I find it kinda sad...



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Personally... I don't blame food for my obesity. I blame poor decision-making. I find it funny how several posts in this thread mention skinny people suggesting a treat as healthy alternative to something less healthy and you all want to blame fast metabolism... guess what... Their metabolism isn't any different than yours. Metabolism isn't some mystical power that varies in potency from person to person. Calorie deficit is the only thing that impacts metabolism. If you want a faster metabolism, eat less and move more. If you think denying yourself treats will get you there, then more power to you, but there is a significant psychological component to weight loss, and blaming food is a recipe for disaster where that is concerned.

    Best of luck to you all.

    Calorie deficit is not the only thing that affects metabolism. Hormones have an affect and our metabolism naturally slows with age.

    I will give you that cortisol does impact metabolism, but the point to my post was that no one is born with a 'magical' metabolism that allows them to eat whatever they want. And as far as the natural slowing that occurs with age that happens to everybody.
    yes some people can eat large amounts of junk and not gain. but that doesn't mean they won't develop diabetes or other diseases from those choices.

    Metabolism is not a thing. It is a general term to describe the bodily function of burning calories. Metabolic rate is the speed with which calories are burned. It fluctuates continually throughout the day. It doesn't stop or start and it only slows when your body is at rest. If some individuals are able to eat junk and not gain, it is because they carry more calorie-demanding muscle and are more active than other individuals.


    Or they have more brown fat, which also increases metabolic rate.

    I gotta agree with the person talking about people able to eat junk and not gain. I was one of those people for most of my life. I can tell you, I ate a LOT of crap and did not do any deliberate exercise and I wore a size 3. My metabolism most definitely slowed when I got to about 29 years old and it's pretty much gone on strike since I went on Mirena.

    Having seen this change in my own body, I can't discount it.

    The slowing of the metabolic rate is part of the natural aging process. Joints wear down, therefore, movement becomes less desirable which in turns slows the metabolic rate. I'm sure in your teens and twenties you were probably much more active than you are now.

    The point that I'm trying to make people understand is that metabolism is a process that is performed exactly the same way between each individual. It is not the variable... metabolic rate is the variable.

    I wasn't. That's my point. I exercise far more now than I did then and I struggle with weight now when I never did before.

    I had essentially the same job and lifestyle at 24 as I did at 30, but at 30 I was eating healthier and 30 pounds heavier.

    Honestly, my diet was McDonald's and pizza. Every day. Nothing but high-calorie junk. In high school, lunch was Little Debbie snacks and ice cream followed by fast food after school and probably a huge plate of pasta for dinner.

    I delivered my daughter at 155 pounds (what I weigh now) and without even trying, and with eating a huge plate of pasta and cheddar cheese for dinner every single night, I was 120 pounds three months after giving birth and fit into my same old clothes. That was with a month of "maternity leave" so I was basically just sitting around the house all month.

    There is a definite change in my metabolism.
  • Trapwolf
    Trapwolf Posts: 142 Member
    My fiance is the same way. He would think that because it is fish it is healthy! Or that it is fine that he ate more than half a bag of peanut butter pretzels because peanut butter is good for you and pretzels aren't chips. Luckily for him he has such a fast metabolism and is so active he doesnt gain any weight

    Trapwolf> hahaahah thats just like my boyfriend too!..he thinks pizza is fine because you get grains, dairy, and vegetables and protein from the meat..( not good for me)..LOL, and I just started this and he wanted to get me a big taco bell taco salad...I said..ummm, not for me babe.hahaha, he can eat anything though too just about he never gains weight, but for his health I want him to track cholesterol and things..
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    The point that I'm trying to make people understand is that metabolism is a process that is performed exactly the same way between each individual. It is not the variable... metabolic rate is the variable.

    So, have all these posts have just been about semantics? "faster metabolism" vs "faster metabolic rate"
  • KristysLosing
    But overall, have you looked around you lately OP?? It's not even just about health. People have NO common sense.
    In the words of the great Green Day

    "Been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding
    The cretins cloning and feeding"

    I love that song! But I had completely forgotten about it! :drinker:
  • Ladyzumba
    Ladyzumba Posts: 217 Member
    I was talking to a lady at the gym while on the elliptical and asked her if she ever tried a Zumba class
    she said that she hates Zumba and any class that is chereographed...she then went on to say that she has
    never seen a "skinny" Zumba instructor! OMG! I almost fell off because guess who's a Zumba instructor?
    Me and I tell her so. Now I'm by no means rail thin but I can give a great workout! It makes me so mad
    when people associate size/weight with being a healthy person.

    What a silly comment! The Zumba instructor at our gym is a rail thin guy! We call him Zumba Brad. He is quite entertaining.

    I agree! News flash...there are some bigger people that are in better shape/health than some skinny people!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I used to do nutritional counseling at the Salvation Army. My favorite line was "I'm cutting back on sweets so I can eat as much bacon as I want" from a dude with sky high cholesterol. We had a little talk.
  • serenity216
    serenity216 Posts: 512 Member
    Subway is 100% healthy. It's packed with sodium!
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    a fish sandwich at Mcdonalds is only 10 cal less than a double cheeseburger. not much better of an option
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    I have had someone say that ice cream is good for you since it contains milk. Same person also said a Wendy's hamburger is good because you cover several food groups (meat, vegetables - lettuce and tomato, bread, dairy - cheese). sadly misinformed.

    This is an example of 'good enough'. =| People make you think it is okay to eat like this "because you're picky" because you get 'at least' something good. It is sad..
  • clafrentz
    clafrentz Posts: 4 Member
    I think we all need to keep in mind that the definition of "healthy" is different for different people. For some "healthy" is low-cal/low-fat. For others, "healthy" means organic, or "natural". And what is "healthy" for one person, my not be considered "healthy" by another person. For example, to someone who defines "healthy" as low-cal/low fat, 1/2 a cup of fat-free cottage cheese might be a great snack. But for someone who defines healthy as organic or natural would look at the list of ingredients in that and see all of the fillers and thickeners used to make a fat-free cheese. We can't fault people for their definition of "healthy".
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    I was on the fence, but I'm totally going to have a Filet O' Fish when I go to the mall this weekend. :)

    I don't get the chocolate milk freak out, but then, I don't get any of the freak outs about food that I read on these boards since I don't view foods as "good" or "bad". Anyway, I went to elementary school in the 80s and there was white and chocolate milk offered at lunch every day. I always took the chocolate milk and you could have threaded me through the eye of a needle when I was little because I was so skinny. Nowadays, I use chocolate milk as a recovery drink after a hard workout, when I have to get up in the middle of the night to take medication that I can't take on an empty stomach, and to satiate hormonal chocolate cravings. Basically, I have a glass of chocolate milk 4-6 times per week.

    I've never been overweight. I do have a higher body fat percentage than I like and that was caused by not exercising and having a diet that where the ratio was 40/60 in favor of unhealthful foods. I'm working on lowering my bf% and losing inches, but I haven't cut any foods out. There is no food that can't fit into a balanced diet and I don't think a scorched earth policy is necessary. I eat healthful foods more often than less healthful foods (80/20 ratio), use portion control (and more importantly, self control), and work out regularly. Nothing is off limits unless it's something I don't like. I am losing fat and I always pass medical checkups with flying colors.
  • Need2bfit918
    Need2bfit918 Posts: 133 Member
    I used to do nutritional counseling at the Salvation Army. My favorite line was "I'm cutting back on sweets so I can eat as much bacon as I want" from a dude with sky high cholesterol. We had a little talk.
    Thats what I do and I have lost 50 lbs and my hypertension is now a thing of the past. I've had 7 slices of wrights bacon today.
  • bubblicious84
    bubblicious84 Posts: 74 Member
    I used to do nutritional counseling at the Salvation Army. My favorite line was "I'm cutting back on sweets so I can eat as much bacon as I want" from a dude with sky high cholesterol. We had a little talk.
    Thats what I do and I have lost 50 lbs and my hypertension is now a thing of the past. I've had 7 slices of wrights bacon today.

    So... if you are what you eat, then...?

    Hehehehe :tongue:
  • Need2bfit918
    Need2bfit918 Posts: 133 Member
    I used to do nutritional counseling at the Salvation Army. My favorite line was "I'm cutting back on sweets so I can eat as much bacon as I want" from a dude with sky high cholesterol. We had a little talk.
    Thats what I do and I have lost 50 lbs and my hypertension is now a thing of the past. I've had 7 slices of wrights bacon today.

    So... if you are what you eat, then...?

    Hehehehe :tongue:
    yes. i am a pig
  • bubblicious84
    bubblicious84 Posts: 74 Member
    I used to do nutritional counseling at the Salvation Army. My favorite line was "I'm cutting back on sweets so I can eat as much bacon as I want" from a dude with sky high cholesterol. We had a little talk.
    Thats what I do and I have lost 50 lbs and my hypertension is now a thing of the past. I've had 7 slices of wrights bacon today.

    So... if you are what you eat, then...?

    Hehehehe :tongue:
    yes. i am a pig

    At least you're cute :happy:
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    I live with my grandmother and she's always really negative about me trying to lose weight and making fun on my control .
    She thinks you can eat what ever you like ( for example a huge bowl of pasta and a big bowl I ice team for dessert) and 1 walk around the black will burn it off. If try and tell her otherwise and that I'm trying to be healthy and it would take a lot more exercise than that she just says no like she's right and I'm wrong.
    I'm not claiming to be a nutritionist either but I'm very interested in it ( and have actually done a few of the nutrition diploma units) but I'm still always just 'being ridiculous'
    I'm obese, you'd think she'd be more supportive of my healthy attitude :(
  • this_is_my_year
    this_is_my_year Posts: 38 Member
    my friend I did daycare for told me basically to mind my own business and let her kids eat what they want and how much they want at my house. 2 of her kids, 7 and 12 year ols, were individually eating more than my husband and myself combined at each meal. Her 6 year old equaled what I ate and they would all ask for a snack within 1/2 hour from when we ate.

    She thinks fat is "cute". She said not to worry about what they ate here because it was up to the parents to deal with their nutrition. They ate like 5 meals here a week, so quite a good percent of their nutrition. 2 of the kids wouldn't drink milk with meals because I refuse to give flavored milk at mealtime. Mom agreed with them so they would get the calcium, I still refused.

    I know they would go home and eat a pizza or whole meal as a really late night snack. I am 100% sure that is why she now keeps them home with their older sister, because I was teaching them substitutions, labels and only making enough for each person to have 1 serving. I always limited cheese and sour cream to a teaspoon and NEVER had treats when they were here. EVER! These are kis that LOVE apples, bananas, no fat yogurt, carrots, cucumbers and plain chicken. In my mind, no way should these kids ever have started their obese patterns. Dad was on disability with the possiblity of never working again and a really good possibilty that he would die in his sleep at about 45 years old. Mom is a super unhealthy weight and promotes how sexy big is. The 12 year old weighed as much as I do last year and wears the same size jeans. She is really unhappy and has a hard time getting along with anyone. So sad.

    people are often in denial.

    That's very sad :( Poor kids. As if being a pre-teen wasn't hard enough.. add in being overweight and it can be a terrible experience :/
  • sonjarogers72
    sonjarogers72 Posts: 110 Member
    I find it kinda sad when one of my workout pals will eat garbage after a workout....WENDYS< TACO BELL,.....I dont get it- why work out if you are gonna eat that. Then this person feels "some kind of way" when people say the least thing about her weight.....
  • ashbee03
    ashbee03 Posts: 270 Member
    my mom heard pop corn is a healthy snack. we know that one cup plain pop corn is ok. she takes this to mean a whole bag of a movie butter variety. drives me CRAZY!!!

    yes but it is a lot healthier than a full bag of ruffles chips.
  • SophieB74656
    SophieB74656 Posts: 81 Member
    the worst nutritional thing is people thinking they know everything about nutrition giving other people a hard time for what they eat.