I'm having a hard time with "Never again"



  • karawRN
    karawRN Posts: 311
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,182 Member
    I still have it. Just not as often and in moderation. Life is meant to be enjoyed....you have to be able to splurge once in awhile.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I would never say, "never again" unless I was allergic to something. Just make whatever you want fit in your macros. ONE piece of cake is good for the soul.
  • If you can't trust yourself now, then avoid those foods until you've learned self-control.

    This ^^^
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    I have trouble with "never" as well. Its supposed to be that we think "just for today" or "one day at a time" but when the notion of never enters my mind I binge too. I think it is a discipline we have to build up and that takes support...or so its said. I know that we have to learn to love and forgive ourselves when we stumble so....love and forgive yourself!
  • SMBL2
    SMBL2 Posts: 22 Member
    There's no such thing as "never again." Maybe "not as much" but not "never again!"

    Totally agree!
  • ThorneDust
    ThorneDust Posts: 189 Member
    Yup what everyone else said, I don't believe in "never again". Even big portions, I know I will have again. Just I won't have a huge breakfast, followed by a huge lunch, then a huge dinner. I plan for it and work it into my calories. Even something unplanned, I'll change my day around or maybe the next day around. Work out to compensate or eat less later to compensate. In the end, it all balances out. You can do it!
  • arickim
    arickim Posts: 137
    Take all those foods you don't think you can eat again and make them healthier. sparkpeople.com has some great recipes and many recipes out there on the web.
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    It depends. For some people there is no never again. For others they have to sever all ties with a certain food and treat it like an addiction - the way you would treat stopping drugs/alcohol if it became a problem.

    If you can have it, learn moderation.

    If you can't, learn the mindset that going without is just better for you in the long run. It sucks, but it needs to be done.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I was on the site... Following the guidelines, eating well, exercising regularly, and everything was going well! I was losing! Slowly but surely. But every time I start to think about never having a big plate of mac and cheese or eating a big chunk of chocolate cake or things like that its like I panic. I binge. I tell myself I need to love my self fat and lazy like I am. Now I know I need to love myself but I also need to take care of myself and Its getting hard.

    How do you all deal with the thought of never having it again? I know I could have a little in theory, but I never in my life have had a little. I don't even know what that means. They say the cravings will go away but I still have them. Help me build good habits!

    Stop thinking that. You can have those things, just not every day or maybe even every week.

    I'm following the old WW plan, which means my activity points (exercise calories) can be saved up during the week. I weigh in on Sunday morning and reset my points Sunday night, so I've been planning ahead each week to have a treat on Sunday night. That way, I have the points/calories for it and it won't affect my WI with excess sodium or anything.

    I eat well during the week and then splurge on that one day. Last week, I had a huge sub, a slice of cheesecake with chocolate ganache and a slice of key lime pie. This week, I'm having Indian (and when I have Indian, I HAVE INDIAN! lol).

    So save up some calories each week and treat yourself.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Also, I have found substitutes for the things I love that aren't so good for me. I have dark chocolate and a fruit smoothie pretty much every day, I just use portion control and they're both healthy. I'm finding after all this time of eating healthy that the "bad" foods I used to love aren't all that good, anyway. Last time I had a Cinnabon will be my last, not because I "can't," but because it tasted awful and I don't want another one.
  • lepow
    lepow Posts: 92 Member
    I NEVER say never again. I allow myself to eat the things I love in moderation. I just make sure I'm hitting my exercise/calorie goals and roughly hitting all my macros. If I told myself I'd never again have Marie Calendar's Chocolate Silk Pie, I'd probably just give up. I can still eat it, I just have to recognize the "consequences" of doing so (exercising more or dealing with going over for the day). Or just eat a small taste of it.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    How do you all deal with the thought of never having it again? I know I could have a little in theory, but I never in my life have had a little. I don't even know what that means. They say the cravings will go away but I still have them. Help me build good habits!

    I don't say never. I just reserve such things for occasions. For example, this Saturday is my grandson's birthday. I will enjoy the cake and ice cream and chips and, since he's having a football party, I'm sure there will be other high calorie munchies I do not allow myself every day.

    And I think that is the key. Don't eat like that every day, or even every other day. Be good and stick to your calories most of the time. But every now and then just forget calories and eat what you want, for a meal or a day. Then don't do it again for a while.

    Occasions are meant for splurging, so only splurge occasionally. That's my motto. :smile:
  • Vince_1964
    Vince_1964 Posts: 359 Member
    I don't agree with the "never again" approach. That makes being healthy a punishment instead of a blessing. If I want a treat, I make room for it in my calories. I also eat less of it than I used to eat. If you can't trust yourself now, then avoid those foods until you've learned self-control.

    ^^^This ... there is no "never again" in my vocabulary. I may choose not to partake - but if I do I'll try to do so with portion control in mind. I may go over on a given day, but not EVERY day
  • jessicawrites
    jessicawrites Posts: 235 Member
    I'm in the same boat as most people here--"never again" would feel extreme and disheartening to me, too! I'm going with smaller portions and savoring. Ice cream, for example, only really tastes like the flavor for a certain number of bites; after a point, all you really register, if you're paying attention, is "sweet and cold." So last night, when the fiance and I went to Rita's, I got a kids size ice with a dollop of custard on top instead of a regular size gelati. Took in about 280 calories instead of 420, and tasted the full flavor right down to the end. An added perk was that because I was savoring my treat, it lasted just as long as fiance's regular-sized one. Spoons hit bottom at the same time, so there was no deprived moment of mine being done before his.
  • heddy90
    heddy90 Posts: 144 Member
    Stop thinking "never again", and start thinking "sometimes, in moderation"! No wonder so many people can't stick to it in the long run, when they consantly refuse themself everything they like. There's nothing wrong with having a treat or two every now and then.
  • tragicallyjuliet
    tragicallyjuliet Posts: 4 Member
    one of the things i do when i see something i want but should not have, is I go looking for a way to put it on a diet to... take your chocolate cake, there are tons of not so bad recipes out there for chocolate cake and if all else fails there is " NO pudge fudge" http://www.amazon.com/No-Pudge-Brownie-Original-13-7-Ounce/dp/B000GZYAN2 cake mix which is a god send. i have fun finding or lightening ups recipes and a lot of the time i actually like the diet version as well or better than the original.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    And now I'm kind of craving some really good (NOT BOXED! lol) mac and cheese ...
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Please read: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/709987-how-wrong-i-was-600-days-of-mfp-lotsa-pics

    There's no reason to say "never again" to a food you enjoy unless you have an allergy or intolerance to a certain food.

    If I thought I could never have pizza again, I'd have quit more than 600 days ago. I have it, at least once a week, and it fits in my calories and macros when I do.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I agree with pretty much every response so far! There are things I won't keep in the house because I can't keep myself away from them but there is nothing that I can't have if I really want it. We have one dinner of take-out just about every week and I have treats on almost a daily basis. Deprivation never worked for me either because as you tell me I can't have something - that's all I'll think about.

    Exercise helps too as you'll earn extra calories and you're more able to "afford" those little treats.