The no BS MFP EDUCATION thread



  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,978 Member
    I am spectical of advise that comes from someone who studied where they also teach kinesiology.... kinesiology lol
    Dont see many repuatable health institutions teaching new age medicine...
    Which is just called medicine when it can be proven to work btw.

    Wow, that's a nasty reply. I think you misunderstand what kinesiology is.

    ki·ne·si·ol·o·gy (k-ns-l-j, -z-)n.
    1. The study of the anatomy, physiology, and mechanics of body movement, especially in humans.
    2. The application of the principles of kinesiology to the evaluation and treatment of muscular imbalance or derangement.anywhere you go to school for

    any sort of physical training, physical therapy, etc., you will have to take kinesiology.

    you're talking about "Applied Kinesiology" ~~> kinesiology "should not be confused with applied kinesiology, a controversial chiropractic diagnostic method.

    References - &
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Fukarounditis: (Taken from and quoted well at


    ****arounditis is a behavioral disorder characterized by a mediocre physique and complete lack of progress, despite significant amounts of time spent in the gym.

    ****arounditis most commonly manifests itself as an intense preoccupation with crunches, curls, cable movements, belts, gloves, balance boards, Swiss Balls and Tyler Durden. Fear of squats and deadlifts is another distinguishing trait. Physical exertion is either completely lacking or misapplied (towards questionable or unproductive training practices).
    Despite an alarming increase of ****arounditis in recent years, prevalance may vary greatly depending on location. However, in most commercial gyms, it has been estimated that 90-100% of individuals are afflicted to varying degrees.
    Environment and social networks are crucial factors for triggering the disease. It has been proposed that the roots of the disease stems from misinformation and counterproductive training advice found in popular media ("fitness magazines") and information hubs on the Internet.
    Human nature and the so-called "laziness", "magic bullet" and "complacency" genes plays a permissive role for allowing the disease to take hold.
    The disease spreads rapidly, as carriers of the disease communicate with other individuals in locker rooms, Internet discussion forums and other arenas of interaction and information exchange in real life or otherwise.
    The onset of symptoms typically occurs in young adulthood and may go undiagnosed for a lifetime. Diagnosis is set by a professional and based on observed behaviors and physique progress.
  • shlobiwan
    shlobiwan Posts: 109 Member
  • mom2handh1975
    mom2handh1975 Posts: 224 Member
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    OP....thanks for the info. Best info thread ever.
  • bump!
  • joecollins9385
    joecollins9385 Posts: 355 Member
    Bumping because Joe is awesome :)

    thanks :wink:
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    I have absolutely nothing to add here. Simply becaue I am not as versed as I think I am in food, nutrition and exercise.

    I am just replying so it comes up in MY TOPICS lists and I will be able to follow it.
  • PiggySweet
    PiggySweet Posts: 60 Member
    What's the deal with high fructose corn syrup?

    all i know is it's highly addictive and makes me feel icky... my boyfriend lectured me about it once, but i wasn't really paying attention.
  • joecollins9385
    joecollins9385 Posts: 355 Member
    I have absolutely nothing to add here. Simply becaue I am not as versed as I think I am in food, nutrition and exercise.

    I am just replying so it comes up in MY TOPICS lists and I will be able to follow it.

    all of that when you could have said 'bump' haha jk
  • musiche
    musiche Posts: 214 Member
    The Scale /skāl/

    A method of measuring one's total body weight that isn't nearly as important as you may think it is. It's good for distinguishing overall trends, but on a day to day basis, it will just cause you frustration and grief.

    Love it! Lol
  • totallydevious
    totallydevious Posts: 309 Member
    Bump! :smile: :love: :flowerforyou:
  • kjuskiw
    kjuskiw Posts: 12
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Is there a difference between a cal and a kcal?
    Not in terms of nutrition. If something is say 100 kcal, it's also 100 calories.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    As far as I know in the US, it's actually calories listed on nutrition labels, unless it's cat food. That's listed in kcals and you have to do the math. Lucky for me my cats aren't counting calories lol
  • lynnie30
    lynnie30 Posts: 105 Member
    Bump just because I'm still looking for an "aha" moment and think it may be here:)
  • Melissa26point2
    Melissa26point2 Posts: 177 Member
    bump....thanks for the info :)
  • rf169606
    rf169606 Posts: 17 Member
  • kimmyannl
    kimmyannl Posts: 70 Member
  • LanaeCarol
    LanaeCarol Posts: 158 Member
  • Can anyone tell me the equivalent of kcal in a kilojoule?