Yes I AM fat!!!!!!

Okay people, for Pete's sake, when an overweight person openly acknowledged their size/weight DO NOT, I repeat DOOO NOOOOOOOT, respond, "Oh no you're not!" Just because we're fat, doesn't mean we're stupid. I weight 215 pounds - I am a big girl - I can handle the weight of that reality. And you all know a fat person when you see one, who do you think you're kidding? I'm not saying go around letting chubb-chubbs in on the secret that they're fat, but don't deny it when we are self aware. It's annoying.


  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
  • okidoki7
    okidoki7 Posts: 151 Member
    *like* pet hate...
  • AquaFitQueen
    AquaFitQueen Posts: 218 Member
    Totally agree!!! I was 500+lbs and said something about being fat and my not as fat sister said "you arent fat, just chubby" HELLO???? 500lbs is a itty bit over chubby, lmao. Some people cross the line between trying to be polite and just looking dumb.
  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    Weight is a very emotive subject. If someone says you are not fat they are a liar and if they agree with you they are a b*tch.
  • KittenKittyKitteh
    I have gotten that response at nearly 400lbs. They're either A. Retarded or B. BLIND
  • gpoliver
    gpoliver Posts: 87 Member
    LOL! HOWEVER, when a skinny *kitten* girl says "oh Im fat!' punch her..... okay only kidding, sort of.... I however, have never considered myself fat by any means. chunky maybe but I thought there was a difference... oh how wrong was i.... so when I was told I am fat, and MADE my best friend confirm it for me, oh that wasn't a pretty sight either!
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    LOL! HOWEVER, when a skinny *kitten* girl says "oh Im fat!' punch her..... okay only kidding, sort of.... I however, have never considered myself fat by any means. chunky maybe but I thought there was a difference... oh how wrong was i.... so when I was told I am fat, and MADE my best friend confirm it for me, oh that wasn't a pretty sight either!

    It was very difficult for me to admit to myself how bad I was.
  • TamAD48
    TamAD48 Posts: 387
    Totally agree.....very well put and thank you so much for posting this!!!
  • ashesfromfire
    ashesfromfire Posts: 867 Member
    LOL! HOWEVER, when a skinny *kitten* girl says "oh Im fat!' punch her..... okay only kidding, sort of.... I however, have never considered myself fat by any means. chunky maybe but I thought there was a difference... oh how wrong was i.... so when I was told I am fat, and MADE my best friend confirm it for me, oh that wasn't a pretty sight either!

    Oh I don't play that game with skinny girls pulling the "oh im so fat -wink wink- tell me Im pretty" game. My typical response is usually, "yeah, you should really start working out!" Shuts 'em up.

    And really, when I say something about me weight you don't have to respond, "Yeah ya are, Tub-o!" but a simple nod and move on is fine.
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    Why do you disrespect yourself by going und telling everyone you're fat?? That's crazy. If you're fat, others do know it. Also, stop complaining about it and use that energy to do something about it.

    Even when I was over 300 pounds I never complained about my weight. No one wants to hear it.
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    Weight is a very emotive subject. If someone says you are not fat they are a liar and if they agree with you they are a b*tch.

    ITA!! Well put!!
  • My_Own_Hero
    I think that "fat" is a very subjective term. I understand people may say things just to be nice, but then again, some people may have a picture of "fat" people as being people who are so big that they can't walk (clearly not you), while others think anything over a size 2 is "fat". A person who's 800 lbs may even think that you're skinny. Also, people may be used to seeing others at a certain size, and even though that person may be "fat" to most, to those around them, they are considered to be normal. For example, my brother is around 315 at 6'4" , 23% bf (he had his bf professionally tested), and is an athlete; although he has a lot of muscle, he is still considered to be obese and is "fat" to some people. However, he's always been big for as long as could remember, but I honestly never considered him to be fat because I'm so used to him being the way that he is. So, the point of my rambling is that just because you say/think that you are fat doesn't mean that everyone one else agrees.
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    Why do you disrespect yourself by going und telling everyone you're fat?? That's crazy. If you're fat, others do know it. Also, stop complaining about it and use that energy to do something about it.

    To op. I don't find it disrespectful, more honest and refreshing
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Sometimes it's a reality check, you're in the changing rooms and let's face it, we don't usually see ourselves at all angles like that - so when I say 'I am fat' I'm more saying it to myself than anyone else. It's like a confirmation that, yes, I really do need to address this. So when a friend pipes up and says 'No you're not' I can't help but think...'Eh?'

    The evidence is there, sometimes I need to see that evidence to spur me on. So when someone says I'm not I can't help but wonder - 'what are they up to, what do they want or what are they on?'

    And I also can't help thinking 'Really, you're saying that to me...?' When a much, much slimmer person tells me that they are fat. I don't know what their motivation is, are they trying to make me feel bad or do they want me to make them feel better - both probably.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    lol, SO TRUE. I am fat, quite aware, it doesn't hurt my feelings if you agree with me that I am so! haha
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    Weight is a very emotive subject. If someone says you are not fat they are a liar and if they agree with you they are a b*tch.

    That's right. I'll call myself fat, but let my husband do it... I'll knock him into next week! haha! :wink:

    On a more serious note, I have fat on me, but I am not fat. I am Marie. :)
  • david_swinstead
    david_swinstead Posts: 271 Member
    The word "fat" is too subjective.

    The problem could be solved if we all just learnt to use terms that evoke visual representations of actual sizes.

    For example:

    "Wow, what a beached whale!"
    "Don't elephants normally have bigger ears than you?"
    and my personal favourite
    "There's a moose loose aboot this hoose!"
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    Talking about weight makes people uncomfortable. No one wants to make anyone feel like crap for no why bring it up?

    My college roommate used to be the opposite....she was a skinny girl that kept saying "I'm so skinny....I wish I could fill out my jeans like you do (completely backhanded compliment on purpose...she was one of those)" and you better believe I did NOT want to talk about HER weight either.
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    The word "fat" is too subjective.

    The problenm could be solved if we all just learnt to use terms that evoke visual representatiosn of actual sizes.

    For example:

    "Wow, what a beached whale!"
    "Don't elephants normally have bigger ears than you?"
    and my personal favourite
    "Don't elephants normally have bigger ears than you?"

    Obviously you have not seen my ears. :(
  • dmh0204
    Ha! Love it.

    But I am not going to contradict some skinny b!tch telling me how fat she is, either.