why breakfast is the worst meal of the day



  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    i have read that article before and as i remember it doesn't tell people they NEED to skip breakfast.

    true...he discussed why SOME people get hungry after eating breakfast and why SOME dont
  • DaBigChief
    This is a good example that not everything on the Internet is true. Hard to believe but it isn't. MFP isn't sheltered from this reality
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    OP - thanks for a good thread
    Also appreciate your informative non 'preaching' style approach :)
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    I know about IF, lean gains, etc. For me, it doesn't work. I eat breakfast and even now, I'm trying to figure out how to add more calories into my day. I think I might be having too large of a deficit, especially on my days where I exercise more than once.

    Oh and lately, I haven't really been experiencing hunger but if I do, I'm hungry before I eat anything in the morning and I have breakfast, a snack and lunch before the hunger subsides.
  • tniemeyer
    Bump to read later...
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    Responses to an intellectually interesting post mostly boil down to either:

    "This article is true because I don't eat breakfast!"
    "This article is false because I do eat breakfast!"


    Wait, did you think people were actually going to discuss the article on its own merits? Even the OP doesn't want to do that.

    I dont? hmmmm...because I dont want to argue with someone who has obviously made up their mind ....ahhh...why is everything a fight here...if you dont agree with the author, fine...whatever...have a great day

    Sorry, didn't mean to offend you or be argumentative. It has nothing to do with "agreeing" with the author, it has to do with objectively evaluating an argument and thinking critically regarding conclusions drawn from supporting evidence (in other words, science).

    I personally have read the article a couple of times and looked up the references for more information and ended up feeling that some of his conclusions were unsupported by the evidence (or at least, they were still within the realm of theory, rather than something which had been demonstrated by the studies he referenced).

    That said, I practice leangains style fasting and feel much better if I don't eat before noon. I also applaud your efforts to share the information and know that you are only trying to help people by bringing it to their attention, and it sounds like it really may have helped some people. I know reading this article helped me awhile back and I have also shared it with people despite my skepticism because I think it is an interesting read. So thank you!
  • Michellereducf
    Michellereducf Posts: 168 Member
    Not into reading articles from outside sources posted on the boards. I think everyone is different on what works for them. Personally, I will continue to eat breakfast. To each their own!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Not into reading articles from outside sources.

    Outside what?

    Edit: So if you aren't into reading articles, then why would you respond?
  • redmessenger
    redmessenger Posts: 31 Member
    Great Article. I delay Eating breakfast or don't eat it at all. I tend to eat heavier meals at lunchtime. I have had success doing this. My evening meal usually consist of heavy protein foods like chicken or lean red meats. I am usually not hungry during the day. I guess some things work for some people and other things work for others. Trying new ways is one of the reasons I belong to this site.
  • dansls1
    dansls1 Posts: 309 Member
    Hungry or not - skipping breakfast and getting hunger cramps and dizziness from no food by lunch time means dealing with the hunger from breakfast with light snacks is better than not.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I eat when I am hungry.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I do IF once or twice a week. I quit eating around 6 the night before I know Im going to lift, then I only have coffee and water in the morning (I know thats cheating - the coffee - but its right after the gym and I want it) then I eat my breakfast between 11 and 12. The rest of the week I make myself an ornate and beautiful healthy breakfast and it feels like a personal indulgence to treat myself so healthily and genuinely enjoying the whole creative and epicureanish process. :D

    I guess I enjoy the best of both worlds!
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I also applaud your efforts to share the information and know that you are only trying to help people by bringing it to their attention, and it sounds like it really may have helped some people. I know reading this article helped me awhile back and I have also shared it with people despite my skepticism because I think it is an interesting read. So thank you!

    As do I - apologies for coming off as such an *kitten*. cheers.
  • mksitz
    mksitz Posts: 14 Member
    That was pretty a interesting read. I never really thought about it like that. I'm usually hungry before I even get out of bed though, so I almost never skip breakfast. Most days I drink a big glass of water first that way I know if I'm actually hungry or just really thirsty. If I'm not hungry then I wont eat, that'd be kinda pointless. I'm not usually hungry shortly after eating breakfast though, so I think I'll stick with it. I eat a morning snack about 3-4hrs after bfast/3hrs before lunch.
  • heliumheels
    heliumheels Posts: 241 Member
    Breakfast FTW. Lately it has been green monster smoothies. I don't think I could function well without breakfast, but I don't eat breakfast until I'm hungry.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    If only I didn't take birth control that gave me the most horrible morning sickness.... :(

    If only I didn't work a 9-5 job and could train fasted

    If only for sheer convineince and getting to eat a ridiclously large, satisfying meal. :D

    Too bad the only real benefits seem to be the fasted training, which I can't do. Oh well!
  • gnr123
    gnr123 Posts: 173
    Great thread.

    I always used to eat in the morning even when I was not hungry, just because I believed "the breakfast being the most important meal of the day" hype..So I would eat a typical breakfast of a 3 egg white omelette with cottage cheese, mushrooms and onions at around 7.45am and literally by the time I sat at my desk at work at 9am I was starving and resorted to the vending machine.
    Whereas if say one morning I was running late and didn't have time for breakfast, my stomach wouldn't not be rumbling by the time I got into work and I was happy to drink coffee till lunchtime.

    I believe that eating in the morning especially when your not hungry just wakes up your metabolism when it's still sleeping..
    If I wake up hungry which is usually on a weekend when I have had a bit more of a lie in then yes of course I will eat breakfast but if I don't eat in the mornings then I don't think it does any harm because predominately all you are doing is eating less calories a day..
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Nice read and agreed this ultimately comes down to personal preference and what works best for you.. I am a Type 2 Diabetic and I take a snack to bed with me to get me by til morning and then (BS are running around 72 when a get up) I eat within 20 minutes after I wake up. And have lost some weight in the process but again if breakfast isn't your thing then there is no problem with that, there is no set eating schedule.... Best of Luck
  • Need2bfit918
    Need2bfit918 Posts: 133 Member
    Hungry or not - skipping breakfast and getting hunger cramps and dizziness from no food by lunch time means dealing with the hunger from breakfast with light snacks is better than not.
    Doesn't apply to this because the purpose of the article was to talk about why some people don't get hunger pains from no breakfast. In fact some people will have less hunger pains by eating no early breakfast meal.if you do get hunger pains and other symptoms by all means eat a healthy early morning breakfast. I'm not hungry in the mornings in fact a lot of times I won't eat until after lunch, while my wife usually needs breakfast. Their is not a right or wrong on this other than applying your bodily needs to others.
  • dansls1
    dansls1 Posts: 309 Member
    Hungry or not - skipping breakfast and getting hunger cramps and dizziness from no food by lunch time means dealing with the hunger from breakfast with light snacks is better than not.
    Doesn't apply to this because the purpose of the article was to talk about why some people don't get hunger pains from no breakfast. In fact some people will have less hunger pains by eating no early breakfast meal.if you do get hunger pains and other symptoms by all means eat a healthy early morning breakfast. I'm not hungry in the mornings in fact a lot of times I won't eat until after lunch, while my wife usually needs breakfast. Their is not a right or wrong on this other than applying your bodily needs to others.

    No - because the title is 'why the breakfast is the worst meal of the day', not 'why breakfast may make you hungrier'...