How do you guys drink water?



  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I hate water. I usually don't even drink it unless it's to take vitamins or meds. Mainly I drink coffee (2 cups in the morning only), sugar free Koolaid and get the rest of my water from oatmeal, soup, yogurt, fruits, veggies and whatever. As long as my urine is light in color, I don't worry about it.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Big glass jar (26oz spaghetti sauce jar)
    Filled with ice
    squeeze in lemon
    poke lemon rind...add to jar
    fill with my fav sparkling mineral water
    add stevia powder
    Big Smile:bigsmile:
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    I tried snorting it up my nose like I did with the coke back in the day but it REALLY hurt. So I'm thinking I may want to explore other avenues. Maybe absorption?
  • rebelq
    rebelq Posts: 64 Member
    Ice cold through a straw..I don't know why but I drink more when I use a straw
  • miadvh
    miadvh Posts: 290 Member
    I keep a pitcher of water in the fridge..sometimes with lemon..and just drink it throughout the day. I have a plastic cup with insulating gel that can be frozen so it keeps my water cold longer when I'm on the go. :)
  • Gwenski
    Gwenski Posts: 348 Member
    I always crave water when I get out of the shower, so it's easy to get 1 or2 cups while I get dressed and do my hair and makeup
    Then, I take a 2 cup container to work and sip at it between 9 and 11... Then refill it after lunch and finish it by 3. Then I have a snack after work. By 4 o'clock I am filling another 2 cup container to drink between then and 6. Supper at 6:30 or so. I then have a glass while I do dishes and another glass after biking. I think that makes between 8 and 10 per day ( 10 if I finish them all and don't get distracted and set one down.
    As for flavoring, I do not flacour mine, but yes, lemon is good, As is ginger or peppermint might work well for that yucky feeling you get. Some folks like crystal light occasionally (it seems too strong for me so I make it with. Ore water when I do have it). There are some nice sugar free flavored waters out there too.
    If this encourages you lots of folks comment on my skin..which I really think is from the water.
    All the best!
  • rebelq
    rebelq Posts: 64 Member
    I never drank water as a kid, always milk. Really cold, filtered water, through a straw. MOST importantly, my competition with myself to "fill" the glass on MFP!! My weight loss is going better than in YEARS, a big change is, drinking water. I also learned to drink de caf tea w/ no sugar. Not fabulous, but helps when I want something diff.
  • Nkol
    Nkol Posts: 1 Member
    There are a few different things that I do:

    1. I take a 72oz water bottle to work ;-)
    2. Sometimes I put crystal light energy in the bottle for a little flavor
    3. I try to drink 36oz of water before 12pm so that i only have half way to go before the work day is over.
    4. You may also try cucumbers...they give the water a fresh crisp taste.
    Drinking water is a mind game. Your body needs it but your brain and tastebuds tell you no. Make it fun and tet yourself everyday to see how much you can drink by a certain time.

    I hope this helps!
  • miannie
    miannie Posts: 21 Member
    I sip out of a glass when I'm home and out of a bottle when I'm out or in class. If it makes you feel "icky," try cooling it down a bit- sometimes for me it makes me feel gross if it's room temperature!
  • Anticipated_Serendipity
    I actually have Adipsia, which basically means I lack the feeling of being thirsty even in the presence of dehydration, so it's very important for me to force myself to drink water throughout the day.

    What really helped me was an app I downloaded on my phone called "Drinking water" by Chickpin. You put in your goal for a day. Each time you drink 1, you mark it on the app. If you don't drink another thing of water within a certain amount of time, it will actually send out a notification on your phone, like a little alarm that reminds you to drink water.
  • RollinwithRach
    RollinwithRach Posts: 35 Member
    I start by loading my insulated cup complete with straw with ice and continue to refill it and drink water throughout the day. Sometimes, I substitute my water for "Sassy Water" (water, mint, lemon and cucumber) just to get a different taste. I am much better at drinking my water throughout the day at my desk than when I get home so I try to consume as much as possible while at work.
  • allisonmrn
    allisonmrn Posts: 721 Member
    I used to have a hard time drinking water, but I have kinda forced myself to do it. I drink 1L when I get up. Then I continue to fill up that liter bottle until I have drank at least 3. I have 3-5 liters a day. Just seems easier to only have to dirnk 3-5 versus 8. And you will pee a
  • JessFehr
    I usually drink mine out of a glass.
  • MonicaFlachman
    I try to carry a water bottle with me everywhere and make a point to drink it all day long.
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    My question is a bit differant, How do you drink all your water and get any sleep?????

    Seriously ... if you have to get up several times a night to pee, you are either pregnant, or you are drinking too much water. If you are running to the bathroom twice an hour, you are drinking too much water. If your pee is colorless, you are drinking too much water. There is such a thing as too much water.
  • nadinab
    nadinab Posts: 124 Member
    I used to drink 12-16 cups of water a day and felt excellent about it.
    This sounds terrible (and lazy) but my water bottle doesn't fit into the sink we use in our I've gone down to one cup a day at most.

    I would recommend that you get a new water bottle! One cup is nowhere near enough! Your body is totally dehydrated.
  • KJWanzek
    KJWanzek Posts: 13 Member
    I keep water with me all the time in a large 32 cup with ice. it must be cold for me. I have added orange slices or lime to add a little sugar free flavor and change things up. ( any kinda fruit works. I also have added mint leafs or a fre drops of peppermint.
    I used to be a huge diet coke drinker. For me flavored water helps. I also buy sugar free flavor packets for water. Lots of good flavors. Keeping track on my phones helps.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    In the morning I'm usually thirsty, so drink about a 500mL glass while I get ready.

    I work in a kitchen, so just standing there makes you hot. I fill a 2L pitcher 2-3 times throughout an 8hr shift, and drink directly from that. I've got all the other guys in the habit of doing the same thing. It's either that, or fill an 8oz glass 100x.

    Then at home I drink another when I get off, cause I'm super hot, and towards 8-9pm I don't drink much, otherwise I'll be up a few times in the night to pee.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    i like to use hand to mouth tec' to drink my water
  • AlexandraLynch
    I have a 32 ounce glass with a lid and a straw. I empty it about once an hour.

    I have a diet soda when I get up in the morning and when I get up in the afternoon, and occasionally with meals. More often I am inclined with meals to grab one of the Mios we have and flavor some water for a change of pace.

    Drinking this much makes my fibromyalgia hurt less. It works for me, and since I don't weigh in but twice a week, it doesn' t mess with my head.