Scale does lie!

hateras Posts: 33 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
You know the saying "the scale doesn't lie"... well mine does.. Apparently it doesn't know which lie to tell me. I have a weight watchers digital scale and have stepped on the darn thing 10 times in a row and got 10 different weights. Though I would love to take the lowest weight it gave me.. I know it's not correct..

Anyone out there with digital scales? Do you always take the first weight you get or do you step on and off a bunch of times to see if it's consisent?. I want credit for every darn ounce I lose but I don't think my scales giving it to me. :sad:

I am doing the Wii Fit plus and that scale seems to be the only thing that has been near consistent.


  • DivaReese
    DivaReese Posts: 8 Member
    I have the same scale....drives me nuts!!! I take the weight that I get two times in a row. I know what you mean though...I want credit for every ounce lost!!! :ohwell:
  • teebear1985
    teebear1985 Posts: 13 Member
    I have the same scale too and I hate it. Never seems to give me the same answer.
  • Time to invest in a new, not Weight Watchers scale? My scale is digital, and it gives me only one reading no matter how many times in a row I step on it. It was a cheap one at Walmart, I think. I've had it for a few years and it's still kickin' out accurate readings.
  • Cloe
    Cloe Posts: 435
    I have the same problem with my scale and it also is a weight watchers digital scale. One day my daughter got weighed at her docs office and my scale had her 8 lbs heavier. What's up with that. So now I have no idea anymore. And the scale wasn't cheap either.:angry: We should write weight watchers and tell them maybe we would get a new scale out of the deal:grumble:
  • Uh-Oh! I just bought that scale.
  • I always weight myself twice just to make sure and it's pretty much always the same...maybe .1 lb. but mine has done that too. Just change the batteries, it always fixes mine.
  • hateras
    hateras Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks! I will try the battery first before I throw this thing on the trash!
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    I have the same problem with my scale and it also is a weight watchers digital scale. One day my daughter got weighed at her docs office and my scale had her 8 lbs heavier. What's up with that. So now I have no idea anymore. And the scale wasn't cheap either.:angry: We should write weight watchers and tell them maybe we would get a new scale out of the deal:grumble:

    I think you guys should write WW... This is obviously not a fluke thing!!! Get your money back... and use it for a scale that works!!! Best of luck to you guys!
  • csrt80
    csrt80 Posts: 11
    I step on the scales without leaning forward to look @ my weight. If you are learning forward or backwards on them you will get different readings. I always weigh myself in the morning first thing.....well maybe second thing (after all I am drinking a lot of water these days....hahaha). This way I am not adding onto my weight with the weight of my food. And YES I always take the first number. I step on, don't look down, count to 5, step off, then look @ my weight. I also only weigh myself once a week. I try and do it on a friday. This way I can reward myself with a little something over the weekend but keeping in mind that it needs to be something small and if I eat to much of it then loosing the weight that past week isn't worth it.
  • 274650.png
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
    I never knew it did that because I never got off and on mine several times, however I did that right NOW and I got four readings with the last two being identical in four attempts. I have owned mine for three years. It seemed pretty reliable until I found out about the LYING thing!
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    I step take my weight 3-5 times, then I just go with the weight that came up the most.
  • ccounts
    ccounts Posts: 57
    I have a digital scale with a big readout, and the name on the scale is THINNER (positive thinking, perhaps?)
    I have to weigh myself several times, every time, because it's never the same three times in a row. So I take the number that is repeated most often. I have made the mistake of not doing that, just taking the first number, then excitedly logging it into my checkin, then discoved just a few minutes later, no additional water, food or clothing, that I really weighed five pounds more! The moral to that is, don't go back the same day!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I have WW scale , and i usally take the one it gives me 2x...and 1st thing.
  • I also had the digital WW scale and the same thing happened. It was so inconsistent after hopping on and off again lots of times. I finally went to WalMart and got the Health-O-Meter professional body fat scale. It was only around $35 and is accurate no matter how many times you hop on and off. It also measures your body fat and gives bone density, etc. I usually only do the normal weighing in thing-but I am happy with my purchase.
  • Hels40
    Hels40 Posts: 25
    I have had this problem in the past and i find the problem is an uneven floor. If i weigh myself in the bathroom (thick carpet) i can be 8lbs lighter then heavier and every weight going. So i have moved them into another room now. I weigh myself twice and take the second reading (usually the same)
    I am now on my 2nd set on Hanson scales and have never had any problems. Reason i bought the second set is it tells you your bmi (or rather it would if i could be bothered to set it up LOL)

    Helen xx
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    I have a digital scale too and it is really consistent.... A couple of times this week, I stepped on it and got a lower number than I expected (don't you love when that happens?) and I thought something was crazy. So, I stepped off and back on three times and it gave me the same exact weight (to a T)... So, mine is consistently accurate AND it is in agreement with the scales at my doctor's office.
  • ashleywelling
    ashleywelling Posts: 5 Member
    I bought one from Ikea, the glass one, and it would do the same thing! We did a biggest loser competition at work and my scale was alway 2-3 pounds different than that one.

    I gave up, threw it away, and now I only weigh myself when I am at the gym. It is pretty accurate. I tried it 3 times and it game me the same reading all 3 times.
  • FitbitConnor
    FitbitConnor Posts: 143 Member
    My scales have been driving me nuts too, the same digital WW scales by the sound of it. I'm going to try the battery thing and then bin them if it doesnt fix it lol
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Funny you mentioned this, the news did a thing on how accurate scales were and the one that came out the best was a digital scale by Taylor..
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Taylor is what I have, and it's always consistent, and didn't cost that much either.
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