How far is your commute to work?



  • Jesstruhan
    Jesstruhan Posts: 331 Member
    Too freaken' long.
    40 mins AM (to)
    60 to 70 mins PM (from)

    I want to hulk smash people by the time I get home. I have to walk around the house or go outside to decompress before talking to my other half. I hate that I'm mean to him after work because traffic was stupid.
  • joecollins9385
    joecollins9385 Posts: 355 Member
    about 10 mins driving, its about 8 miles away.
  • I'm blessed on the job aspect of life.

    My commute? From my bedroom, to my living room. I'm a transcriptionist and work from home. :)
  • about 15 seconds
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 751 Member
    Up a flight of stairs to my Bonus room. However when I have appointments it can be up to 2 hours each way.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    45 feet
  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    When school is out it's like 15 minutes max. When school is back in session (now) takes me longer because all the freakin' side streets to get to the freeway have schools on them and it takes twice as long because everyone stops for a long time to let all the other cars pass to get into the school parking lot. So then here we have a green light and some "super nice" person makes all the other cars behind them wait a lot longer because they want to let 20 cars pass. No, I'm not bitter... :grumble:
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,641 Member
    I live about a kilometre from work, so takes me only 5 minutes to get to work if that. If I work at my other location then it takes about a half an hour or so.
  • waronmyfat
    waronmyfat Posts: 322 Member
    5minutes :) it's right around the corner so is my kids daycare whoop so its drop and work
  • abbezen
    abbezen Posts: 405 Member
    10 mins. How lucky am I?
  • jwcomputergirl
    jwcomputergirl Posts: 126 Member
    I, too, have a sucky commute. About an hour each way during the summer months. Now that summer's over and more people are back on the road it's 1:15-1:30 each way (IF there are no accidents).
    Books on tape are my saviour.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    I, too, have a sucky commute. About an hour each way during the summer months. Now that summer's over and more people are back on the road it's 1:15-1:30 each way (IF there are no accidents).
    Books on tape are my saviour.

    HEAR, HEAR! I drive 1/2 hour each way, longer if there's weather. I listen to books and the Great Courses from the Learning Company. Currently learning about communist China. Love my public library!
  • agriffiths73
    agriffiths73 Posts: 108 Member
    2 hrs, 40 mins each way.
  • Julescg26
    Julescg26 Posts: 260 Member
    15 min down hill walk in the morning - 20 min uphill in the evening! It's so much better than my old 40 min drive (13 miles) down the M1 in Nottingham (UK), until yesterday when there was a thunderstorm - got a tad damp on the way home!
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member
    12 miles from my home. Going there, usually 15 to 20 minutes, unless there's a bad accident - one day it took an hour and a half. Coming home's a b*tch - quickest time is 30 minutes, longest was three hours. It was the beginning of a three-day summer weekend.
  • 30 minute walk, 20 minute train, 10 minute walk. soooooo 1 hr x
  • smhammons
    smhammons Posts: 115 Member
    58.7 miles about 1 hour each way... always against traffic both ways.
  • 35 miles each way. I work afternoons, 2p-10p, so I miss *most* of rush hour. If no construction it is 45 min. If, like now, there is construction, the sky is the limit! If I worked Gummint hours, it would run 90-120 min each way, no accidents.
  • 58.7 miles about 1 hour each way... always against traffic both ways.

    58.7 miles in an hour, and you call THAT traffic?!! Must be nice... ;)

    Of course, in TX, folks start getting antsy if you are doing less than 70, so I guess I see your point. Drove to Rockport, TX from the DC area last Spring. Nice, courteous drivers.
  • smhammons
    smhammons Posts: 115 Member
    No not in traffic AGAINST the traffic .. if I was in it then it would take 2 hours one way.