so, what was the REAL motivation?



  • sndvl9702
    That is powerful motivation! Some of the most irritating, negative, *****y people can be your most powerful motivation. You go girl!

    My real motivation was I stepped on the scale at my dr.'s office and saw the scary realization that I was moving in the direction of 400 pounds. I couldn't believe that I had allowed that to happen. I take ownership of every calorie consumed and all the time spent watching TV and doing nothing. I am so glad something woke me up in that moment at my dr.'s office and moved me to take massive action to save my life, because it was that serious!
  • melissaaguilar8
    At first my motivation was to lose weight and look good. As I started losing weight that was a motivation, but now I look forward to the things I can now do. When I first got under 200 lbs. I was doing my happy dance. I was sitting in the car one day and had to tie my shoe and i just pulled my leg up and tied my shoe. I wasn't able to do that before because of my stomach being in the way. Then as more weight came off I was able to ride roller coasters again without being self conscious about whether i would be able to fit. Now I have finished a 5k and a 10K and am looking forward to beating my time on the 10K in April. That is what keeps me going. Finding new goals is very important and can keep you in the gym and eating right.

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  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    I'm doing it for a few reasons.

    A) I hate my ex wife, and I'm doing it to spite her
    B) I'm actually incredibly vain and like buying clothes but I'm fat so I look terrible. I want to look not terrible. Maybe even hot.
    C) I want to get laid a lot more than I am. Fat guys have a really hard time getting some. I think being skinner and in shape would make that easier for me.
    D) I want to get some tattoos. But I want to finish losing weight before I get them. So they are a reward for me when I reach my goal.
    E) I'd like to go skydiving, but I'm too fat.

    Your fifth reason is actually the reason that I began losing weight. I WENT skydiving and realized afterwards that I was way too fat for that (had issues landing properly due to my weight/not being flexible). I'm planning on losing the weight and going again.
  • rotill
    rotill Posts: 244 Member
    My feet were constantly swollen and hurting, and I retained water very easily. It was uncomfortable and a bit scary. I changed the diet to try to get rid of all that water, and then the weight started to just come off! Now, almost 7 kilos later and 1 kilo away from the original (but not serious) goal I am still losing weight. I fit back into my good clothes, the love-handles are greatly reduced, and my Pilates-trainer is telling me I look good! The women running the studio are really stunning, elegant, healthy-slim - them telling me I look good is a victory!

    Most important though: I hold much less water, and my skin has cleared up to the point that my hairdresser told me my scalp is free of the red, flaky dry skin. I am obviously much healthier.

    So - sorry to say, but it was really the pretty, politically correct reason. But if I manage to go beyond the original goal and down to my new goal (normal BMI), it will be because I am vain enough to want to fit into a more fashionable line of jeans, without the "muffin-top" effect. ;-)
  • alexp74
    alexp74 Posts: 125
    I'm a single gal and find that it's almost impossible to find a man who wants to date a big girl. I plan on being able to show these losers that they missed a great woman. I am an amazing person but they will never know that because they jugded on size first. Just because I will look like what they think I should does not mean they deserve the time of day from me....EVER.

    When I was single I was shot down more for my size more often than I care to remember so it's just the men who would do it. Any woman I ever dated more than once was over 140 pounds so don't say never!

    However you're right, if a person is judging you on your size, they don't deserve you.
  • oOMusicBabii
    When my boyfriend would poke and squeeze me as playful teasing to get me to pin him down or start a tickle fight or something. Always great fun but some days if I wasn't in a good mood it reminded me of my fat and how much I hated carrying around the extra weight. I'm glad he loves me for me but I just want to feel comfortable in my own skin so I can be the sexy woman on the outside that I am on the inside.

    Then there's the fact that he's ultra-athletic and I'm ultra-competitive and I would love to be on the same level or surpass him :P I also have many goals in my mind that will require me to lose weight and become athletic...running longer and longer distances, maybe do some ski racing, mountain biking, triathlon...the list goes on and on.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    I want to rock a belly button ring. and look hotter than snobby, rude b*tches. and show people that hot chicks can be cool and down to earth too :D
  • jonisteenhoek
    jonisteenhoek Posts: 92 Member
    A few things:

    I needed new pants, my husband, daughter, and I went to the store. The pants I had on were the fake size that Lane Bryant makes to make us feel better (you know, 1 is a 14, 2 is a 16...) I think they were a size 3 (so 18). I tried on a pair of 18s, didn't fit, 20, didn't fit....yep, 22 finally fit. I broke down into tears. We went home that night and ordered a treadmill and Jillian Michael's Ifit program for an incline trainer. (June 2010)
    We were also trying to get pregnant with our second baby. With our first, it was two weeks and pregnant. This time, it took over eight months.....(Born May 2011)
    I was eating more than my very hungry every meal.
  • AndyOniyate
    Wife left me. Gained 100 lbs during the marriage. Time to fix that.
  • Betty_Canada
    Betty_Canada Posts: 85 Member
    Oh it was a few things.

    1) Went to see a doctor for the first time in six years because I needed a physical. With no blood work yet, and no knowledge of me other than what she sees on the scale, she starts harping on my weight. I'm tired of that. (See item two.)

    2) I have an endocrine disorder. I have it now, I had it when I was 135 lbs and walked five to six miles a day and was eating <1,000 calories a day on average in college. So it's NOT weight related. But all any doctor ever tells me to do is lose weight.

    3) Having a conversation with my partner where I realized that he'd put on 30 pounds since he started dating me because he wants to do things with me, but my bum knee means it hurts me too much to walk as much as he used to, so his activity level was dropping too, to match mine, even if it wasn't intentional. I feel a little bad about this.

    4) I'm flying for the first time in 10+ years in November. In Canada, we don't make you buy a second ticket, but I'm terrified the belt may not fit, and I don't want to drop the money on my own extender. *sheepish look*

    5) A very pretty friend of mine, who weighs less than I do, had the band surgery. This was something of a wake-up call, and partly, I didn't want anyone to ever suggest to me that I should do the same, as the idea of the surgery is not something I'm comfortable with, although I know it does work for some people.

    6) My mother, who seems to think she has some sort of moral authority over my weight, constantly rags on me about it. She hit menopause and easily lost a boatload of weight and seems to be of the opinion that I'm just not trying hard enough. :P

  • TheirEllie82
    TheirEllie82 Posts: 162 Member
    When my doctor was amazed at how much weight I gained AFTER having my son and the HUGE dent in the couch from where I normally sat
  • mindphluxxx
    Two things for me really- The first was my mum going on a major diet, and she's now a dress size lower than me!!! I'm really proud of her (But a bit jealous)

    The second thing is just looking through photos on Facebook on days/nights out with friends. I seem to be 'The Fat One' in every single photo :(
  • sjmitchner
    sjmitchner Posts: 121 Member
    I want to have kids and be healthy enough to enjoy being a parent.
  • kmburns3
    kmburns3 Posts: 46 Member
    My husband and I want kids, so now that I'm almost to goal we're trying to get pregnant :)
    And I want the cute pregnant girl that is all belly
  • redbaby1007
    i started taking pictures so I wasn't in them and have husband you loves me unconditionally but I can't stand looking at myself in the mirror. So let's encourage each other
  • kscott0612
    kscott0612 Posts: 26 Member
    Ok, my motivator was actually not a positive one, it was more of revenge. LOL My sister-in-law (Which I despise) got pregnant 3 months after me. It was a constant comparison of "Baby Weight" from her the entire time we were pregnant. She's a hateful woman let me add. So after our boys were born, she posted an AWFUL picture of me looking extremely fat on Facebook. It burned me up! Even though she hadn't lost all her baby weight either she was trying to make ME look bad! So I took that as motivation and I literally worked my *kitten* off! Now I'm down to 120 and everytime we are at a family function and somebody mentions how good I look or how much weight i've lost she leaves the room. Haha!! I can't help but laugh inside every time it happens! The kicker is she said behind my back I must be losing weight b/c i'm having an affair! Really?!? Jealous much!?!? lol

    That was my REAL motivation. :)
  • alexp74
    alexp74 Posts: 125
    lol... i'm from NORTH NJ. cow country. But before this, we lived on Long Island, NY. quite a difference....
    I can wear anything i want to work, but I try to look "cute". I get a lot of compliments on my clothes and style, but I want to be "HOT".

    I was on the other side of the state, closer to the shore, that may have been the problem!

    Since this is not one of those flirting threads, I will respectfully not comment as such :) I will just say the Jersey weather was darn hot! :)
  • StaycJulia
    My good friend was getting married in Puerto Rico and had asked my husband to be the Best Man. We had to go but I considered just having him go and staying behind because I was having so much anxiety about possibly being "too fat to fly". Once I got started with eating well and exercising, I did not want to stop.
  • evereadysmile
    Vanity, mostly. Pride. Revenge. My grandmother was short, round dumpling of a lady and I can see my mom rapidly heading that way. I'm nearly 40 and single. If living well is the best revenge, then I need to be in the best shape of my life.
  • HeikkiLaukkanen
    HeikkiLaukkanen Posts: 123 Member
    I was already on this fitness and health journey. But when I started losing my hair, along with other signs of agering, I kicked it into a higher gear. If I'm going to be bald I want to look as good as I can. And even though I'm a married middle aged guy with kids who drives a minivan, I don't want to be invisible to women. Even if I have no intention of talking or flirting with them.