

  • ferb03
    Can anyone point me in the direction (if there is one) of where you can convert your pedometer steps in the exercise database?
    They days are already getting shorter which means my cycling will be curtailed so I am going to start tracking my steps while I work.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    jb - whenever I picked blueberries or strawberries or raspberries, it was always "one for the mouth, one for the bucket". When I would pick, I'd probably pick more if I didn't eat so much....lol

    Lila - wow! I'm impressed that you're roofing. I don't know if I could do that. Really, the main difference between the red okra and the green is that the red isn't as slimy.

    boohoo- I went to the extremepump class and found out that the gal had cancelled it yesterday. Now they had the class on Memorial day and I'd email her a few days ago, my understanding is that she cancelled it yesterday, so she certainly had time to email me. I think I'm going to mention it because I do drive a distance to get to the class and if she'd emailed me, I wouldn't have had to go that distance. Tomorrow I think I'll do incline intervals on the treadmill. Haven't done those in a while

    Dogmom - At one point I was a paraprofessional for a boy who had CP. He was the greatest kid. Anyway, I had to go to all his classes with him. It just never failed to amaze me how he'd have health class where they talked about healthy food, good choices, etc. And then right after that he had lunch, and the choices in the cafeteria! I always keep a few snacks in my pocketbook -- some nuts or dried fruit. This way I can snack on that rather than going to the food court. On the plus side -- I have more time for shopping. On the minus side -- more time for shopping many times means more money spent.

    Linda Sundance - Like the goal of living each day to the fullest. Good reminder

    DeeDee - I put sunscreen on yesterday. I can't seem to get my back so I wore this sort of cover. It's lightweight, only comes to the tops of my legs, but at least it covers the part on my back that I can't get the sunscsreen on. but thanks for the reminder. Is there a reason you take the Vitamin D? I usually take it but that's because of the calcium suppliments.

    wessecg - when I first started riding a horse (after MANY years) I thought I was in pretty good shape. I exercised regularly. But, boy, do you get an innerthigh workout! I couldn't believe it. Plus you are working your core by sitting up tall. So many muscles are used in riding a horse, I just never thought of it. Good for you riding. So sorry you have such problems with your feet.

    Kate - you'll break that wall yet! I just know it

    Talking about revolving door when the kids move away...when we moved to NC we bought a 5 bedroom house. ds said "why did you get such a large house? When you retire you're supposed to downsize". Within three months of us being here, all three children were back here for one reason or another. Now he knows why we got such a large home!

    Where HAS mimi been???

    Barbara - I have a hard time parting with things. I saved almost everythinhg and then when we moved to Kennett Square I had to really get rid of a lot of things since our house was going to be much smaller. Now I really regret getting rid of some of those things.

    Liz - I find it amazing how our bodies get used to "healthy" eating and when we don't eat healthily, we feel so "yuk". I have those times and then I usually say to myself "now why did I do that?". Great goal to eat more nutritiously, not just lower calories.

    Marly - happy birthday!!!

    Well, got up, had some grapes and then did some yoga, bought gas, found out the extremepump class was cancelled so came home and did a band workout, moved bricks that Vince said we were going to do. I swear, sometimes if I wait for him, I'd be better off waiting for the second coming of Christ....lol Then again, when he gets started on a project, he goes all out. Me? I prefer to do a little at a time and then the job gets done. Anyway, moved the bricks, then went in the pool for an hour, then did some practice bowling (you'd think I'd get better by now, wouldn't you?), went to one store and got a bag for Denise for Christmas ($20 bag I got for $5), went to a pool supply store thinking "oh, they're not going to be closed on Labor Day....wrong!!! Came home, had dinner, went back to the store to get a bag for Bryan to take to the beach with him (actually, I like it better...I just may give him the one I bought for me and keep this one), now on the computer. Boiled some hard boiled eggs to have as a snack (for some reason I only like the white when the egg is hard boiled). It appears one of them cracked so I just ate it rather than putting it in the refrig.

    Kathy - sorry your foot and toe are swollen. Even the Birkenstocks you can't wear?

    Lila - professional roofers do it all the time and probably have a routine down. But you're doing great, I'm so impressed

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    This is an over 50 board, but some of you have a memory of a 20 year old. I read 20 posts, want to congratulate, or encourage or sympathize, but I forget who wrote what seconds after reading them. You gals who name all the individual people obviously don't have over 50 brains :smile:

    I saw on another board someone posted before and after pictures. How do you add a picture?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,961 Member
    Can anyone point me in the direction (if there is one) of where you can convert your pedometer steps in the exercise database?
    They days are already getting shorter which means my cycling will be curtailed so I am going to start tracking my steps while I work.

    :flowerforyou: Unless you are going on an actual walk and can figure out whether you are going 3 MPH or whatever, there's no real way to convert steps to calories burned.....in January I got a heart rate monitor and use that for finding out how many calories I've burned.

    :flowerforyou: Lila, I am in awe of your roofing

    :flowerforyou: wessecg, here is a link to some directions about using Photobucket or Flickr to post pictures


    :laugh: it's not that we have 20 year old brains to remember what everyone said, it's that we use technology and either open two windows to read in one window and reply in the other or we reply in a word processing document then copy and paste the text into the reply box.

    :flowerforyou: went to a neighborhood barbecue today and ate reasonably well considering that the only parts of the meal that were something I would normally eat were the tomato slice and the onion slices and the bottled water....the accordion music was great but the people at our table made some moderately racist remarks and complained about the winter weather in Washington (they are snowbirds). I always want to eat more when I'm trapped and uncomfortable

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    This is an over 50 board, but some of you have a memory of a 20 year old. I read 20 posts, want to congratulate, or encourage or sympathize, but I forget who wrote what seconds after reading them. You gals who name all the individual people obviously don't have over 50 brains :smile:

    Welcome! I suspect some of these ladies have been friends a long time and we don't forget our friends. Hint; if you want to comment on the ones that you read just make yourself a short note listing name & a few words so you will know what you want to comment about. Even using a note pad it takes time to respond.

    So, like you I applaud all the ladies that have hung in here making friends with one another and make the effort to diary to one another. As for me it's late so I am sending all a wish for sweet dreams, good night.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    I hope you are all doing well. I'm in work today so this will be a reasonably short post a I have a heap of work to do here plus Latin translation to finish by this evening.

    Yesterday I went to visit my sister and we went out for a wonderful walk and healthy picnic. We took her two youngest children with us (7 and 12) and they are just so much fun! Got plenty of exercise running races up and down hills, my sister is extremely competitive so I 'let her win'. :laugh: My knees were really suffering last night, but it was definitely worth it.

    There are so many new people joining us over 50s - it's hard to keep up!

    Must get on with some work but will try to get back later today.

    Love to all.

    Amanda x
  • ferb03
    Thank you Barbie!
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    need to be part of this group. Joined 5weeks ago. Lost 10lbs. Very excited about this .Its drizzling now. Cannot walk in the park so will go mall-walking instead/brousing
  • cmbalint
    cmbalint Posts: 71 Member
    Good morning Ladies,
    We are wating for the rain this morning although we need it I was hoping to was windows.I made an appointment to see the Dr on Thursday I feel like my thyroid is out of wack again.I'm also going to ask about HRT.Has anyone used hormone replacement?
  • annemckee
    annemckee Posts: 170 Member
    Hi, I'm Anne and I'd like to join you. I am a teacher in the Shetland Islands - wild and windy at the moment. I am very close to my goal and would like to get there in September (meeting up with my sisiters last weekend in September) or 12th October at the latest (13th October finds me on holiday in Majorca!)

    Goals for September
    Lose a significant amount of the 5lbs left to go

    Start back working with weights regularly

    Keep increasing the jogging/intervals distance and time
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning Ladies,
    We are wating for the rain this morning although we need it I was hoping to was windows.I made an appointment to see the Dr on Thursday I feel like my thyroid is out of wack again.I'm also going to ask about HRT.Has anyone used hormone replacement?

    Hi Connie - I had a complete hysterectomy at almost 32 and have been on HRT for the last 21 years. My GP has spokent about me coming off it for the last five years and I have decreased the dosage, but I still have to take them for now. I'm not happy about it, but will go with it for a while longer.

    By the way - washing windows :noway: let the rain do it's worst!

    Amanda x
  • JulieB_MN
    JulieB_MN Posts: 223 Member
    I teach 1st graders. I started my weight loss journey on Aug. 8th. I have lost 19 pounds so far. The past 2 weeks have been really hard as my mom got sick and then passed away on Sept. 1. I start school this morning and mom's funeral is Thursday. I am a stress eater but, somehow I have not done that and this has been the most stressful time in my life so far. Anyone who is teaching this year Good Luck and have a wonderful year.
    My goal is to keep losing at least 1 pound a week.
    To begin an exercise routine.
    Be ready for a great wedding for my daughter.
    20 down and 60 pounds to go!!!!
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Hello I am Isobel and I stopped by briefly during the summer. Now I'm ready to really buckle down and get back to business. I am 60 years old and for the first time in our married lives, hubby and I are empty-nesters. Between my step children, foster children and our two boys born when I was 30 and 40, we have had a child or teenager under our roof all of our 32 years of married life. So it's going to be a big change, but one of the biggest is... I can no longer blame having cookies etc in the house "for the kids" So sorry Mr. Christie, but my investment in your cookie company has now ceased!

    My goals for September are:

    Log every day, watching my totals as always but also reducng my intake of carbs.
    Log before I eat, not after...plan!
    Drink all my water daily
    Reduce my coffee habit to one or less a day
    Exercise at least 4 times a week
    Bring fish back into our diet (hubby has finally agreed to each fish with me!)
    Have fun!

    Cheers and all the best to everyone!
  • stardancer7
    stardancer7 Posts: 276 Member
    Good morning, everyone! Couldn't wait to log in this morning--it's my personal weigh in day and I knew from my Contest-with-my-DH weigh in last night that I would have a good result this morning--and I have. I am a little worried because he's been gaining. He's gone for much of the week to work in another town and I suspect that he uses food as entertainment. So when I made my lunch this morning, I made two of everything--hopefully he will not only have a good lunch, but will feel loved and supported, too!

    Reading about the horseback riding and decided that I would make that my reward next spring. I had a Shetland pony when I was a little girl, but I think the last time I actually was on a horse was in the mid 1970's. And speaking of Shetland....

    Anne from Shetland: I am here in Canada, but my great-great grandfather apparently came from Shetland--he joined the Hudson's Bay Company in 1854. I've always wanted to go there--I see the photos and it has a wild beauty! His name was John Edward Massey.

    Well, have a great day everyone!

  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Good Morning ! :happy:
    I did my walk into work this morning , :wink: but it was slow as I am having the worst pain in my back on the right side:angry: , I don't know what is going on with my body and every time I say anything , DR or stranger will say it is just the change.:grumble: I know that some of it is but today I hurt, :ohwell:
    well enough of that pitty party, work must be done and life goes on , one thing is for sure this to shall pass.

    have a wonderful day Ladies :flowerforyou:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Janie:smile: hope your PT session goes well today!!!

    Marly:smile::flowerforyou: Happy Birthday!!!!

    Kackie:smile: counting my blessing everyday tool!!!!

    Kathy:smile: yay, you didn't gain your 17 pounds back:laugh: . Good for you keeping up your walking. Take care of your toe!!!! Hopefully the pool walking will be good.

    Lila:smile: yes, it is better to stop before you get clumsy!!!!! Did any of the neighborhood guys offer to climb up on the roof and help?

    Michele:smile: I think it's unprofessional that the gal didn't email you that she was canceling the class, that's just good business sense!!! I've been taking 50,000 iu of Vit. D twice a week for close to 8months, before that I was taking 50,000 iu once a week and my levels were just not going up enough, since the Dr. increased me to twice a week, I can finally feel a difference, I'm not nearly as tired as I used to be, and the weight is coming off, where before nothing I did worked. My brother was diagnosed with low levels of Vit. D, so I had my Doc check mine and I was really low, it has made a huge difference in the way I feel. She told me the older we get we don't absorb it like we used to, plus I wear sunscreen all the time so I'm not getting it from the sun. I would advise everyone when you go the Dr. to have them check your levels of Vit. D, it's just a blood test and usually you get the results back in a day or two, and it really has made a difference in my life! I get my levels checked about every 3 months.

    Wessecg:smile: I try to remember as much as I can, I do however jot down a few notes to jog my memory! Some days there are so many posts I just don't get to everyone.

    Barbie:smile: seems like there a always a few rude people in a large group, I tend to just ignore them, in my opinion they are not worth my time or effort.

    Amanda:smile: Latin translation, I took 3 years of Latin, not sure I remember much about it now though:noway: . Sounds like you had a really good time with your sister.

    12774:smile: welcome to the group. Mall walking sounds like a great idea, I just tend to get sidetracked and window shop:laugh: .

    Connie:smile: Waithing for rain here too, it's supposed to rain and storm off and on all day:frown: . I've never used HRT, however I do know about thyroid problems. Mine at the moment seems to working good, next check is in Oct.

    Ann:smile: welcome to the group. Your holiday sounds fabulous !!!

    I apologize to anyone I missed, I did read all the posts.

    I seem to not know what to do with myself since I'm not getting ready to have a busy day. I'm staying home, I guess I will mop the floors since I vacuumed yesterday. I did get a short walk in this morning and I'll take the doggie out for a long walk a bit later. Maybe, I'll spend part of the morning looking up new low cal recipes. I might have fun going through the closet and trying on some older skinner clothes, see how they're fitting now. Can you tell I'm used to doing something all the time, I just don't know how to rest:frown: .

    Hope you all have a wonderful,fabulous, exciting, and productive day.
    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: , and log your food!!!!

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Motherofbride:smile::flowerforyou: so sorry to hear about your mom. Sending you good wishes!!!

  • AprilFoolGirl
    AprilFoolGirl Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome back to those of us that start back to school today. Just wanted to send best wishes to all. April Fool Girl:happy:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning one and all, happy Tuesday good-news-day. Tuesdays are almost always good in regards to getting well past Monday. :laugh: I'm only up a pound after the camp trip and dinner party last night, not bad considering. This week I'll be back to eating light. I've had my fill of bread and chips, too much cheese and ice cream. Veggies here I come. :bigsmile:

    Michele, I noticed you were asking for help with posting photos. Try using Photobucket.com. You can get an account there (free) and then upload your photo. You might have to resize it since they're usually HUGE files. I think I usually resize to 50%. Once you're done editing, if you put your mouse arrow on the pic there'll be a drop-down list that shows. Click next to where it says "IMG" and it'll show "copied" once you've done that. Keep a separate window open with this thread, and right-click to "Paste" your photo onto your post. Once you've pasted it, you'll have to change the capital letters in the brackets [IMG]to lower case letters on both ends of the line. Leave the brackets intact. Ten you can post it. If the image is too big after posting, you can edit again and resize. In the meantime I'm searching for an easier photo hosting site as my computer doesn't like using Photobucket. Slow as molasses. :grumble: Polly, I'm going to have to Google whortleberries! I've heard the term but have never seen a pic. Swampy berry picking sounds a little miserable, especially with mosquitos bugging you. Blech, I hate that. We were lucky this time with air temp was on the cool side and weren't bothered by bugs. Usually there are horseflies and mosquitos, ick. I'm making a batch of huckleberry jam this morning, and freezing the remainder of berries for pies during the holidays. I send jam to my family at Christmas, about 30 jars going every which way across the country. Time to roll on out of this chair and get busy. Have a great day everyone, be good, be light, eat good, eat light. :drinker: :smile: jb[/img]
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    GOOD Morning!

    Julie: I am SO sorry to hear about your Mom. Please take care & we are here for you:brokenheart:

    JB: AWEsome before and after pics! You look FABulous, girl!!! WTG!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Off to do a fishing/painting day on the river with DH! Kids departed yesterday, cleaned all afternoon. Now a day to ourselves:flowerforyou:

    Take care, dear ladies:heart: Kackie