Where are all the moms? Come...introduce yourself!



  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    Hello Im Veronica

    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? I have 3 kids Giovanni 15, Joel will be 12 in October, Catalina 3

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future? Me hell no but somehow my husband thinks he will get another one..

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?First one horrible 11hrs felt everything even with the epideral 6lbs 9oz. Second one quick and painless no drugs 8lbs 6oz. Last one didnt feel a thing the epideral worked but had to be induced she didnt wanna come out 7lb 14oz.

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise? I try to fit it around 8pm my 3yr old usually joins me untill she gets bored

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit? Be healthy and have energy to keep up with the kids.
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    I'm Katie

    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish) Jake is 6 1/2

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future? Sure hope to

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery? Pregnancy was healthy. My labor was natural and over after about 10 hours and 45 minutes.

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise? My son is very social so he loves the kids at the gym daycare. We go to The YMCA in our city. I try to go to a class once a week otherwise I run near our home or on days when my big guy has band practice and my son can stay with the band and play while I run with my sister.

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit? I want to look good and feel good, mostly for myself but also because it's encouraging to hear from my guys that I look good to them. My little guy is big on compliments and my big guy is getting healthy too so it's a family endeavor :)
  • macijojo
    macijojo Posts: 34
    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)
    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?
    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?
    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?

    My answers:
    1)I have 3 Children ages 7, 4 and 18 months, Dominic, Kerri-Ann And Maci-jo
    2) not plannin on having any more
    3)pregnancy and deliverys all natural no complications
    4) will fit time into exercise once kids are at school and also at night,
    5)i want to loose weight and become healthier for my kids
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)
    5 years (kayleigh) 19 months (jonah) and 5 months (noah) :)

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?
    I'm not sure.. Lately, I've had "baby fever" but my husband says he's done with kids. I probably am done, but you never know.

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
    1st pregnancy was good. I was induced with my daughter and was in labor for 12 hours.
    2nd pregnancy was OK but I had sciatica during it.. My water broke at 37 weeks with my son and gave birth to him 12 hours after that.
    3rd pregnancy was horrible. Miserable and in so much pain the whole time. I went into labor naturally at home at 4 in the morning and had my son 9 hours later in the hospital.

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?
    When my boys are taking naps.

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?
    Because when I started trying to lose weight I was the heaviest I've ever been after having my 2 sons within 2 years.. so I want to be at my pre-baby weight again.
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    Hi! Let's introduce ourselves with some GTKY questions!

    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)
    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?
    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?
    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?

    1 boy- 5 yrs old- Pirate Name is The Pirate Brazil Mati
    can't- early menopause
    horrible- 30+ hrs back labor and seriously inadequate delivery hospital staff... 8(
    I do it in the mornings and evenings
    less pain, can keep up with the boy, better sex life, better emotional health, better everything.

  • rainwalkerSK
    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have?
    My daughter Ava is 3, my son John will be 1 on 9/24.

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?
    Nope! My husband had a vasectomy and I was prepared to feel some sadness and regret, even knowing that it was the right decision for our family. Luckily, I've felt nothing but peace around the decision to stop at 2.

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
    Super easy pregnancies and deliveries. With my daughter, I was induced at 41 weeks and she was born 4 hours after they broke my water. My son was 2 weeks early-- I woke up in labor, got to the hospital almost fully dilated, and delivered 2 hours later. I would happily surrogate if I had the opportunity.

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?
    I work full time, and get to the office at 6am (so that I can leave at 3 to pick up the kids), so the only time I can find is after the kids are in bed, around 8:30. It's not ideal, but it's better than not exercising at all.

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?
    I want to model a healthy, active lifestyle for my family. I also want to not hate every photo of me ever taken.
  • Sojaided34
    Sojaided34 Posts: 113
    Hello all moms! I have 4 children: 14, 12, 4 and 3. Not having any more. Pregnancies were fine except my last one which drained me of any energy but it was a boy so what does that tell you? :) Deliveries were, well deliveries. Nothing nice to say about passing a 8lb baby thru 10 cm hole in your hoo hoo. LOL But they were all natural, no stitches. My oldest was 8lbs 7 ounces, 2nd was 8lbs 2 ounces, 3rd was 8lbs 14 ounces, last was 8lbs 5ounces.

    I exercise when I can. Mostly gym at 5am, walking through out the day. I love kickboxing and yoga. My main motivation to be fit is to be healthier and so I have the stamina to TRY a 5K run.
  • wendyt77
    wendyt77 Posts: 18 Member
    1. How old are your children and how many do you have?
    Taylor - 7 1/2 Dylan - 6 Kayla - 2 1/2 #4 is due in October

    2. Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?
    No - 4 is perfect for us

    3. How was your pregnancy / delivery?
    The first 3 pregnancies were great. Only 7 hours of labour with the first and 5 hours for the next two with about 10 minutes of pushing for each one. This last pregnancy has been horrible. I have been really sick and in pain for most of it.

    4. When do you fit in time to exercise?
    I have to get up by 5 am and exercise and shower before getting any of the kids up in the morning.

    5. What is your main motivation to be fit?
    I want to be a good role model for my children and teach them how to lead healthy / active lives. I also want to be able to run / play with them and not get winded / tired.
  • SilviaGutierrezRaghu
    Hola Everyone

    You can call me Sil

    I have one boy, Die who will be 5.
    I'm not sure about more kids yet. I am 44
    My pregnancy was great and I did not get any paid medication, wrong :( - delivery was very fast 8 hours or less.
    I typically work 8a - and exercise around 1H or so in the afternoon.
    I want to be healthy and tone and set a great example for my kid. He alway remind me to be healthy because he want to have mami for ever, :)
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    Hi guys,

    I'm Tiffany

    I'm a new mom...

    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish) - She's turning 6 months this Sunday and her name is Aria.

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future? Maybe...didn't plan on having any kids but now we have one it makes sense for her to have a sibling...

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery? Pregnancy was tough mainly because I gained back the weight I lost and then some. Delivery was unexpected as she was two weeks early and all I can say is thank God for the invention of epidural...

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise? When she naps. I tried to do it in the morning but doesn't always pan out so whenever she naps I express then work out. Usually only have half an hour so Jillian Michaels' work out DVDs are great.

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit? Honestly, to feel good when I look in the mirror. Of course I want to fit for my baby so I can chase her around when she's mobile but really...I want to fit into my old clothes and look awesome and not just, 'oh I guess I don't look THAT fat in it...'

    Cool thread!
  • mkcalvert
    mkcalvert Posts: 219 Member
    Hi! Let's introduce ourselves with some GTKY questions!

    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)
    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?
    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?
    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?

    My answers
    1.) Two children ages 3 and 5mths. Kinsley and Brandon
    2.) HECK NO!!!
    3.) Normal except my son was delivered with NO pain mgmt :noway: :sad: Therefore the answer to #2
    4.) I'm currently unable to do heavy exercise due to a back condition that pregnancy made worse.
    5.) Right now these beginnig signs of back handles lol, but long term my health.
  • laurenxrussell
    laurenxrussell Posts: 4 Member
    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)

    I have one child, who will be 12 weeks on Monday

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?

    Yes, but in a few years we will have another child. Just two for us!

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?

    I was induce because I was 10 days late, induction put me into labor, but had an emergency C-section because the cord was wrapped around his neck. Pregnancy was an easy one for me, no complaints there, I sure am lucky!

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?

    I am planning on s tarting Jillians 30 day shred. I take him for walks with me.

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?

    I am a mommy, I want to be a role model for my son.
  • Mz_AnGeLic

    1. I have 2 girls ages 16 n 10
    2. I would like to have one more, a boy!
    3. I was induced both times. 1st was difficult since I was a teenage mom, 2nd time was pretty smooth.
    4. I try n fit in my excercise at night, when I get my free time.
    5. To be confident/comfortable witn myself, n show my girls anything is possible if u set ur mind to it n focus hard.
  • EricaCarmack
    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? 3 kids. started at age 18. katie mae is 6, jesse dale is 4, and hayden lurie is 1
    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future? i am so fixed! i am only 25~ i had 3 kids very young~ i am so done! lol
    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery? i got huge with each pregnancy. all delivered via c-section
    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise? i exercise as much as i possibly can. i get done with all housework~ pop in some cartoons to distract the kiddos~ then kill my stationary bike and weights!
    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit? i am 5'2~ large frame.. i got all the way up to 200+ lbs!!! i looked terrible! so my motivation is turning head again! i want my hubby to have arm candy that he deserves! and i used to love how jealous he would get when someone would check me out~ i know it sounds bad- but i miss that!
  • Kgaine
    Kgaine Posts: 3
    1.) My baby daughter - Freya Margaret - is 7 weeks old :)
    2.) I would love two more children, and would like to have number 2 in the next year
    3.) I had a water birth in the midwife led unit of my local hospital and it went really well. We went in at 11am, had our baby girl at 4.32pm, and were home with a pizza at 9pm. All on gas and air only! The only tricky bit was when her little chin got stuck coming out, but it was all fine in the end.
    4.) I have only just had my 6 week check and been given the all clear to exercise, I am taking things slowly and do a 15 minute post natal workout DVD every day, and do lots of walking with the pram. My gym membership starts again at the end of September and I plan to go twice a week during the day as they have a creche, and once a week in the evening when daddy gets home.
    5.) I was a gym bunny before I fell pregnant, I enjoy working out and I like feeling healthy and in control of my body.
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    1.) Audrey is 2, Owen is 1
    2.) I think we're done. Maybe 1 more in a few years. Not sure but as of now, we're done. 2 so close together is HARD.
    3.) Pregnancies were great, i LOVE being pregnant. Labor was very long though and i never want to do that again!
    4.) I go for walks with the kids or we run around the park
    5.) If im being honest its to look good. But i also want my kids to learn how to eat healthy. It wasnt something that i was taught.
  • Fannyakababy
    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)
    abraham 6 john 10 mnths
    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?
    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
    hate being preggio its to over whelming
    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?
    when babys napping
    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?
    to feel good
  • randomgyrl
    randomgyrl Posts: 111 Member
    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)
    Emma- 4 months

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?
    Not if I have anything to say about it.

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
    It was picture perfect until 24 weeks. I went into premature labor and had to be airlifted to a larger hospital. I was on complete bedrest for 3 weeks until my little darling decided she was ready to come at 27weeks. She was in the hospital for 13 weeks and came home about a month ago!

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?
    I am still working on that one.

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?
    To be healthy, to feel good, and to be a good example to my daughter. Plus I am getting a little tired of hiding from the camera!
  • mummymechell
    Hey I'm Michelle.

    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? I have my daughter, Rylie who is four. My son Jai, who is 2.5 and Kaida who is 16 months.
    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future? Was just planning on having two but the universe had other plans for us.
    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery? Easy, natural births.
    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise? Whenever i can! I am doing a C25k program which is done when Kaid is asleep but we walk at least three times a week together as a family.
    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit? My kids, i don't want to die before i get grandkids to enjoy! And now my wedding dress. It a few sizes too small to fit nicely. It will do up now but not perfectly. I am getting married next October.

    Feel free to add me, i need as much support as i can get! And no one understands another mother exercise drama's like a mother trying to do the same.
  • kclynn7
    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)
    Charlie just turned one this past weekend, and Bailey will be born in October (If I make it that far!)

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?
    No, I don't think my body can handle anymore, and hubby to be only wants two anyway.

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
    I gained about 50 lbs with Charlie, 15+ in water weight alone. I was working 50 hrs/wk and driving 10 so I was pretty swollen from not being able to put my feet up and rest. I went in at 6am and she wasn't born until 11:46pm that night, via c-section. She was only 8lbs 1oz, but she wasn't fitting. I will more than likely have a c-section with Bailey as well. My Dr. thinks I may have Preeclampsia so I am doing testing and monitoring twice a week.

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?
    I don't at the moment, less an occasional walk here or there. I will be stepping it up greatly after Bailey is born. I have a wedding to be skinny for :)

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?
    My health, my family and my upcoming wedding.

    Feel free to add me as a friend!