How do you guys drink water?



  • dawndelion
    dawndelion Posts: 10 Member
    I used to drink 12-16 cups of water a day and felt excellent about it.
    This sounds terrible (and lazy) but my water bottle doesn't fit into the sink we use in our I've gone down to one cup a day at most.

    I would recommend that you get a new water bottle! One cup is nowhere near enough! Your body is totally dehydrated.

    I do honestly think it's the size of my sink, because it's a vanity sick and not actually...a deeper set sink. I'm trying to work out in my head how I could get water into the bottle without buying a new one that probably wouldn't work either.

    You could get more water bottles to keep with you so you don't have to fill up so frequently. Might take a little bit of work to fill them up- just get a small kitchen funnel and a regular cup and fill 'em up!
  • ChubbyBunny212
    ChubbyBunny212 Posts: 19 Member
    Add some Lime Juice or Lemon Juice to a glass of ice water and drink it as you would have your milk or sweet tea in the past. I used to live on milk all day and found it hard to give it up until I found the trick with the Lemon or Lime Water. It fools the brain into thinking it's getting something a bit more tasty. As for weighing more after drinking water be sure that you're not eating too much salt and retaining fluid. And wait to weigh yourself until just after emptying your bladder when you first get out of bed in the morning on your "Weigh-In" day. The kidneys function best on bed rest. While we're sleeping they're working.
  • I have two water bottles. One for my desk at work and one for here at home. I'm constantly drinking water because I'm almost always thirsty. There was a time when this was concerning so I even had blood work done for it, but there was nothing that could be found. I just like water I guess. :P

    I also drink a lot of tea because I don't drink coffee.
  • AuntSaris
    AuntSaris Posts: 7 Member
    I have a couple of 1L bottles that I fill half way with water, then lay them on their sides in my freezer. I make sure I do this every night before bed, as part of my nighttime routine. When I get up in the morning I take 1 bottle out, fill it the rest of the way with water, and carry it around with me throughout the day. Because the bottle was on its side, the ice is all the way up the bottle. It takes quite some time for the ice to melt, so I have icy cold water for hours. When I am finished with the first bottle, I do the same with the second. The nice thing about the bottles being 1L each is that I know if I drink both bottles I met my minimum goal for water that day. Hope this helps. Great job eliminating all those sugary drinks by the way! :-)
  • MDawg81
    MDawg81 Posts: 244 Member
    Admittedly, I don't drink nearly as much water as I should, but on a good day I will drink at least my minimum 8 cups of water by drinking thru my 32oz bottle twice. Usually I try to at least drink a full bottle at dinner, then get the other bottle in during the day spaced out, if not at lunch. This topic made me thirsty, though, so I went and got my bottle. lol
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    I drink it from a bottle...when I want it...Yea...
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    Wait for it!:wink:

    Wait for it!:sad:

    Wait for it!:noway:

    Wait for it!:laugh:

    Wait for it!:drinker:

  • I really really don't like water from the tap. I add no added sugar squash to all my glasses of water straight from the tap. I make it weak so the calories are minimal, it just takes the edge off the taste. I also count all the cups of tea that i have and all the fizzy pop, after all, it's all water!