
  • tjk71
    tjk71 Posts: 167
    I can't live without my coffee in the morning! If I did no one would want to be around me......I have slowly switched from my flavored creamers , to flavored coffee w/ skim milk, and now I drink flavored coffee w/ unsweetened vanilla almond milk. LOVE IT!!!
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    i drink my coffee completely and totally black, just like my soul. no sugar, no cream, no sweeteners, nothing.

    i secretly think anyone who doesnt get their coffee this way is a ***** hehe.

    *coffee snob*

    I love you
  • Smiling_Sara
    Smiling_Sara Posts: 203 Member
  • catpow2
    catpow2 Posts: 206 Member
    I use splenda and 2% milk--probably 1/4 cup or less--so that's about 40-50 calories? I've also done Splenda and almond milk. Almond milk is pretty thick so I think it works well in coffee and that it's even few calories I believe. There's probably also some non-fat flavored creamers you could try.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    I use land o'lakes fat free half and half...then I add cinnamon. I have also read on low carb forums everyone using coconut milk..they're nuts for it.

    I love my coffee!!!!
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    The mini moo's by land o lakes, but I prefer milk either way- cream's to heavy for me personally.

    Kroger makes a powder lacotse free low cal flavored creamer set, it's pretty good when I want fancy coffee.
  • ParaSempreAmor11
    ParaSempreAmor11 Posts: 105 Member
    when i drink my coffees i use 0% non fat skim milk as replace of the cream and for sugar i still use 2tsp of sugar
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 839 Member
    I need my coffee, too! I use a packet of Stevia or Truvia and about 1 tsp. of fat-free creamer with each cup. I probably drink 3-4 cups every morning. At least once a week I get a skinny latte (sugar-free, fat-free milk) from my favorite coffee spot. I plan for those calories and either work out extra or cut a snack. (I usually count my latte as my morning snack.) I do enough sacrificing in all other areas. I'm keeping my coffee! :drinker:
  • The biggest help for me was dropping the cream and sugar out of my coffee. It was hard but I enjoy plain, black coffee much more now (plus it's like 0-5 calories that way so no big deal).

    For sweetener though, I occasionally use splenda or sweet-n-low.
  • dawten
    dawten Posts: 61 Member
    I drink 1- 24 Ounce cup of coffee everyday. I put approx. 2 tbls of sugar free caramel macciato creamer (nestle) and I use 2 packets of Truvia. Truvia is calorie free, but does have 1 carb per packet. (no biggie) Oh, and it actually tastes really good. I could dip strawberries in Truvia, or top my cereal with it and it is very good. Gas stations don't offer Truvia, at least not where I go. I buy my own box of Truvia at the grocery store in the baking aisle. I carry the packets around in my purse and I'm all good. :)
  • kolkol
    kolkol Posts: 300 Member
    I just use the creamer only mine is 35 per tbsp too, sometimes I'll do 3 tbsp, I skip sugar and I never ever have nasty sugar substitutes they are disgusting in coffee and not good for you. If I use sugar I use real.
    There are agave (liquid natural sugar) coffee flavors you can add but I have not had any. Im kinda scared of even putting agave in my coffee for some reason.
  • GreeneyedMom4
    GreeneyedMom4 Posts: 9 Member
    I also use flavored splenda for coffee but I found that one packet wasn't enough so I use two. I gave myself a week to get used to it and now it's not bad at all. Maybe you need to try a different flavor. To my knowledge they have vanilla and hazelnut. Hope that helps.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I love coffee, but I cannot drink it black, so I add creamer and sugar (sometimes splenda, but don't like the taste of it). But I have a much higher calorie goal so I don't have as much of a problem with adding ~200 calories per day on my 1-2 cups of coffee...

    Honestly, if you are taking so little sweetener/creamer in your coffee (about 55 calories worth, it sounds like?), why not just up your calories to 1255? :wink:

    You could always exercise a teeny bit more or eat a bite less at a meal, as someone suggested, if you are that concerned.
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    Now I want coffee, too...
  • trinaburk
    trinaburk Posts: 12 Member
    First - I LOVE MY COFFEE and will fight someone like an animal in the street if they take it from me :mad: :laugh:

    Bravo!!! I love my coffee too! I've not worked my calorie count down too far though, mine still get me for 90 - 140 calories!. I have moved from real sugar to Splenda or Equal and as of today I went from 4 tbls to 3 (baby steps) :blushing:
  • TNTwedell
    TNTwedell Posts: 277 Member
    Over time I managed to switch from creamer to milk, to skim milk, to black. I still put 1 splenda in it because I don't like the bitterness and am not ready for that yet, but I do get it down to zero calories (or whatever is in the coffee, 5 or whatever).

    ^ exactly! I now drink mine black.. It took about a year

    WOW! I don't know if I could do this!! It's worth a shot though. I'd love to be able to drink my coffee black, it just seems like such a far stretch for my personally. It's great to see that it is possible though!!

    You can totally do it - just takes awhile - baby steps.
    I switched several years ago, mostly because the latte i was buying every morning was like $2 more then straight espresso....
    Now, if I even try to have cream/milk in my coffee, I don't like it ---
    plus... you get serious respect from others when they hear you drink it straight. ;)
  • Josette89
    Josette89 Posts: 244
    I use about 1/4 cup Silk Vanilla Almond Milk with about one tbsp Raw Sugar. All of that goes into my coffee mug first, then I fill with coffee. My mug holds 2 cups of liquid. All of that is around 45 calories per two cups of coffee. I used to drink about 6 cups a day and I've gone down to one mug/two cups a day. I have had no adverse effects to minimizing my coffee intake. I actually feel much better because of it and I have plenty of calories for the rest of my day.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    I love coffee and still sneak it in on occasion. I use Nectresse from Monk fruit. I occasionally use Succanat as my sweetener. I wouldn't worry too much. A cup a day isn't super bad. I just measure my heavy whipping cream out and put a tablespoon into my coffee. I rotate with Nectresse sweetened and Succanat.

    You could always use instant coffee on days you normally eat cereal and just heat up some milk with it. Eat your cereal like a snack and you'll easily squeeze it into your diet. :)
  • AnR28
    AnR28 Posts: 56 Member
    First off, I just have to put it out there... If you're a negative nancy (or negative nick) your comments are NOT welcome here. With that said....

    I am an avid coffee drinker. I really can't go a day without drinking a cup in the morning. I drink my coffee with creamer and sweetener. My favorite creamer/sweetener has 35 calories per 1 TBSP serving. I found some nonfat creamer that has 20 calories per a 2 TBSP serving. I also found some splenda flavored packages that are calorie free, though they don't taste very well.

    What kind of creamer, or creamer substitute do you put in your coffee? What kind of sweetener do you put in your coffee? How many calories a day do you waste on coffee?

    I take in 1200 calories a day, and my coffee can take up to 60 to 140 calories out of my day. Depending on what I put in it for the day. My only other beverage is typically water, so I don't typically drink any other calories besides my coffee. I'd just like to hear what other coffee drinkers do to lower their calorie intake, but also get their morning java!!

    Thank you in advance for all your input!! :)


    Unsweetened almond milk will get you off the habit! I am a person that loves bitter, dark roast coffees - so I always have it black!! However, when I was trying to ween off starbucks style milk, sugar with a splash of coffee, I opted for almond milk and Stevia packets! As healthy eating is an acquired habit, so is reducing the cals in your coffee!
  • auntkk28
    auntkk28 Posts: 55 Member
    I too can't live without my morning cup of Joe:smile: I weaned myself gradually from 2 Tbs. of creamer to where I am now which is no more creamer, I only put in 4 ounces of unsweetened Almond Milk (40 cal a cup). This makes my morning coffee only 20 calories. This took me months and belive me I always said I would NEVER be able to drink coffee without sugar. I proved myself wrong, I've cut way back on sugar and now when I have a treat loaded with sugar I usually can only stand a few bites. The key is to just wean yourself off gradually.