Cant be motivated, ever.



  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    Its not easy, never has been, never will be, but but i said for two years straight after my mom died "yeah I will exercise, yeah I will eat better." and guessed what happened? stayed 243 pounds, ate fast food to drown my depression, and sat my butt infront of a computer almost 24/7 for two years.

    What motivated me: originally, the wedding. I got married in Sept of 2011 to the man I have been with now four years. About two weeks into 30 day shred, started getting cramps really bad, and guess what? I was 6.5 weeks pregnant in June 2011. I started losing weight during the pregnancy, and have kept it off, and trust me i stayed active. After Jan, when my son was born, I could have said, "maybe tomorrow." and for about a month i did, well when my body decided to no longer allow breastfeeding, i was 205lbs, and I signed up for mfp again. Today, i have lost 20.4lbs and don't plan on stopping. My kid, as well as my husband are my motivators, and being able to breath without the asthma attacks is a nice benefit too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Trust me, when my mom died, 11 months later i lost my grandmother, on top of my father landing in the hospital and almost losing him took place over two years, as well as almost being homeless and everything else. My running (yes I started C25K when i was six week post partum) i not only enjoy but i also know that i will live longer then to the age of 57.

    I could have given up, but i didn't, i kept fighting, and if you really want this change, you will fight for it. Bad things happen, binges happen, but when you fight through them, you are showing that "binge demon" that you aren't going to let it win!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 4newtsmom
    4newtsmom Posts: 29 Member
    Go and have a nice little HEART ATTACK, that will put things into perspective for ya!!!

    That was kinda harsh. I don't think thats the kind of support anyone needs on this site...
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    Go and have a nice little HEART ATTACK, that will put things into perspective for ya!!!

    That was kinda harsh. I don't think thats the kind of support anyone needs on this site...

    Not harsh...just reality. I was trying to tell her that could be in her future if she does not get ahold of her motivation.
  • marina_212
    I agree it was uncalled for.
    But I'm in awe at everyone else's responses- I didn't expect this much support. I am trying to add all of you but won't let me do it past so many requests within a certain amount of time.
    I'm definitely taking into consideration everything I just read, and would love to keep in touch with all of you.
    Sad thing is, you're all so right. Because like someone said: You've been there, are there, or is doing it.
    Thank you so much!!
  • ladioffaith
    Start with smaller goals. Here's a first goal for you: Log every meal on MFP for a week. Don't worry about what you eat just log it.


    The person who posted this is the friend who talked me into this. Years ago, we successfully lost weight together (she more successfully than I) but that was when both our lives were different and I practically lived at her house.

    She talked me into joining this site because I may not be all that motivated to lose weight, but I am curious by nature.

    I once saw a website that claimed to maintain my current weight, I need to eat like 4,000 calories DAILY!

    I KNEW there was no way I consumed that many calories!

    So now I am just tracking to see where the problem is. It's already helping me make better choices.

    Like today. I was feeling sick to my stomach. Ate my standard stomach remedy, vanilla ice cream. Made NO effort to conserve calories. Then tonight I went to the fair. Of course, we ALLL know there is hardly anything healthy to eat there! So I got a sausage sandwich. Yup, a sausage sandwich.But the victory? Nothing else, unless you count a handful of pecans.

    Thanks to my hike to my car and back, plus walking around the fair, I conservatively estimated my walking at 30 minutes and I was under my calorie goal.

    When I was there, I noticed one booth has tossed salad for $1.50. They also have soups. And the "steak on a stick" booth. I wasn't going to pay $6 for a little stick of steak. But now that I know they have a salad for $1.50 I'm going to go there, get the salad, get the steak and PRESTO. Flavor for the salad! Since I don't do salad dressing, I may be able to spurge on soup.
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    We have a similar schedule. I work from 10:30 - 7:00 every day.

    9:30 - breakfast
    12:00 - first break at work (snack)
    2:30 - lunch
    4:30 - second break (another snack)
    7:30 - make dinner when I get home
    8:30 - go for a walk, do Wii Fit, whatever
    10:30 - small snack ONLY if I'm TRULY hungry, as in stomach growling
    12:30 - bed

    Those of us on alternate work schedules don't have to buy into the "don't eat after 8:00/9:00" rule because, obviously, we don't live in a 5 o'clock world. Just eat something small for a snack every couple hours in addition to your meals so you aren't starving and tempted to buy/eat something crappy for lunch or dinner.

    You don't have to work out in the morning just because you work later in the day. I work out when I have the most energy, which is after dinner. I just make sure it's a few hours before bedtime so I'm not all jazzed when I'm trying to sleep. Honestly, I like it that way because it helps me release tension from the day, and taking a shower afterward relaxes me and makes me sleepy.
  • gaylynn35
    gaylynn35 Posts: 854 Member
    If you are 21 years old and need to lose 102 pounds, I suggest you get with the program now. It won't be so easy the older you get. Just make up your mind and do something about it now.
  • monkeeface
    monkeeface Posts: 59 Member
    I understand where you're coming from as I also struggle to find motivation.

    A lot of people will suggest that setting goals will help but this may work for some people but not for others. You could easily set a goal, achieve it & feel no excitement or sense of achievment - hence no motivation. Or it might not matter to you if you reach a goal or not - that wont motivate you either.

    Having some rewards for doing things can help, but only if the rewards give you sufficient pleasure. So in way, what some others have said is what I think is the answer to I think you have to want something bad enough to work hard & get it. If you're not too bothered if you achieve something or not, then it will be harder to stay motivated. Unfortunately there is no magic pill or advice that can make someone want something bad enough for it to become top priority. So until it becomes your top priority over everything else, stop beating yourself up & worrying about not exercising/dieting, it'll just make it worse.

    Obviously I dont know you, but consider doing a free online test for depression as a lack of motivation (to do anything) is a key symptom of depression. If it turns out you suffer from depression, once that can be brought under control you might find it easier to stick to exercise/dieting.

    Good luck.......let us know how you get on
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    Some people need to start small and build on that. Success begets success.

    Have a checklist of 5 things you want to achieve this week such as:

    1) Eat at least one serving of fresh vegetables a day instead of processed food
    2) Eat at least one portion of lean meat a day instead of processed food
    3) Drink one can of soda or less per day
    4) Do 20 minutes of any kind of physical activity per day
    5) Go to bed earlier each day

    As you do them tick them off. At the end of the week feel good with what you have accomplished, maybe even reward yourself.

    Keep setting yourself more challenging goals as the weeks pass.

    Once you have conquered your mind your body will follow.

    ^^ this. Best advice ever. Start small, build from there.
  • projectxreborn
    I hate exercise. Absolutely. Hate. It. But then I suck up my loathing (and laziness to be honest) and go to the gym. It is strange...
    I start out scowling and grumbling to myself but when I am done...I am happier, relaxed, and feel about a thousand times better.
    I have never regretted going to work out after it was done...the regret comes when I think, "What has taken me so long to
    start?" I understand being overwhelmed, it can be overwhelming...but you are worth the effort it takes to make the changes
    and get healthier. Don't think of the weaknesses you have now but all the possibilities of the strength and success you still
    have to come!
    You can do this!
  • ZillyPaul
    If you TRULY want something, you wil find a way.
    If you do not, you will find an excuse.

    The truth is, you dont want it. You dont want it, with every fiber of your being. With every corner of your soul. You dont want it. So... you wont get it.

  • projectxreborn

    Obviously I dont know you, but consider doing a free online test for depression as a lack of motivation (to do anything) is a key symptom of depression. If it turns out you suffer from depression, once that can be brought under control you might find it easier to stick to exercise/dieting.

    Good luck.......let us know how you get on

    I have battled depression for years....I have found that the best thing I can do to is to exercise. Even if only for a short period of time, it helps. The medicines I took helped me get to a place where I could start working on it myself but I didn't want to take
    medicine for the rest of my life. I don't know the ins and outs of how exercise helps, I just know that it does...
  • ZillyPaul
    Look. I am 37 years old, pushing 40. I LOST what was supposed to be the best years of my life, TO FAT. I bacame fat, i became depressed. The more depressed, the more FAT i got. all of a sudden im almost 40 and and i am getting into heart attack/stroke/diabetes territoy. WHERE DID MY YOUTH GO? How many FRICKEN times did i say IlL START ON MONDAY. Tell you what honey, dont even BOTHER saying that to yourself anymore - its pointless because you DONT WANT IT. Unfortunatley you will probably end up like me. FAT AND MISERABLE for YARS AND YEARS. Something inside of you has to change, but only you can do it, and only when youre ready will you do it. Unttil then, prepare yourself to be misserable and wallow away in self pitty.
  • marina_212
    I've been diagnosed and medicated for depression at 16 and was hospitalized for it right before my 20th birthday- which is where I found out I was also borderline.