Beautiful Blues1/19/10



  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I got a little ab work in this weekend but the meds are still messing with me. I also made debs breakfast casserole and it was a big hit. The whole house was sick yesterday so it was a lazy day for all of us.

    I am setting two personal challanges for myself starting today. I am doing a no chocolate challange because when I got home from errands on Saturday there was a bag of mixed reeces peanut butter cups in my fridge and I have no will power arounf them, so I am going to challange myself one day at a time not to eat any. My other challange is not to stop for breakfast on my way to work I have had a problem with this one because I am so not a morning person and it is easier to stop than make something at the house, but I am comitted to this challange. Yes I will admit I did stop on my way to work today but that is the last dya I will do it.

    Please help me with these challanges. Ask me what I did for breakfast please help me hold myself accountable.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    The scale was not my friend this morning. I was very good all week, worked out a lot, and logged every bite that I ate this weekend, but it looks like I gained a pound. I am not putting it on my ticker yet though. I am telling myself that since I upped the intensity of my workouts, maybe a little of my fat turned to muscle. I will jump right back in this morning, and get down to business. Have a good Monday, and here's to smart choices!
  • monteriob
    I'd like to join this group. I'm on week 2 lost almost 1#. I'm thinking at least I'm aware of what I'm eating. I need any support I can get.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Welcome Monteriob!

    San-Love, love, love the hair!

    Mary-when I up the intensity for a day or so my weight is up - hang tight!

    smadag-what did you have for's the rash?
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Welcome Monteriob!

    San-Love, love, love the hair!

    Mary-when I up the intensity for a day or so my weight is up - hang tight!

    smadag-what did you have for's the rash?

    I will admit I did stop and get a biscuit today but this will be the last day
    I am starting a walking program on my lunch hour tomorrow. My goal is to walk 100 miles by 5/1/2010. I know I can do it. PLus this means i will have to bring my lunch and not go get something so I will have time to walk.

    My rash is gone for the moost part just a little if I get to heated
  • Taradise
    Taradise Posts: 302 Member
    smadag1 - well today didn't work out for breakfast for you .... so what are you planning to have tomorrow morning??

    monteriob - hello there. new members are welcome.

    msh0530 - so sorry the scale was mean to you this morning. One day at a time. You know your doing the right things for your body. Screw the scale!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    smadag1 - well today didn't work out for breakfast for you .... so what are you planning to have tomorrow morning??

    I am planning on having left over breakfast casserole if there is any left otherwise I think I will have either an egg sammie and fruit or grilled pb&j and fruit (yes I know it is not the best thing but cereal doesn't last me and I don't like oatmeal)
  • Taradise
    Taradise Posts: 302 Member
    smadag1 - well today didn't work out for breakfast for you .... so what are you planning to have tomorrow morning??

    I am planning on having left over breakfast casserole if there is any left otherwise I think I will have either an egg sammie and fruit or grilled pb&j and fruit (yes I know it is not the best thing but cereal doesn't last me and I don't like oatmeal)

    Cereal doesn't last long for me either, so I can't blame you for looking for alternatives. As long as it works for you and you log it... go for it!!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I am also really hungry with in an hour or two of eating cereal.

    Monteriob, welcome! We weigh in on Monday's so if you send me your weight I can get you on the chart.

    My best breakfast has a carb, protein and vegie or fruit. For instance lately I have been scrambling an egg with canadian bacon, swiss cheese and some yellow pepper. Eating a piece of toast on the side. Very tasty and easy!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hi everybody,

    monteriob- Welcome to the group and hope you can share in with us on your weight loss journey.

    sanifrey- Love your hair!!!

    Taradise- I also weigh myself every morning just to notice trends in my weight loss. It's funny though how one day I can gain weight and the next day I lose like a pound. The body is so unpredictable. I also weigh myself around the same time and after going to the bathroom. I find that drinking lots of water really helps me lose weight. I guess I'm obsessed with the scale! hehe.

    msh- I agree with chrissy, that when I work out intensely my body starts to gain weight in the beginning. It might be the muscle gain. It will definitely even out in a week or 2.

    jg- I would just continue what your doing, maybe try eating half your exercise calories and drinking lots of water. I also don't have any foods after 6:00pm, nor water since I'm currently at home and don't have to worry about a late dinner. I think you're doing great with changing your sleep cycle. Give it a couple of weeks!

    Tough weekend for me with dealing with a baby with fever, but she's doing much better now. I'm off now to do some heavy workouts because I didn't do anything yesterday from the stress of having a sick baby. I'll be doing Kenpo x, Jillian Michael's banish fat boost metabolism, and ab ripper x for a total of like 2 hours.

    Have a great day all!!!
  • Taradise
    Taradise Posts: 302 Member
    almomay - it is interesting to see my weight change. I'm hoping that by noting my weight daily, I can learn more about my body. Oh well. I figure as long as I don't get angry at the scale, I'm ok. So glad to hear the baby is feeling better. Enjoy the workout!

    debnu1 - that breakfast sounds super YUMMY! Might have to work that into my weekend breakfast - not enough time on the week days.

    Just got home from another spin class. Stayed within cals.
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    got on the scale and gained. 1.2lbs. Not too pleased about it however it could be muscle since Jillian has been kicking my butt lately and I have been exercising more and more. I have been eating all my calories just because that way I can get up to the 1200-1300 calories my doc wants me at. I was lazy today we have a blizard so I didn't get up this morning and exercise. I should have because my daughter is in my way. I have to find something like a DVD for her to "workout" too while I'm doing mine.

    I eat cereal every morning along with two pieces of toast and juice and that keeps me full till lunch time. I also like to have some type of fruit if I have it available.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    yall are giving me great ideas that I can use for breakfast I already have tomorrow and wednesday planned out :drinker:
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    sanifrey - your hair is so cute!! LOVE it!! :heart:

    smadag1 - I recently increased the amount of food I'm eating at breakfast and I think that has helped significantly - both with weight loss and with satisfaction (almost like I'm cheating!). Typically I will have a piece of bread (not fond of toast), a frozen egg patty, a Fiber One yogurt (delish!) and a bowl of cereal or a bowl of Cream of Wheat. Sounds like a lot, eh?! It's 340 with the cereal (Great Value Frosted Shredded Wheat) and 260 with Cream of Wheat (made with water, Splenda and a little vanilla extract). And I'm usually full till 11 or 11:30 (I eat breakfast anywhere between 6:45 and 7). Good luck!!!! :flowerforyou:

    j_g - no worries with the gain! Your muscles retain more water when you're working them out extra hard, too. :smile: Look at you go, though!! 52 pounds!!!!!

    almomay - glad the little one feels better! I'm sure that gives Mommy a break, too. :wink:

    I just got done at the gym. Burned 521 cals. I'm enjoying a protein shake ... but I just discovered it has 18 grams of sugar! :noway: I might have to find another alternative, LOL, but it's definitely yummy! One scoop of Designer Whey Protein Powder (vanilla; 100 cals) and a packet of Kroger Brand Instant Breakfast (strawberry, 130 cals). Mmmmm!! :drinker: :love: And I still have to eat dinner ... lemon pepper tilapia and brown rice ... my new fave (and cheap!) dinner. :bigsmile:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    My Monday was busy but good. Went to work, worked out on Wii fit, went and swam 1/3 mile, ate a quick leftover, and went to woman's fellowship group at church. Just got home in time to watch my Jayhawks finish beating the socks off of the Mizzou tigers, so it has to be a good day! Happy Monday to all!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Mornin all

    hit the elliptical for 60 minutes last night while hubby made dinner. I made him put my elliptical in our room since it makes a ton of noise and I don't like disturbing them while they watch tv

    I had left over breakfast casserole for breakfast but was runnung late and forgot about my toast.:grumble:
    Will not get a workout in tonight hubby will be asleep when I get home and right not the only place to workout is our room.

    Hope yall have a great day
  • Taradise
    Taradise Posts: 302 Member
    smadag1 - great job getting in a homemade breakfast. And good job with the work our last night.

    lcorrell14 - tilapia is great! low cal too!

    I have a boxing class tonight. Homemade pizza for dinner.

    Hope everyone is doing well this week! Can't believe its nearly Feb!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member