Sixers Valentine Vixens: Week 1



  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    C25k Week 1 Day 3 done! Today I was feeling adventurous and decided to do my walk/jog in the neighborhood behind my apartment complex. I've walked back there a few times before, but I don't know the roads very well. It's hard to get lost because they all loop around back to the same place, but I somehow managed to do 2 miles almost completely uphill. I checked in my car after I got back home because I thought maybe I was just going crazy. But the good thing is, I did all of my jogs. I had to walk a little longer one time (because I had just jogged up a hill and then walked up a bigger one and thought I might fall over if I kept jogging up the big hill) but then I did an extra jog, but I got them all in. So, that means I need to get out of the house soon, or I will start eating like a crazy person. Does anyone else do this? What do you eat after a harder workout? I've tried lots of different things -- veggies, cheese, graham crackers and peanut butter, candy -- but none of it makes me feel satisfied and I end up eating twice the calories that I worked off. It doesn't last all day, just for about an hour or so after I get back from working out.

    B and Amy S -- did you do your C25k today? How did it go?


  • amyls8710
    baby about to wake up but just wanted to tell Alison that YES I did do my C25K week 1 DAY 1 --- Pushing the baby in the stroller this morning ! Managed to do three jogging sets... which hey was better then i thought hahaha ! Will try to do even more on WEdnesday ! :) !!!!! its hard to push the stroller and jog hahahah never thought about that becuz ive NEVER jogged before hahah ! but it felt good !

    how did you do B! ?!?!?
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491


    Alison and Amy S, I did in fact do Week 1 Day 1 of my C25K today! I did all of the jogging sets, and surprisingly didnt get too out of breath, I ended up doing 1.88 miles, and I burned 250 Calories!!!! In the last jogging interval I kicked it up to 7.0 MPH, yay! Keep in mind I did this after an HOUR long Zumba class (which REALLY kicked my butt, I havent got all the steps down but I sure had a blast!!!) I have no clue how many calories I burned in Zumba, If I decide to keep doing the classes I am going to have to invest in a heart rate monitor and a pair of those hip hop dance shoes! haha.

    I had Mr. Pita chicken pita for lunch, and 2 tbsps of hummus and a greek pita for a snack. I am doing sooo great today! I have class from 6-9, then Im going to come home do a little homework and pass out again, I really am super tired! haha.
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Now time for Personals!!!!!!!

    Amy S.- haha They make these super awesome jogging stollers, if you decide that you are going to do a lot of jogging you could look into getting one! One of the families I used to nanny for had one for two infants (she had twins first then an third child that was unexpected). And I was VERY tired haha, I still didnt sleep very well though :yawn:

    Alison- I was EXTREMELY hungry after my work out this morning, but mainly because it had been over 8 hours since I had ate! haha I forgot to eat my banana before leaving the house. My mom gets that way though, normally I think she just eats a meal with all that she needs like, a protein, a veggy, and maybe one third thing. then goes and gets busy. Im not sure though, AND YOU GO GIRL!! Congrats on finishing WEEK 1!!!!!

    Lula- GOOD LUCK at the GYN tomorrow! I really hope he figures out whats going on with you!!!!!!!!!!!!! You deserve a break!!!!!!

    Tamm - What level of Step do you do!?!? I took a step class last semester and absolutely loved it!!!

    Kristin- You will find those abs!!! haha Glad to hear you had a pretty decent weekend!!

    Moonq8- Welcome!!!! You are going to love these women, They are Super supportive!!!

    amypyr - Boo to no Tredmill work out! I certainly hope he gets it done before the weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!! And if not I pray you have good weather!!!

    cathy - woohoo for you that your son went back home, and dont you hate severe storms! Sometimes I still feel like im a little kid and I want to crawl into my parents bed I get so freaked out!

    amylou- hey girlie! How is school? and blah to bad days, but yay for a new day!!!

    Kel- BOO to blisters! YAY for going out dancing! Did you go to a normal club, or what!??! I love going to the clubs with my friends, But I would REALLY love to learn how to do some type of ballroom dancing mainly one of the latin dances and then go out and dance haha!

    Crappers I have to go to class now, so if I missed anyone I am super sorries! You are in my mind, and btw Welcome all newbies!!!

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    welcome moon.

    under my cals, but, didn't eat good food. we shall see what the scale shows tomorrow. don't expect anything. won't be suprised if there is a gain. i wish the doc could figure out why. i burned over 4500 calories this week and only had one day over cals. and as of this morning i had a gain. he wanted me to lose 3#s in this month. i don't know if it's going to happen. maybe he will find out why. i have been writing everything done.

    well, it's shower and jammie time. remember tomorrow is weigh in day.
    look for the new thread with week 2.
    copy and paste list. move yourself to the upper section. put in your cw and your progress.
    the upper section is those who have checked in the lower is for those who haven't.

  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Okay back at it....I bandaged up the toe and shredded. So report reads day 8 level 2 = 18 days of shredding. Just two days away from level 3. Its going to be a tuff level but I know I will live through it.

    Wow I can't believe how many new people we have these days. So Again Welcome!!! This is greatest place on earth. (Disneyland dosen't even compare.):flowerforyou:

    I would do personals but I don't have time right now. I will check in later.

    Love ya all:love:
  • amyls8710
    :happy: Hey girls ... Happy night before WEIGH DAY ! Hoping everyone is feeling pumped...... gonna do personals before the new week starts !

    Kel- way to go for bandaging the toe ..... that shows TRUE strength to just push thru a minor injury !

    Cathy -- im sorry as of today the scale was going in the wrong direction..... but sometimes we gain muscle.... and maybe you arent eating enough to balance out all the calories youve been burning ! good luck figuring out why ... and i hope there is a loss tomorrow !

    b-- way to go on doing the day 1 perfectly ! :) im so proud of you ! and after a zumba class !!! WAY TO GO ! im pacing my self... because i have the baby to take care of .... so i feel like once i do SOMETHING each day for at least 30 mins .... then im doing good .... ! I wish i had a treadmill ... im gonna ask for one for my birthday from the hubster haha ! cuz i believe i coulda got thru all the joggin sets if i was working inside .... away from the POWERFUL winds we had today and without the baby in a stroller ! im gonna work on that hahahah ! good luck tomorro !

    Alison--- im so proud of you for finishing week 1 of the c25k .... and yay for mixing up the routine and doing the jogging sets uphill ! that is super fabulous ! way to go ! I dont usually be that hungry after a workout but i like those fiber one bars ! and a big glass of water !

    Lorna-- im so sorry that your feeling so crampy !!! that sucks but i hope the GYn can help you figure out whats wrong....

    Tamm--- wahooo for dodging the COOKIE hahaha that is a true success hahah ! good luck tomorro

    Kristin-- im so happy to be here ! this is an amazing group ! hahahah im with you on trying to find the abs i kno are down there somewhere lol :tongue:

    Moonq- whats your name girl ? .... WELCOME ! ugh i know what its like to be a WHOPPING weight lol after pregnancies... mines was one miscarriage and one pregnancy ! but still ... its tough ! good luck getting to kno these wonderful girls ! We are glad to have you ! im a SAHM as well ... to my beautiful active baby boy !

    Amy (pyr) hey by next week ... your floors will be done and you will be back working out ! i know it ! I believe 100% in what you said... Gods timing is always the right timing ! and when you let things go ... and put him in the drivers seat ... life seems to take on a whole new meaning of JOY !

  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Hi Sixers, sorry for the short post but my head has been throbbing due to a sinus infection. You all are doing great at posting and it is inspiring, good job!! I am under cals for the first time in a week, got in a 40 minute elliptical interval workout then my head ache only allowed me 40 minutes of the P90X Yoga X workout! I will weigh sometime tom. but I am treating my self to a day at the salon whoo hooo!:happy: Going to get my hair trimmed, washing out the grey stuff, a manicure and a pedicure! I was scheduled for last week but I had to reschedule for tomorrow cuz that was the day of the funeral:cry: .I get up at 5a.m to do my workout then i need to stop at the school cafeteria where I relief cook and show them how to make Spanish Rice then I am off for my pampering, so I do not know when I will be back. At least they opened the roads today after our weekend of blizzards! Talk tomorrow and best wishes girls! Whoops forgot to say "WELCOME to the SIXERS" newbies, we are glad to have ya!
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hey ladies!!

    Everyone ready for weigh-in tomorrow?? I'm hoping I am!! I need to get back on my workout schedule. So impressed with those of you doing C25K, I have started it a couple times but just haven't stuck with it, maybe I need to get back on that track!!!

    Okay...tackling personals!!!!

    Verda - ugh, i have such bad sinus problems so I totally know where you're coming from! And yay for a salon day!! That is my absolute favorite indulgence!!

    Amy (ls) - Yes all of us Amys have to stick together!! haha! And look at you, pushing the stroller with C25K?? Nice work girl!!

    Kel - nice job with the Shred!!! That continues to be one of my favorite DVDs!!

    Cathy - I hope you get something figured out with your doctor and whatever may be going on there. And of course you always keep up on the boy don't you?! Not much has changed there, so we'll see, a lot up in there air right now with me still job searching. I'll be sure to keep you posted!

    B - School is good, just busy and i'm SOOOOO ready to be done! Your gym sounds AMAZING!!!! I've always wanted to play more tennis, sounds like so much fun!!

    Alison - my absolute favorite after workout snack is raw almonds and raisins. I have to be really careful with the portion sizes though because they are pretty high calorie snacks. But usually it doesn't take much to quench that workout hunger.

    Lulabelle - ugh, cramps are the worst!! I hope you get to feeling better!!

    Tiff - Hey girl! Your lunch sounds wonderful!! Way to avoid the cookies!!!

    Kristin - sounds like a super busy work day!! Way to keep at it!!! Love seeing the pics of your little one on FB, she is such a doll!!!

    Emily - Hey girl!! Just wanted to say hi and see how you are doing!

    Welcome to all the newbies!!!

    I know i'm missing people, hello to you all!!! See you for weigh in tomorrow morning!!!
  • moonq8
    moonq8 Posts: 14
    First off... Thank you all for the warm welcome, you all are awesome :bigsmile:

    Amy (ls) My name is Muna, my nickname is moon. Your son is BEAUTIFUL :flowerforyou:

    Well I guess I am the first to weigh-in 2day. I am the same 200.6 lbs.
    I would love your advice on something, as I mentioned in my last post I see a nutritonist every week. I have been at it for 3 weeks & only lost during the first week, as you can imagine that really made me sad. I have been eating the same food for lunch everyday for over 3 weeks & I don't think I can do that anymore, it makes me want to cheat because there is no variaty. My mom tells me that I should stop going to the dr. & just do it on my own, EAT LESS & MOVE MORE, how hard is that?? Why can't I do it?? I pay the guy alot of money every week, if I was seeing results I wouldn't mind the money but to pay & see nothing change & eat the same food?? What do you guys think? Should I stop going to him or would that mean that I quit AGAIN?? Should I keep going, maybe give him another 2 weeks? I don't want to fail this time, I have failed so many times before. You are my support now & your advice means alot to me.
    I hope you all have better luck with the weigh-ins today :smile:
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    First off... Thank you all for the warm welcome, you all are awesome :bigsmile:

    Amy (ls) My name is Muna, my nickname is moon. Your son is BEAUTIFUL :flowerforyou:

    Well I guess I am the first to weigh-in 2day. I am the same 200.6 lbs.
    I would love your advice on something, as I mentioned in my last post I see a nutritonist every week. I have been at it for 3 weeks & only lost during the first week, as you can imagine that really made me sad. I have been eating the same food for lunch everyday for over 3 weeks & I don't think I can do that anymore, it makes me want to cheat because there is no variaty. My mom tells me that I should stop going to the dr. & just do it on my own, EAT LESS & MOVE MORE, how hard is that?? Why can't I do it?? I pay the guy almost 40 $ a week, if I was seeing results I wouldn't mind the money but to pay & see nothing change & eat the same food?? What do you guys think? Should I stop going to him or would that mean that I quit AGAIN?? Should I keep going, maybe give him another 2 weeks? I don't want to fail this time, I have failed so many times before. You are my support now & your advice means alot to me.
    I hope you all have better luck with the weigh-ins today :smile:

    Give him more of a chance! I quit seeing a specialist after two weeks because the second week I didnt show any weightloss, and what really happened was that I lost Inches!!!! If nothing happens after those two or three weeks, including not losing inches then maybe consider quitting. Ive beenn told thought that you will usually have an attitude change or gain more energy from seeing a nutritionist.
  • pamh5555
    pamh5555 Posts: 191 Member
    Well, Ladies, sorry for not checking in lately. My husband has been sick for 3 days and I have been taking care of him. yesterday I had to wake him up at 9 am, 10, 12, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9 for pills. He was not a happy camper.

    Starting Weight - Dec 1 - 215

    Current Weight - 201.5.

    My mini goal is be under 200 lbs by Feb 1. 5 days to do this.

    I have not exercised on Sat, Sun or Monday unless you count all the cooking, cleaning and errands running that I normally do not do. I hate when he is sick and I have to do it myself. I have not had a chance to really watch what i was eating but of course I went over calories for all 3 days because I was just grabbing quick food while i was taking care of him. I have no idea on my water because I was just drinking from a glass. i just kept filling it up from my gallon of crystal light premade mix stuff. I think i drank it all because i have remake the gallon again and it was full on saturday night. I think i did good on the water dept on Sunday/Monday.
  • melanieann48111
    Hey there! I didnt' weigh in today because I'm abotu to start my period and to top it off I gained the weight I lost last week back...I'm hoping it was water weight but it's still discouraging. So, I'll weigh in hopefulyl Friday after some of this PMS is DONE!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    look for week 2. we start a new thread every tuesday...see you over there