5'3" ladies??? :)



  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I'm 5'2 and my GW is 130. I would never get to 105, that's just how I am. I think that's nearly underweight and I don't want to go there. Underweight for 5'2 is like 101 lbs, =/
  • Yay! More 5'3" ladies (although I like to think of myself as being 5'3" 1/2! - but thats probably just on days when my hair takes on a life form of its own!) I'm currently 9 stone exactly, my goal is just under 8 and a half stone. I started the Insanity workout on Tuesday and I have just finished my first week - at the start of the week I was 9 stone 6 ounces. I have really changed my diet during this week and surprisingly I have found that I am not that hungry - which is weird as I ALWAYS have had an appetite, I dont know if its the change in diet or whether my stomach has just given up because of the workouts - either way i'm pretty happy! (albeit slightly obsessive about it!)
  • SWilkins75
    SWilkins75 Posts: 277 Member
    I'm your height, but my goal is a lot higher. 105 doesn't look good on me,

    Right now I am 160 lbs. It's very high. :/

    My goal : 115-125
    I am 5'2 and 160 is my goal. My husband likes thick chubby women :)
  • xSakura
    xSakura Posts: 288 Member
    I'm 5"3 and currently 197, my goal is around 140, which seems much higher than most of you! :O My frame is quite wide and curvy, and I'm very ''top heavy'' so I've taken that in to consideration haha :) I'd love to go lower than 140, but not quite sure how it would look with my frame, we'll see :D

    Good luck everyone!
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I am 5'3.5" and am 153. I want to be 125. In 10 lbs I am considered normal weight. They have been killer to get off grrr. Intermittent fasting is finally helping. I am size 8 US now. Not sure where I will be when I get down to my goal as I have never been there but this is the last time I will lose weight.
  • I'm 5'4.... 116lbs at the moment and aiming for 112, I was 124lbs to start with :) May go down to 108, but no less then that, cause I'll look to skinny.
  • KELSLEY123
    KELSLEY123 Posts: 28 Member
    I think id does depend on your body type; body composition is also important. I am 5'3" - 54 years old - I do want to be around bt 100 and 105 - but I have muscle - and I need to build more so I may end up being more - inches are also important and looking/being healthy.
  • Hoonooria
    Hoonooria Posts: 28 Member
    I'm 5'3'' :)
    GW - 126 lbs:)
  • Been at this a while. Started at 165. The calculators say healthy ends at 138 for 5'3", but i think i looked best at 127. So, aiming for that and hoping i find the way to maintain. I am a bit stuck between 145 and 148 at the moment. This tool is great, though. Keeps me honest.
  • I'm 5'3" (plus a few centimeters), and I'm currently around 117 lbs to 122 lbs, even though my scale lies and tells me I'm 110 lbs. I'm trying to shoot for 105 lbs, or less (wherever my diet and exercise can take me, healthily). Although, I'm not a very good diet buddy for you since I have about zero interest in exercising on any given day, and your icon suggests you enjoy exercising a lot, haha. Oops.
  • meowkapow
    meowkapow Posts: 103 Member
    I'm in my late twenties and my goal is 132. Then after that I'm going by inches and body fat %. The lightest I've been is 117 but that was at 21 and know the body changes over time. I really just want an athletic looking body to look good and be able to trek around the world in!
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    I'm 5'3", 42 years old

    SW: 196 lbs
    CW: 170-172
    GW: 140

    My goal weight seems much higher than everyone else's, but I do have a large frame.

    I'm comfortable being a size 10 or so, and in the past, 140 has had me there. If I'm muscular, it's a good weight for me.
  • I'm 5'3" and my goal is 118. Currently, I am 138.
  • At 105 you should look very good, definitely on the skinny side of average, and still within healthy BMI.

    I reached my original goal of 120 a while ago, but I wasn't happy with the results. I've gotten to 115 and that still wasn't too great. So my new goal is 110, and maybe 105-108 if I can make it.

    My starting weight was 140.
  • rebelroses
    rebelroses Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5' 2.75" lol the .75 counts! The best I've ever looked was 120lbs after I had two kids. However, with that being said.. Yes I was able to drop my weight but I wasn't tone. Thin but... I needed some muscle. So I know muscle ways more than fat.. I think my goal is 120-130. I'm going off of how I look when I get there! I'm currently 147 started few days ago with Turbo Fire work out and Body by Vi shakes....
  • I'm 5'3 and my current weight is142 my goal weight is 120. I don't know what I will look like at that weight or what my measurements will be but once I get to that point I will reevaluate my goals.
  • I am 5ft 3" and my goal weight is 105lbs! Currently at 121lbs! Trying to overcome an undiagnozed illness that has my tummy looking like its 4 months pregnant so that has set me back a lot but I'm trying to stick it out and hopefully whatever is going on inside me will be sorted soon so I can continue trying to lose my last bit of weight :)
  • ktmmom189
    ktmmom189 Posts: 132 Member
    5'3 ..older than all of you :) *cough50cough*.....I'm at 152 now (started out at 165) . I want to get down to about 130 ..that is where at my age I look the best. ( I got down there 5 years ago and then ate it all back)

    Also 5'3 and am older than most on here. I am at 158 now and want to get to 128 or 130. I put alot of weight on in my 40s. I feel 125 to 130 is where I look best for my age. Typically in my 20's and 30's I was around 115. After our son I was 118 for years.
  • lamilli09
    lamilli09 Posts: 354 Member
    5'4" here (but close enough, eh?)
    My original goal weight was 105... I got down to 108 and was starting to see too much bone... So I've been fiddling with my new goal weight and body fat percentages.

    I'm currently at 116 and between 19-23% body fat. My goal is to be about 115 and between 15-18% body fat.

    Good luck, everyone!
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    I'm 5'3 8)

    if you're going to add me, say that you found me from this forum thread !