Why do people get mad at me for trying to be healthy?!?!



  • Flafster
    Flafster Posts: 106 Member
    But you need to consider your audience, otherwise you may as well be shouting at strangers in the street. That's what Twitter's for.

    It's a conversation, or conversation starter.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I have mixed feelings about this. With the facebook thing - you have every right to be proud of your achievements and new lifestyle and to post whatever updates you feel like posting. Equally, your friends have every right to hide or unsubscribe from those updates if they are not interested. There are lots of things posted on facebook that I have no interest in, so I hide them. I have a couple of people that post frequently on every visit to the gym for example; I wasn't interested before I started getting fit, and I'm not interested now. Maybe that's just me though - I don't post mundane minutiae of my daily life, and I don't really want to read about other people's either. I think it's easy to assume jealousy sometimes when people aren't interested in our goals and achievements, but I'd feel the same if someone I was friends with suddenly found religion/gave up smoking/became vegetarian/took up politics. There's nothing wrong with any of those things, but one person's new obsession can be just irritating for the next person. Reading that your friend has had a great day hiking is interesting. Reading how many calories burned... for most people, not so much. Since joining MFP, I've become "obsessed" with weight loss, counting calories, nutrition, lifting weights and running. I've learned a lot and have a lot of opinions on the "right" way to get healthy. :smile: I could talk about that stuff all day. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea though, so don't, unless asked. Luckily, I have lots of other stuff to talk about too.

    With all that said, it sounds like some of your friends have been quite rude. There's absolutely no need to be angry with you for making healthier menu choices, or to make fun of you. That may well be down to jealousy if they also would like to change deep down. Or, it could just be frustration because before, you acted the way they acted, and now you're acting differently, and they might think you're not able to have fun with them any more. Judging from your profile picture, you're still young, and it's natural for young people to not give health and fitness a second thought. They see you living this new lifestyle, and probably hear you making comments too that they might feel like you're judging them even if that's not your intention. The comment to your sister for example - she might take that personally as a criticism on her food choices. It's hard sometimes not to come across as "holier than though" when you have a strong opinion about things. I have to bite my tongue sometimes. I think you probably need to sit down with them and talk about it. Make it clear that you're happy with the choices you're making and you're going to carry on, and you'd appreciate their support. Let them know that this is a personal journey for you, that you're not trying to change their lives or criticise their choices. I know you know that, but they may not. Sometimes just getting things out in the open and talking about it can clear things up.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Criticizing what you order when you go out to eat is very much over the line.

    However, and I am trying to say this as gently as I can, it sounds to me like you are spamming people's feeds with the health stuff. Sure, it is exciting to be getting in better shape, and you should certainly feel free to post your major achievements, but if you are posting little things to motivate YOURSELF, and you are posting them DAILY, then that is really annoying to the people reading it and could easily be perceived as badgering others about their weight.

    I was really nervous about telling my sister that I wanted to lose weight because she was constantly complaining about a coworker who was dieting. When I expressed my concern, she said that the coworker only annoys her because she talks about it constantly, but doesn't go about it in a sensible manner (for example, ordering salad at restaurants, but then soaking them in creamy dressing and cheese). Please consider that your sister and friends aren't just being jealous, but that you are actually getting on their nerves.
  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    From someone who got told by a friend that they they thought I had an eating disorder last week... yep, I hear you.

    My stock response is often "sorry if you can't support my choice to lengthen my life expectancy". Usually shuts them up. If I'm particularly riled, they get the classic "obsessed is the word the lazy use to describe the dedicated". Honestly, I've come to learn that I have very little time for naysayers when it comes to my lifestyle choice. Also, more often than not, the critics are overweight. Doesn't take the brains of an archbishop to work out where they're coming from.

    I LOVE this response- obsessed is the word the lazy use to describe the dedicated... AWESOME!

    OP- your friends are jealous and upset with themselves. They dont know how you found it in yourself to do what you are doing. You doing great things for yourself makes them feel inferior. Its not you tho- it IS them. I deleted my FB because I felt it was no way to carry on REAL friendships. Consider what you are finding out about your "friends" and act accordingly. Delete them or yourself from them - find like minded ppl or ignore the lazy and undedicated. You are better for what you are doing and the ppl that refuse to change know they are only hurting themselves and you arent the reason they cant find motivation.
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member

    You win!
  • richmondcowgirl
    richmondcowgirl Posts: 137 Member
    I have lack of results but I post messages about hitting the gym and got a few friends doing challenges with me. The comments I'm getting are from my male friends who are attracted to bigger girls getting upset with the fact I don't want to be that girl.
  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    I get absolutely amazed by the ignorant comments people will make to me because I am trying to get healthy. I'm 54 next week and people will say things like "why bother". The only "friend" that really speaks to me on facebook anymore are my kids and my workout buddy. Screw them... I'm continuing on.

    WHY BOTHER??? - wow
    GOOD for you for doing this for YOU. My husband is 55 and is working out steadily for the first time in his adult life. We are doing this together and people in his office are way supportive. Most of my friends are too - BUT - I had that jerk in my life. If I met her in work out clothes shed make jokes about house wives in workout clothes that dont workout (umm, but I do?) Then shed sit there 50#s overweight telling me what an athlete she WAS- always rubbing in what she COULD do 20 years ago was 10x better then whatever I could do now. We are no long friends and I feel so much 'lighter' if you know what I mean. Wasnt just this subject- she has issues in a lot of life - my lifestyle was just one of many things that lead to me seeing her for what she was- bitter and down on herself to a point that it couldnt be turned around. In spite of things in common- her nasty attitude negated it all.
  • MessyLittlePanda
    MessyLittlePanda Posts: 213 Member
    [I've never criticized the choices of others. When did I say that? I've never made comments on their food choices, I've never made it seem like I'm better than them because I'm trying to be healthier.

    The point I'm trying to make (I think Jester MFP probably made it better) is that some of those things might be interpreted as criticism by others, even if to you it's stating your own preference or whatever, and it is sometimes difficult to tread that line. I'm not suggesting you intentionally were criticising the choices of others, just trying to understand the reasons for some of the negative reactions you've had. The reactions are probably prompted by a mix of emotions, that people don't always understand themselves. If you post about going hiking and burning x number of calories, someone overweight and unable to do that might feel:

    "oh, man, I wish I was capable of doing that. I could never hike that many miles. I'm so fat and lazy"
    cue feeling negative about themselves, which they attribute to your post, because it's made them think about their problems, and therefore they blame you, and lash out. It's not your positive news they don't want to hear, it's the negative voices inside their own heads.

    You're right, it's no different from grabbing a bargain in a sale. But food and weight is political these days, I have feminist friends who disagree with my weight loss and fitness goals because they think I'm trying to conform to the ideals set by men and that women have a right to be fat, blah blah. But I think women have a right to choose what they want for their own bodies, and to be fit and strong and do sports if that's what we want. We agree to disagree. And I don't talk calories or macros or how many miles I did on my bike with them.

    Maybe a compromise - you tell your friends, OK I won't post on FB about my health activities and weight loss, but you agree to STFU when I order a salad when we go out and don't try and railroad me into fatty stuff.
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    Every choice we make in our lives causes some sort of change...may be very small and we may not notice it but there is always change. Sometimes that change is people coming into or leaving our lives. This change that you are making is healthy and if those people feel the need to leave your life over you making a healthy change than maybe they are not the people you want in your life to begin with. Just sayin'
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    Every choice we make in our lives causes some sort of change...may be very small and we may not notice it but there is always change. Sometimes that change is people coming into or leaving our lives. This change that you are making is healthy and if those people feel the need to leave your life over you making a healthy change than maybe they are not the people you want in your life to begin with. Just sayin'

    Bang on the money.
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    It most likely strikes a nerve in your friends (and sister)--eating healthy/losing weight/exercising is probably the #1 thing most people fail at, over and over again. We've all failed at it at some point or we wouldn't be here.

    The real issue is probably a lot less about you and your choices than about your success being a reminder to them that they've failed (or fallen off the wagon or whatever...we're all human) over and over again in the past. Also, some people naturally veer towards being controlling of others, especially when others exhibit behavior or traits that they themselves do not have but wish they did.

    That comment your friend made about "if I knew you were going to order a salad, I wouldn't have invited you" (please excuse the paraphrase) is kind of alarming though--a real red flag. First, the kind of person who would invite or not invite someone based specifically on their food choices (unless a vegan restaurant or a steakhouse is the destination) is probably "not very nice" (as my mom would say, her euphemism for "jerk") but additionally, if they would come right out and say that to your face, then that's very alarming---pardon my saying it, but that person clearly doesn't care about you and is deliberately trying to hurt you on purpose.

    Good luck--they'll either come around or show their true colors in the end. :smile:
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Maybe your facebook pals are happy the way they are. Maybe a "motivational" post everyday seems like your trying to push your goals and beliefs on others. Your don't need to motivations on facebook every single day. I get both sides of this issue because if they posted every single day how god will save us, or how boo-woo their lives are......that would be a little annoying. BUT being a public network you are free to post your pride on there to try and really some feel good from other!! Just do what you do, and be you!

    Last I checked it's her facebook wall, if I want to post political points of view, my weight loss success or just a funny joke, I can do it because it's my wall and friends that don't like it are free to not be my friend. Why should she give up writing what she wants to accommodate others.

    I say be yourself, the true friends will stick around and the others won't. Will help to thin the herd.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member

    You win!

  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Every choice we make in our lives causes some sort of change...may be very small and we may not notice it but there is always change. Sometimes that change is people coming into or leaving our lives. This change that you are making is healthy and if those people feel the need to leave your life over you making a healthy change than maybe they are not the people you want in your life to begin with. Just sayin'

  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Maybe your facebook pals are happy the way they are. Maybe a "motivational" post everyday seems like your trying to push your goals and beliefs on others. Your don't need to motivations on facebook every single day. I get both sides of this issue because if they posted every single day how god will save us, or how boo-woo their lives are......that would be a little annoying. BUT being a public network you are free to post your pride on there to try and really some feel good from other!! Just do what you do, and be you!

    Last I checked it's her facebook wall, if I want to post political points of view, my weight loss success or just a funny joke, I can do it because it's my wall and friends that don't like it are free to not be my friend. Why should she give up writing what she wants to accommodate others.

    I say be yourself, the true friends will stick around and the others won't. Will help to thin the herd.
    Sure she can write it, but her complaint is that people are stopping following her as a result, and that bothers her. FWIW, I have friends who are very dear to me in real life, but I can't stand them on Facebook.
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member

    ... but I'm just saying, lead by example, do your thing, and be happy - you don't necessarily need to tell the world about it...

    ^ This... Now I am in your camp as well... and I LOVE reading inspirational quotes and seeing images from fitness pages I've 'liked' and they have really motivating messages - I've added those pages for that reason... And I love hearing about particular friends' weightloss journeys etc as I am in their shoes and it's good for motivation and a bit of healthy competition too... but as soon as people (friends) are 'checking in' to the gym EVERYDAY etc. it can get a tad annoying. I have one 'friend' on Facebook who consistently checks in to gym and then takes photo's of herself at gym... in the toilets or whilst sitting on machines working out... it can get REALLY annoying - but it's gone beyond that now, usually I start laughing cuz I feel like it's such a 'joke' and attention seeking!

    Quotes - yes, inspirational images - yes, check in to gym - no, photo's of self at gym - no, selflies trying to show off particular assets etc - no. lol
  • Love_flowers
    Love_flowers Posts: 365 Member
    I think you shouldnt take it personally because they probably feel somewhat envious (not in a bad way intentionally) or guilty for being unhealthy and not at a healthy weight..

    I used to get the same kind of critisism from my mother and stepmother.. as if they dont wish me to be happy healthy and good looking ) but now I have realised that maybe they dont do it on purpose.. probably unconsious envy or something :ohwell:

    keep up the good work though :flowerforyou:
  • hiddenaudacity
    hiddenaudacity Posts: 122 Member
    Wow!!! I cannot imagine what this would be like! I myself work in the health and fitness industry and use facebook for my business (ie. I have a tonne of personal trainers as friends) so whenever I post health and fitness stuff I get loads of likes and support. I say keep doing it! Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

    As for when you're out, it's because you eating healthy is making them feel really bad about themselves, I've felt it myself. Try not to let it get to you, just say something like "I'm only trying to be healthy, each to their own!"