I need inspiration. Any 5'5 girls out there?



  • alicepoppyh
    alicepoppyh Posts: 88
    I am 5'5, I started out at just over 200, I now weigh somewhere round the 194 mark. The first lot seems to come off very slowly, partly because I'm noticabley building muscle from working out. To be honest because I have quite a big frame, I'm only going to aim for 170 first of all, and then set the next goal once I know how it's coming off and how I look. I have really broad shoulders, a huge rib cage (which already sticks out a little) and wide hips, so if I get to what they say my ideal weight would be, I'd worry that I'd look all boney and weird!

    So yeah that's my strategy, set smaller goals at a time and just see how it goes :) Feel free to add me as a friend, seeing as we're the same height and weight it could be useful to compare- some healthy competition! :)
  • sarasmile144
    sarasmile144 Posts: 108 Member
    So if I'm a size 16 and I'm 194 what size do you guys think I would be if I lost 50 pounds and got down to 145?

    Clothing size will depend on a lot of factors, but my tailor says that for women every 10 pounds is a dress size. 50 pounds would be about 5 sizes down, putting you about size 6. I'm also 5'5" and just about to reach my goal weight of 150. (I started right around 200 pounds in 2007.) I just shopped for my new wardrobe and wear size 6 in most pants. I'm still a medium or size 8 in tops, though. My boobs shrank, but not that much! LOL :noway:

    Best of luck to you in your journey. You can do it!! :bigsmile:

    Size is something that frustrates me, because at 270 lbs, I am a tight 18- at 250 lbs I am a comfortable to slightly loose 18, and at 240 lbs.. I am just a.. "looser" 18 ... LoL.. but it feels like I'll never be out of the 18's some times!
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    I'm 5,4 and quite petite and found that guideline daily amounts of calories were totally wrong for me as for my size and build I should be eating 1,250 calories a day not 1,500 as most food labels suggest.
    For me this was the info that helped me sort out my weight as an additional 250 calories a day extra puts on 1lb EVERY 2 WEEKS!!!

    So that would be my tip for short ladies like us :)

    Not true - if you are active and exercise, you can eat MUCH more than that. I'm 5'5" and 120lbs and eating an average of 2400 calories/day and maintaining my weight. I'm very active and in training for a marathon, but even when my race is over I should be able to eat around 2000/day and maintain my weight. Being shorter/weighing less does not have to equal starving on 1200 calories a day!
  • kobiemom
    kobiemom Posts: 218 Member
    I'm 5'5". I started out at 193 and lost 40 lbs. so far. You're much younger than I am - in fact, three of my children are older than you. I've been losing slowly, too. Don't let that get you discouraged. It's better for your body and allows you to build good diet and exercise habits. My goal was 130, but my doctor hays 135 - 140 would be a healthy weight for me. See how it goes. Good luck to you!
  • I'm also 5'5" 1/2. I'm just starting out at 166 lbs :/ My goal weight is 132-127 lbs. I love reading about peoples success stories! It's really motivating, hopefully I will have my own soon! :D I'm trying Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred (heard great things about it on here!) to get me going, then I will move on to Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. I haven't logged anything on here yet. Way too nervous but hopefully I will start in a few days when I've sorted out my diet properly.
    Good Luck to everyone!
  • fishfilet
    fishfilet Posts: 18 Member
    5'5" here too, and my goal is also about 135lbs. It's funny too see how many people feel this is the "ideal" weight. Must mean I'm on the right track too =)
  • keg619
    keg619 Posts: 356 Member
    I'm 5'5" and began my journey at 315.5 pounds in October 2011. I am now down 90 pounds and my ultimate goal is to be around 145 and to enlist in the Air Force, which has always been an aspiration of mine but I've always been too big. It is a long process, and will not happen over night.

    Not quite my highest, but in September 2011.

    About a month or two after starting

    90 pounds down

    Taken yesterday- 90 pounds lost forever
  • NJL13500
    NJL13500 Posts: 433 Member
    I'm 5'5 1/2 and currently weigh 144. I'm in a size 6 (never thought I would get there). My original goal was 145, but now I'm shooting for 135. I started MFP at 190.5, but my all time high was 232 and a size 20.
  • I'm 5'5" and just reached my goal of 120 today! I was 137 on Dec 31st, I didn't have alot of weight to lose but stuck to the 1200 calories MFP gave me and worked out 3, 4 or 5 days a week alternating cardio and weights. Now I'm maintaining and up to 1530 calories a day with exercise.

    I too am 5'5" and started out at 137. I've been working out since November 1st but only started using MFP about 2 months ago. Boy has it made a world of difference! My weight loss had stalled for quite a while because I hadn't been journaling what I was eating and how much I was actually working out. Now I'm sticking with the 1410 cal limit and working out 4-5 times a week, alternating cardio and weights. There was about a month where I plateaued so I increased my cal intake to 1600 for a couple weeks but have since gone back down to 1410. I'm now within 4lbs of my secondary goal weight of 120 (my first goal weight was 125 which just today I surpassed). I want to get back to my peak condition that I was in 3-4 years ago when I was training mixed martial arts 3-4 nights a week as my husband and I are training for next year's Ohio Tough Mudder.
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    The last 10 years I've been between 57-59 kg (127-131 pounds) with a length of 1.65 m (5'5"). After the birth of my second the kilo's just didnt melt away again. My son will be 1 in 2 weeks so I figured it's time I get back into shape. I'm currently 68 kg (150 pounds) and am aiming at 58 kg / 130 pounds or fitting my size 36-38 clothes again - whatever comes first! ;-)
  • maddiec1989
    maddiec1989 Posts: 144 Member
    I'm about 5'5 1/2'' (haha I usually round up)
    I started at 175lbs and am currently at 143lbs. I started gradually changing my lifestyle 6 months ago. I went from eating everything in sight and never exercising, to eating sensibly and exercising just about every day. Obviously, I didn't go from one extreme to where I am today over night because I wouldn't have stuck with it. Just making a couple of minor changes here and there is what's really worked for me.

    my goal is 129-135

  • cherissewilson
    cherissewilson Posts: 12 Member
    Go to Tools and under that click BMI and put your height and weight and it will tell you if your Obesse or Healthy..I'm 5'5 and that's my goal around 135-138 ish and it's a height size for you height. :happy: Good luck.
  • kellya009
    kellya009 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm about 5'5 1/2'' (haha I usually round up)
    I started at 175lbs and am currently at 143lbs. I started gradually changing my lifestyle 6 months ago. I went from eating everything in sight and never exercising, to eating sensibly and exercising just about every day. Obviously, I didn't go from one extreme to where I am today over night because I wouldn't have stuck with it. Just making a couple of minor changes here and there is what's really worked for me.

    my goal is 129-135


    Are you kidding me??? Your body is rockin. Great job, congrats on all the hard work!!
  • kellya009
    kellya009 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm 5'5" and began my journey at 315.5 pounds in October 2011. I am now down 90 pounds and my ultimate goal is to be around 145 and to enlist in the Air Force, which has always been an aspiration of mine but I've always been too big. It is a long process, and will not happen over night.

    Not quite my highest, but in September 2011.

    About a month or two after starting

    90 pounds down

    Taken yesterday- 90 pounds lost forever

    Can I asked what type of diet and exercise you did? Wow congrats you look absolutely stunning and skinny!!
  • keg619
    keg619 Posts: 356 Member
    Thank you! As for diet, I just decreased the amount of food I was eating. I don't really intake anything that is fat free, but I measure everything and stop eating before I am full. For exercise, I lift weights, stretch everyday, and have began running. In the beginning walking was quite a task. I started using the couch to c25k app on my phone and am now able to run 20 minutes at a time. I have never even been able to run 5 minutes straight before. It is still a daily struggle, as my weight loss has slowed, and it is hard to find motivation from time to time.
  • BandForAlyAnne
    BandForAlyAnne Posts: 321 Member
    i started at 289.6 and now im 220lbs. i have my first goal set at 190 (which will put me 100lbs down) but i want my final goal to be between 140-160lbs.
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    5'5" here...started at 245 and now at 140. I'm a size 6 jeans, and the size 8 clothes I just bought are too big. My goal weight is 130, and for now I'm focusing on toning up and trying new things. The scales aren't moving but I'm getting thinner with increased workouts and endurance training. Well meaning people at work are telling me that I shouldn't lose anymore weight, that I'm where I should be. You know this already but here it is---everyone has an opinion about something...grain of salt

    I just started doing the C25K program and should finish strong around Halloween, then on to the 8K program and then the 10K program, which will take me through the middle of March.
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    I am 5'4" and currently 136lbs. I think that your goal of 135 is great for your height! I am looking to get down to about 130.
  • I am 5'4 and honestly 180 is my goal weight ( I havebeen this weight before and was a size 12) I think every woman is different so maybe play it by ear (my pics are on my pofile :)
  • Hi there! I'm 5ft 5.5. I don't know what my highest weight was as I was too scared at that time to stand on a set of scales but I was wearing 18-20s (UK sizes). I gradually lost weight and got down to a size 10-12 and was 154lb at my lowest and just couldn't shake any more without restricting my calorie intake to a stupidly low level. 3 years on I've put on weight mainly due to some unavoidable lifestyle changes (job related) and now am at 192lb and a size 14 but I'm back on MFP and hope to shift the weight and get back down to somewhere near 154lb.
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