
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    OH my Heck! My husband thinks that Sun Chips are 'healthy' and so he can eat an entire bag!
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    Another friend recently told me that their wife thought Nutella was health food as well and insisted on having it

    To be fair nutella has been advertised as "1/2 the fat of peanut butter and 1/2 the sugar of jam"
    So the advertising does try to pretend its healthy.
    If you did't know that pb has massess of fat nd jam sugar, you could easily be misled
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    Another friend recently told me that their wife thought Nutella was health food as well and insisted on having it regularly.

    It's CRAZY how many people think Nutella is healthy. Look at the freaking label! It's sugar with some nuts and chocolate thrown in!
    It is astounding. Nutella advertises themselves as being the healthy alternative, especially for kids.

    I have Nutella every night. Lost 8 lbs and 7 inches all over so far.


    How YOU doing?
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Another friend recently told me that their wife thought Nutella was health food as well and insisted on having it regularly.

    It's CRAZY how many people think Nutella is healthy. Look at the freaking label! It's sugar with some nuts and chocolate thrown in!
    It is astounding. Nutella advertises themselves as being the healthy alternative, especially for kids.

    I have Nutella every night. Lost 8 lbs and 7 inches all over so far.


    How YOU doing?


    No no.

    How...YOU doin?
  • ashbee03
    ashbee03 Posts: 274 Member
    Food is food.
    It's tough to eat pure natural and healthy.
    All the time.

    Just eat what you want.
    We can exercise hard, eat perfectly, but we're all going to die anyways.

    Nutella may not be healthy, but it's better than other things.

    A fish sandwhich with some processed cheese and mayo, better than a greasy beef burger with some processed cheese and mayo.

    Chocolate milk, I LIVED on that as a kid. AND not to blame for my obesity, I didn't get crazily obese until I lived on my own and couldn't afford whole balanced meals, and over binged on junk.

    Nothing is perfect, not even food.
    But there are other alternatives.

    Stop being so nit picky, not everyone wants to be a health nut.
    And atleast they are TRYING to be health concious.
    I;d be so happy if my boyfriend would prefer these so called horrible things that are healthier in my eyes.
    I mean, not hamburger helper, or anything boxed (fake potatoes etc)
    Or anything PACKED with chemicals.

    REminder, not all words you can't pronounce are unhealthy. Some healthier things have scientific names.
    I saw that on the Dr's LOL

    Yes, some things you might as well eat the real thing because real bacon, is healthier than turkey/chicken bacon.
    If you're going to have bacon, have real bacon, only 50 or so more calories, but normal. Whereas turkey and chicken bacons have alot of chemicals.

    But no reason to loook down on people who may not be health concious.
    But they ARE eating better than they could be.
    Or atleast trying.

    Not everything everybody eats is going to be healthy unless you're a rabbit, or bob harper, or something.

    Fresh whole everything.

    I bet we could all go through everybodies diary on here and find one thing and say "OH LOOK AT THAT, not healthy"
    I ate canned soup today !
    OH NOES !

    Everything in moderation.
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    You can look up Not My Mama's Meals on the cooking channel website. Her son Bobby tries to revamp her recipes to make them somewhat healthier. It's interesting to watch, too.

    I have seen this he's really good!
  • ravengirl1611
    ravengirl1611 Posts: 285 Member
    you cant make peoples choices for them (unfortunately....lol) but I know for me I didnt get overweight from overeating - I gained weight from not eating enough and when I did eat eating crap and not moving. I finished school and got a desk job that was high stress - so when I changed jobs I started making slightly better choices - I started making myself eat at least 3 times a day instead of the once a day I had been eating - no my food choices may not have been the best (a lot of mcdonalds cheeseburgers) and a co-worker said I needed to eat better - my response was first I need to learn how to eat then I'll learn how to eat better - not the best way to go about things but it was the way that worked for me - now Im here and learning to make better choices but I still have my mcdonalds once in a while though and along with teaching myself how to eat better and move better Im now teaching my mom too so we're both getting healthier together!
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    Another friend recently told me that their wife thought Nutella was health food as well and insisted on having it regularly.

    It's CRAZY how many people think Nutella is healthy. Look at the freaking label! It's sugar with some nuts and chocolate thrown in!
    It is astounding. Nutella advertises themselves as being the healthy alternative, especially for kids.

    I have Nutella every night. Lost 8 lbs and 7 inches all over so far.


    How YOU doing?


    No no.

    How...YOU doin?

    I'm arrright
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Another friend recently told me that their wife thought Nutella was health food as well and insisted on having it

    To be fair nutella has been advertised as "1/2 the fat of peanut butter and 1/2 the sugar of jam"
    So the advertising does try to pretend its healthy.
    If you did't know that pb has massess of fat nd jam sugar, you could easily be misled

    I think the problem is people think dietary fat and sugar make you fat...........but that's just what I think.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    the best breakfast for a diet is two strawberry poptarts and a giant glass of OJ O_o
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    We're all clueless at some point. I thought I was making a good healthy decision by getting the kid's meal instead of the real meal at Whataburger when my coworkers all wanted fast food. Better decision, sure, but not really working toward my goals much. No wonder I gained and lost the same 5lbs the first year on MFP.

    But if you want to, you learn. If whatever's not working, hopefully you realize it and alter your approach. When you're ready to read and listen, you will.
  • Tonyv01
    Tonyv01 Posts: 56 Member
    Ideally McDonald’s isn’t the best choice all the way around, but if that is where you end up, Eat This Not That suggests:
    …and the Fish Filet is better the some other items
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Personally... I don't blame food for my obesity. I blame poor decision-making. I find it funny how several posts in this thread mention skinny people suggesting a treat as healthy alternative to something less healthy and you all want to blame fast metabolism... guess what... Their metabolism isn't any different than yours. Metabolism isn't some mystical power that varies in potency from person to person. Calorie deficit is the only thing that impacts metabolism. If you want a faster metabolism, eat less and move more. If you think denying yourself treats will get you there, then more power to you, but there is a significant psychological component to weight loss, and blaming food is a recipe for disaster where that is concerned.

    Best of luck to you all.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Personally... I don't blame food for my obesity. I blame poor decision-making. I find it funny how several posts in this thread mention skinny people suggesting a treat as healthy alternative to something less healthy and you all want to blame fast metabolism... guess what... Their metabolism isn't any different than yours. Metabolism isn't some mystical power that varies in potency from person to person. Calorie deficit is the only thing that impacts metabolism. If you want a faster metabolism, eat less and move more. If you think denying yourself treats will get you there, then more power to you, but there is a significant psychological component to weight loss, and blaming food is a recipe for disaster where that is concerned.

    Best of luck to you all.

    Please read this over and over again, great post
  • sicilysclover
    sicilysclover Posts: 173 Member
    Another friend recently told me that their wife thought Nutella was health food as well and insisted on having it regularly.

    It's CRAZY how many people think Nutella is healthy. Look at the freaking label! It's sugar with some nuts and chocolate thrown in!

    To be fair - the commercials for it are so misleading!! If a company says its "hazlenuts and a sprinkle of cocoa" i'd buy it thinking it was healthy. Since I've been on MFP though, I know better. I think it's so unfair that marketing for a product can make you believe its all-natural and healthy.
  • StrawberrySprinkles
    I'm actually more surprised at the things that are healthier than I thought, like pork rinds.

    I haven't had a pork rind...in.............over 3 yrs... British people have this thing about 'pork scratchings'...basically..a bit of really hard pork skin with a *THICK* layer of crunchy fat underneath... I'm sure they are tasty..but I'd much rather have a pork rind... <3 things that are crunchy.