Sixers Valentine Vixens: Week 1



  • melanieann48111
    Thanks, guys. Sorry to be such a downer but I'm just incredibly bummed.
  • javengreen
    javengreen Posts: 18 Member
    Hey everyone! I hope it's not too late to join. I think it would be great to be a part of the group. Besides, I'm going to have a personal trainer for the next 6 weeks to help me learn my way around a gym! I can't wait to see what the next 6 weeks will bring.

    I'm Jenna. I'm a 21 year old college student in engineering.

    I'm not quite sure of the format, but my weight last Tuesday was 175. My starting weight is also 175. My goal weight is 166 pounds.

    (In the two years I've been counting calories on and off I've lost 10 pounds and then gained the same 10 back. Now I'm restarting and learning, learning, learning so I can keep the weight off!)
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Today is my usual weigh in day. I've been at this for 2 weeks and I've been doing really well. I lost 3 pounds last week and then I got on the scale this morning and gained all of it back PLUS some. How? I'm extremely disappointed and I spent the morning crying. I can't figure out the problem. Maybe I'm just meant to be fat. I'm hoping that my impending TOM and the fact that I haven't had a "normal" bathroom schedule since starting is the reason for this. I just don't get it.

    It's not all or nothing. If you had a good friend who lost 3 lbs and then gained it back but was pre-TOM, would you tell her to just give it all up and go drown her sorrows in a box of donuts? Of course not! You would say - hang in there, it's okay. Keep tracking your food and exercising, and you will see results.

    I really don't know anyone who has had a loss every single week of their weight loss journey. It's taken me almost 3 months to get the past 10 lbs off. But I know if I give up now, by summer, I will be 245 again, and by Christmas I will be 260 or 270 and that will be my new highest ever. And then next January, I will come back on MFP just shy of 300 lbs and say "wow, look at all those people I used to talk to -- now they're at their goal weight, or so close, and I've just gained more weight and I'm sad and miserable."

    It will be okay, and the weight will come back off.

    Ali- It took me over 6 months to lose the first 10, and here I am back to that same weight, and the only reason I lost that first 10 is because my Ex cheated on me, dumped me via txt message and is now engaged to the woman he cheated on me with, and she is due with their first child in may. Mind you he is 20 and she is 19.

    Honestly I feel like the first 10 and the last 10 are by far the hardest... Just stick with it!

    Melanie - Dont be too discouraged!!! IT could be water weight, bloating, the womans body is a very complex thing! Hold out your judgement til Tuesday, and even then you might want to wait until after TOM. Keep up the good work and dont cave to cravings and that scale will show you the AMAZING results of your hard work!
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Lula - Aww hun! *hugs* I really hope you start to feel better soon! Have you thought about getting the extreme pain meds from a DR? MY roommate took Ibuprofen 800 during her TOM. STOP THE SNACKING *smacks wrist* You are a BEAUTIFUL, BRAVE, HEALTHY WOMAN!!!! You are stronger then comfort eating! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!! (i swear i really am not a harda** i just want to motivate you haha)

    Tiff - Good to know your still sticking with it! Good luck on all that work!!!

    Chipper- WOAH you have a crazy day!

    Amy S - WOAH I wish I didnt value sleeping in so much, I really wish I had that gym membership already they have a 8am Zumba class I wanted to attend today! I need to model after your crazy work outs! haha!! I totally have all the weeks on my Ipod already, and two different versions so I wont get bored with the music! and I was going to start monday too! haha We will start and complete this together!!! And I think you should Work for Inside Out Weight Loss haha you sound just like Renee but more enthusiastic! haha

    Kristin- aww on the eating badly, but you will be back on track!!! and AWWWWW your daughter is adorable, hopefully she goes through he growth spurt so you can return to a nice sleeping routine!!

    Em - *drink drink drink*!!!

    pdx- wahoo get that booty moving! Once you start you will be well on your way to those size 14s!!!

    Jenna - Welcome! You are going to learn lots, and these women are FILLED with motivation and support, this is week one. We set our goals, and label our starting weight. if you refer to Tiff's post on page four you will see the format,

    name....................SW xxx/ GW xxx/ CW xxx/ PROGRESS

    We weigh in every tuesday, and at the 6 weeks IDEALLY we will have reached our GW.
    For example

    Its_B.........................SW (start weight) 210 lbs/ GW (Goal Weight) 200 lbs/ CW (current weight) 210 lbs/ PROGRESS +/-

    Hope that helps!

    Well everyone I will check in laters!
    <3 "
  • melanieann48111
    I hate the woman's body and it's complexities. *thump*
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Hello! I didn't make my 9 cups of water goal yesterday, but I did get in 5. Over half way is better than I had been doing the past week, and today is another day! :smile: I have the same 9 cup goal today. I should be able to make it. I've only had 2 so far today, but at this time yesterday, I only had one.

    Amy(pdx) - Congratulations on the job!!! Whoo hoo!!! I agree, go for the smaller size. You'll fit into them soon. :smile:

    Kel - Great job on being half way done with Shred!! :flowerforyou: And your new picture looks great! You can tell you've lost weight from the earlier pictures.

    The living room floor is close to being finished! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: They were about a third of the way done laying the tile by 11:00 this morning. They started at 8:30. The rest of it should go quicker because they started with the hardest to cut section. We'll still need to get the trim pieces, but at least we can get the furniture back in place. We should be able to move furniture as we need to for the trim pieces. Just as long as it's done before my daughter's birthday!

    I'm sorry I don't have time to post more personals, still busy with the computer stuff. At this point, I have 10 more months worth of information to re-enter.
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    C25k Week 1 Day 2 DONE! And it's 45 degrees outside. It felt pretty cold at first, and I even wore a pair of fleece gloves because I thought my fingers might freeze off. But by the end, I could have used a breeze. I ran my usual route the opposite way I usually do it, and it turns out it was a lot more challenging today. I ended up jogging up small inclines for 60 seconds only to walk up steeper inclines for 90 seconds. Sometimes I didn't get to recover between my jogs. I think I will do my route this way maybe the second or third workout of the week, for an extra little push.

    Okay, now I have to get some work done! I've been putting it off all day, and now I probably won't get as much done as I needed to do. That's the one down side of working mostly from home. When I worked at an office, I still got paid even if I was working slow and thinking about other things or zoning out, but since I just track my work hours, if I don't feel like working, I just don't get paid. So, off to make some money!

  • amyls8710
    Alison-- Hooray -- that is EXCELLENT ! .... thats a really great idea to do the reverse to work your muscles a different way! good for you !!!! go get em tiger.... go make some CASH ! hehe ! i so agree with what you said... i keep telling myself the same thing... if i stick at it then a year from now I CAN IMAGINE HOW MUCH healthier i will be then if i give up again ! we can do this !

    Amy(pyr) -- yay for the living room being almost done ! that will be awesome ! Hey 5 cups is better than NONE ! good luck getting your 9 in today ! i love when you track your water and you go over the 8 recommended the cup is overflowing ! i try to get 9 or more in as well! half your body weight they usually say! good luck getting your info logged into the computer !

    MElanie-- aw im so sorry ! our bodies are very complex arent they? so much like that slimquik commercial hahah ! I Agree with everyone who posted before me.... our bodies do strange things prior to "TOM" ... and i know for a fact that week im always HEAVIER ... but it shows the following week ! .... I would keep a close track of your calories to make sure your not eating TOO LITTLE.... and if your not then maybe see if your eating to omuch .... its gotta be one or the other or could just be hormonal right now prior to "TOM"! hehe ... keep it up girl ! THE RESULTS WILL PAY OFF ! !! !! dont shed any tears sweetie.... its not going to come off as easy as we put it on ! someone once told me that while she lost 100lbs she also GAINED 100 lbs along the journey!!!! up and down and up and down ..... its how our bodies work ! :) good luck ! KEEP AT IT ! we have faith in you!

    B- haha ive never been a big sleeper... even in high school... i was up at the crack of dawn working out..... enjoying time with my dad before he went off to work long days....! awww thanks ! I love being Positive... i love being there for people... I have my days too as anyone does... but for the main part... im a glass half FULL kinda gal ! good luck with your ROUGH day ahead... wow i couldnt imagine doing those hours babysitting again ! i used to do them every weekend .... but thankfully now im a mom and a wife hahah i hav my own kid to babysitt !

    Jenna--- welcome ! congrats on havin a personal trainer ! :) im sure sometimes we all wish we had that ! Im with you on gaining and losing the same WEIGHT ! hehe... lets lose it and keep it off this time for sure !

    Lauryn- way to go on your scale going in the right direction girl ! KEEP IT UP !

    Amy (pdx)- yay for a new pair of dressy shoes ! my feet are a little wider on anormal basis... so after i gained all this weight ive had to buy lik sketchers size 11 just to make up for my feet SO I CANT WAIT TO Buy regular size 9/10 shoes soon! hahaha ! good luck getting your workout in today girl ! I HATE THAT FEELING ... but one seems to help th e other ! working out definately helps your body "move" along better hehe !

    Em-- awww I love working out in the morning while my baby and hubby are peacefully SLEEPING ! otherwise i feel interupted and i feel like i cant focus ! im a stay at home mom ! so its no way i could get nething done formyself if i didnt wake up early and do it in the A.M. ! i think we will all be losing something on tuesday as well !

    KRistin-- :) i love how busy the board is ! your daughter is beautiful and i love her name ! awww i hope your body starts to feel better tooo ! sorry the learning thing at worked was packed with not so great foods ! isnt it strange how we used to be able to eat LOADS of stuff... and now if we eat something not so great... we FEEL IT ! KAdence sounds like she is def. in a growth spurt ! wyatt is 18 months almost... and still has times where he is growing and def. sleeps out of WHACK ! but it always goes back to normal within a few days ! good luck girl !

    OK i think that was everyone since i posted this morning !

    I have a three mile walk tomorrow for our islands BREAST CANCER AWARENESS ! so im excited !
  • greenerme
    Hey ladies! I am so excited about this challenge... the boards have really helped me get through today... it was a hard one. I am leaving work in about an hour and then I will probably sit in traffic for the next 3 hours on my way up north to visit the BF... I have limited internet access when I go up there so I probably wont be able to chat with you girls 'till monday :grumble: but I am going to keep track of my calories (which i NEVER do on the weekends) and I bet, if I can stick with it I will see a drop on the scale tuesday... that is my motivation :bigsmile: despite the not so great eating today I drank all my water and then some... and plan to take the pup out for a run when i get up north... the bf rollerblades and i run along with them... we look goofy but wth it keeps us all going :laugh: Anyways, keep up the motivation this weekend and I will be back with you bright and early monday morning!!!!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Hi Sixers!
    I have been in the dumps with the family member death but have continued to workout ( I have not missed a workout since Christmas day)! My eating could be better, it seems once I eat something sugar it becomes a full blown obsession. Really ticks me off that I have the power to push myself to extremes in fitness but can not turn down a friggin cookie!!!
    You girls are doing awesome and are so motivating, I am proud of ya!!!
    I will not even TRY to do personals but you are doing great even by justing posting a crappy day you're still hangin in !
    To all you new additions to this family: WELCOME !!!! and I thank you for hopping in and posting, you are doing a great job!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    what a's 4 and i am home for the night. i hope.

    got everything done except stamps. will stop tomorrow on my way to the flea market. having nachos and burritos for dinner. someone had to mention taco bell. bought all fat free, low carb so it fits in for me. will measure out all my stuff and than the boys can do their thing and i will have mine. if i don't do this i will go over.

    i just skimmed through the post. WOW what a busy day here.

    well, need to do some research on the 2nd mortgage company. lawyer said go for it and all they can say is no and we move on.

    see ya'll tomorrow.
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    Really ticks me off that I have the power to push myself to extremes in fitness but can not turn down a friggin cookie!!!

    Verda, I could have said those exact words. When I jog for longer distances, and I want to quit, I tell myself that jogging won't kill me and if it does, it won't matter to me anyway. I'm a little tough on myself. But if I start with the sweets, it's like I'm a bottomless sugar pit with absolutely no will power. What is up with that?

    I'm glad you're sticking to it, in spite of having other things to deal with. I hope you and your family are coping well and supporting each other.

  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Shred Report Day 6 level 2 = 16 days of shredding. Today I was bad I ate a bunch of chips. Not something I do. I am way over my calories today. And it seems that this bottle of wine is going down nicely too. Oh well as the weather still sucks around here. Beat Tony at 6 games of yahtzee again. Its time to get the rain gear on and head down to feed the cows. So I will talk with you all later. Have a great night.


    P.S. Verda Hang in there. We are all here for you. OXOX
  • amyls8710
    Em--- good for you for getting your water in ! that is awesome and a big step to your goals ! I think its cute that you run while your bf rollerblades ! I USED TO LOVE rollerblading haha ! Good luck sticking to your calories over the weekend and i look forward to chatting on monday ! Heres to some big losses on tuesday for us all !

    Verda--- you have such strength to keep it together working out even amidst a tragedy..... when my husbands grandmother passed away ... and i had to be there for him .... and take care of our toddler... I just fell right off track .... so i admire you for that ! turning down sweets is a definate victory when it happens but it is def. a HARD one to make it happen ! Im so glad to be here .... and get to know all of you !!!

    Cathy --- yay for making your taco craving a healthy one ! I hav e to measure EVERYTHING or else its soooo easy to go over.... ! good luck with your research !

    Alison-- i so agree with you ..... i can turn down sweets ..... no problem... but if i give in one time.... then it just starts a binge.... so i try my hardest to just STAY away and eat healthy alternatives for my sweet cravings... like strawberries, lowfat icecream, weight watcher bars, etc.... !

    Kel --- We all have those days/nights when the weather gets to us .... i hope the weather gets better..... and everything else falls into place ! xo

    B- hope your getting thru your babysitting night ! i found some really great mp3s for the c25k program .... they are more PoP music ..... instead of that techno stuff ! haha !

    Got my big 3 mile walk tomorrow morning..... im pumped ! got my ipod all ready with some awesome music ...
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Em--- good for you for getting your water in ! that is awesome and a big step to your goals ! I think its cute that you run while your bf rollerblades ! I USED TO LOVE rollerblading haha ! Good luck sticking to your calories over the weekend and i look forward to chatting on monday ! Heres to some big losses on tuesday for us all !

    Verda--- you have such strength to keep it together working out even amidst a tragedy..... when my husbands grandmother passed away ... and i had to be there for him .... and take care of our toddler... I just fell right off track .... so i admire you for that ! turning down sweets is a definate victory when it happens but it is def. a HARD one to make it happen ! Im so glad to be here .... and get to know all of you !!!

    Cathy --- yay for making your taco craving a healthy one ! I hav e to measure EVERYTHING or else its soooo easy to go over.... ! good luck with your research !

    Alison-- i so agree with you ..... i can turn down sweets ..... no problem... but if i give in one time.... then it just starts a binge.... so i try my hardest to just STAY away and eat healthy alternatives for my sweet cravings... like strawberries, lowfat icecream, weight watcher bars, etc.... !

    Kel --- We all have those days/nights when the weather gets to us .... i hope the weather gets better..... and everything else falls into place ! xo

    B- hope your getting thru your babysitting night ! i found some really great mp3s for the c25k program .... they are more PoP music ..... instead of that techno stuff ! haha !

    Got my big 3 mile walk tomorrow morning..... im pumped ! got my ipod all ready with some awesome music ...
    Amy you are AWESOME at this personal posting stuff! WOW!!!! I wish you a happy 3 mile trek tomorrow and I thank you for doing it for a great cause!! I love your reads and you will soon learn on here that I am an exercise junkie so me working out through my sad times is actually pretty normal (if I can call myself normal :frown: )! Have fun tomorrow!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Shred Report Day 6 level 2 = 16 days of shredding. Today I was bad I ate a bunch of chips. Not something I do. I am way over my calories today. And it seems that this bottle of wine is going down nicely too. Oh well as the weather still sucks around here. Beat Tony at 6 games of yahtzee again. Its time to get the rain gear on and head down to feed the cows. So I will talk with you all later. Have a great night.


    P.S. Verda Hang in there. We are all here for you. OXOX
    Thanks Kel ! Your daughter is NOT the only beautie in the new pic.!! Wow girl keep on shredden, you are doing awesome! I laughed at your post about the chips and the bottle of wine! Sorry you have the rain but you could have my cold blizzard that is gonna be here for the next three days! I want summer REAL BAD ! At least that walking down to feed your cows is burnin some more cals and it is also keeping ya from drinking MORE wine! :tongue: have a good weekend! I will keep on P90Xing, I have not missed a day of fitness since Crhistmas, my day off day is Sundays and that is an unreal hour of YOGA with P90X, it is stinkin tuff too! :noway:
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Amy- You are doing a great job with the personals! Congrats!!!

    B!- You will be a workout queen soon, I just know it!

    Verda- Glad we can be here for you! I love having you here with us! Thanks for staying positive and showing us that fitness is important all times in life.

    Cathy- I love the dollar tree, amazing stuff for one dollar, anyway its called Exercise TV cardio DVD it says 30 mins, I think they have 4 different versions. Let me know if yours doesn't have it! I will try to get you a copy!

    Well ladies.... I'm off to get some stuff done, tomorrow I'm going to a Wedding and then I have to do get the packet ready for the new job. I'm super busy and trying to keep going with real life, like remembering when bills are due and etc, LOL, BUT I will workout and I will try to eat well!!!

    Talk to you soon
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Okay, this is probably my only post for today, so let me see if I can get in most everybody :)

    Tamm - I hope you had a great time at the wedding. Don't forget to relax and enjoy.

    amyls - Hope your 3 mile walk goes well. Cool incentive too. It's amazing what good music will do for you huh. Great ticker by the way. So beautiful. and YAY on the weight loss. Happy dance with you.

    Kel - Awesome job on the Shred. Keep it going girl. I'm a little disappointed about the bottle of wine....and no invite. Little selfish don't you think :wink:

    Cathy - you made my mouth water. Nachos and burritos. Cool that it is low carb, fat free. I'm going to have to try that.

    Verda - big hugs for all the stress. It's awesome that you are keeping up with the exercise. Keep posting pics.

    Greener - There is no goofy exercise. Keep up the great work. It is hard to track calories thru the weekend, so kudos to you on that end too.

    Ali - Awesome job on the C25K. The hills will get easier, I promise. And I'm with you on the work at home thing. Here I am posting with you guys, trying to catch up instead of doing my job. :blushing: Oops. Good thing they pay me by the piece and not the hour.

    Amyp - It's great that you are conscious of your water. You made me go grab a bottle. Great inspiration. Hope your floor gets done in time. It's going to be beautiful.

    Melanie - no worries. i do the same thing as far as having a great unofficial weigh-in only to be up in weight for the official. But if weight loss was consistently going down, we wouldn't need to be here. Keep going. You are doing great in being conscious of your weight and your health choices. Things will change.

    B - KEEP IT COMING! Hope you are feeling better. And step away from the scale. After a sickness, it never says what you really need. Food is what makes us feel better when we are sick. It will change for you soon enough.

    Kristin - Oh I remember those late night growth spurts. During the day, it's like being a walking zombie. But so worth it, huh. She's adorable. She looks so huggable. You are doing a great job!

    Jenna - WELCOME!!! We are happy you are here.

    Lauryn - Awesome on the weight loss. I'm thrilled you have stuck with us. Great job on that impressive U-turn. And thanks for posting your success. Great motivator for me on this upcoming weekend.

    pdx - Do we get a picture of you in those "dressier" shoes? Show them gams lady. Btw, congrats on your job.

    I know I'm missing people. Sorry guys. I'll get you in next time around (I have to open MFP in another window and scroll through just to keep track :laugh: )
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Well, I've been eating for the past five days with the excuse that my TOM is coming. Well, now that I'm two days past my due date (nope, ladies, not pregnant - both hubby AND I are fixed), I realize I need to stop using that excuse or I'm going to be a little fat piggy. So, yesterday, I did better in my eating, although could have gone without the pistachio ice cream (but oooohhhhh so good).

    So back to "no excuses" and doing it right for the rest of the weekend and hopefully seeing something positive for next week's weigh-in. Of course, on Tuesday I have my yearly GYN visit. I hate going more for the weigh-in than the actual exam. What a weirdo I am. But oh well, needs to be done.

    Okay, back to work for me. I hope you lovely ladies have an awesome, productive weekend. Keep up all the great work. You all are truly an inspiration and wonderful motivators, and I am thankful that I found you.

    I appreciate each and every one of you.

    ¡Tengan un buen dia!
  • amyls8710
    Verda--- i think its awesome that you love to work out alot ! i personally LOVE exercising although when i tell people that they go "yea right your over 250 lbs haha" but seriously..... throughout all the crap of gaining almost 80 lbs from an allergic reaction to birth control ! i still continued to work out ! it was only after my miscarriage and then my c-section with my son.... (i physically couldnt haha) but IM SO excited to get to kno you all alot better !

    Tamm--- HAV A BLAST Today at the wedding your going to! good luck eating great and working out !

    Lorna-- I havent walked with music in a long time.... since i was back in high school ! (well it was in 2004 so not that long) but u know what i mean haha !!! and i forgot how AWESOME music can keep you going !!!! it definately got me back up my hill a lot faster cuz my blood was pumping with the fast beat of the music ! haha ! yay for eating healthy yesterday !!! I love my doctor ... SHE IS i am oddly not worried about my weigh in or my exam which is next month! but i totally have been there haha feeling more nervous to weigh haha! Hav a fab weekend ! !!

    6 aM and im up so i can have some MOMMY time before my men get up hahah (meaning my hubby and son haha )!!!

    Check you all laterz ! after my walk !! !its a seminar AFTER the walk hahah i am a person where i get RED IN THE FACE and flushed when i work out ... i could be feeling great but still get heated ! so i dont kno how much ill enjoy sitting around after the walk for a two hour seminar all sweaty ICK ! hahah! personally they should have done the seminar FIRST haha ! but oh well ! im excited either way !