1300 calories???



  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    now a days i eat somewhere around 3200 calories, and i train 5-7 times a week. today i dead lifted 320lbs.

    Too bad we cant ALL do that. Its not physically possible for me. But, then, I wouldn't want to anyway. :)

    We all can do this to a certain degree, not just sit around wasting away barely suntanning your body on 1200 calories/day
  • sicilysclover
    sicilysclover Posts: 173 Member
    They claim they aren't hungry, or they are "short," or have some other excuse that makes them a unique and special snowflake.

    first of all, we ARE all special snowflakes :tongue:

    some women, depending on age and height, and a dozen other factors, really truly can not lose weight without restricting to 1200-1400 calories a day. It's ok that you don't believe it, you don't have to, you do what works for you, and we'll do what works for us.

    and it's also true that one can eat at around 1200 calories and not be hungry. Do i get the munchies? sure. That's not the same as hungry.

    i have to stuff myself to get to 1200 calories. i definitely have come to realize that no one way works for everyone, and that there are many different factors to what you need. i don't eat crap food, what i eat fills me up for hours. i'm not going to stuff myself anymore eating back calories or trying to reach some magic number each day. if i get hungry, i'll eat some meat and veggies. if not, so be it, it will even out in the next few days or so. the whole "eat more weigh less" didn't work for me. it has been driving me crazy being focused on reaching a number each day, that's not a life i want to live.

    As I said, most days I stuff myself as well to get to 1200. It's about WHAT you eat that keeps you full throughout the day. Yes I am a special and unique snowflake, but not because 1,200 calories fills me. LOL
  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    I eat in the ball park of 2200-2500 and I'm losing weight just fine.

    My wife eats 1900ish and she has lost more than me.
    Based on your avatar you lift all the things, though.

    To the OP's question, yes it's low, yes she will probably have snack urges and it can be a tough adjustment. But there are some fantastic, super low-cal stuff you can eat for snacks. Raspberries are something silly like 1 calorie each, 0% MF Greek yogurt is fantastic, I was *stunned* when I learned 3 cups of leafy greens is around 20 calories (I knew salad was low-cal, but man oh man... just watch the dressing).

    For what it's worth these are some very low-calorie yet fulfilling snacks I love:
    - apple
    - almonds (10 is 70 calories)
    - Greek yogurt
    - berries
    - baby carrots
    - tuna mixed with mustard rather than mayo
    - hard boiled egg
    - skim milk mozza cheese strings
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    I can't drink either. No room in my need to fill up on food. I am working very hard on getting my fitness level up so I can eat more.
  • ShaunaLaNee
    ShaunaLaNee Posts: 188 Member
    1300 is TONS of calories if you eat the right things. It's all in what you eat.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    because teaching yourself not to eat when you are hungry is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYY better than teaching yourself to eat when youre NOT hungry.

    You all get A+'s at ignoring what your body tells you.
    You also get A+'s for not understanding hunger and what it means.
    AND (time to get excited!) you also get an A+ for refusing to give your body enough fuel to run basic functions.

  • Swizzle1986
    bahahaah i want to be your friend
  • med2017
    med2017 Posts: 192 Member
    i really dont see the big deal with 1200 calories or even less then that.. is it really that bad to eat less?
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member

    because teaching yourself not to eat when you are hungry is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYY better than teaching yourself to eat when youre NOT hungry.

    You all get A+'s at ignoring what your body tells you.
    You also get A+'s for not understanding hunger and what it means.
    AND (time to get excited!) you also get an A+ for refusing to give your body enough fuel to run basic functions.


    Yes! This! If anyone has any questions, go back and re-read this post.
  • SweetestHoney
    SweetestHoney Posts: 95 Member
    I find I net under 1300 often when I exercise. When I eat healthy meals and snacks with plenty of fiber and just enough fat I don't feel deprived AT ALL. I drink lots of water and tea(with stevia).
  • livie1996
    My calorie goal is also 1300, I rarely have more than 1000 kcal and I still have enough energy to exercise, it just about making the correct choices, switching things like a teaspoon of olive oil (129 kcal) to 1 kcal olive oil spray, or low fat ice cream or ice lolly instead or full fat, stuff like that I'm a vegetarian, but friends of mine switch high fat meat like a loaded beef burger and bun to a grilled chicken breast on a sandwich thin (only 100 kcal instead of a bun with approx 250-300 kcal) with lettuce and tomatoes, with sliced roasted vegetables instead of fries
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I used to eat 1200, and yes, I could do it without feeling hungry, half the time I didn't even reach 1200. However, I was without energy, miserable, not losing much weight, and even slept terribly. Then I asked people on MFP about it, and they directed me to this post:


    and I did exactly as it said, and now I eat 1660 at least, and I've already, in less than a week, lost more than the past two weeks, I have way more energy to exercise more, and I slept all the way through the night for the first time in weeks. All I have to say is, I used to think that you couldn't lose weight with more than 1200 calories a day, and I was afraid to go over that. Turns out I was WRONG! I've never been happier to find out I was wrong in a long time. lmao!

    That being said, everyone on this site is more than welcome to do whatever it is they feel is best for them. I'm not here to tell you to do otherwise, just to say what my experience was.

    So to answer OP, yes it's possible to only eat 1300/day, but it might not be the right calculation for her. It depends on her weight, activity, etc. If you are worried, I would go to the link above and find out what she should be eating.
    Yes! Favorite post here with a link to one of my favorite threads! I followed the info and guidelines in the In Place Of A Roadmap topic (now an MFP group and a Facebook page! :bigsmile:), and it's working great for me.

    I'm 44 years old, 5'8", around 138lbs, and I'm set at 1800 calories a day. But more importantly, I know my BMR and my TDEE and I keep my NET calories at or above my BMR, and don't eat above my TDEE (well, most of the time :tongue:). The fat is coming off, I feel good, I sleep well and I have energy for my workouts (2-3 mile run 3 days a week, weights/HIIT type stuff 4 days a week).

    I did the 1200 - 1300 calorie deal for awhile, lost some weight, but eventually stalled in both weight loss and energy. I like food! Food is fuel! And this is working for me (and a bunch of other people!).
  • DetroitKilljoy
    I'm on a 1200 cal diet. It isn't hard, just eat foods that fill you up and don't waste the calories you can eat. You may not be used to eating smaller portions of food. You want to eat until you are satisfied not "full" or bloated. Some days, I don't exercise and I still only eat around 1000 cal a day. I don't even get hungry. I'm 5'1" currently at 110 and wanted to get down to at least 105.
  • SouffleBoy
    SouffleBoy Posts: 65 Member
    We all can do this to a certain degree, not just sit around wasting away barely suntanning your body on 1200 calories/day

    Sorry but I don't have time to suntan.
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    Most people don't get that you really need to eat very little in order to lose weight. That's why so many people fail at it.

    I don't think you need to eat very little to lose weight, i think the biggest issue why people don't lose is because they either eat too little or are eating the wrong things. When you restrict yourself to the point that it is not sustainable in the long term, this is why people fail. And lets be honest, alot of people fail because they honestly don't give it their all and put the work in. I used to be one of them! Complain all the time that I wasn't losing, but was I doing everything I could and putting in all the effort? Definitely not. We never want to blame ourselves for failing at dieting, but sometimes you need to take off the rose colored glasses and realize sometimes it is yourself getting in your way. Eat healthy foods!! Get your butt up and get moving! When you change your lifestyle and not just think of it as the quickest way to get the pounds off, alot of times you will see that you made a lot of sacrifices when it comes to food when you really didn't need to, you just needed to make better decisions. NOT saying at all that this is the way everyone is, but there have been quite a few I have seen on here posting how they are not losing and what not, but then take a look at their diaries and you can see why.

    People that are good under 1200 cals a day alot of times are usually women who are short or just petite in general or if they figure out how much their body burns at rest and that is where they should be. Most people do the 1200 because they believe that will get them the weight loss the best way or like I said, for their body type that is just what is right for them. I have never heard anyone tell a man he should be at 1200 cals, it is not healthy! I bet if alot of people did this test thing they would see they are eating well below their BMR. I just did it today and was shocked at how low I was eating!

    Like some of the others posted, I would check out the road map post and do the calculations on fit 2 fat radio, to see where you body is actually burning.

    I get weighed on one of those tanita scales and I have an armband, and while I know they are not 100% accurate, I will tell you that I did the calculations on that site, and they were pretty close to what the scale gives me for the same information.

    Hopefully no one takes offense to anything I said, there are definitely people that are right and this is their target calorie range, but for alot of people this is not the case. Even when I eat 1400 cals, and if I burn 600-700 working out, I net well below 1000, and considering my BMR is 1764, I am no where near having enough cals to sustain just my bodily functions!
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    I've been maintaining my 1200 cal/day diet for going on 3 months now, (A few slip ups here and there, like everybody else, I suppose) the first week or so was a little difficult, just while my body was re-learning to eat healthy and be more efficient, but once I got used to it, it really isn't all that hard. I hardly even think about it anymore, it's just how I live now. And i hardly ever eat my workout cals.

    I usually have something small in the mornings before my workout, like an apple, banana, or an oatmeal energy bite. Then something full of protein and veggies for lunch, like an egg white omelette or a shredded chicken taco on corn tortilla with onions peppers and salsa. That way I usually have enough calories to have a reasonable portion of whatever my husband feels like having for dinner. (within reason)

    It sounds hard at first, but if you make better food choices and have healthy things that fill you up, It's really not all that hard. Good luck, and don't give up! :)
  • lindsiswatchingyou
    Seems low to me, but I suppose it depends on her goals. Most people should set their activity level to lightly active, and aim to lose no more than a pound a week.

    I honestly think women (or men, I suppose) who eat less than 1200 calories per week are kidding themselves if they think it's going to be sustainable.
    I'm assuming you meant 1200 calories per day. I think it's important to enter an activity level that realistically represents your activity level. Mine is sedentary. You only need to sustain a deficit as long as you are above your goal weight. Once there, you rework your numbers to reflect maintenance which will likely add about 3500 calories per week (500/day). Now, an 1800 calorie day is certainly within reason and sustainable.

    Equally important is adding the right amount of exercise to your plan. I've seen some here go from doing absolutely nothing to a very high level of exercise while trying to lose weight. To me, that seems to be the unsustainable part. Say my caloric goal is 1310 and I add 1000 calories a day in exercise and eat 2300 calories. I'm going to lose weight. But I'm not so certain I'm going to be able to sustain that 1000 calories/day in exercise. The problem is I'm training myself to eat 2300 calories/day. The minute my exercise level drops to a more realistic amount, I'm probably going to have a problem reducing from an intake of 2300 calories. I think this is why professional athletes seem to balloon up right after retirement or during the off season. I've raised my exercise level to an easily maintained level. I will up the level only after proving that I can maintain this one.

    Yes, per day. Sorry - corrected that.

    I have a bodymedia FIT, which measures my activity level throughout the day. I have a desk job, work 8 hours a day, go home and sit on my butt or exercise and then sit on my butt. When comparing MFP to my bodymedia fit, "sedentary" is too low. I think it is for most people. And for most people 1200 calories per day is below their BMR. Not healthy to eat so little every day. Yes, if you exercise, you eat more, but for a lot of women here, they are not eating those exercise calories. They claim they aren't hungry, or they are "short," or have some other excuse that makes them a unique and special snowflake. I think most women can eat 1700 calories or more and still lose weight, retain their lean body mass, have energy, and maintain their sanity. This is sustainable to me.

    The fact that we continue to perpetuate the idea that women need to eat so little and torture themselves for several months to weigh some magic number that will supposedly bring them all the happiness in the world really bothers me. It's not reality.

    Awww....If I wasn't already married I'd ask you to marry me :)
  • fankyskag
    fankyskag Posts: 47 Member
    MFP had me at 1200 calories when I started, and I was finding it really difficult to even get to 1200. Since reading the road map thread I've changed it to almost 1600. I haven't done either goal for very long so couldn't tell you the results, but I'm hoping the 1600 works and the reason I'm overweight is that I wasn't eating enough in the first place (so storing fat).. and I don't just put weight on!
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    I am a 5'4" male with a BMR of roughly 1450 and a TDEE around 1800. To lose 1 pound a week, I need to eat 1300 a day.

    For me, 1300 a day is very sustainable. I sometimes go over or under, but average out in the week. I keep my exercise to light walks and opt for strength training over cardio.

    MFP has my suggested calories at 1320 a day. I am losing weight every week.

    Women typically DO require FEWER calories than a male of equal weight. Why? Simple. BODY COMPOSITION. A 150 pound female as more FAT than a 150 pound male *unless she has removed ALL her breast tissue for some reason such as cancer, body mutilation, etc). Since FAT requires fewer calories to maintain than MUSCLE, all things being equal, a male will have more muscle than a woman of equal weight and thus need more calories in the day.

    So, yeah, your GF needing 1300 a day to lose fat seems completely reasonable to me. Great thing is when she gets her weight loss goal, she'll be able to eat more throughout the day and keep her weight!