Where are all the moms? Come...introduce yourself!



  • leeanneowens
    leeanneowens Posts: 319 Member
    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish) I have three children: Kelly-25, Laura-17, and Troy-8

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future? Most definately not.

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery? I had to be hospitalized for pre-term labor with all three children. The oldest was born 2 months early, the youngest was born five weeks early, and the middle child made it to term. The oldest and youngest were c-section. The middle child was a normal delivery.

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise? I get off work at 2:15 each day and I go straight to the gym every Mon., Wed., and Fri. My dad picks my little man up from school on those days for me so I can go.

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit? I knew that I kept getting heavier and heavier. When I reached 196lbs., It hit me that I might not be around to see my 8 year old graduate high school. I decided that I had to fix my food and exercise problem.
  • 1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)
    I'm 21 and I have a 7 month old named Steven :)

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?
    At least 2 or 3

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
    Pregnancy was perfect besides gaining too much weight, delivery was flawless! Besides those contractions, those sucked, but he was worth it! ;)

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?
    I have a tredmill in my living room that I go on when he is napping.

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?
    To be healthy, and feel good about myself.

    Thanks for posting this! I plan to add some mommies to relate to! :)
  • 1) I have 2 kids, Josiah (2) and Lily ( 1)
    2) I am really on the fence...I have a boy and a girl already. If I do, it won't be for a while!
    3) My pregnancy with my son was good...other than having horrible morning sickness! Labor was ok, he kept getting stuck4+ hours. and I pushed for 4+ hours. My pregnancy with my daughter was good at first then my water started leaking at 24 weeks. I was on bedrest at home and ended up having a c section at 29 weeks because I had a fever.
    4) We try to go on a walk every night after my hubby comes home. When it's cold/wet he usually will watch the kids so I can do an exercise DVD
    5) I want to be healthier, look better, feel better and set a good example for my kiddos
  • 1.) I have two 4 yr olds.. My son name is Calvin and my daughter is Teegan.. She is actually my step daughter.. they are 19 days apart.. she is the oldest. Teegans dad Justin and I have been together since our kids were 12 months old..
    2.) NOPE!! none for us!!
    3.) Calvin was taken by c section..
    4) I work out when my kids are in school.. thats usually the best time for me
    5.) I need to be healthy for my kids.. for my boyfriend.. and for me!!
  • wrensong27
    wrensong27 Posts: 33 Member
    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)

    I have 6. Five by birth, one by adoption. They are Victoria 20, David 18, Daniel who will be 14 in less than 2 weeks, Hunter 11, Allison 6 and Donald III aka Lil Bit 4.

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?
    No 6 is plenty

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
    Pregnancy sucked. I have an incompetent cervix and was on bedrest with all of them and 4 of my 5 pregnancies required a cervical stitch to carry to term. The deliveries were easy and fast except the last which was an emergency c section due to a cord prolapse

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?
    Whenever I get a free moment...Sometimes I have to just say I am going to the gym and just go

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?
    Diabetesruns in my family and I don't want to get it. Also two of my kids are special needs and I needto be around a long time to take care of them
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    Hi I'm valerie

    1.) Age and age of children:
    I am 36 and have 3 children. They are 7, 4, and 10 months old.

    2.) More children?:
    No more! 3 is my number ;-)

    3.) How were your pregnancies and deliveries?:
    Pregnancy hates me, LOL. My deliveries were all c-sections. First was traumatic, second was blissful, third was back to traumatic again. But all well worth it...

    4.) Fit in exercise?:
    Try to work out when my husband gets home from work. He is very supportive and even joined my gym.

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?
    I just want to feel good.
  • scwilson38
    scwilson38 Posts: 104 Member
    1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish)
    I have two boys 19 and 7.

    2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future?
    I do want to have another one but probably won't happen getting ready to turn 40 in August.

    3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery?
    Oldest one came at 27.5 weeks and stayed in NICU for 2.5 months. Youngest came at 36 weeks but had to get shots every week to prevent preterm labor.

    4.) When do you fit in time to exercise?
    Around 8 or 8:30pm everynight, changing up to 5 or 5:30 am to see if that works better for me.

    5.) What is your main motivation to be fit?
    I was not a fat kid I was actually really skinny size 6 until I hit 23/24 when my mom was diagnosed with cancer and passed away.
    don't want to go in my 40's being overweight. Ready to let go of unnecessary baggage and live life. Want to show my kids you can do anything when you put your mind to it.
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