Gaining and so unhappy



  • lorinjer
    lorinjer Posts: 233 Member
    To be blunt... you are eating horribly and not enough calories in general. Eat more and get rid of some of the junk. Be more consistent. Round out your diet.

    I'm guessing by "junk" you mean the turkey pepperoni, cheese.......nuts?
  • sjbrenda
    sjbrenda Posts: 4 Member
    Why are you unhappy ?I think you are awesome!
    You have lost weight , you exercise, you have stuck with what you are doing!
    I just started this 2 weeks ago & look to people like you for encouragement .Please be happy.
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    Hi Lorinjer,

    I took a peek at your diary, only because you kindly opened it up :-)

    Sodium does seem really high.

    What works for me is trying keep protein higher than MFP limits because it fills me up more.

    Trying to keep sodium down, which, to me really means trying to home cook stuff.

    Trying to get water intake up a little to 7-9 cups a day.

    Getting in some exercise?

    As Pu-239 says it is always about cals in and out but making the best choices for you, can help that little bit extra?

    I`m not magical but if you want to add me for support and motivation then feel free ok?
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I can't see how you can be gaining at a calorie deficit. Are you sure your scales are reliable? Why not try weighing at a pharmacy on a machine that also lets you track your fat percentage? Plus as others have said, don't undereat by too far or you may stop burning as much as a result.
  • lorinjer
    lorinjer Posts: 233 Member
    You want to try and eat your calories. Your system needs the nutrition or you'll cause your body to go into starvation mode what with the exercise. I didn't believe it at first but it seems like a lot of people here eat their calories and lose weight so it does seem to work for most.

    Also, I agree with everyone - more veggies and fruits. You'll find yourself hooked after a while. I spread my food out throughout the day. Three main meals and two snacks (or three) and it makes it easier to eat as much as I need to do. I'm used to eating under 500 calories per meal so eating above that makes me sluggish and I end up feeling too full. The other way, I feel pretty comfy. I buy organic bars with nuts and fruits, sometimes freeze dried fruits that I can put in my purse if I'm out. Basically, you can do this! Don't give up!

    I went and bought some carrots....already had more turkey pepperoni.......I vow to have veggies for a snack and with my dinner. :)
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Yes, it's hard to get into the habit but I can tell you my salvation has been learning how to shop. Plus, cleaning out my fridge and cupboards. I don't buy salt but of course, some foods are still going to have sodium so I watch labels big-time. Also, what I was going to say is, if I don't have those things at home to eat, I won't eat them, I'll grab healthy snacks if that's all I've got;)

    I can just about promise you once you start eating say, something like almonds for snacks (unsalted) you will get used to them and then salt will taste yucky. I use Mrs. Dash to season my foods, works great.

    I'll friend you and you can check my diary. I've got it pretty well setup with all healthy but I go over sometimes on salt too, I am careful though because I think I went up 3 lbs just from salt and retaining water as well;)

    denise:drinker: :drinker:
    Thanks! Will switch things up and see what happens
  • lorinjer
    lorinjer Posts: 233 Member
    I can't see how you can be gaining at a calorie deficit. Are you sure your scales are reliable? Why not try weighing at a pharmacy on a machine that also lets you track your fat percentage? Plus as others have said, don't undereat by too far or you may stop burning as much as a result.

    I've had the same scale for years and it actually reads lower than at the docs office. I'm not sure how I'm gaining either which is why I need to change something.....
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    The only thing I see is that you aren't very consistent with your calories. One day, you'll eat 1700 and another day you'll eat only 600 or 1000 calories. You don't have to eat the exact same amount of cals per day, but it isn't good to eat so little calories in a day ( especially when you're fairly active.) It will throw your body off and impede your weight loss efforts.

    And your body will think it's starving and start taking from your muscle instead of your fat storage.

  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Maybe u arent burning as much as unthink? Or u are under calculating your cals consumed
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    To be blunt... you are eating horribly and not enough calories in general. Eat more and get rid of some of the junk. Be more consistent. Round out your diet.

    I'm guessing by "junk" you mean the turkey pepperoni, cheese.......nuts?
    Probably more the pizza hut?
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    I'm guessing by "junk" you mean the turkey pepperoni, cheese.......nuts?

    I eat nuts, pepperoni on occasion (not often - the calories are insane) and cheese. I've managed to chop up Applegate Farms turkey breakfast sausage sometimes to get a similar happy taste. I still lose weight. I really think just adding some healthy foods and eating regularly to match your exercising will make a huge difference. I try to avoid processed foods where ever possible or pick stuff that's healthy (no chemicals - sandwich meats). Basically, good choices. You'll do fine! The key part is don't give up. You can do this! You're here because you want to be a healthier person and we're all here for the same reason.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    TECHNICALLY, your sodium won't matter much, or your choice of food. As long as you burn more calories than you intake you will lose weight. Thats just basic science. As far as eating have LOTS of calories left most should be eating your goal. Not fueling the body enough will cause you to slow down on the weight loss journey. Also, if you are only doing C25K you are not running long enough distances to really need to worry about eating more or carbing up...just so you know.

    I disagree. Some people, myself included, are very sensitive to sodium. I retain water very easily when my sodium count goes above 2000 mg/day. It doesn't change the calories-in-calories-out rule of course, but it most definitely does affect weight loss! Sodium induced water weight can easily mask your weight loss progress. What might otherwise register as a loss on the scale, shows up as a gain because of the excess fluids retained. Very frustrating!

    When I finally understood this and started keeping sodium around 1500 mg/day consistently and eating a whole lot more fruits and vegetables (a dramatic increase in potassium) I lost the excess fluids. In fact, 7 pounds in 7 weeks. I'm now at my goal weight. And my blood pressure is much lower as well.

    We are all different. For some people sodium has no real negative impact. For others, sodium is something that needs to be watched closely.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    TECHNICALLY, your sodium won't matter much, or your choice of food. As long as you burn more calories than you intake you will lose weight. Thats just basic science. As far as eating have LOTS of calories left most should be eating your goal. Not fueling the body enough will cause you to slow down on the weight loss journey. Also, if you are only doing C25K you are not running long enough distances to really need to worry about eating more or carbing up...just so you know.

    Thanks. I'm just not hungry......not sure why......I'm trying to make my menu up for the upcoming week.....hopefully I can figure out a good plan

    Sometimes, you just have to eat like it is your JOB. On my busiest days, I have been known to be standing in the kitchen trying to figure out how to eat 700 calories at 9pm--After already eating 1400+ calories for the day! Those are the days that I have to get past that mental hump and eat something like a FiberOne brownie with 2T of peanut butter on it ( roughly 350-400 calories).
  • lorinjer
    lorinjer Posts: 233 Member
    Why are you unhappy ?I think you are awesome!
    You have lost weight , you exercise, you have stuck with what you are doing!
    I just started this 2 weeks ago & look to people like you for encouragement .Please be happy.

    I'm unhappy cause I still have twenty pounds to go and have been around the same weight for over year, I want it off.
  • JPempsell
    JPempsell Posts: 3 Member
    Just wanted to let you know that when you're a runner you do add a few extra pounds.It means that you are eating correctly. Your body needs it when your a long distance runner. Your body burns food so much quicker.
  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    i gain 6lb overnight sometimes, i dont think 4lb is anything to get upset over
  • ashleew1117
    To be blunt... you are eating horribly and not enough calories in general. Eat more and get rid of some of the junk. Be more consistent. Round out your diet.

    I'm guessing by "junk" you mean the turkey pepperoni, cheese.......nuts?

    Some nuts are good for you like almonds, are really good for you within the protein and stuff.
    You can have almonds, just not like peanuts.
  • penniemh
    penniemh Posts: 124 Member
    I agree with the posts about lower your sodium OR increasing your h2o intake greatly. Also, for me anyway, sometimes my body gets 'in a rut' and I have to do something different in regards exercise...I learned this from an athlete who told me 'sometimes we have to trick our bodies into losing weight/getting in shape' When she plateaued or things became "too easy" (ie lifting) she'd move to a different exercise. It doesn't need to be a big change just a change.

    Congrats on how far you've come, please don't get discouraged.

  • lorinjer
    lorinjer Posts: 233 Member
    Hi Lorinjer,

    I took a peek at your diary, only because you kindly opened it up :-)

    Sodium does seem really high.

    What works for me is trying keep protein higher than MFP limits because it fills me up more.

    Trying to keep sodium down, which, to me really means trying to home cook stuff.

    Trying to get water intake up a little to 7-9 cups a day.

    Getting in some exercise?

    As Pu-239 says it is always about cals in and out but making the best choices for you, can help that little bit extra?

    I`m not magical but if you want to add me for support and motivation then feel free ok?

    Did u look past a few days cause yesterday was just a horrible emotional day for me. All last week I had 12 plus cups of water each day,lol. I also workout 5 times a week. I started C25K a few weeks ago and do that 3 times a week and do a JM videos on two other days

    Thanks. I need lots of support lol
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    To be blunt... you are eating horribly and not enough calories in general. Eat more and get rid of some of the junk. Be more consistent. Round out your diet.

    I'm guessing by "junk" you mean the turkey pepperoni, cheese.......nuts?
    Nuts are a healthy snack, but you have to watch out for the calories since they are high in fat (good fats though).

    I randomly looked at your diary (in July too) and I see days you are far under calories, which could really hurt your metabolism. This could explain why you don't feel hungry. I also see mostly processed foods and fast foods - simple carbs. I know a lot of people lose weight simply by limiting their intake of calories with whatever they want to eat, but clearly what you are doing isn't working.

    I don't subscribe to the idea that a calorie is a calorie. To think 50 calories from leafy green vegetables is the same as 50 carb calories from a slice of bread doesn't take into account how those carbs affect someone's blood sugar and hormones, which do affect fat storage. I try to stick to carbs that have a low glycemic index and to make sure I have enough protein, so my carb/protein/fat ration on MFP is 40/30/30. I'm losing weight and feel hungry, but not all the time - only when I should be getting hungry.

    It helped me a lot to give up processed foods, especially things made with flour (breads, pastries and pizza) and cheese for a good long time. I've introduced them back in moderation now, but my switch to just lean meats, fruits, vegetables and nuts really kick-started my weight loss. There are some healthier fast food options, but MacDonald's fries and Pizzahut (I see in your diary) aren't it. Since you are so unhappy, you should give eating more clean a try for a while. It's a tough adjustment, but worth it to lose and to feel healthy.