How do you guys drink water?



  • I have a 32 ounce glass with a lid and a straw. I empty it about once an hour.

    I have a diet soda when I get up in the morning and when I get up in the afternoon, and occasionally with meals. More often I am inclined with meals to grab one of the Mios we have and flavor some water for a change of pace.

    Drinking this much makes my fibromyalgia hurt less. It works for me, and since I don't weigh in but twice a week, it doesn' t mess with my head.
  • nadinab
    nadinab Posts: 124 Member
    I used to have a hard time drinking water, but I have kinda forced myself to do it. I drink 1L when I get up. Then I continue to fill up that liter bottle until I have drank at least 3. I have 3-5 liters a day. Just seems easier to only have to dirnk 3-5 versus 8. And you will pee a

    Yeah, I am with you here! I don't feel thirsty (apart form when I exercise) - strange.. I know! I have a one litre bottle and drink one before lunch time, another before I go home from work and the last one before I go to bed. Always works and doesn't feel impossible or too much!
  • I aim for 10 glasses of pure water a day. I don't count tea, coffee or anything else as "water". I actually have a breakdown of my day so I can hit that 10 glasses

    Wake up - 2 glasses (while getting ready)
    By 1pm - 3 glasses (sipping with breakfast and lunch)
    Workout 3pm - 3 glasses
    Dinner 6pm - 2 glasses
  • lluulluu
    lluulluu Posts: 115 Member
    I drink my water through out the day.. I put cucumber in the water. It gives a little flavor to the water.
  • I like mine (room temperature) if it's not like that, my body won't drink it!! Lol. Idk everyone is different try to see what works for you either ice cold water or room temp? I also like mine from a bottle. If its on glass, even if it's in my own house I won't drink it. ( it's just is not appealing for me when is in a glass.. You see whatever works for you, then that's how you'll do it frequently. Like everyone in here as I read they're comment never use to drink water before dieting.. But hey If is good for your body, health and everything why not? I buy the big bottle water is 16.oz of water sometimes I drink to of those but usually I drink 1 1/2.
    Please add me if youd like.
  • jenmsu83
    jenmsu83 Posts: 185 Member
    I love love love MiO! The blueberry lemonade rocks.
  • kasmusic3PA
    kasmusic3PA Posts: 36 Member
    I have to drink 64 ounces of water a day. I use a twenty ounce water bottle and fill it up 3 1/2 times a day, I sip it all day long, but I don't drink 15 min. before a meal and I wait 30 minutes to drink after a meal. I'm having gastric bypass surgery on Sept. 11 and
    that is how my nutritionist and doctor have me drinking my water, you can also flavor it with sugar free crystal light, wyler's or another sugar free flavoring. Good luck, hope this helps a litte.
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    of course other liquids count. They are made of ... water! with a little flavoring. Of course you should count them.
  • arickim
    arickim Posts: 137
    I have a texas(blah) water bottle that holds 32oz. I drank one in the morning and another in the afternoon. When working out I have a big cup I drink, so I can just sip out of the straw.
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522 Member
    I usually drink mine out of a glass.
  • you could try mixing 1/3 cup honey, 1/2 tsp unrefined sea salt in about a cup of warm water, and juice from 2 lemons. Then add cold water to taste... i usually add about 2Q. I get that funny feeling almost like your sick from too much water in the belly. This helps and its pretty tasty. The recipe i found said to use raw honey but its super spendy so ive just been using some pure pasturized honey from a farm in MN. Good luck! Carrying a bottle with you and sipping all day also helps. :)
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I keep my 16 oz water bottle on my desk, and drink it every time I feel bored or hungry or anything else.
  • sweetie_pi88
    sweetie_pi88 Posts: 27 Member
    I have a portable BPA free cup with a straw that I reuse throughout the day. Since it's a proven fact that one drinks more when using a straw, that's how I manage 8 glasses a day.
  • I normally just drink it plain, but I have a 30 oz cup that I use throughout the day and fill it up about 3 times (only around 80 oz) and sip from morning til night.

    There are many things you can do to get water. Certain foods, like grapes and watermelon has water, but I wouldn't rely too much on those because you would have to eat a lot of them to get 8 fl. oz ... You can add Crystal Light or flavor to a water bottle and shake it up, or you can even purchase flavored waters such as Vitamin Water or the Sobe Life waters. There are also many different recipes you can find online... Just Google "water recipes" and you will see so many links for adding natural flavor to everyday water. It makes it more tasty that way, and can be very healthy at the same time! :)
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    i just drink it. often. throughout the day. from a refillable bottle.
  • I also found a thing on pinterest... get 2 1L water bottles and put lines on them with the time in hour intervals, so you would have to drink a cup an hour...
  • Restlessme
    Restlessme Posts: 191 Member
    I used to drink 12-16 cups of water a day and felt excellent about it.
    This sounds terrible (and lazy) but my water bottle doesn't fit into the sink we use in our I've gone down to one cup a day at most.

    I would recommend that you get a new water bottle! One cup is nowhere near enough! Your body is totally dehydrated.

    I do honestly think it's the size of my sink, because it's a vanity sick and not actually...a deeper set sink. I'm trying to work out in my head how I could get water into the bottle without buying a new one that probably wouldn't work either.
  • I don't like to drink water a lot either but my dietician lets me drink some water that is called Oxy water and it is flavored but no calories and no aspartame and I can count it as regular water so I can drink 2 or 3 of those a day which is 5 to 7glasses and then she also told me to use Crystal Light PURE (only the pure) because again no aspartame. If I couldn't use those I would never get my 8 to 10 glasses that I try to drink every day. Also if you can drink that many you will see the weight and fluid retention come off because that what was happening to me until I started drinking more water. Good luck!
  • Inspired2run
    Inspired2run Posts: 74 Member
    I still have my coffee in the morning, but other than that, I only drink water. I carry a water bottle with me to work and refill it throughout the day. I stopped drinking the one diet coke each day in April and honestly didn't miss it. I figured if it didn't benefit me in some way, I wasn't going to drink it. Still can't let go of the coffee just yet, though :) Anyway, now I crave water and usually have around 12 glasses/day.
  • Giggles16
    Giggles16 Posts: 4 Member
    I, like may others, was did not drink a lot of water. So, what I did was get a water bottle and just take it with me everywhere. (to work, to visit fam) ...My water bottle happens to be 2 cups in one, so I am drinking alot of water without even realizing it.

    Btw, I also drink two cups before every meal.