What was your wake-up call?



  • quicklabs
    quicklabs Posts: 254 Member
    I fell while running my Labrador Retriever in an agility trial. I tore up my knees pretty badly, and was also told that I had bone on bone arthritis in both knees. I was told I will need both knees replaced. While waiting for a bone bruise, sprained ACL/MCL and torn meniscus to heal, I was off from trialling for 5 months and I was miserable. I HAD to get back in that ring. Started seriously trying to lose weight and exercising on my elliptical. This past weekend, we were back in the ring and we were able to finish her fourth agility championship. My knees still hurt like the ****ens, but I wasn't even out of breath when we came across the finish line. I know I'll still need knee replacements, but I know all of that will come back all the stronger after my knee replacements.
  • hamncheese67
    hamncheese67 Posts: 1,715 Member
    I can relate a number of things posted so far. I had been overweight all of my life, anywhere from 10 to 40 lbs for the most part. In 2009 was weighing in at 185 lb (I'm 5' 9") but ok with it. Then things happened and I slowly gained, about 2 lbs/month on average. Not much to think about, but after 18 months, I was over 220 lbs. I could tell with tight clothes, losing buttons, getting worn out easier, but then I saw this picture of me at a pie eating contest.


    Actually, I'm just part of the picture. My friend's boyfriend is next me and it was up on Facebook and I felt awful. Not only was I large, I had pie all over my face. I found myself using MFP a few weeks later.
  • trulycrazed
    trulycrazed Posts: 79 Member
    On my 25th birthday I was living about 35 hours from home. As I hadn't seen my family in over a month I TRIED to take a birthday shot of me with me cake to send to my mom... and well... the pictures didn't survive. Every attempted was more horrifying than the last. It didn't matter how much I stuck out my chin or raised my crown, I had a GIANT double chin. I ended up taking one in the bathroom of me looking up into the sun... and I was ashamed. I felt like a liar sending them a fake picture that didn't portray me at all...
    A couple of days later (about a week) it was still on my mind and I obviously needed more proof... So I thought, I know, I'll take a full body picture of myself naked. I wanted to really see me... surely it wasn't as bad as I had imagined... after a few hours of crying and searching the internet aimless I found MFP. I've now lost 23lbs and have been going strong ever since. I actually just had my student card picture taken, no tricks were necessary!
  • PoisonDartFrog
    PoisonDartFrog Posts: 220 Member
    Turning 40....It's not going to get any easier....
    And, my "recovering skinny person" line was getting old.
  • actbtk80
    actbtk80 Posts: 4 Member
    I got a doctor's report after my phyical exam informing me that I am pre diabetic. Although I am overweight, I have always been active and healthy and do not take any meds for anything. I want to keep it that way.
  • Slimncurvydream
    my tummy slightly overlapping my jeans when i sat down :/
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Every time I heard a wake-up call, I hit snooze.

    Clothes getting too tight? They must have shrunk in the wash.

    Not being as thing as I was? What did I expect? I was getting older.

    Being out of breath for an hour after running a quarter of a mile when the dog escaped? Just cold weather asthma.

    Going to my high school reunion weighing more than I ever weighed before? So what? I still look good.

    Then I found out about the Warrior Dash, and wanted to climb walls, crawl through mud, and jump fire, and here I am.
  • hpaige28
    hpaige28 Posts: 15 Member
    It was my butt, oh no wait that was my stomach that looked like a butt in clothes. I told myslef if I ever got that way I would want to shoot myself. Since I do not want to do that, I decided to cut carbs. And althought i just started a week ago, I am still 9 pounds down, Yeah Me
  • nabak147112
    nabak147112 Posts: 105 Member
    when i was 3 pounds away from a number i NEVER wanted to reach....and now i am 53 lbs away from that number
  • CB624
    Stepping on the scale one day and realizing I was 211 lbs. I still struggled with getting on track and keeping my lifestyle changes. but I never let myself go there again. I also began hating how i looked in every picture and I used to like how I looked in pictures
  • acrynne
    acrynne Posts: 74 Member
    Two weeks ago.... I work on the second floor in my building and I was working on a project that required me to go from my office to the basement and back again throughout the day. So, up and down two flights of stairs. And.... I took the elevator. Because I couldn't face huffing and puffing up two flights. :(
    I joined MFP the next day.
  • zankc11
    zankc11 Posts: 7 Member
    I actually just posted about this topic on my MFP blog! I just moved to a new city with two friends, and I've been really sick of going out with them and feeling like the odd one out. The final straw was when some guy I didn't know passed our group while we were walking between places, scanned all of us, and made a comment to me that I will never forget. I felt like he just verified exactly what I thought about myself. Some stranger! After that I knew it was enough with the wishful thinking and time to start putting my words into actions.
  • Aurorakitty
    1st tummy over lapped pants when sitting and just barley below the overweight line for my height Febuary 2011 stepped onto scale and realized I was close to being overweight.

    2nd People and friends making comments about my cloths and hinting at weight (not like they said I was fat or anything but they made me feel unconformable about my appearance on a number of levels, started April 2011 and was a major influence in June and July of 2011

    3rd started comparing myself to other people and friends and seeing how thin they were in pictures and being around really them on Weekends (when I tend to eat more) and bigger people during the week made me semiconscious. So I started dieting in February of 2011 which was majorly influenced by #2.

    So here I am thinner but I still compare myself to thin people and still don't feel thin enough.
  • sugarlips1980
    sugarlips1980 Posts: 361 Member
    I was telling a stranger I was sa next to at a dinner about my weight problems and she said 'aww well never mind you have a pretty face'!!! She seemed a nice person so don't think she meant offend me, but I was offended, it was like saying, 'yes your body's a mess but at least your face is nice. But then I thought well I am at least 4 stone overweight, whats Ts better response, that or a lie f 'o youre not that big'. Made me realise how other people see me.
  • shellsrenee01
    shellsrenee01 Posts: 357 Member
    My friend and I were in San Diego for a weekend get-a-way and we decided to treat ourselves to a specidl visit to the zoo. We wanted to ride the Segways and feed the animals. It sounded amazing and I had the extra cash for it!

    Unfortunately, a Segway can only hold so much weight before it can no longer roll...

    250 lb MAX

    I weighed 267.

    My friend didn't get to go on the tour because my chunky @ss exceeded the weight limit.


    That Monday I began using MFP and have lost 32 lbs in 6 months. :bigsmile: I can Segway all night long now, baby!

    "They see me rollin'...they hatin'..." :laugh:
  • kiittenforever
    kiittenforever Posts: 479 Member
    A woman's size 12 being too tight!

    XL in shirts and underwear.

    A bra extender *sigh

    Back fat

    Belly sticking out more then my butt

    Double chin
  • BogQueen1
    BogQueen1 Posts: 320 Member
    Looking down past my boobs at my belly sticking out. The number on the scale. After having lost so much weight, I was yet again above 300, which made me just sick to my stomach. Realizing they weren't all just bad pictures, I really did look that terrible. Having a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear because in a few months time I had 'outgrown' it all. Realizing I no longer wanted to go ANYWHERE because I felt and looked so much bigger then everyone else, and it was just too embarrassing. I suppose I have no one defining moment. Just an overwhelming buildup of 'I can't keep living like this'.
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    Chronic back pain that was impeding my movement, my social life, my personal life etc. Saw a doctor who gave it to me straight - lose weight and the back pain will go. It will hurt at first but you have to start somewhere. Plus I had ballooned to over 220lbs and was wearing size 18 (sometimes a generous 16). Pictures from our holiday in Turkey, where I looked fat. It all gave me the impetus to start.

    Fortunately I was referred for physio for the back pain, and just being able to go to a gym once a week to do my rehab exercises in a supervised environment was so helpful. Since then I've lost just over 30lbs since I started logging, and I don't plan to stop yet. Size 12 is my new goal, and it's looking achievable.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    As I saw my 60th birthday on the horizon, i got very depressed and my weight bloomed up to 230 pounds. I was depressed because the things I thought I'd do "someday" have turned into things I admit I'll never do.
    My wake up call was wearing a size 20 mother-of-the-bride dress to my youngest daughter's wedding. I still have one of the photos posted on my "frige, to remind me not to go there again.
    I got over my depression by accepting life as it is and moving on. OK, I won't do the stuff I'd hoped, I can choose other stuff.
    Losing weight and getting active helped beat my depression. I'm a happy 62 now, 66 pounds lighter, and very active, (especially in Jazzercise). I retired in April and I'm loving it.
  • butterflyqueen1984
    When my sister was always heavier than me, she is now on the weight watchers diet and has become smaller than me. I realised that I had to do something, I don't want to look huge against my sister! We go everywhere together! Battle of the sisters I say!!