I wonder why... MSG MUST BE INCLUDED?



  • aqm22
    aqm22 Posts: 153 Member
    I thought this was a thread about mono sodium glutamate. I love the stuff. Millions of Asians can't be wrong.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Lol, me too. Glad I wasn't the only one.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I thought this was a thread about mono sodium glutamate. I love the stuff. Millions of Asians can't be wrong.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Lol, me too. Glad I wasn't the only one.

    hahaha yea I did too. I hate the stuff though, as it is gluten-derived and makes me really sick.
  • MikeyD1280
    MikeyD1280 Posts: 5,257
    From my experience, those who friend request me without a message never interact with me, so I don't add them. But I'm not gonna specify that in my profile since it sounds kind of snobby. Although I suppose I'm still being a snob.

    hey your Alex from White Collar! How the heck are ya? will you send me an empty friends request?
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    I'd like a message but will usually add anyway. I am always curious as to what made them want to add me. Funny, angry, informative posts??
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    In order to become my friend you must first write me a message telling me how awesome I am and how unworthy you are of my friendship.
  • MikeyD1280
    MikeyD1280 Posts: 5,257
    In order to become my friend you must first write me a message telling me how awesome I am and how unworthy you are of my friendship.
    can you just freaking add me because I have a cool tat?:grumble:

  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Because I get a lot of friend requests only to get friends who don't want to be interactive. I comment on their profile and accomplishments...and they don't do anything for me. I have about ten friends now, and I'm willing to add, but find myself deleting people who just fill up my newsfeed and apparently don't care to support me. I want them to actually be friends.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I thought this was a thread about mono sodium glutamate. I love the stuff. Millions of Asians can't be wrong.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • ashdred
    ashdred Posts: 95 Member
    Question to those that require messages...

    do you ever respond to them? lol. I've given messages before it seems to just be a "You've Passed Go, Collect 200" type of thing.
  • I thought this was a thread about mono sodium glutamate. I love the stuff. Millions of Asians can't be wrong.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Meeeee toooooooo!
  • SocWkrBee
    SocWkrBee Posts: 374
    I accept all request, message or not. However, I always add a message to my outgoing request. I want that person to know why I believe that they would be a good friend to have. Hopefully, when I bring up those topics they will support me on that end.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    Simple really....if you want me to care enough to interact with you and support you...

    then why can't you care enough to include a message about why you want me to add you...

    communication has to start somewhere...why does it always have to be me? especially if you are the one that wants the add?

    tell me a bit about yourself, a bit about what you are looking for, a bit about what inspired you to reach out...

    honestly? it makes for a more fulfilling connection anyways...and it starts the conversation moving.

  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    Because I get a lot of friend requests only to get friends who don't want to be interactive. I comment on their profile and accomplishments...and they don't do anything for me. I have about ten friends now, and I'm willing to add, but find myself deleting people who just fill up my newsfeed and apparently don't care to support me. I want them to actually be friends.

    Similar to this, though I have many more than 10. True support and personal interaction is what I am after. I want people who I can support as well. Plus a few hot guys help (e.g. RoadDog, FitCanuck, Drog2323 and KimoRun plus a few othes in my list) as long as they aren't collectors or creepers.
  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    As I browse in topics and post in topics, I often read what people wrote. Sometimes, I click the persons name and see if there could be more pictures or even read their little biography.

    Here's my thing, I don't care who adds me; guy, girl, fat, skinny, avitar of a dog, a saying or even if there is a message attached. I find it pretty cool that people, random people want to add me. So...

    what's with the people stating in their profile that "MUST INCLUDE A MESSAGE OR I WILL NOT ADD YOU!". I sometimes feel that some, NOT ALL, but some of the people who put that into their profile must MUST think they are God's gift of the "Friend world". Sometimes, I put them in the "rich snobby superstar" category, you know, the actors and actresses that feel they are too cool to chill with regular people like you and me.

    So to the people that have that in their profile, why? It's like your only allowed to have so many friends and once you pick them your stuck with them. Whats up with that message?

    Here is the FUNNY thing, SOME of the people that have that in their profile had added me and sent me a blank message.. :laugh:

    whew... anyway.. whoever wants to be my friend, I require nothing, nothing at all :drinker: There is no prerequisite to post on my wall or to explain yourself.. I never heard anyone in real life say, "hey can we be friends because...." it just happens... I dunno..

    Youve said out loud what a lot of ppl wonder. I wouldnt have started a thread cuz I have my own imagination. I imagine theyve been friended by ppl who never log on or speak. Ppl sometimes want to add someone just to creep pics or diary (not saying thats bad- I would never post my face- so look all you want tho I am pretty private) I imagine they want to be friends with their friends and putting that disclaimer lets ppl know "I will talk to you , you need to talk back". Im sure theres a bunch of reasons I havent thought of.

    Ive been here 2 months- 1 gal friended me because my diary was open she said- I said cool- then she hasnt signed on since. I havent deleted her yet but I will - just cuz- I dont see why I should leave someone that is not here ever. Other than her no requests and Ive made none. I sent one gal a note once cuz she wrote something very thoughtful and I said so- she must have thought Im a creep- cuz she never wrote thanks back or anything. Whatevs - I dont take ANY thing online personal- ya'll dont know me so how can it be?

    I would also delete ppl that dont take this serious- choose crap food and have a lot of "set backs" (as in a lot of cheat days and/or bad choices) As for ED- obviously I dont get down with that-

    I also would delete without reason as needed. No disclaimers from me. Want to friend up- we'll give it a shot. I can be sarcastic and very blunt. I may not be everyone's cup of tea and vice versa- but I will try. Some may want to weed the lame ppl out up front.

    My ideas on that tag line - Im sure everyone has guesses and reasons.
  • Asha0714
    Asha0714 Posts: 88
    I don’t have it in my profile but I understand why others do. I get a lot of messages from weirdos. Random messages asking me if I’m in a long term relationship or if I want to be text buddies. I’m more reluctant to add random people now who don’t include a message because I don’t want creepers seeing what I’m posting. If you’re cool with those creeps, then continue adding random people.
  • CarleyLovesPets
    CarleyLovesPets Posts: 410 Member
    I don't decline without a message.
    But I would like to know where they found me and what made them feel like adding me.
    I'm not big of friend collectors either. I try to motivate all my friends, even though there is a lot.

    But sometimes there are people on my friend list who have never said a word to me.
  • MikeyD1280
    MikeyD1280 Posts: 5,257
    hey I have an ED...

    I keep eating and eating and eating, and I don't gain much weight... :noway: :sad: will I lose some of my new friends now?

    look at what I had for breakfast... :ohwell:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I thought this was a thread about mono sodium glutamate. I love the stuff. Millions of Asians can't be wrong.

    Me too.
    I love the stuff... I know some people get headaches from it, but dammit... it makes my meat taste tastier!

    Ditto. I'm craving the Super Jumbo Happy Terrific Chinese Family King Buffet now.

    I prefer a message with FRs because I'd like to know why someone would want to be friends with me. Simple as that. I don't decline without a message, unless I go to their profile and they're obviously selling something.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    I didn't used to. I took pride in accepting everyone. But then my friends list grew huge. I deleted a bunch and gradually it grew right back up. It does get kind of overwhelming with too many friends. So I deleted again and added the clause to my profile..At first I felt bad about denying people without a message.......Now it makes things easier on me.....If they are too lazy to write SOMETHING.....I really don't have time for them on my FL. I am not better than anyone else but I have a bunch of awesome friends on my profile and while I am not opposed to adding more awesome people I am opposed to adding people who can't be bothered to add something to a request.....
  • k8lyn_235
    k8lyn_235 Posts: 507 Member
    Because I don't want spammy @$$holes, or trolls, or weirdos. At least send me a message as to why you feel like friending me. You don't just walk up to a stranger and start following them around. You engage in conversation, take a liking and start to be friends. Come on man, it's not hard to figure out. It's creepy when someone friends you, and then never comments or messages or writes or anything. You're like, WTF? I require all my friends are active. I delete people that don't chat or send messages once in a while. I also delete people that aren't healthy, either junk food people or those that have an ED. I want healthy happy active people on my FL. If that is offensive, then whateves.

    basically everything he said ^^