I just wish she had the same passion for healthy eating...

ls_66 Posts: 395 Member
DW idea of preparing meals is the following:
1) Roasted chicken from grocery store
2) Frozen meals
3) Semi-prepared foods
4) Pasta loaded with heavy cream sauce
5) Take out or dine in....
She is about 35 pounds overweight with multiple health issues due to poor eating habits and lack of physical activity I know she would be so much better if she would eat healthier... but nothing goes through her... she is in deep denial
Ladies what changed your mind? How did you turn your life around?


  • Anastacia1119
    Anastacia1119 Posts: 157 Member
    Honestly? I hated the way I felt and looked. I just got sick of feeling sluggish and the way I looked in the mirror. I finally woke up one day and realized enough was enough.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Honestly, I had to make the decision for myself. I'm not sure there's really anything you can do to get her to change (though leading by example might help).

    What percentage of the time is DW in charge of preparing meals? If she's the main cook, remember that you aren't only asking her to eat better, but you are asking her to learn a whole new set of cooking skills and recipes, which is a pain for someone who isn't really into cooking in the first place, as I gather she is from what you're describing. In that case, your best bet is to take over the majority of the cooking duties.
  • mtmom1012
    mtmom1012 Posts: 31 Member
    Same as above. But it's something no one could could decide for me...I had to do it myself. You need to let her decide for herself.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    I wonder if her meal prep habits stem from:

    -Not knowing how to cook
    -Not having the time to cook
    -Or simply being too tired to cook

    I never really learned to cook so I ate much like your wife (minus the cream sauce). I'm still not much of a cook, but I'm trying out new things each week. I also just bought a slow cooker because it seems pretty idiot-proof. Even I can layer things in a big crockpot and turn it on without a problem! :laugh:
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I got tired of being overweight, and scared that my health was going to start falling apart. My husband was slower to get on board with the healthy eating, and it was frustrating for me too. I tried everything I could think of to 'encourage' him, but finally I realized that he had to decide to make the changes for himself. I backed off, and now he is making healthier choices. He has changed his eating and ifestyle slowly and much more gradually than I did, but he is doing much better. He has lost 16 pounds so far!
    I think the best thing you can do is to continue trying to do what you know is best for you. She may just come around eventually.
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    It was a picture that I saw of myself... with a group of my friends. I thought that I looked great and we were all having a great time while someone snapped some candid shots of us. The next day one of my friends printed off THE PIC that did it for me and posted it on the bulletin board at work... can't wait for the next event and the next picture ... because that catapulted my desire to regain control and everyday I get closer to my goal. The truth is that I never really understood how much I had put on until I saw the dreaded picture :S
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    You could sometimes offer to make the meal, and then prepare something healthy and tasty. I imagine most women would respond better to that than to being asked to make a healthy meal. And if she likes it, you can do it more often.
  • RaineMarie
    RaineMarie Posts: 158 Member
    When I first decided I need to start eating healthier and working out regularly, it was for a multitude of reasons converging at once, about 4 years ago.. I had just finished law school and really didnt have a reason not to be healthy - I wasnt even working for a few months so I had a lot of free time. A year prior I had a cancer scare, and then six months after that I got bronchitis which turned into pneumonia because my body couldnt fight it off. On top of that, I was going into the Air Force and clearly needed to be in better shape. I just made the decision I was going to get in better shape and eat healthy. I hired a personal trainer, and then asked my brother (who is a chef) for advice on eating. It helped.

    Last year I fell off the wagon after suffering a knee injury that took 9 months to recover (The first 5 months I had a terrible doctor who couldnt figure out what was wrong or how to fix it - then I got a new doctor and got better). But during those 9 months pretty much most exercise was off limits except upper body workouts. I felt miserable and started eating like crap. I have since gained 15lbs. I am really serious now about losing it (I think an impending deployment has driven that) but my boyfriend isnt so much determined. Of course he says he wants to lose weight and we need to take weight loss more seriously, but then he brews beer at his house, and he eats whatever you put in front of him (granted, he works out a ton, and I dont even think he needs to lose weight!) But basically, I just make sure that we cook more foods instead of eating out all of the time. If we eat out, I will choose something healthy which generally makes him choose something healthy too. When I decided I was going to stop eating cereal and replace it with different types of eggs for breakfast, that has forced him to do the same when we eat breakfast together...

    Point is - your wife isnt going to start getting healthy, until she really feels like she is ready. She has to really be in that zone. But what you can do to help out is try to get her to engage in healthy activities with you. If you are concerned about the foods she prepares, then offer to cook sometimes. Dont push her out of the kitchen and put up a "do not enter" sign or anything like that because that would clearly be insulting! But, offer like once or twice a week to cook something for her, or tell her you found a new recipe and you want to try to make it together! Healthy cooking can be really fun! And if she doesnt have the cooking skills as it seems like she might not, this can also help her to develop them. :)
  • MelStren
    MelStren Posts: 457 Member
    Honestly? I hated the way I felt and looked. I just got sick of feeling sluggish and the way I looked in the mirror. I finally woke up one day and realized enough was enough.

    This was me too. I was thin and active when I was younger. I'm 44 now and still 14lbs over my ideal weight.
    Maybe you could offer to cook a couple times a week?
  • aqm22
    aqm22 Posts: 153 Member
    DW idea of preparing meals is the following:
    1) Roasted chicken from grocery store
    2) Frozen meals
    3) Semi-prepared foods
    4) Pasta loaded with heavy cream sauce
    5) Take out or dine in....
    She is about 35 pounds overweight with multiple health issues due to poor eating habits and lack of physical activity I know she would be so much better if she would eat healthier... but nothing goes through her... she is in deep denial
    Ladies what changed your mind? How did you turn your life around?

    Does she know how to cook? Or does she just don't want to cook?

    Why don't you try to cook her a nice simple healthy but TASTY dish? She might change her mind. Help her make small changes so she doesn't freak out and be overwhelmed. Small steps over time can do wonder.

    As for me, I'm not a good example. I've always been at a healthy weight and fairly active. (Tomboy right here.) But desk job, depression, non weight related health issues made me sedentary n coupled with eating as if I still run around on my feet 5hrs a day made me gain weight =)

    So, as soon as I was allow to move around again, I joined a gym. I hated lying around all day.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    She has to make the decision, not you. Nagging never got anyone to lose weight, stop smoking, quit drinking, or lose any other bad habit.

    If her idea of cooking doesn't match yours, why don't you take over some of the cooking duties? If she has more free time than you, then maybe you take over cooking on weekends, or X amount of times a week. Set a good example and hope she follows.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Seeing pitctures of myself!!!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    You could sometimes offer to make the meal, and then prepare something healthy and tasty. I imagine most women would respond better to that than to being asked to make a healthy meal. And if she likes it, you can do it more often.

    She has the want to change. Until then, just be a good role model, let her see you eating good and feling great... And start cooking a few meals of super duper yummy (healthy) things for her.

    My husband (of 21 years) rarely eats healthy. He's , I guess what you call "skinny-fat".. Always been skinny, but has a gut on him and is tired and headachy more and more often. He thinks because he is skinny he can eat how he wants. He seriously blames his gut on gravity having pulled all his internal organs down to his belly area. (he sure sounds serious when he blames it on that). When he says something about me looking good or having energy, I smile and say " thank! I exercise."
    Hopefully soon that wil be enough to get him to join in the healthy living. Obviously the heartbattackmwhen he was 39 didn't have an impact. ( it was a bloodclot, not cholesterol, but exercise and proper diet would have reduced his chances of the blood clot in the first place, he has Renaulds)

    He has decided to order iced tea instead of soda recently, and no longer uses about 4 packis of sugar in a small coffee.. And that took 20.5 years of marriage to get here.
  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    Your list sounds like she's too tired to cook and want quick fixes.
    Are you able to cook for her?

    Seriously though.. you could encourage her to do more exercise with you.. walk more, run, challenging computer games (New generation consoles with moving games).. those sorts of things. Then maybe she might want to lose it.
    Otherwise it's just a waiting game.

    I've known all my life I needed to do something, but never really bothered until I had children. Then I knew I needed to do it for them.
  • SmexAppeal
    SmexAppeal Posts: 858 Member
    For me, my son changed my outlook on life. After I gave birth I figured I would drop the weight easily. I had only gained 30 lbs with my pregnancy. Almost a year later and I realized I hadn't lost any, in fact I may have gained a couple pounds. But when I saw that scale hit 200 lbs I flipped out. I knew I had to make the change. I knew there wasn't some magic pill and that it was going to take hard work and dedication. So I just made a change in myself. And for once I kept a new years resolution! Weightloss has been slow, but its been steady. And now I've added lifting in and I feel strong, confident, energetic and plain and simple... wonderful!! It's just got to be a wake up call for herself. If she is happy the way she is, then she will see no reason to change. Because the changes are not easy!
    Good luck to you and your DW :)
  • cartrat
    cartrat Posts: 120 Member
    the movie, "fathead" really changed my whole outlook on eating.

    but the real propellant: the day after my fiance proposed to me, we were going to his cousin's wedding and i put on a dress that used to be so loose on me once upon a time and he couldn't zip it up...

    i don't want to be a fat bride :sad:
  • kruegekm
    kruegekm Posts: 6 Member
    You know what? She probably knows she's unhealthy and feels bad about it, but maybe doesn't believe she can do anything about it. That's where I was for years. And when my husband would try to bring it up, I reacted by getting RED HOT ANGRY, mostly because I was really embarrassed and ashamed.

    About the cooking: start preparing good meals that are healthy for you two. When she likes, them, you can mention that they are healthily prepared and that you're happy about that.

    The thing that eventually changed my mind was getting to exercise. starting with small things (like taking evening walks together) could be a good start. Those endorphins eventually start working their magic.
  • Glowbee
    Glowbee Posts: 68 Member
    I made new friends with three women who are all older than I, with children, are absolutely beautiful inside and out. I'm average size, (er, was..) and I was the biggest girl in the room for the first time in my life. I watched them throw back cocktails and talk about the half marathons they were running, all while wearing short and sexy dresses. They threw their arms around me and told me I could do it, too! It wasn't that hard! Just start running! So I did.

    So for me it was inspirational women in my life who believed in me. Perhaps she has a healthy friend that can inspire her? You are an inspiration to her, too! Tell her you love her and she's beautiful no matter what, but you want to support her to be the very best she can be. Offer to do it together with her! I know I couldn't have done it without my Army husband showing me how to begin.

    Best of luck!
  • ls_66
    ls_66 Posts: 395 Member
    One of the biggest issues is she HATES cooking.... absolutely.... hates it, I love to cook and if I had more time I would probably do it, right now I try to cook my own meals since I'm trying to be mostly vegetarian, everything I cook is deemed weird by both DW and my 2 kids...
  • eazieske
    eazieske Posts: 212 Member
    i know when my husban would pressure me about me being over weight i would not listen to him he would say lets eat better and exercise i was rebelling against him but once he backed off i was good i had to think about my goals and say i cant accoplish what i want out of life if i dont lose weight and get healthy i have to lose weight if i want to have kids and be healthy to do those things and life long so i can watch my kids grow up!!!!! so just back off alittle and maybe she will come around good luck!!