Calling All People With Disabilities



  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    :brokenheart: :sad: I didn't loose any weight this week I don't know why I stayed under my calories and worked out at least 30 min, a day,My scale doesn't have the 173.5 just the 173 guess I will have to wait until Thursday when I weigh in next week can't do it on Friday because I will be on my cruise. :happy:
  • Aw, it's okay aisser! just remember to never give up! ^^ I went out last night to the bar (to meet some friends) I never drank (only diet pop) because alcohol messes my anxiety severely, so anyways, I ended up getting really nervous and having a somewhat small panic attack, the worse thing was I was outside alone when it happened :ohwell:
    I'll just try it again next time, :) and hopefully I won't get nervous (it was the crowd and noise) I don't like bars very much but it was a special night because my work closed, so it was our last time to see each other and we got our T4's and everything, I don't have a job now, but I get ODSP so I'll be okay for a while until I'm ready again.
  • your not alone dear, i have ptsd caused from a very horrible childhood and i have insomnia.
    i have also dyslexia. i can read a book up side down right to left and read it out loud like i was reading left to right.
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    I was:mad: in my weigh in yesterday so I stepped on the scale again this morning and I have lost a lb.:happy: Not going to log it in until Thursday when I weigh in. My weigh in is on Friday but will be on my cruise.:happy: Good luck on everyone's weight loss.
  • Thanks Aisser! Have fun on your cruise! Let us know how it was ^^
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    Ok I will:smile:
  • Heys, sorry I haven't been on in a while, how is everyone doing?
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    hey. im doing alright. i havnt lost much the last 2 weeks but ive been working out harder and eating ALL my cals this week so we'll see what happens when i weigh in on tuesday!!
  • How'd your WI go Fooja?
  • Hey, how is everyone?
    I WI today, I lost 2.6 lbs! I'm now 170.3 lbs! Woot!
    I have an infection though, I was at the hospital a couple days ago, and they said I have "epididymitis" :grumble:
    so it says to get lots of bedrest, it feels like someone punched me down there, 'cept the soreness is constant. lol
    They gave me antibiotics, so I should be feeling better in a couple weeks, not sure if I'll lose much weight though the next couple weeks, as I can't exercise much (only light exercise if that, it hurts after I walk and such)
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    Hey, how is everyone?
    I WI today, I lost 2.6 lbs! I'm now 170.3 lbs! Woot!
    I have an infection though, I was at the hospital a couple days ago, and they said I have "epididymitis" :grumble:
    so it says to get lots of bedrest, it feels like someone punched me down there, 'cept the soreness is constant. lol
    They gave me antibiotics, so I should be feeling better in a couple weeks, not sure if I'll lose much weight though the next couple weeks, as I can't exercise much (only light exercise if that, it hurts after I walk and such)

    Congrats on your loss.:happy:
    Sorry to hear you have been in the hospital I hope you are feeling better. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • The Urologist was going to call me back with the test results and to check up on me, I got a call on the answering machine, I dialed the number and it was for the "Juravinski Cancer Centre" does that mean I could have cancer? or does the Urologist just work there? They were closed so I have to wait till Monday for the office....
    I'm really nervous about calling back Monday, I hope everything's alright! :indifferent:
  • Heys, My appointment with the urologist is at 1 pm this Friday, he's just doing a check-up on me, I think I still have the infection though as I'm still sore from time to time, :( How is everyone's day today? Doing well I hope!
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    How'd your WI go Fooja?

    hey...sorry i never replied back. i dont remember how much, but it wasnt much. i only lost 4.5lbs during the month of feb. the week b4 last i lost 3 lbs which was exciting!!! im down 21lbs now :) i didnt weigh in this tues cuz i started my tom and wasnt feeling right. i will wait til nxt tuesday....i hope its a loss because when its my tom i like to eat chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    Heys, My appointment with the urologist is at 1 pm this Friday, he's just doing a check-up on me, I think I still have the infection though as I'm still sore from time to time, :( How is everyone's day today? Doing well I hope!

    you dont have cancer do u?? i believe that a urologist would work at a cancer place. hope u get better soon!! thursdays suck for me!! theyre busy and im always tired. i ate candy today.....i went to the store just for candy too....thats not a good sign!!!! so with that said....i went over my cals alot today and really didnt eat much, over on my fat too......and i didnt exercise! but, i do plan to exercise extra tomorrow, so i hope it helps!
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Hey you guys,

    I'm so glad this thread is taking off. I am the mum of two kids with disabilities and have spent the last eighteen years trying to support them in being confident enough to advocate for themselves, because (according to the experts who I most respected) this was the single highest determinant in whether people with disabilities were successful - meaning satisfying work, satisfying relationships.

    So when I read about (for instance) you noticing that you were in a bar - total sensory overload - and noticing the effect it has on you, and similar epiphanies, I'm jumping up and down here going 'yes, yes!' It's amazing how so many 'nondisabled' people will accept a lower quality of life - chronic pain, mild chronic depression- and never do anything about it. To actually do the work and to start paying attention to the triggers is something no doctor can do because they're not with you 24/7.

    You guys rock!!!

    I'm sorry, I think I'm ranting. I'm just so excited about this thread.

  • Np Karen! You can post whatever is on your mind on this thread! That's what it's here for! I made this thread to help each other!
    and to Fooja, no I don't have cancer, I dunno why they phoned, but his office was there for some reason, lol, I had the appointment today, my infection is getting quite better!

    Don't worry about going over your calories, tomorrow is a new day! ^^
  • How's everyone doing tonight?
    I'm gonna head to bed (it's 10 pm) I have a job interview at 4:30 pm tomorrow so wish me luck! *crosses fingers*
  • Less than an hour till my job interview! I'm getting nervous/excited!
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    Less than an hour till my job interview! I'm getting nervous/excited!

    Good luck with your interview:bigsmile:
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