
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Help me out please....NSV? :ohwell:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Meg that movie is called "Hope Springs" My sister & I went to see it a couple of weeks ago. It's pretty funny but a little risque`. I want DH to see it after it comes out on DVD. He's getting a little hard of hearing and I find it so much better to watch a movie with the captions on. I'm getting to where I like it because you really do get all the words.

    Had some more of that tomato basil soup I made yesterday and I made chicken taco salads for lunch. I've been making fresh salsa to go with it since the tomatoes have come in. I'll really miss them when they're gone.

    I did buy another dog harness today but I'm going to wait until this evening to take the dogs out. It's too hot and humid right now.

    I hope everyone has a good weekend and stays on track.

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Non Scale Victory
  • 2011Eileen
    2011Eileen Posts: 63 Member
    Good Morning,
    Hope everyone is having a great friday.
  • slowspud
    slowspud Posts: 13
    It is a shame you did not catch shingles sooner or he could have had the tablet form of Zovirax (the cold sore treatment). It stopped it immediately for my husband and was great. Don't worry about lack of weight loss, as long as it is not going on is what matters. I only lost 0.4lb in two weeks this time but I know the reason. It was my birthday so tere were plenty meals out and drink so I know I can get back on track again. xx
  • slowspud
    slowspud Posts: 13
    New here this week, I try to read a few posts here and there, but its difficult while at work :frown:
    I hope to catch up this weekend and get to know a few of you and try some of the recipes on here.
    Once question I have is am I the only one running to the bathroom every two hours because of all the water I drink?:drinker:
    That will stop after a few days. I used to do that too and it does stop as your body adjusts to the extra fluid. xx
  • cmbalint
    cmbalint Posts: 71 Member
    ladies it,s nice to see postings I found you at the start of August and then you were gone.:happy:
  • slowspud
    slowspud Posts: 13
    JNHeff.. It took me ages to get used to drinking water. What I found worked for me was to take a 2 litre bottle to work every day and make sure it was gone before I came home. Now I am not working, I keep a 2 litre bottle filled up every morning and make myself have that. At least I know i am drinking enough by the time I add cups of tea etc inbteween. xx
  • mommie55
    mommie55 Posts: 23
    Hi Ladies
    Have been totally out of it for a couple days
    Has any one heard of.....
    Tia Cheng????
    A friend suggested I try it

    My life is crazy right now
    My Goals for September...
    :drinker: drink more water
    :happy: eat healthier choices
    :tongue: bike 10 miles a day
    :ohwell: no more skipping meals
  • slowspud
    slowspud Posts: 13
    Mamacindy - do the cinema's where you live not have subtitles? May be worth asking as they do in UK but have only just started advertising it. Apparently it has been here for years.
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,

    I don’t post as often as I would like, it is hard to get through everyone’s posts before heading to work or going to bed. I am in awe of you gals who can reply to everyone and bless you for doing it. Welcome to all the new gals, this is a great place for encouragement and ideas. There are all kinds of reasons that brought us to this point in our lives, of why we are here now; the pounds that began to cling to us after a divorce, the loss of a loved one, abuse, neglect, SADD, depression, being alone, never having any time to yourself, the list is endless and like many of you I can put a check mark by many of these reasons. The trick now is to look into that mirror and realize that it is all about you. You need to love yourself in all your splendour and know that while it will take time for your wounds to heal, you and only you can and must look after yourself. It took me a very long time to come to this realization, I blamed many others for my own despair and anger.

    I knew I had to change when I got winded just climbing stairs and began slowly by listing 5 things every night before bed, 5 things I was thankful for that happened during the day: a smile from a stranger, someone holding the door open for me or a friend buying me a cup of coffee. These small things that acknowledged me as a worthwhile human being and I began to feel a little better.

    It was a TV personality who said stop hiding in baggy clothes, they make you look bigger and get yourself a good bra, it will change your profile and make you feel better. Haha! I did just that, got a properly fitted bra so the ‘girls’ were pointing in the right direction, it took 20 pounds of my look (no I hadn’t started losing real weight but I saw the possibilities). I slowly changed my outlook and had a love hate relationship with 20 pounds but I always felt alone in my quest. Until now. Here everyone understands. Here you have the support of ladies who have walked a mile in your shoes. I am so glad my doc recommended this site to me and I have to say this is the best I have ever done! I wake up most mornings with a smile on my face and I am thankful for all I have. No, life isn’t perfect by any means but I am in control of how I deal with the day.

    I was always going a hundred miles an hour, my mind always on the next thing without even realizing the task at hand. This morning as I stood in the sun watering the garden, I enjoyed being in the moment; feeling the warm sun on my back, marveling in the bounty of this year’s tomatoes and the joy of finding more rosebuds that had appeared unexpectedly. Yes, there is lots to do today but it’s all on a list, I will get to when I get it. Why can’t we learn these things when we are young!!

    Well, this turned into a bit of philosophizing didn’t it? Oops!

    I was going to tell you that my hubby is on another quest, this time to find the best borscht recipe that resembles the one he had at a restaurant in Cranbrook, B.C. Last night after football, about 8:30 he takes over the kitchen and begins his masterpiece. At 11 pm he plunks down a bowl of borscht in front of me with a large slice of bread slathered in butter. HOLY SMOKES! I also know there is butter, heavy cream and sour cream lurking in this delicious smelling brew. I weakened and ate it siting the delicate male ego as my excuse and the fact that I was a couple hundred calories under for my day…. Then I was a couple hundred over!! Absolutely delish but it was much too late to be stowing that level of food away! We are having the rest for lunch today so I will have to be very wary of my other meals. May the other borscht recipes be a little more figure friendly! I have never made it in my life, never having been a big soup person.

    Deedee, I am so sorry about the pneumonia, but don’t mess with it! I got it the summer I turned 50 brought on by the smoke from forest fires, smoke so thick the sun was rosy-red in the sky. I took a week off and then went back to work because I was invincible. I had it for 3 months and it sucked the life out of me. It wasn’t worth it so get bed rest, take your time, catch up on your reading and get back on your feet when the Doc gives you the all-clear.

    Must go ladies, the next thing on my ‘list’ is calling me.

    Enjoy your day, love yourself and choose happiness,

    September goals:

    SMASH through the 200 lb. barrier
    Increase my daily walking routine by 15 minutes every two weeks
    Find my weights in the flood storage containers in the garage & begin light weight training
    Find a way to ‘safely’ begin the transition from summer salads to fall comfort food…
  • slowspud
    slowspud Posts: 13
    Stardancer - I too am double the woman but, at 5ft 2in, it is not a good look :wink: . I am finally into a size (UK)16 and have not been able to wear that size since my early 30's!

    2011 Eilleen - Well done. 70lb is a great achievement. You will get loads of help and motivation on here.

    jb_2011 - I found your article very interesting. I have gone down 2 dress sizes and still find myself looking at my bigger clothes and wondering if they will fit! Phantom Fat makes so much sense.

    I had been looking at my clothes the other day and decided to throw all my "big" clothes out. My Hubby said, why didn't I hold on to some just in case. He meant well as I have always put it back on when I lost it but really it just gave me even more determination to keep it off. I have gone down to a size I have not been since my early 30's and have no intention of going back again this time.So... Barbie, I just hope I find this group again as I will not be on thos weekend as I am having the Grandkids. They live too far away to just nip in to see us so the come for a few days at a time. I do hope I find you all again. xx:smile:
  • cathyb60
    cathyb60 Posts: 313 Member
    Hi all...I love reading all the posts and have started keeping a notepad by me for keeping track of all the great ideas and recipes.

    Cindy: I think you are right that we need to learn to plan our meals in advance to avoid the amount of stuff that ends up in the recycle bin! I buy things in the store with half of an idea what I will do with it, then I get home and don't have the rest of what is needed, days later when I go back to the store the the first things are past their prime to say the least. I think I am going to try and make that a goal for September....to plan a weeks worth of meals at a time! I ussually fall by the wayside because I don't have a quick snack for myself. My husband is a "junk food" eater (processed cakes etc.) and he does not have a weight problem. I keep telling him he should eat better for his health, but even at 65 he thinks he is invincible.Thankfully I don't share his love for those cakes etc, but I have my own weaknesses.
    Well I hope everyone has a great long week end, we're having some company, including my 92 year old Mother-in-law who still lives alone and has worked hard all of her life, and always ate healthy....unlike her son who thinks he can hitch a free ride on her genetic coat tails:smile:
  • Fabulocity
    Fabulocity Posts: 157 Member
    Good morning!
    Well, I am pretty new to this group.
    I've lost over 100 pounds and have hit a real plateau.
    My clothes look great on me---I still need to lose weith though.
    I've had my metabolism checked and thyroid.
    I was told that my metabolism was really low and I cut back on my calories--but nothing seems to be working.
    I workout 5-6 times a week.
    I think I am going to go to the doctor to see if this is due to menapause.
    I also am cutting back on my calories once again to see what's going on.
    Made all of my goals this month (except for weight loss)
    I look foward to meeting each and everyone of you!

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy Labor Day Weekend,

    My August goals were:

    Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily (can't seem to get past 6!)
    Keep up with chair exercises
    Make healthier snack choices-more veggies!
    Lose 5 lbs

    I accomplished them all, although the last one was by the skin of my teeth! I like Barbie's idea not to set a number as a goal, makes a lot of sense! Still working on Sept. goals-trying to make them realistic so I don't set myself up for failure.

    Congrats to everyone that mentioned their weight losses!:smile:

    Also, welcome to all the newcomers! We are really growing by leaps and bounds!

    A little discouraged that my foot and toe is still very sore and swollen even with the pin out but guess I'll just try to take things slow and pace myself. I think I'll wait until Tuesday to go to the pool and then just try walking and see how it goes. Just going to relax this weekend and maybe get a little weeding in the yard done. We'll get to see the week old baby and maybe go to a movie.

    Drink up and take some time to recharge the old batteries!:drinker:


    Michele - I know what you mean-I never end up weighing what MFP says I should in so many weeks, but I don't let it get me discouraged either. It's all about having a healthier lifestyle and as you say feeling better.
  • ginib
    ginib Posts: 62 Member
    Long day of dr. appts. Mammo first, then blood work, pee in a cup (oops, I peed before the Mammo) drink coffee and water, EKG, Physician's assistant and finally the doctor! NSV - he walks in and says "WOW, you are the healthiest person I have seen today! Your numbers are great! YEAH!!! For me. My goal when I started this journey ten years ago was to get healthy and be able to play on the floor with my grandkids some day. Mission accomplished. No, I am not at my goal weight yet, but I'm down 4 lbs from a visit to his office a month ago. And other than osteoporosis, which runs in the family, I am healthy. Losing the extra pounds is secondary.

    Also went to the eye dr, and my eyes are still dilated so typing is a little hard. Excuse the typos please.

    Been out to the garden for a large harvest of tomatoes, green onions and peppers. Took some over to the neighbor girl who eats Paleo and is recovering from knee surgery. There are ten avocados in the fridge that are about to become guacamole. Making the chile relleno casserole for dinner.

    Another NSV may be two. With my appts and stopping at Walmart today, I parked way out in the lot. And I packed lunch to take with me so I wasn't tempted by fast food. Look at me trying to get healthy!

    Some of this is spurred in by the fact that my 85 year old mom is probably going to have surgery on her carotid artery . They said it's 85% blocked. She's also being tested for Alzheimer's. The signs are all there. Very hard on my dad but fortunately he's there. We'll know more next week.

    Ok off to start on the casserole.

    Meg - you're very observant. The picture was taken on a sailboat out in the Chesapeake Bay. We vacationed in Annapolis a few years ago. Best crab cakes I've ever had at O'Leary's.

    Best to all,
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    Hi ladies!!

    I feel like I have been MIA for the last week. Between dealing with this nerve issue in my neck and the first week of school I have been on a non stop ride of crazy!! So some good news points - I didn't gain during this neck injury time. I'm on meds that actually help me feel better. I got my classroom clean and set up in time for first day classes. I didn't ant to kill a student all week. Best of all, I am still smoke free!! 5 weeks and breathing easier, feeling livelier and knowing I'm on the right path for my life.

    I'll catch up on posts tomorrow and see where everyone is this week. Looking forward to September and really making some positive advances for me!!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :bigsmile: What a joy to see all the posts. I hope everyone who posted will keep coming back and become part of the family.
    Jb, it has taken a long time for me to adjust to being my new size and shape after losing 70 pounds…..be patient and you’ll get used to the new reinvented you….even now after three years, I look at my legs and think they are so fat even though I easily fit into size 6 jeans.

    :flowerforyou: I use a “gentle leader” on my standard poodles to walk them….they are close to the same age so their energy levels are similar although sometimes Brandy gets stubborn and doesn’t want to walk the route I’ve chosen for us.

    :flowerforyou: Competition doesn’t work for me……what works is “getting credit” for what I do…..I put stickers on my calendar for meeting my daily step goal……I have a heart rate monitor so I can see how many calories I burn when I walk, dance, work in the garden, do weight training, and log my food and exercise every day to make sure I keep up with my plan…..and I learned a long time ago that competing against a man in weight loss is a recipe for failure and disappointment.

    :flowerforyou: Kate, your philosophizing was very thought provoking….thank you for sharing it…..it is important for me to realize that it most cases, my problems are of my own making and blaming others accomplishes nothing.

    :flowerforyou: Slowspud, when I lost weight I kept only a sweatshirt and some t shirts to wear to work in the yard….I’ve kept the weight off for three years and you can do that, too…….you can always find this thread again by going to “my topics” under the community tab and if there is a new thread, look at the end of the old thread for a link to the new one.

    :bigsmile: Jan, continuing to be smoke free is awesome.

    :flowerforyou: We are headed for a potluck this evening. I made cole slaw to take but I’ll have an Isagenix shake before going and not eat anything at the event and just spend the time talking to my friends.

    :flowerforyou: Look for the link to the new thread for September in a few hours.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
    August resolutions:
    *walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning
    *100 Warrior III poses or squats a day
    * 3 minute timed plank every day
    *17,000 steps a day
    *finish the rock project in my yard
    *act the way I want to feel
    *come from a place of love
    *don’t take things personally
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening ladies...today was the final weigh in for the "Biggest Loser" challenge at work. My final loss was 25.6lbs. :smile: Later in the day Jodi, our DON, called me and said she wanted to see me in Johns office (our Administrator) first thing went through my mind was "Damn" what did I do now! I went in the office John, Jodi and Paul (our dietitian who was in charge of the biggest loser challenge) congratulated me and said I was the winner. :bigsmile: Doin the Happy Dance!:drinker:
    I won $110. now I can buy that new bike I have been wanting!:happy:

    :flowerforyou: I am exhausted and need to get to bed early, tomorrow I am taking my DMIL shopping. Mom has lung cancer, brain cancer and peripheral artery disease.:cry: She does't go out very often and sleeps alot. I will have to take her wheel chair with us because she falls alot and don't want to take the chance of her getting hurt. :frown:

    :flowerforyou: Hope everyone has a wondeful weekend. :heart: Love ((((HUGS)))) and Prayers, Rose
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    I never knew I was and emotional eater. I've had the MOST stressful 4 days ever. Got a call that my pony who was with a trainer 500 miles away and he was at risk of losing his eye if not brought to the hospital. Took off Tuesday morning only to break down 40 minutes into my 9 hour drive. 8 hours later I was on the road and drove until 3 in the morning. Exhausted I had to get up 4 hours later if my pony was going to make his hospital appointment. Picked him up, brought him, left him for surgery. Worked all day from my camper in Missouri (it's really hard to work at a place that's usually all fun.) Started pouing down raining last night. Still raining.

    First thing this morning the hospital said he could be picked up. Picked him up and got a flat tire on the bridge over the Missouri River. Poor horse, already stressed from eye surgery, had to have a HUGE noisy truck pull behind us, jacked up the trailer with the horse inside.

    I have eaten my way through these 4 days. I was smart and went shopping for 5 days of food including healthy snacks. But, do you know how many calories are in 1/2 watermelon? I have eaten watermelon, cucumbers, applesauce and tomatoes non-stop. Doesn't sound bad, but the calories added up. I am too old for this.