Do you REALLY have a food allergy/intolerance?!



  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I'm actually lactose intolerant. My toilet can back me up on that one :embarassed: :laugh: :blushing: .

    This ^^^

    Give me too much dairy and everyone around me will be running to the hills :-p

    Horrible cramps, Plus I will be puking everywhere.
    Doesn't mean that I don't just have soy milk/yogurt though.
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    I would be very concerned about a doctor who did not keep the confidentiality of his patients. If he knew she was lying then he knows the truth, he shouldn't have told you. That goes against their code of ethics and HIPPA...not good.
  • carebear7951
    carebear7951 Posts: 404 Member
    I have IBS. My body is intolerant to being reasonable. I still eat everything, though. Nothing in particular seems to trigger it.

    My sister is gluten free half the time and the rest of the time not. She said she *thinks* it makes her feel better. Sigh. Most of the time she doesn't feel better and we're all just inconvenienced.
    After having seen the Gastro doc, it was determined that I have IBS as well. That is the disease of "well, we can't really figure out why your tummy is always upset". Anything and everything can trigger it... dairy, fruits, veggies, MSG, carbs, fatty foods, etc. So I can't cut out anything, or I'd be cutting out everything.

    Yep. I was diagnosed with IBS as a child and it's only been recently that I figured out that just means they didn't know what it was (and since dr's don't like to admit that..they have a diagnosis!). Certain things do trigger mine though. Fatty foods, milk, eggs and probably more. Those are just the most obvious. And sometimes I can eat them and be okay and then it's like 1 more bite of the wrong thing and I'm hurtin' for certain. :/ Frustrating!

    That's really sad about your cousin that she has lied about these conditions in this way...I think it makes people not believe those who REALLY do have it. Like ADHD...everyone has it so a lot of people think it's fake or a discipline problem Nope. Just overdiagnosed and a convenient excuse! I think when people lie about medical conditions it cheapens the value of the condition for people who really do suffer.
  • Birdie
    Birdie Posts: 256 Member
    Tests are not always accurate for intestinal issues. I have had every test under the sun and they were all normal, yet I have a severe reaction to milk and wheat.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I am allergic to grapes and grape products. Pretty easy to avoid.
  • nikilovesaxl
    I'm actually lactose intolerant. My toilet can back me up on that one :embarassed: :laugh: :blushing: .

    This ^^^

    Give me too much dairy and everyone around me will be running to the hills :-p

    Horrible cramps, Plus I will be puking everywhere.
    Doesn't mean that I don't just have soy milk/yogurt though.

    Mine always happens at like five in the morning. It wakes me up with the most intense pain. Its the worst feeling ever.
  • doubglass
    doubglass Posts: 314 Member

    That's cool, its legit, you got tested and you're not lying... but, only 1% of people are supposed to have gluten intolerance according to scientific medical studies.
    So what's up with this whole no gluten trend?
    I have a friend who is bona fide intolerant. He loves it that so many people "think" they have his condition. Because of this there are a lot more gluten free products on the market, greatly expanding his food choices. He just hopes it isn't a passing fad.
  • nascarbettie
    nascarbettie Posts: 69 Member
    I would be very concerned about a doctor who did not keep the confidentiality of his patients. If he knew she was lying then he knows the truth, he shouldn't have told you. That goes against their code of ethics and HIPPA...not good.

    I couldn't agree more ^^^

    I am very lactose intolerant. I've never lied about my condition. I've had issues with dairy ever since I got pregnant with my daughter 22 years ago.
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    As far as I know I'm not allergic or intolerant to anything

    There are foods I won't eat because they make me feel lousy afterwards - heavy, bloated, gassy - usually that's fast food or anything real greasy

    I'm weird about chicken - just a preference thing - I won't buy or eat anything from Tyson but that's an ethical thing
    Also, I ask places where they get their burger or steaks from - do they come fresh or frozen? If they come frozen I won't eat them, once again a preference thing. I refuse to eat veal
  • CrisAlex
    CrisAlex Posts: 236 Member
    Yes, I'm lactose intolerant. But there are so many other options so it's fine. If I drink regular milk, I will have the worst stomach pain and no one will want to be around me or the bathrooms I enter.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    I know many people that have legitimate food allergies. Especially peanuts and lactose intolerance.
    I don't know of anyone besides someone with a mental disorder like anorexia that would make up a food allergy? That seems bizarre for an otherwise mentally healthy person to make something like that up.
  • Wenchilada
    Wenchilada Posts: 472 Member
    Well, I'm still fat enough that nobody would question if I'm anorexic (I'm not, for the record) when I tell them I can't have gluten... :ohwell:

    Food sensitivities, intolerances, allergies, what have you... they are a fact of life for many people. Just yesterday a friend reported that her infant tested positive for allergies to peanuts, soy, and eggs, so they were going to go test their 3-year-old in case they might have overlooked anything she shouldn't be eating.

    While I agree that it could be used as a convenient "excuse" for just not eating anything, ever, it really makes me angry when people do that. It makes things that much harder for people who do have things they must avoid, because once someone has one bad experience with someone who is lying about something for attention or whatever other reason, it's easy to assume that anyone else with a similar "problem" is also a dirty lying liar.

    It also made me mad when I realized my gut reaction to the title of this thread. All I wanted to do was say, "Yes, I REALLY do!" and then flail about, trying to validate myself somehow to a bunch of people whom I've probably never even spoken to on here before. I get defensive, I feel a little hurt that someone I've never met is implying that I am a liar and am seeking attention or could even be masking an eating disorder, and I wonder whether my friends, family, and coworkers are thinking the same thing.

    If I could have gluten products without suffering from systemic aftereffects for several days afterward (damn it, there I go trying to validate myself!), I would definitely choose them over the other options presented as "substitutes." Many of them are just terrible, both in taste and nutrition, so I have sought to just change how I eat rather than trying to mimic the stuff I used to be able to eat. I do occasionally get stuff like Udi's gluten-free multigrain hamburger buns (for instance, if we are having a cookout or potluck), but they're way too expensive for everyday use.

    It sucks if your cousin did, in fact, lie to get attention (or maybe dodge it), but please don't assume that everyone who reports a food allergy or intolerance is pulling the same crap as she did. And asking them to "show their papers," so to speak, is way past the boundaries of decent human interaction. Just take their word for it, and if you don't like it or "agree" with it, walk away.
  • robmcd88
    robmcd88 Posts: 85 Member
    My mother-in-law seems to get sick to her stomach before trying anything that is not the highest price on the shelf. I think if we quit paying for it all she would be cured.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member

    I had gastrointestinal issues of my own and when my Dr. (the same gastro specialist as my cousin) asked if there was any celiac disease in my family, I casually mentioned my cousin. He looked at me and sighed and said that she didn't have celiac disease when he had tested her...This Dr. probably didn't do it on purpose to reveal medical information about another patient.... but, anyway... that's beside the point to my story.

    The bigger issue I see here is a direct violation of HIPPA unless your cousin gave your doctor permission to speak to you about her condition. That's against the law and he can lose his practicing license.
  • jessicae1aine
    I had allergy testing done when I was 8, and again at 20. I hit 84/88 things they tested for, and already had known allergies. There's no point in me faking allergies, when I have enough of them as is.
  • clh126
    clh126 Posts: 115 Member
    Some people may not have a full-blown intolerance or allergy, but they may be sensitive to certain foods. For example, wheat and dairy make me bloated and flare up my psoriasis. I don't get sick from those foods and can eat them, but obviously prefer not to and am thankful for all of the gluten-free products now available.

    With that said, I have heard of people like your cousin who lie about allergies to preserve their disordered eating, particularly for people with anorexia. It makes sense that they lie because then it's so much easier to function in social situations involving food without actually having to eat anything if you have a disorder.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I'm not gluten intolerant. I'm allergic to wheat and I figured since I'm allergic to wheat anyway I may as well cut out all gluten. It was the best thing I ever did. :)

    That said, I have never, EVER cut out food groups for the purpose of losing weight. If I say I'm allergic to something, I'm really allergic to it. I love food way to much to voluntarily cut out things I love.

    MODERATION is something I can do. Cutting out completely? Not possible.

    Have you spoken to your cousin? Not to confront her but just to ask her how she's doing? People can grow out of allergies. You might want to point that out to her. :)
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    i actually have medically diagnosed celiac disease. my cousin has it, my aunt has it, my grandfather had it, and my other cousin has it on my other side. lol. so i am the 1% haha

    Ditto and numerous hospital trips and especially one in an ambulance blue lights all the way will confirm the others especially soya.
  • gc_tweety
    gc_tweety Posts: 205 Member
    Sadly, I'm really allergic to foods I love: avacados, tomatoes, and all melons.
  • 76scenic
    76scenic Posts: 22
    As a Celiac, I need to speak up.

    First, I feel bad for the cousin. Regardless of perceived legitamacy of the diagnosis. She feels better not eating the gluten. No different than feeling better when you exercise or diet. No to mention 90lbs is only ~50lbs under ideal weight. It's better to be this than over it.

    And yes before I go any further. I was medically diagnosed as a Celiac. That said, many many Celiacs correctly identify themselfs as such before a doctor gets involved.

    NO, I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT ANNOUNCE my Cealiac Disease/Gluten Intolerance just to avoid explaining a diet or to lose weight. Truth be told being Celiac and following it's restrictions to the tee is the HARDEST thing in the world. You would not believe the things that have Gluten in them that are not even foods. It's in everything: food, cleaners, beauty care, soaps, shampoos, toothpaste and list goes on.

    To those that have tried gluten free but are still not feeling good. Look into the non-food products you are using. I bet you are still getting glutened. Also you have to avoid eating out as much as possible, otherwise you are getting cross contaminated.

    Lastly, here is a great blog that talks about Celiac disease on a personal level.