What do you count as water?



  • historygirldd
    historygirldd Posts: 209 Member
    Just water cold from the fridge, but just plain water.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    I count water when I drink water or green tea. Coffee, sodas, etc just get logged
  • yowza101
    yowza101 Posts: 196 Member
    If you use water enhancers, some of them do have calories but they are very little. I drink Pero, you make it like instant coffee. So I put that with my sugar and creamer on the counter but under snacks. I have a 72oz bottle on my desk at work. I fill it up with water when I get to work. I have a 20oz bottle at home. I try to drink just water. But I do drink my soda as well, small doses. Anything other than water, I put under snacks.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    I count water as water. If it has calories or is not water (like coffee, tea, that 5 cal stuff to make water taste like crappy Kool-Aid, fruit squeezings), it goes under food.

    Yes, I know that a lot of foods and beverages count as hydration, but this about water. I certainly don't count watermelon under my water tracker. :huh:
  • thoeting
    thoeting Posts: 89 Member
    I count water, only water.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    water, water with lemon, or water with fruit like 1/4 cup some frozen blueberries floating around. I drink about 15-18 8oz serving of water a day. nothing else counts like hot or cold unsweetened tea, coffee, crystal light, or vitamin waters/sobe waters. all those things get logged as a part of a meal or snack.

    You mean YOU don't count anything else... because I can find enough proof out there that more than just water counts toward your daily intake necessary for hydration.

    There is no excuse for someone living in this modern age, with internet access, to still believe falsehoods like "only water is water*" and "caffeine (at levels found in beverages) is a diuretic."

    *I bet they aren't drinking distilled water.
  • KeyMasterOfGozer
    KeyMasterOfGozer Posts: 229 Member
    nothing with caffeine because it's dehydrating. Just water, Crystal Light, herbal tea

    You will need to take 300 or more milligrams of Caffeine before a diuretic effect becomes measurable. Maybe a after couple of pots of coffe, or 20 glasses of soda.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    nothing with caffeine because it's dehydrating. Just water, Crystal Light, herbal tea

    Unless you're drinking very strong espressos, the diuretic effect of the caffeine is greatly outweighed by the hydrating effect of the water.

    Having said that, there's nothing wrong with NOT tracking caffeinated drinks and having a little extra water each day. Too much water is only harmful if you're also very low on electrolytes and drinking very large amounts of it. An extra 8-16 ounces of water a day, caffeinated or not, is at best slightly beneficial and at worst utterly harmless.
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    Water and light beer.
  • Wenchilada
    Wenchilada Posts: 472 Member
    Gravy, but I draw the line at the kind with sausage in it.

    Wait, what?
  • hiddenaudacity
    hiddenaudacity Posts: 122 Member
    I'm tracking it for hydration purposes, and aiming for 8 cups a day, so I'll add soup and tea to my water intake (I drink a lot of tea). I also add it to my meals so I'm keeping track of both my water intake and my calorie intake.

    I was asking my nutritionist once about how much water you should drink a day, and she told me that all food has water in it.
  • possibri
    possibri Posts: 158 Member
    I count water, sparkling water and any green tea I drink (I cold brew it myself, so it's basically water anyway). I wouldn't count soda because of the sodium.
    Gravy, but I draw the line at the kind with sausage in it.

  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    If you drink enough fluid so that you rarely feel thirsty and your pee is light colored, your fluid intake is probably adequate. A lot of fluid can come from foods, so I don't log it.
  • imwithgizmo
    imwithgizmo Posts: 146 Member
    Just water.
  • mschmalfuss
    mschmalfuss Posts: 28 Member
    Wow! This is a hot topic! It remonds me of the oil or tire threads on my motorcycle group... :)

    I gues I will alter what I was counting and take the middle ground as best I can. I will try to log everything that isn't: 0 calories, 0 salt and 0 carbs as basically water and then seperately track the others to ensure my number stay in line. So by that I would say that water, coffee and tea as long as no creamer/sugar/honey are added. Everything else should be tracked.

    Thanks all for your input. It is appreciated!

  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    When I say I drink ___ cups of water, it's just water. It doesn't mean I don't get hydration from other sources. I drink a LOT of hot tea, but that's tea, not water. There's something refreshing about drinking plain ol' water :D
  • Wabbit05
    Wabbit05 Posts: 434 Member
    just water. nothing else. I log a diet soda was a diet soda and unsweetened tea as unsweetened tea.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I quit tracking it altogether. It's just a big pain.
  • vicyvix
    vicyvix Posts: 47 Member
    Okay. So, if you are counting the calories you will need to put tea, coffee, hot chocolate etc in your food diary but pretty much anything you drink contributes to your water intake. Not just plain water. Your body doesn't reject the water because it's mixed in with coffee, even the thought of it is absurd!
    I don't believe coffee and tea are even that dehydrating, sea water is though. Don't drink that.
    Even some vegetables are 85-95% water, like celery. (I wouldn't count these though :wink: )
  • mandorla
    mandorla Posts: 81 Member
    Love water, almost exclusively drink water, therefore I only count water. I may have the ones in a blue moon cup of coffee or full calorie soda, but I don't count those as water.